A ii Prfnrr Ruum Dai'Ip IDfius Thursday, November 29. 1945 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO tHKitKHlCHjeao tHKKlH:-0 OS 0 0 November 29, 1920 II. S. Johnston and J. Bruce Johnston were In the city from Vancouver In connection with the commencement of work on the new hotel they Intended to build at Lakelse Lake. C. B. Formoy, Conservative candidate for Prince Rupert constituency in the provincial elections, returned from a trip to the southern part of the constituency stating that his reception had inspired him to arrange for quarters in Victoria in prepara- INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 ANNOUNCING . . . CORNER SNACK BAR At TERRACE (Mrs. Flossie Lambly) TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE MERGE THREE TOWNS ROCHESTER, Eng., Before the three ancient Kentish towns of Rochester, Chatham and Gil-llngham become one" county bor-cugh, the 150,000 residents will be asked to suggest a name for their new town. Medway is the name most favored. tion for the first session of the legislature. A telegram from, J. E. Myers of Vancouver to F. Q. Dawson said that "a number of people would like to bet on the return of the Oliver government but can get no takers. If any money is offered against the government in Prince Rupert, please advise by wire." Yes! Sweeter, tastier bread with FLEISCHIViANN'S YEAST This active fresh yeast goes right to work, gives you full value because it's full strength. And bread made with Tleischmann's active fresh Yeast tastes sweeter, is lighter, more tender. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME Get Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label Canada's dependable yeast favorite for over three generations. V MADE IN CANADA Your FAVORITE Book Store RUPERT TOBACCO STORE Also Carries CHRISTMAS GIFT SELECTIONS Christmas Cards FANCY WRAPPINGS. STICKERS, ETC. Besides Your Newspapers - Magazines - Tobaccos - Candy OPPOSITE ORMES DRUG STORE CHAINS I I i m nuuu it mm tCCO Witch Chint hire been Iimoui or 65 fears. A wide leleo-tion ol Waldeman, Dictem end Alberts eweita your choice. Up-to-the-minute itvles to meet every men'i tette. JOHN BULGER JEWELERS Third Ave. (Opp. Post Office) TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE W. C. Osborne V. Imhoff A. M. Williams Exper, Repairs on all makes of cars Reconditioning Motors -r Tractors Road Equipment Machine Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric Welding BOX 202 TERRACE, B.C. STONE EAGLE .(Continued from Page 1) kalum (Beaver) River to the Junction with the south fork, followed this, and later crossed the eastern mountain and. came to the canyon on the Kalum River. Here he found the Wolf People dwelling and at their invitation returned to his people and brought them to live on the bank of the canyon. "Later this people moved to the .mouth of the Kalum and their descendants are a part of the band that own the reserve Immediately across the mouth of the Kalum River. 'The small stone eagle was greatly prized. Possession of this emblem conveyed the seniority in tribal councils. The Legalcs tried to buy it. They tried tojiteal It. But successive chiefs have guarded it usually burying it on their townsite. "Some years ago the chief dug It up and inspected It. Then he reburied it, and made a record of the location. Before he died he gave this record to his successor. Now the chief wishes to take It up once more. "In the meantime the Dominion government built a highway through the reserve. Measurements made this week show that the eagle lies four feet south of the foot of the highway grade. "Hence the request. "Prom various studies I have made I would say this Is possibly the most ancient native artlfect in the district. Cuddly, Stuffed Animals in gay colors. A wide selection for six-minute-old to six-year-old toddlers WEE TOTS' SrJOPPE Lumber See Us for your BUILDING NEEDS PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 Box 1321 313 3rd Ave. W. Expert Radio Servicing Electrical Appliances Repaired RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Phone 644 ELECTRICAL GOODS See us about your Flourescent lighting. COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Make this your comfortable home In Prince Rupert. