Dally Edition THE DAILY .NEWS Prince Rupert .Monday, .April .30; 1945 ubUshed emyJternoon except Bun-lay by Prince Rupert Dally News limited. Third -Avenue, Prince Rupert, Britten Columbia, a. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 3y OKy Carrier, per week 15 ft Month 65 Per' Tear $7.00 3y Mall, per month 40 Per Tear M.00 MEMBER ABC. Beware of Betrayers . . . TVintr cVin T?nn4r IVT11 conl ?n ! in -flip same or likewise for Adolf Hitler in a :lay or so unless, as they say has happened, he has already died in Jiisun-derground rat Jiole in Berlin. Thus comes, retribution at longJast for the arch traitors for the betrayers of their people for the men who sowed the seeds of their fanatical lust for power in the soil of their people's discontent. They die in dishonor and the deepest of ignominy. And there is something pitiful and pathetic about it all even, if there may be rsome grim f eeli-ing of satisfaction within the irony. How different it could have been fdiJMussolini and Hitler too if, after aEih'ing ihe great power that became thfrs, they might have used it in dif frjnt directions! knows that these dictators ht their day. have been inspired with sfiliie measure of .sincerity and good irjjention for their people? Ml t Those vho consider the history of Hitler and Mussolini may moralize against the danger of being deluded by seeming' good intentions into just such deadly and terrible conditions as culminated in these tragedies of Germany and Italy. 'We might well reflect upon that before we embark upon political experimentations ourselves. Who seriously believed, a seeming we do not sow these very days such seeds as have destroyed these sick .and demented dictators and their deluded peoples. Literally... e "THE LIEN'S SHOP" Here to serve the public YORK CONSTRUCTION Building, Materials, Estimates General Building Nothing too big or too email PHONE BLACK 884 Quality Repairs at .Economy Jrloes Just a Little Premature . . . We had the war in Europe almost over Saturday, night. It was something of a rehearsal of the "V-E Day" proceedings. Even here in the Daily News office the telephones were jingling with calls -rf vrnrck Vian iri rr Vm wimnvp4hol flat- that' a great day and great hour had come. It was somewhat of a letdown to be sure to be later advised that it was a false .alarm. But we know that the event cannot be far removed even if it may come somewhat anticlimatically in these days of such quickly succeeding world shaking events. Ontario Elections . . . What political parties in Ontario think about their own chances in the! PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) . shipwrecked off an island ap proximately 42 longitude 49 latitude. .Ssnd help at once. .We are standing by. Survivors at the ! Florida Maru." The Florida Maru, a Jabanese ship, had called at Miclorja aev-. eral times before 1941 but there was no record lure of it having " been wrecked. LETTERBOX QUALITY OF BREAD Editor, Dally News: A news dispatch datellned Terrace. April 26, With the iieadlns U1 "l""6 . -Baker Having Difficulty" calls, many had surrendered unconditionally , we think, for a reply from one to all the Allies and wishing confir- directly associated with .and la mation. ilie bakery production at Prince When no Jess n person that Sena- "p. tor Tom Connelly, chairman of xhe .Prince Rupert, we think, has undergone one of the .most rapid in Uted st.at?s relations com-, Increases in population of back, hanged his bodyby the toes the any and ltee a vice-chairman of the United Icity m the Dominion, when the oublic square at Milan yesterday lion rhp vAmninc rWn nnH kirkpd states aeiegaie to me aan rrancigco ,paui c .lien put cut the jmains dow n ana KicKea .. enM"1 three bak- .ecunty.conierence, p0nfPPP11pp came flmp thrnnp-h tnrougn with witn ind spat upon . ' .them. They will ..... do . the Mtetln8at0 pubUc demzn t nil oiinnlitiiamonf "T th(i L71 1 won (Wip "u.v.ii, i ic funumv.1, Shortly alter activity