ECORDS IN iUNDLING ntfresting Kesults of Play in llixed Bowling '''ague tri the Post Engineers in Le games to retain leadership he Mixed uowuag league. A, ' jea me nignest single ie to date. 1213 and a three ne of 343, also a season in. MaTkhV.'s defeated PeJnn5s three games, thereby retaining second place and putting De-Jong's In the cellar. The Midgets defeated Fraser and Payne two .games to one to move into third place. Jokers defeated McMeekin's two games to one to leave the cellar. An outstanding game of 271 was rolled by Jean Back-shas. This Is the highest single game made by a woman so far. Violet Mah scored a total of tig lor three games which is the season high. ttxxxxxxxxxxx'.ixxtc.xxxxxxxxxxxxie:x NEGLIGEE ft House Coats Some With Zippers Elaborate array of crepe and satin negligees, printed and plain. Sizes 14 to 40. Ideal Christmas Gifts ! Don't delay your Christmas Shopping ANNETTE'S I.ADIF.S WEAR mm Remember Them with ft ft X ft ft ft A ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft S A ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft The gift every woman or child loves to receive. THOUGHTFUL AND APPRECIATED All colors and sizes available in our fine stock. FASHION FOOTWEAR Next to Variety Store Dominate) jTV? We serve you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries ( OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Ties, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily. We are ready to serve you Chinese dishes Chow Mein, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY US I RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel A new high three game total for men was made by Michaud Mitchell, 753. League standings: C Y. A 15 3 Malkln's 13 5 Midgets 11 7 Fraser and Payne 10 8 Post Engineers C 12 McMeekin's 6 12 Jokers 6 12 De Jong's 5 13 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft at i).,x,s,iisikv.)jss,i,iSiM.'.ii.Ji.SiiJ..i.ajJ;;ii(.' RUP-REC News - - "A sound mind in a sound body Is jn short but lull description of a happy state in this world." John Locke. Travelling around to the seven Rup-Rec classes held last evening proved very enlightening. Even the most hardened sceptic would have felt his heart soften people taking part In healthful recreational activities. This must be some ort of a record but one that will he broken .many times in the near future, we expect. In the Junior girls clas at the "Y," Instructress Eileen Yel-land along with assistants Louise Patrick and Arietta Hamilton, faced a much larger class than they expected and, after a few minor adjustments were made, they carried the class off in TTTTTVTTTTVVWTTTTTTTTTT "Build B.C. Payrolls" FRESH MILK KEPT FRESH Often Pacific Milk users ask 111 why -the flavor Is so much like fresh cream. This is due chiefly to two things, chief of which is the natural rich goodness of the fresh pure milk. This goodness is kept fresh for you thfough Vacuum Packing.. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Today in Sports BOSTON WINS OVER RANGERS' Jack Shill Paces Bruins to 5 to 1 National Hockey Victory NEW YORK, Nov. 29 0)-Jack Shill paced the Boston Bruins : last night when they defeated the New York Rangers 5 to 1. Shill scored two goals In the second period and one in the third. McOill and Galllnger completed the Boston scoring, McGM scoring at the opening of the middle frame and Galllnger tallying in the final stanza. MacColville scored the Rangers lone tally, putting it Into the Boston nets at the 10-mlnute mark of the first period. With this victory over New splendid Jorm. The Junior glrfs who have attended both classes been held to date ave are at the sight of over lb J young I already showing they know how to handle thems'elves in a gymnasium. The Junior boys at the "Y" last evening numbered almost half a hundred. So many, were on hand for the class that the Instructresses of preceding Jun ior' girl's classes were called in to assist in some of the activities. So with three Instructors and three Instructresses on .the Job, .there was no shortage of leader ship, Instructors Parkhouse, Wilson and Collins, the team that was broken up last week due io two minor accidents, was back on the Job last evening at Conrad .Street . School. They conducted the Junior boys' class with their usual efficiency and are starting a drive for larger membership. Boxing at Seal Cove School Is definitely on the upgrade. Although Instructor Beggs msln-talns the boys are "away out of shape" hoth Leod Adolf and Joe Warne looked pretty .sharp to us. By the way, the superstitious will be Interested to know that 13 instructresses, Instructors, as sistants and leaders directed re creational classes last evening. They -included: Eileen