i til It i :4 j- Prince Rupert Dailf 3ctosf Thursday, November 29, 1945 Mbllshed every ifternoon except Sun-lay by Prince Rupert Dally Newt Jmlted. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. - British Columbia, O A HOTTER, Managing Editor. -j JSBSCRIPTION RATES: iy Oft y Carrier, per week 15 "eManth 65 -Per- war 1700 Jy Mall, per month .40 -Per Year 4.00 "CURLY'S" A3.0 Co dps and Taxation ... , There is no surprise at the recom-npndatign of the royal commission on co-operatives, findings of which were announced in Ottawa yesterday after having been awaited with keen interest for some time, that the principle of exempting co-operatives from company income and excess profits taxes should be ended. Even the co-operatives themselves probably did not expect anything dif-jferent. Pending the opportunity of perusal of the Commission's report iin full being possible, it appears that ;some phases of co-operative activity, : including the credit unions, are still i going to be free from the application .of such taxation. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE CONFIDENCE in your Men's Wear Shop is the knowledge that the shirt you buy will wear as well as the one you bought before . . . that the shoes you try on will stand up as long as the others did . . . and that the suit you look at has the same honest workman-ship that helped the other one give s such faithful service. ' You can buy with CONFIDENCE 'here because we handle clothing and ' 'it' ' furnishings made by nationally known firms . . . trade names that nromise. '' ard give, good performance "THE MEN'S SHOP" SAVOY HQ TEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. rPhone 37 P.O. Box 541 1 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert i 2." 3 for 500 6th St., Just north of 3rd Ave. PROMPT SERVICE TAXI 65 TAXI Anytime Anywhere From 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. Announcement . . . G. R. MUTRIE REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Who recently had offices in M. Hellbroner's Jewelry Store is completing a successful trip through the Interior Si Prince George, will be returning to Prince JimSKnK 26 to ake permanent offices in the stone Block. 3rd AvI where he will be pleased to meet former patrons and others who may require a complete qualified optical, service WAIT FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT G. R. MUTRIE Even if the co-operatives are not going to enjoy this taxation exemption any longer, they have already during the recent good years had a great opportunity to build up their financial resources and improve their assets. We do not have to go any further than Prince Rupert to see that. At the same time the private companies have had to .sweat along, holding down their expenses and "working for the government." Even though it may be late in the day, there will still be some satisfaction that at least they are to have some sort of a breakeven if it be in a negative sort of way as compared with the cooperatives. As for the co-operatives, many of them have astute and resourceful' management and they will be smart enough to take full advantage' of any privileges that may be left to them after the government gets done with legislation based upon the Commission's report which may be expected to be forthcoming ere long. Recreation HALL 5th Avenue East NOW OPEN TO PUBLIC Bowling and Billiards Reoceation and Rest Rooms Hall available for banquets, meetings, etc. Under management of Fred Ernewein PHONE 846 Hours 1 p.m. to 12 p.m. dally n HAVE YOUR PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN Five minutes from the time you pose until you have your picture. 2Y2xZi inches passport or identification size. Optometrist North Sea Brings Frozen Fish Here The Northland Transportation Co's passenger and cargo vessel North Sea, Capt M. L. Jordan, arrived in port at 3 o'clock this morning to unload 362 tons of frozen fish from Alaska for transshipment over CNit. lines to the eastern United States. She was scheduled to sail at 5 o'clock this afternoon for Seattle. Her passengers were to; be .seen downtown during the day inspecting the city and making purchases at the stores. Shavings quicker, easier, when you ueBluGillette Blades hecauseihey have the sharpest, snwothest-fmished edges ever honed. It pays to ask for Blue Gillette Blades For extra shaving luxury prepare your beard with Gillette lather Cream .33f Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage for a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or the entire' furnishings of your home is convenient and inexpensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, moving, storage and shipping, PHONE OO LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd and Park Avenue YOUTH HERE x ARE NORMAL Are Thinking Along Serious Lines Development of Teen-Age Club Idea Advocated "Three Fundamental Institutions home, school and church are essential In the proper development of youth along healthy lines and, if these institutions are not all that they should be, it is our own fault for not being on the inside of them enough and sufficiently interested and actice in them," declared Aubrey Bate of the staff of Booth Memorial High School in speaking before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at luncheon yesterday. Mr. Bate, who spoke on the subject of "A Saskatchewan: School Teacher Looks at Prince Rupert," said that he had found Prince Rupert boys and girls normal and well-meaning. Let no one think that all they were Interested in were boogy-woogy and moving picture actors. To prove this he went on to give some Illustrations of matters that local High School pupils were thinking of as indicated in questions and answers developed in discussions Incidental to social studies. These Included such topics as practicability of educational curricula, the disposition of taxes, national and International problems, salaries of Parliamentarians, the causes of depression and where the money went