commenced mere Was some JUStlllcatlOn to Dejieve.one of these bakeries was lost to the civilian trade by being taken over by the armed forces, thus leaving only two bakeries to cater to the Increasing trade. At the apex our population was around 22,030 civilians and we received every consideration at the hands of the ration administration when we required sufficient rationed supplies to serve our i trade. This -article is misleading m that it attempts to create an NAMED DIRECTOR H A. Ashton was elected a dlr ector of Canadian Oil Com panles .Limited at the .annual meeting. Mr. Ashton is President of Canadian Wallpaper Manufacturers Limited. lie has been associated .with this company since its inception, coming out from England in 1927. ATMOSPHERIC INSTRUMENT The barometer and llie thermometer were developed In the Impression that a higher quality 17lh century-of bread is being turned out by the Terrace bakery than by other made w se,wc, Prlnce Uu. forthcoming provincial election makes Jd,u!" & po1 w A test conducted by a flour mill- i A . ti ia? i. , compelled to keer on uslne other LOCAL FLIER (Continued lrom Page 1) Man who had Just recovered from a Jive-week bout with malaria In India. "The climate Is temperate and dry. The villa sits on a knoll overlooking a beautiful lake with high peaks on all .sides. The radio and electric lights made us feel at home. The Colonel remarked that the place reminded him of a .mansion back In Vermont The governor's on, who was a chemical engineer, showed the fliers two alcohol distilling plants in the valley which provided much of the base for China's munitions Industry. Two crops are grown each year, the first, wheat and com, being used for .distillation of alcohol, and the second, rice, for food for the .people. In a neaiby village Capt. Mali and his companion discovered members of a hill tribe known as interesting reading. Predictions fol- in" company recently in which a lZZ w" L i kind pc-ople. honest,and with - UllllK. SUUIl ttUVCI using U U1C UCOi Conservatives . (38 seats in the last obtained by the Terrace bakery means of creaUng goodwill to- House) "Ontario is traditionally con-iSf. b,ete"nT nfJ.f wards the WarUme prices and servative. with both a small V and a ITf1 4ri Ti. j 1 penence uicy nave aiwavs ihuwii capital C. Its pendulum IS now SWing- dispatch . to .be fair to the public . .. nsideratlon for falrand equit- incr hnolf in nnrm!ilrv n-ffoi nno n tu-n iSnd others concerned should i t.t , f n mo became .so fanatical, so gross and hysterical lurches in other .directions. iave Plnted "V,n e t" in supply. Theirs is a sgcompletely drunk with power and Another eight seats would ive.4is .a,cSduaml28i3I,',0 b"llaf ?wen done" for tast that was imposed in them, nuht clear majority. We'll win that manv! mine their own brand of flour1 v, A nnt and 10 more. 'and tests were made according !onlv for lh. vn uv t- find 1943 debacle -would never have hau-i pened to us if Mitch had been at the helm. We'll win 20 seats back from the-C.C.F. and another ten from the Conservatives. It's in the bag." C.C.F. (32 seats in the .last House) "Ours is the coming party in every part of Canada. We only struck our stride in 1943: this timp wpVp rpnlhr renin n- few yearajago,-. although some;. might.- places. We were Dreoared to takexovor have been predicting these very events, from Drew and function even as a .mi-thai such things would have happened nority government but after June we'll to Italy and Germany and the leaders havTe a clear majority:" whom they worshipped and fawned to. Labor-Propressives: "We had two- members in the last House and as our In winning our victory now .and party wasn't organized until the 1943 with the peace of the world again in . election that wasn't a bad batting av-sight, we would do well to ensure that -erage. 