Yelland, Marjorie Jackson, Arietta Ham llton, Loverna Linney, Louise Patrick and Lorraine Youngman. Instructing boys classes were: Eric Freemen, Dave Clark, Denis O'Neill, Ted Parkhouse, Bill Col j 11ns, Don Wilson and Beff Beggs LIPSETT'S ADVISE PLACING YOUR ORDER NOW FOR Kaar Pacific Radiotelephones and Direction Finders Based on their proven and dependable performance, the demand for KAAR PACIFIC Radiotelephones and Direction Finders has far exceeded supply so make sure you get your equipment by placing your order NOWJ Check your herring gear needs small mesh purse seines, twines, nets, winches, now in stock. LSI) SEE OUR STOCK OF Automotive Accessories Cleaners and Polishes Polish Cloths Chamois Glashine Window Cleaner (with sprayer) Vanity Mirrors Bumper Jacks Seat Covers Locking Gas Caps Car Top Utility; Carriers (Just the thing for the sportsman) Sleet ;Shavers Wheel Wrenches. Get your Imperial Oil Hockey Broadcast Schedules here. Listen every Saturday night at 6:00 pjn. over CFPR to the National Hockey Broadcast. S. E. PARKER LIMITED Ford Dealer WATCH THIS SPACE For An Interestng Imperial Oil Dealer "New Specials Every Day1 Announcement Coming Soon -MUSSAILEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 576 York, the Bruins save moved Into a third place tie in the National Hockey League with the Chicago Black Hawks. Hockey Scores Pacific Coast League Seattle 4, San Francisco 3. Vancouver 3, Hollywood .5. SHEARDOWN A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Sheardown, 666 East 7th Monday, Nov. 26, at the Prince Rupert General Hospital. ENGAGEMENT NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hale of 550 11th Ave. East, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Zelda May, to Carl Fred Simonds, eldest son of Mrs. Alice Bendlksen, 256 9th Ave. fast. The wedding will take place in Prince Rupert on Saturday, Dec. 22nd FUNERAL NOTICES Requiem Mass will be sung at the Church of the Annunclatlor for thejate Joseph Boulet, at 5 ajn. Friday November 30. In terment will follow In Fairviev Cemertery. Funeral services for the lat John Richard Chambers Dearo Will be held at .the B.C. Under takers at 2 p.m. Friday Novem ber 30. Interment will follow in Falrvlew Cemetery. WANTED WANTED Sewing machine, any condition. Phone Blue .884 or write Box 56 Dally News. (281) WANTED Furnished suite, close in, for couple. P.O. Box 1394. (276) WANTED OH .burner with oi without range. Phone 66. (276) HELP WANTED WANTED Waitress. 441. Phone Red Uf) WANTED Substitute teacher: for' the high school. Apply tc Mrs. M. M. Roper, Secretarj School Board. (296) WANTED Female cook fo: family of five. Phone 466. (tf WANTED Housekeeper, gooi wages and steady position, Appiy box oi uauy Mews PERSONAL (276, DRESSMAKING, draperies ant alterations. Phone Green 735 (279 YOUTHFUL BEAUTY and ap pearance of hair yours agair. with Angellque Grey Hair Re storer. $l at .Ormes Ltd. (278 DRESSMAKING Coats and dresses remodeled. Phone Red 773. (296) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) LOST LOST Blue Parker fountain pen In Post Office Wednesday at 6 p.m, Please Leave at the Dally News. (277) TENDERS TENDERS will he received by the undersigned up to noon, Wednesday, December 12, 1945, lor the purchase of one Non receipting National Cash Reg lster, 1941 Model, capacity $9,999.99. Machine is believed to jbe In good mechanical condition, but is not guaran teed. May be seen at City Hall. H. D. Thain, City Clerk. FIREMEN BURN ANCIENT BARN City firemen, under direction of Fire Chief H. T. Lock, today completed demolition of the Aid Valentin jdaVy barn fin Eleventh Street at Second Avenue by setting fire to the floor structure. The ancient building was ordered demolished by the city engineer After At &d been con - detuned. Upperwoxk bad been torn down hy its Chinese .owner who found ithat the flooring was of no value. (277) TENDERS will be received by me undersigned up to noon Wednesday, December 12, 1945 for Night Soil Collection duties commence January 1st, 1946. Further Information may be obtained at the office of the City Engineer, City Hall. E. A. PhUUps, City Engineer, mi) GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR 'SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for .Free Appointment Phone Red 127 Advertise In the Daily jSews Classified Advertising - TJEKMJS JD.AS.U Classified Advertising Js payable to .the office t .time t submitting copy for Insertion. Please do not ask for ccedit. BIRTH NOTICE WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Young reli able girl wants work minding children, full or part time. Phone mornings, Blue 828. (277) FOR RENT FOR RENT Five-rpom unfur nished suite in apartment block. Quiet and permanent tenants preferred. Box 57 Dally News. . (287) OOM FOR RENT For two willing to share. Close in. Red 443. (276) ?OR RENT Room for two gen-lemen; close in; breakfast if desired. Phone Red 254. (279) OR RENT Furnished housekeeping room. 1264 Beach Place. Phone Black 618. (276) X)R RENT Suite. West. FOR ALE 537 8th Ave. (279) X)R RE!'T Housekeeping rpom. 801 Borden Street. itt) ."OR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 344 Sher-brooke. (278 FOR SALE Victor cabinet radio and gramaphone, 100 dance records In cabinet. Record case $50.00 Phone Black 905. (280) rOR SALE Four-room house and bath, fully furnished; garage, at the back. