A NEGLIGE m w House Coats E - Some With Zippers Elaborate array of crepe and satin negligees, printed and plain. Sizes 14 to 40. LADIES 'WEAR A A li A n a a a a a A pi A A A K A A A A A A A A R A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A K Ideal Christmas Gifts 2 Don't delay your Christmas Shopping ANNETTE'S Sop early fojj best selection in Christmas gifts My, !'''STemher Them with The gift every, woman or child loves to receive. THOUGHTFUL AND APPRECIATED All colors and sizes available in our fine stock. FASHION FOOTWEAR Next to Variety Store We serve you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, Pish and Chips daily.- We are ready to serve you Chinese dishes Chow Mein, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY US! RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel SEE OUR STOCK OF AutomotiveAccessories Cleaners and Polishes Polish Cloths Chamois Glashlne Window Cleaner (with sprayer) -Vanity 'Mirrors-Bumper Jacks-Seat Covers Locking Gas Caps Car Top Utility, Carriers (Just the thing for the sportsman) Sleet Shavers -Wheel Wrenches. Get your Imperial Oil Hockey Broadcast Schedules here. Listen every Saturday night at 6:00 p.m. over CFPR to the National Hockey Broadcast. S. E. PARKER LIMITED Ford Dealer watch this space For An Interestng Imperial Oil Dealer "New Specials Every Day Announcement Coming Soon MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE -( (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 pa 575 441. Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers TOTNES, Eng., (Reuters) Mrs. Lilley Rasmden, elected mayor of this Devonshire town Is the first woman to occupy the position In more than 800 years. LONDON, W Refugee diamond workers, some of whom have decided to stay here, have nrespntpH a rilnmnnrt wnrth 3 - The engagement is announced of Dorothy Catherine, elder daughter of Mrs. B. L. Searman and the late Rev. B. Shearman, to LAC Anthony (Tony) Rocchio, R.C.A.F., second son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rocchio, Edson, Alberta. The wedding will take place at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Thursday, December 2Cth, at 7:30 p.m. FUNERAL NOTICE CANADIAN LEGION B.E.SX. PREECE Funeral service for the late Comrade Jack Preece vlll be held Saturday at 2:30 p.m. at Grenville Court Funeral Chapel. All Legion members please attend. Interment will take place in Smithers, Sunday, 3 pjn. (It) RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE Have your radio serviced before the Christmas season. Phone 6 and a member of the Associated Radio Technicians will call at your home. McRae Bros. Ltd. WASTED WANTED Sewing machine, any condition. Phone Blue 884 or write Box 56 Daily News. (281) HELP WANTED WANTED Waitress. Phone Red (tf) WANTED Substitute teachers for the high school. Apply to Mrs. M. M. Roper, Secretary School Board. (296) WANTED Female cook for family of five. Phone 466. (tf) PERSONAL DRESSMAKING, draperies and alterations. Phone Green 735 (279) YOUTHFUL BEAUTY and ap pearance of hair yours again with Angenque urey nair ite-storer, $1 at Ormes Ltd. (278) DRESSMAKINp dresses remoaeiea. 773. MACHINERY TENDERS Coats and Phone Red (296) INFORMATION WANTED Leading to identification of vehicle which crashed Into rear of green sedan parked sedan parked on 5th Ave., Just east of bowling alley, Wednesday evening between 7 and 9:30 p.m. Phone George Bolton, 670. Reward. (278) TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern end up-to-date type National Portable sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tl) LOST LOST Blue Parker fountain pen In Post Office Wednesday at 6 pjn. Please Leave at the Dally News. (277) TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to noon, Wednesday, December 12, 1945, for the purcnase or one won receipting National Cash Reg lster, 1941 Model, capacity $9,999.99. Machine is believed to be In good mechanical condition, but is not guaran teed. May be seen at City Hall. H. D.,Thain, City Cleric (277) TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to noon, Wednesday, December 12, 1945, for Night soil Collection duties commence January 1st, 1946. Further information may be obtained at the office of the City Engineer, city nail, E. A. Phillips, City Engineer, (277) J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Qreen 993 LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA Just DessertsBut Are Real Problem for Homemaker The rule of ending