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 678 - ently any form of strenuous exercise. Hextall was frozen to a war plant Job in Canada last year and did not play with the Rangers. Prior to that he had teamed up with Phil Watson and Lynn Patrick in one of the deadliest scoring combinations in the league. In Ontario Hockey Association Junior a series play Tuesday night, Toronto Saint Michael's College snapped their first place deadlock with the Saint Cath Itawa. Montreal Royals ran their undefeated string in to twelve straight games by defeating the Ottawa Senators. Over in the Provincial Senior Hockey League, the Lachine I Rapides met the Cornwall Cou- Uia ill gunman i uUdjr lllglll,, defeating the home town bays 8-3 and stretching the league lead to three games. The Rapides remain undefeated in four starts. Stan Home Montreal's ' smooth-winging pro has carded. up a new competitive course record of 63 that is eight under par over the Bubsdread course at Orlando, Florida. Home went around the course witty the Dub-spread pro Denny Champagne Jules Huot of Quebec and Ed Furgol. Warming to his game after a one-over-par 137 on the first nine, Home clipped off seven birdies, an eagle and a par. He used only eight putts on the back nine. George Ranter of Graven-hurst, Ontario, has been elected by acclamation to succeed F. W. Dinty" Moore of Port Colborne as president of the Ontario Hockey Association. The London boxing promoter, Jack Solomons, is planning to travel to New York next month to arrange an interchange of YORK GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Building Supplies Free Estimates, Construction arid Repairs Windows and Frames, Doors and Frames, Cabinets Show Cases of all description Also Furniture Repairs First class finishing and workmanship Phone Black 12C Between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up f 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water I PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 190 '"WAIICV AC LLiI DECISION The National Hockey League career of Big Bryan Hextall ace right winger of the New York Rangers majr be at an end. That is the opinion reached by the New York Medics last night. They will present a full report to Ranger Manager Lester Patrick. In announcing that the big wheat farmer from Gren-fell, Saskatchewan, has been suffering from a liver ailment all season the doctors stated flatly that he has played his last league game of this season. The possibility exists that he may never skate again. They said that it now is doubtful whether Hextall will ever completely recover from the ailment and It may preclude perman erines Saints by taking a 7-6 decision over Saint Knitts In a see-saw struggle on Saint Cath arines ice. In Gait, Lyall Wise man gathered three goals to help the locals sweep Into a third-place tie with the Oshawa Generals, by trouncing the tailend Toronto Young- Ranger, 6-1. There was one game played In the Quebec Senior Hockey League circuit that one in Ot- Marria Davenport's Best-Seller Novel Reaches Screen Here 'The Valley of Decision," Mar- 1 da Davenport' best-selling novel, reaches the screen here this week-end. It co-stars a romantic new team in Greer Garson and Gregory Peck. The supporting cast Includes Lionel Barrymore, Donald Crisp, Preston Foster. , Marsha Hunt, Gladys Cooper, ( and Dan Duryea, among others. "The Valley of Decision" Is p. tempestuous romance with a i solid story. It finds Miss Garson portraying the servant girl Mary Rafferty who comes to work in the big Scott mansion in Pittsburgh in the 1870's and remains to fall in love with Paul Scott, the .son in whom the elder Scott places his faith and hope for the future of the family and the steel mill they founded. The story of their love and of the barriers between them is touching and real. Mary's conflicts with the spoiled Scott sons and daughters and with her own Scott-hating father are among the factors which make for gripping entertainment. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. If a dinner guest is late, shouldn't a hostess wait for at 1 least a half hour? A. No; the maximum length of time is fifteen minutes, and if sha wishes she need not wait any longer than five minutes. It Is ill-bred and rude for a dinner guest to be late. Q. Isn't It proper for the bridegroom and his best man to be dressed alike? A. Yes, with the exception of the bridegroom's boutonnlere, which should be different. first class British and United States boxing talent. Nat Fleischer, publisher of Ring Magazine, says he has received a wire from Solomons that the Londoner will arrive in New York December 18. Pitcher Ken Trinkle has doffed army Issue and has applied for re-instateir.ent with th New York Giants. Trinkle joined the Giants from Baltimore at the end of the 1942 season. He was optioned to Jersey City early in 1943 before going into the service. In Cincinnati it Is reported" that two more members of the Cincinnati Reds have received their discharge from the Army and are heading back to the diamond. They are outfielder Mike McCormlck and Pitcher Harry Gumbert. Both are expected to report for spring EXTENSION OF TIME MOTICE Is hereby given that the time for the reception of tenders for "Replacement of Ice Shear and Float, etc.. Haysport, B.C., is extended to Wednesday, December 12, 1945. By order, J. M. SOMERVTLLE, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, November 20. 1945. A PICTURE FOP. YOUR "MUST rp UsT Also COLORED CARTOON NEWS SHOWS AT 12:00 - 2:00 - 4:22 - 6:44 - 9:06 Buy more War Savings Stamps. I Try this at bedtime tonight Do you sleep soundly and wake up refreshed, clear-eyed and buoyant, ready for the day'i work? Or are your nights restless and disturbed, your mornings spoiled by fatigue and exhaustion? If you've been waking tired and listless, why not do as thousands today are doing simply drink a cup of Ovaltine warm at bedtime. Tor Ovalttne does three things to bring vigorous morning freshness. (1) Taken warm at bedtime, it relieves that feeling of nervous tension helps ihe . body relax .for -sleep UithtKt drugs. (2)' Processed tot; easy digestion, it supplies light nourishment to prevent restless tossing and turning due to digestive unrest. (3) It supplies a variety and wealth of important food elements to rebuild body and nerve cells, replenish vitality to meet the morning. Ovaltine furnishes not only essential vitamins, but also a combination of minerals, higb-quality proteins and quick energy food elements which authorities agree are necessary for health and top vitality. So if you sleep poorly waken tired and listless why not turn to Ovaltine as an aid to refreshing sleep and clear-eyed, radiant morning freshness. See if you don't begin to wake up each morning brighter, and more buoyant ready to greet the day with a smile. i:o OVALTINE 1946 is POST-WAR ..YOU.. Plan for Progress when you elect CLIFFORD HAM INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR ALDERMAN EMPIRE CAFE (Fo.neny L.D.) Completely Renovated Redecorated and FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 am. to 1 am. I PACIFIC CAFE Now Open for Business 6:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Special Chop Suey Noodles " ' 1 1 The story of Marv RafTf. . . love for the two-fisted .n "N wM y, . .. 'T jr .a.tt.JB arm r m if T A METRO-GOLD WYN-MAYEI hQl MINIM CDICD . I mm E.. -..,,.. wiiivi l iinn HUTU ' ififlltoHA nil HI mn'titin TODAY 4-u-.A.M---aA-'naK a-E& -, .ve- -' .---i , 'J" - 'J&''"7 - ' I , i . V , ; . y I " 1 , I i y smmm For those TOY AND GAMES A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT FOR CHILDREN OF ALL AOES NOW ON DiSILAY AT RIGHT PRICES. YOU ARE INVITF1 TO LOOK OVER OUR STOCK WUH'II WE THINK WILL D!ORE THAN PLKAoE YOU. , MAKE IT A POINT TO STOP I?' AT THE VARIETY STORE TODAi OR WHEN YOU ARE IN TOWN., THE FOL LOWING IS A SMALL LIST: KIddy-Kars. Wagons, Metal Wheelbarr. Trucks, Children's Table and Chairs. Mi V Cars, Trains, Pull Toys, Dolls, Stuffed Am- Quality Repairs at Economy Prices Construction Set.-. Canadian PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office t tion Bets. Sr,v-;3 Sets, Oaidt Bubble Sets. Ji:-.aw Puzzle.',! Phones. Rcmmo.. Parcheea,! Checker. Hi. L.i. Xylophone n f li.iitarN i i mi v ,ii imp :in uir.v . vu nprM vim1 i ii nip h rt u : ir . Mussallem's Variety Store ODD.JOBS around the home Sop us for your supplies. You wi:l find our stock adequate to meet all your requirements. Ruildcrs' hardware, roeflnc material, linoleum, window glass, paints, varnhhes and Murcsco. iiiiiiiii i uaaiiiia w in v inn rni 77 PHONE . m -fU.lt Dm" ( I f ;it i Lii ill Gordon's Hardware McBride Street Ohnflt Ik 'XMAS SUGGESTIONS For Father, Son or Sweetheart . . Parker's or Waterman's Pen and Pencil Remington Dual Head Electric Razors, Shaving Sets, all sizes, Wrist Watches. For Mother, Daughter or Sweetheart Beautiful' Ladles' Toilet . Chests, Pen . Soap and Cologne Sets, Matched Pow Perfume Sets, Manicure Sets. . nnTlIfl CHRISTMAS CARDS w K r McCUTCHEON PHARMACY