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call at 900 10th Ave. East. (280) OTS FOR SALE For prospec tive builders, two fine lots, 4th Ave. East, two blocks from Mc- Brlde, $1000; two fine lobs, 5th Ave West, one block from Ful ton, $12C0; oneVlarge corner lot, Section 2, cleared with 26 by. 34 excavation for basement and7000te'etrot lumber; $1000; one lot, 2nd Ave., opposite Motor Pool, $400. H. G. Hel-gerson Ltd. (278) HDR SALE Seven-room house. 510 6 th Ave. West. Phone Black 446. (276) "OR SALE Restaurant, going concern, including all furniture, .fixtures and stock. $2200. Apply H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (279) "OR SALE Wonderful bargain. Large house with five-room suite for owner, two furnished suites In basement and four-room furnished cottage at rear. Owner's suite can be -vacated immediately. Rest of accommodation has income of over $100 monthly. Close to town In good neighborhood; good condition; newly decorated Inside. $3000. Apply H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (279) FOR SALE Large stock of mir rors from $2.50 to $5; Quebec brick-lined heaters from $22.50 to $27.50; table lamps and tri-llte lamps slightly used from $2.50 to $12.50; slightly used chests of drawers, lust like new, from $9 to $12; pillows of good material, special at 75c; oak dining room suite, specially placed at $45; large assortment of new and used tools at great savings; chesterfields, next .and used, In very good shape at various prices laree stock to choose from. B. C. Furniture Co., phone Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE Electric mantel radio, cedar chest, 6 volt radio storage battery, baby buggy. Apply 411 7th Ave. West, back ' door. (278) FOR SALE-Inqulre No. -Two-room cabin. 19 Cow Bay. (277) FOR SALE Four-room house, excellent condition. Immediate occupancy. 1040 10th Ave. East. (277) FAIR WAY FOOD MARKET carries a complete line of Quality Groceries, Frsher Fruits and Vegetables at all times. We deliver. Phone 434. (278), FOR SALE 1939 Dodge Tudor sedan. Apply Box 52, Daily News. (275) FOR SALE Gramaphone, at tractive walnut cabinet model, new spring; also large size steel crib double mattress. 221 7th Ave. East, or phone Red 915. (It) FOR SALE Boat Betty, 30-foot troller, fitted with drum for Bill-netting; also roller. Troll lng polls and some gear. All la Al condition Bargain for cash, Boat can be seen at Cow Bay. Apply N. McKlm, Print Buprrt JDaflg j3etos Thursday, November 29, 1945 :N HINDUSTAN THEY SAY In our language, we mean the M same tiling when w say m J SUNRIPE! I' 1 BfiYALClTV f CANNED FOODS J SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION IN CHRISTMAS GIFTS PHONE V V V V tf tf V V V tf tf tf tf s tf y V tf tf tf tf tf General Delivery, City, (282) C 1 y FOR JSALE .Oldsraobile coupe,1 5 good condition. 324 7th Ave. J 543 PHONE FOR . . . . . H. Letourneau Expert Plumber, Tinsmith and Roofer Take invigorating steam, baths and massage to relieve that tired feeling. R. Y. WALKER Graduate Masseur Reducing, Facial and General Swedish Massage Phone Green 507 evenings for appointment 937 THIRD AVENUE WEST Any type of construction undertaken. Engineering and plans supplied. NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION CO. General Contractors JIOUSE REMODELLING FINANCED ON BUDGET BASIS 225 First Avenue East Phone Black 884 Evenings Black 9C9 COLD WEATHER AHEAD! 3 Make sure your Oil Burner, Stove and Furnace are lngood order also check.your Water Pipe insulations. ; FOR CLEANING AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS? N. T. HANSEN phone .service 743 Have a Madc-to-Measure :- TOPCOAT or OVERCOAT' Leading this season's Fashion Parade are the Bal Types predominating with ever-popular double-breasted style high among the winners. ! COME AND INSP.ECTOUR NEW SAMPLES lorgans V r lens 0 GJoys "WHERE MEN BUY" j: i - .at 9r I n a ft ft ft Hi ft ft ft ft IS ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft : ft - ft - ft ' ft 5 ft ft ft i $ f . A ft ' 3 ft tf m tf tf tf V tf i tf tf tf tf tf y I y tf tf tf tf v