the meal with a sweet or a savory varies with the country or locality. Those people who expect a sweet to top off their meal pose a r.nn t- tv, t w 1- ,tt. . I proDiem ior me iiomeman-er. galla. TVilc tc flnnKlv tniA nrtw Rhp has Classified Advertising - - - - TERMS CASH Classified Advertising is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for Insertion. Please do not ask for credit. ENGAGEMENT NOTICE WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Young reliable girl wants- work minding children, full or part time. Phone mornings,' Blue 828. (277) FOR RENT FOR RENT Five-room unfur nished suite In apartment block. Quiet and permanent tenants preferred. Box 57 Dally News. (287) FOR RENT Room for two gen tlemen; close in; breakfast if desired. Pnone Red 254. (279) FOR RENT Suite. West. 537 8th Ave. (279) FOR RENT Housekeeping room. 801 Borden Street, (tf) FOR RENT Furnished house keeping rooms. 344 Sher-brooke. (278 FOR SALE FOR SALE Four-room house and bath, fully furnished; garage at the back. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call at 900 10th Ave. East. (280) LOTS FOR SALE For prospec tive builders, two line lots, 4tn Ave. East, two blocks from Mc Bride, $1000; two fine lots, 5th Ave West, one block from Ful ton, $1200; one large corner lot, Section 2, cleared with 26 by 34 excavation for basement and 7000 feet 01 lumber, $1000; one lot, 2nd Ave., opposite Motor Pool, $400. H. a. Hei gerson Ltd. (278) FOR SALE Restaurant, going concern, including all furniture, fixtures and stock. $2200 Apply II. G. Helgerson Ltd. (279) FOR SALE Wonderful bargain. Large house with five-room suite for owner, two furnished suites in basement and four-room furnished cottage at rear. Owner's suite can be vacated Immediately. Rest of accommodation has Income of over $100 monthly. Close to town in good neighborhood; good condition; newly decorated Inside. $3000. Apply H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (279) FOR SALE Large stock of mir rors from $2.50 to $5; Quebec brick-lined heaters from $22.50 to $27.50; table lamps and trl-lite lamps slightly used from $2.50 to $12.50; slightly used chests of drawers. Just like new, from $9 to $12; pillows of eood material, special at 75c; oak dining room suite, specially placed at $45; large assortment of new and used tools at great savings; chesterfields, new and used. In very good shape at various prices, large stock to choose from. B. C. Furniture Co., phone Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE-r Electric mantel ra dio, cedar chest, 6 volt raaio storaee battery, babv buggy. Apply 411 7th Ave. West, back door. FOR SALE Two-room caoin. inaulre No. 19 Cow Bay. (zrf) FOR SALE Four-room house, excellent condition, immediate occupancy. 1040 10th Ave. East. (277) FAIR WAY FOOD MARKET carries a complete line 01 Quality Groceries, Fresher Fruits and Vegetables at all times. We deliver. Phone 434. (278) FOR SALE Boat Betty, 30-foot troller, fitted with drum ror gill-netting; also roller. Troll ing polls- and some gear. All in Al condition. Bargain for cash. Boat can be seen at Cow Bay. Apply N. McKlm, General Delivery, City. (282) FOR SALE Oldsmobile coupe, good condition. 324 7th Ave. East. (280) FOR SALE 16-foot inboard motorboat. Phone F. Letelller, Black 510. If not in leave message. (282) FOR SALE Crochet tablecloth, new pineapple design, to tne best offer. Box 1117 Station "B." (282) FOR SALE New 28'x9'x4' troller, 16 h.p. Easthope; ready to go. Box 58 Dally News. (278) FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (282) FOR SALEGraraaphone. at tractive walnut cabinet model, new spring; also large size steel crib, double mattress, 221. 7th. Ave. West, or phone Kea 813. (it had to cope with restricted sugar supplies the past few years, but added to that Is the decreased supply of fruits, both home and commercially canned. Granted, these are both temporary situations, but situations from which we are not apt to find relief for many months. Home economists suggest that, rather than alter family specials and bring down the disparaging remark "This Isn't as good as usual," try these tested recipes which can be made with supplies on hand. They may be new but, because of their different character, they will be accepted. In fact, they may soon be added to the list of family favorites. Such a dessert is Oat Peel Pudding. Oat I'eel Pudding 1 cup rolled oats (quick cook ing) V2 teaspoon soda Va teaspoon salt Va teaspoon cinnamon '2 