during .such periods. Here in Prince Rupert Mr. Bate recommended that provision be made fcr 'teen-age clubs such as were proving so effective all over the country. The youth should be provided with premises where they could conduct their own activities and organizations among themselves. Buildings were available here and the young folks themselves would do the work. The cost would be negligible. "If you think the youth of Prince Rupert are roaming the streets" too much, it is because they do not know what to do with their time,' 'said the speaker who challenged the .service flubs If Ahey really were service clubs to do something about functioning as laison between home, church and school. On behalf of the principal of the High School, he invited me-mber qf the club to visit and take .more active interest in the schools. In opening, Mr. Bate gave some personal impressions as gained by a stranger coming to Prince Rupert. He suggested some reasons for the turnover in teaching staffs here. He had found an excellent spirit among the teachers here. Dr. J. J. Gibson, president, was in the chair and there ,was a good attendance at the luncheon, PYTHONS FOR ZOO LONDON, 0 Two Indian py-shlp crew, have been presented to the London Zoo by Commander M. C. Causland of H.M.S. Wayland. Their names are "Percy" and "Cynthia." IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF EDWIN CHRIS- TENSEN. OTHERWISE KNOWN AS EDWIN CHRISTIANSEN, DECEASED, who was presumed to have died at Clifford Bay, B. C, on the 1st day of January. 1945. TAKE NOTICE that bv Order of His Honor, Judge Fisher, I was on uu zara aay 01 wovemDer, 1945. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Edwin Chrlstensen. otherwise known as Edwin Christiansen, who by Order of His Honor Judi?e. Fisher dated the 9th day of November, 1945, was presumea to nave died On trje 1st aay 01 January. 1945. All DersOns Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their lndebtdness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said .estate are required to file them wun me Dropeny vermed on or bo-fore the 31st day of December. 1945. falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall then have oeen notuiea. DATED at Prince Rutwrt n r. this 26th dav of November. A.D. 1945. nuBMN A. WATT. Official Administrator. (285) J, L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chlropracticl If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 895 Plumbing and Jleating Engineers OIL AND COAI. STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 p.o. Box 1294 LETTERBOX LET'S BE FAIR I see that the police have made another round-up of gamblers In the city. I call gambling a clean game of chance and I believe it is impossible to stamp it out no matter how many police are used. However, let me draw your attenUon to the manner in which the churches and service clubs are encouraging certain types of gambling in the form of bingo and raffles. I have some raffle tickets at my home, one .on a yacht, to be raffled December 6, one, sponsored by the I.OD.E., for a round-trip to Vancouver, and one for a memorial society. I like to see the law enforced but the fact is that people will not respect the law if it is not enforced Impartially. Men who sit down to a quiet game of poker are arrested. Yet race tracks are permitted to operate and clubs are permitted to carry on under the membership camouflage. Churches allow bingo games and service clubs are per mitted to organize raffles. Either let us stop all kinds of gambling, or let's be sensible I about the whole thing. F MILLER. LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street MAX ASEMISSEN IC r T"VMVT-T-"r-V A HP GYRO CLUB STAG Ma.x AsemLssen, who is leaving the city shortly for Vancouver to take up future residence ai.er having been manager of the Ar , mour Salvage Co. here for srv- ! eral years, was farewelled by tim j Prince Rupert Gyro C!ub. of j which he has been a pu'ar member, when a stag pariy w.. held in his honor last nigh! Reid's Care. About 50 ners, v. were in attendance and the feut ure of the evening was the ore -enratlon'to the guest of honr.r by Dr. J. J. Gibson, president of the club, of a handsome toilet : ;i-e Sentiments appropriate to fie occasion were voiced. W. F. Stone was responsible for arrange ments for the party. END OF INCAS The Inca empire in Peru came to an end In 1532 when Francisco Pizzaro defeated and captured the Inca, Atahualpa. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS cKke, ??p- wh. keep you awake ES hRtlieve ''""owl Do a.'th! MAH I,. h"" 8tSp that couh! RAZ MAH has htlped others let it Jielp you. soc. jl n druisuu everywhere. R.t 1 t&K2- :r was mm Durins the warmer months of the year the nt works hard to find his food. Gut he is always careful to lay away a generous portion which he docs not touch until he really needs it. And so, because he It wise he survives. Each of us has the opportunity to buy and put away Victory Bonds and War Savings Stamps. Let us continue to do so, regularly. And let us be sure to keep them until we really need them. Sid CAPILANO CAPILANO z OPEN FOR YOUR APPROVAL . . BREWERY LIMITED Pal! Mai! Cafe AND CHOP SUEjT at CENTRAL HOTEL, 6:30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. BURN WOOD Spruce, per cord $12.50 Poplar, per cord $11!.."0 Slabwood, 14" $10.00 HYDE TRANSFER rilONE 580 COAL and WOOD 1 1 WW r K7 vim:. BOG NOODtis A Better Macaroni Product mm. Staled ted CATELLI au.smw.uni:ii 1 tb tt n j LIMITED Prompt Service f$GWAtl&tir r V'XN;rrnSU youngsters jr.. 4jauifftf 1 : t anc ' ' ' nania .1,1a us uas iru ed Animals for the and Games, mgoni Liliputian Furniture A t the older children. SEE OUR TOYS I Electriral Hnrd -. Hardvare. hurniturt Federal Block Prince Rupert Thlra A KWONQ SANO HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open a p.m. to 2 ajn. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 The Ijuaiic RRITISH COLUMBIA'S RADIO SERVICE Guaranteed Satisfaction PHONE 6 ran I I 1 1 A 11 I7C7. S r":