'We plan to nominate 37 candi dates in mis campaign and hope to elect as good a percentage. We obviously can't get a majority in a House of 90 but we will prohably hold the balance . of power." "An Investment In.. Good Appearance" "' Liberals (16 Seats in the last House) 10 the "lc.ial method f the Am- oul any improvements-whlch can "Mitch HeDburn is .unltahlfe nw-l"tt? l f1"!?: . be made and certainly Is no. Jor tiVulnrW nmv fVint ha W c.A.l !:.e'u.:. SoTJZ: publication. It Isn't lair to uie 7 J ow" ' who scored the bread. ,r , y people feuding with Mackenzie King. That and our imWnrw PTank Mr. aliat. You'll agree when you see our range of .Spring Topcoats. And there's .a .real choice in fine fabrics this season, including .GABARDINES COVERTS MANX TWEEDS FLEECES HOMESPUNS POLO CLOTHS Priced from $27.50 to .-$52.50 JAP BOTTLE NOTE FOUND VICTORIA, April 28 'ti-A b-er bottle wi h a .not' . ;!?! dated July 30, 1941, was Ii und off Saan i ich Inlet last Sunday, it is dls- idosed here. The note: "Vie :ar percent, U Siisuny uciwrr rrvum . this R. MURRAY. mail - w . - - cut 'fnm th statement made J that unless the Price? Board can Lolos who had come down to purchxse supplies. These Lolos are fierce tribesmen who live .in the border regions belwtwn China and Tibet," he -Maid. "Many an airman has balled out in their t"trilory never to be seen atain. However, I Jound them obliging" when I asked thrin to pot for photographs." "Unlike .the Lolos. the Tibet ans are not warlike. They are j low: 'KZrrnfMientifnW " need philosophy, Their attitudes make the coun I try a eal Shangri-La to outsiders." In discussion with the governor a former warlord who had adopted a firm attachment to Chiang Kal Chek, Capt Mali learned that despite JU close I relationship with China. Tibd's background Is closely linked with that uf Burma. The governors son. who naa marnea a Ti betan princess during a wven- year exile from China, explained that the Tibetan alphabet, which ) ! consists of 40 characters was i i brought from Burma by a Llamu in the fifteenth century Much Manager. Prince Rupert of their religious statuary au Bakery shows a Burmese Influence. FIAYER'S MUD Plain - hav '"W.tproor paper which doi Rot Hick to It Ufti. vi &'?s?SK4ite:liJt- i tMlSJ AMERICA., ;t7tU 39" " JOHN Limited BULGER JEWELLERS Third Ave, Pr Rupert J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., BA. CHIROPRACTOR ; Wallace Block Phone 640 the famous "SAILOR" trademork is rtcogniied as a guarantee of unfailing quality. Delmort Frozen Fruits ;md' Vegetables Raspberries, Strawberries, Sliced Peaches. Enterprise Fruit Co. PHONE 343 TRY OUR CLASSITTED ADS THEY GET RESULTS MILD or MEDIUM "IT'S THE TOIACCO THAT COUNTS Flash!! Have You Heard the Latest? Your RADIO is your link with the world! Keep it in perfect condition have It checked and repaired by an expert call Speedy Radio and Electric Shop 48-HOUR SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES 733 Second Avenue Phone Green 217 THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef ; Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 sir" fir.3iAiM, t RUPERT B :: SMOKED BLACK CO 3 'Canadian FiA - AND rjj c, r f M U A M V i . .. . PRINCE RUPERT BC IIY anybody back home hu to lie asked to buy a Victory Bond! Maybe if you were crouched here waiting ... . wondering if some bullet had your name on it . . . you'd sec things different I Be mighty glad to lend your last dollar to wind up this grim business in a hurry . . . and get luck to a sane way of livingagainl ' QnvAit in. tAz Bat" BUY VICTORY 61 RUPERT BAKERY OYST0 SUNRISE CO. LTD. The date for payment of v-,r J944 Ii been extended to Aueu ' 2' bit must be filed by April 30. - Tax Rrrvlce by Expf't GEORGE RORIE &C Uesner Block -In i,o fiirirtv honners and com 10 jr .tfltll I f.n. ,nh pvrrvday nccfl uur siure is iu'u wim ims. And eestlons-wlth sparkling new PprB will please your budcet. Come in and THE VARIETY 0 "Where Your Dlme.1 Are diHplayed in our P Little - - KM nff ' Call and see the St. .Mereuiy V-6 Marine S. E. PARKER i Ford and Mercury 170 E. 3rd Avenue 1 Pt.. :f ?& Tift I pcalcf.