cup raisins (optional) cup peel 2 eggs, well beaten. Va cupjight molasses 2-3 cup water IV2 tablespoons lemon juice (Vi lemon) Mix rolled oats with soda. salt. cinnamon, raisins and peel. 1 Combine the eggs", molasses, wat- 'SPINNING BUTTER OUT The shortage which makes It im possible to use a lavish hand with butter got home economists busy devising substitutes and they have emerged from their testing kitchens with the suggestion that buttered bread crumbs. oe used to dress up cooked vegetablesIt provides batter flavor without much butter. Melt a half teaspoon of butter and add half a cup of fine, dry bread crumbs. Stir over heat un til the crumbs are well browned. Sprinkle over tne cooked vegetables. Broccoli is one vegetable greatly improved by ihls added flavor. Three pounds will serve four persons. Remove the lafge tough leaves and the' tough lower portions of the stalks. Split each stalk lengthwise Into halves or quarters, depending on size. Wash well and soak one hour In salted water (two tablespoons to a quart) to help .remove Insects: Drain and tie In a bunch. Cook heads up In boiling salted water for 20 minutes. DIETARY SURVEY The nutrition division of the health and welfare department Is busy now making preparations for a dietary, clinical and biochemical survey to be started In British Columbia early In January, lasting an estimated six weeks. Both urban and rural areas will be covered, Including the metropolitan area or Vancouver and sections of the Fraser and Okanagan Valley. Division officials plan to follow up the findings with an educational cam paign based on their conclusions. Although the work Is primarily educational and local It Is also expected to contribute to th? scientific knowledge of genera: trends In the nutrition status of the whole Canadian population. ' DOSNT WASH EGGS Don't wash your precious eggs until Just before using them and you will save the protective, film on the shell which helps keep it fresh. A cracked caa Is a casualty whlchcan be used. Wrap it in waxed paper with the ends twisted tightly and it can be cooked handily. In slicing hard cooked eggs dip your knife In cold water and the yolk won't crumble. DUST IN CUPBOARD It's hard to keep dust out of the linen cupboard and It always seems to settle on the towels and sheets at the bottom of the pile. The, reason: they seldom get used; and brown on both sides in hst fat. Serve at once on hot platter, garnished with drained canned fruit. Six servings. Gingerbread Shortcake Vi cup fat ' cup sugar 1 egg Va cup molasses 2'i cups sifted pastry flour or 2V 4 cups sifted all-purpose flour IV2 teaspoons baking soda Vi teaspoon cloves lVi teaspoons cinnamon 2 teaspoons ginger Va teaspoon salt 1 cup hot water Cream fat until fluffy, gradually cream in .sugar. Add beaten egg and molasses and beat well. Mix and sift dry Ingredients, and add alternately with the water, combining lightly. Bake In a greased cake tin In a moderately slow oven, 325 degrees F., for 50 to 55 minutes. Makes gingerbread 8x8x2'2 Inches. When bak- HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Freshly laundered sheets should be placed at the bottom and less recently laundered linens moved to the top. SEARING UNNECESSARY There's no searing of roasts in up-to-date households. The main item of the Sunday dinner goes into the oven at room tempera-lure and cooks slowly at moderate heat. High temperatures shrink and toughen the meat. KEEP COALS APART When hard and soft coal are used together they shouldn't meet until they go Into the furnace. Separate the bin and keep soft coal in one division and the anthracite In the other. Proper proportions are necessary for successful results In stoking three shovelfuls of anthracite to one of soft coal. Plumbing and Healing Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 YORK GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Building Supplies Free Estimates, Construction and Repairs Windows and Frames, Doors and Frames, Cabinets Show Cases of all description Also Furniture Repairs First class finishing and workmanship Phone Black 126 Between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. PACIFIC CAFE Now Open for , Business 6:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Special Chop Suey Noodles Prince Rupert Dallp ileitis Friday. November 30, 1945 NEW THINGS IN OLD CANS NEW YORK. Nov. 30 you think you've seen amount. O) If every- thing there is in cans, take heed the can companies and the canners have some surprises for you. During the war years, food scientists perfected new canning techniques which mean 'new products on grocers' shelves Just as soon as tin supplies are available again In sufficient Perhaps the greatest increase In variety will be in the njeat line. James A. Stewart, head of he American Can Company's research division, says methods have been perfected to provide new combinations such as ham and candled sweet potatoes, pork and apple sauce, beef and gravy. port patties and chicken and dumplings: Crepes suzette in cans is an other newcomer that will make' Its appearance soon. There will hp nthprs hut. thp rannlnir pnm. ed, split, fill With applesauce,. nnlps wt announ.them .m- drained canned A fn,U fruit or . th thick ib custard. Six servings til the products are actually In production. Another development result- lng from war research Is a method to preserve the liesb, appear-'ance of green vegetables. Peas, 'or iwtance, ordinarily lose much Q. How can I remove nut meats from the shell without of tlflr blght green, color ? breaking? canning because chlorophyll, A. Soak the nuts in hot water1 8 em ?r; is aN for a few hours and the meats ,ierea unnB e 5 e" P"- L-Co. cess. tf V V V If T1 V. JV. . . .J 4t-.nl 1 in . 1.. 1 - . , , xcacuii;icia lUUUU kliUb UT er and lemon Juice. Add to the ww c u wuj w adding small quantities of chlo- trouble to extract. This Is t drvinrrPriionto anH turn Intn ton a big I - v.. of double boiler, lightly greased. helP when maklnS nut cake oriroior color was was nreserved. preserved. The The same same Cook over boiling water, about Hi hours. Six servings. Fruit French Toast 2 eggs, beaten slightly 3t cup canned fruit Juice V4 teaspoon salt 6 slices bread 3. tablespoons fat Canned fruit, drained Blend beaten eggs, fruit Juice and salt. Dip both sides of each slice of "bread In egg mixture. Melt a little fat in frying pan, candy. more lively? A.When the goldfish do not Q. How can I make goldfish Process can J? aPPuued to other gus and broccoli. appear as lively as usual, add one I American uan company aiso teaspoonful of salt to each quart reports It has found a new way of the water, and It will often I to can dehydrated milk and eggs help them (which reduces the amount of Q. How' can I prevent stains oxygen to such a small amount from paring potatoes? A. If the hands, potatoes, and knife are all kept under water while paring, It will avoid stains. The Experts Say - - that they will keep indefinitely, even at tropical storage temperatures, without turning rancid, Infants are not !ble to focus their eyes accurately until about three months after birth. CHINESE ROUTS IIOLD-UT (Continued rrom Page 1) any signs 'of -the hold-up men. Louis said that - ws dark at the door u ay of? ihfc home and that he was unable to give a complete description of the two marauders.' However, he said that he believed he might be able to recognize them if he should see them again. The first man, whom he believed armed, was approximately .five feet nine inches in height and was wearing a dark belted raincoat. He wore a mask over his face, and carried a -flashlight in one hand and what Louis thought was a gun In the other. Both men were of the white race. Sgt. O. L. Hall of the city police said that he took a serious view, of the nature both of the attempted hold-up and the breaking and entering that preceded it in another part of the city. Robbery On Mrs. Lyon's Home Between 5 p.m. and 7,30 last night the home of Mrs. Mary K. Lyons, wife of a well known Army officer, at 615, Green Street, was robbed of a gold watch, a gold nugget cross, and a flashlight, by a prowler who entered while Mrs. Lyons was away. LISTEN TO ACS COMMENTATOR AND MASTER STORV TELLEB won. ' f Wed.-Fri. I CFPR 6:45 P.M. Fresh Local iRaw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 COLD WEATHER AHEAD! Make sure your Oil Burner, Stove and Furnace are In good order also check your Water Pipe Insulations. FOR CLEANING AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS N. T. HANSEN phone home service 743 Have a Made-to-Measure ;.. 7 x A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ; A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A i A A A A A A A A TOPCOAT or OVERCOAT t Leading this season's Fashion Parade are g the Bal Types predominating with eve- j; popular double-breasted style high amorig jj the winners. ) i COME AND INSPECT OUR NEW SAMPLES cm morgans organs triens J? oyJoys "WHERE MEN BUY'