ORY CONCERT Mtol Theatre, May 6th cets Now On Sale at Theatre (ALL STORE Box Office " -m i i ii i i "n v., am i iiii Jiii k 1 1 1 1 1 1 l vji utaji mmi iia mmm . , j m iscriplioiis.. am unpens iem uays we nave iven to establish a record for liability, Accuracy and Fair Deal- in filling Physicians prescriptions. believe that we have deserved the Sfidence that has been established li the Doctor and his patients. This been brought about not in a few L'li.i or months but extends over a liod of twenty years. Pioneer Druqgists Phones 81 and 82 firjE IN THE DAILY NEWS FOR BEST RESULTS 1 Now Have a iplcie Assortment of lother's Day Cards PRICED FR.OM 5c - - 25c Early and don't be disappointed I I M I. Local i News items.. PHONE 86 TO COl (TRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS Alex Bill left on a trip to Vancouver Saturday night. Mm. A. O. Hlnton and daughter left Saturday for Smlthers to join Mr. Hlnton and to take up future residence. Jack Deane, manager of the B.C. Fishermen's Co-operative Association, left Saturday night on a business trip to Vancouver. MJsb Marie Lock, who .has completed her second high school year at Victoria, Is expected to return to the city this Wednesw day to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Lock. Lieut. W. D. Mackay of the Prince Rupert Machine Gun Regiment is leaving Tuesday on the Catala for Nanaimo where he will take a six weeks' heavy murtar course In the Army camp at that jKiint. Pte. George MiiAfee, who has been spending leave at home after completing his training at a Canadian army paratroop centre at Shilo, Manitoba, left Saturday night for Vancouver on his way back to Bhllo prior t; going overseas. He was accom panied south by his father, W. R. McAfee. Capitol Theatre Staff Is Over Top The Capitol Theatre staff Is another group of local Victory Loan subscribers to go well over the 100 percent objective. ThVatte employees In past loans havl- been consistent In achiev- ill "OOtl R-.sUllv , CHRONIC BRONCHITIS 1k W C. G. Glazle left Saturday night on a trip to "Vancouver. A Canadian Club annual meeting, election, Wednesday, "May 2, at 2 pjn., City Hall. Mrs. H. M. Foote and Miss Irene Foote left Saturday night on a trip to Vancouver. ;Mrs. B. L. Shearman left Saturday-night for Vancouver where she plans on taking up resi dence. She is the widow of the; late Rev. B. Shearman of JTed Conrad, .formerly of the local Canadian Bank of Com merce staff and now with the Canadian .Fish & -Cold Storage Co., is reported .to be .doing. favorably at the Prince Rupert General .Hospital to which -he was removed last Thursday afternoon after having been taken suddenly ill at his office. Announcement ,AU advertise menu in this column will be charted for a full month nt 2iic a word. W.O.T.M. .dance, May 2, Oddfellows' Hall. Technocracy Inc. Dance every Saturday night, I.OD.E. Hall 9 p.m. Full voting information. Phone 8C1. Mickleburgh Campaign Headquarters. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. Lakle's, May 2. United Sprlng.Sale, May 3. C.C.F Brtdgr Drive every Hill CO Tea, I.OD.E. Hall, May 10. O.W.L. whist, brldee and crib- base. K.O.C. Ifiit. May 10, Ei o'clock. Dance every Saturday night, Oddfellows Oddlellows Hall. Hall, .9 .9 to to 12. 12. Swing fawing Malo thrm with "Itiiyul City" Crram Com and thoj'11 1; inorciif a favorite than ever. Siin-riieiu"l, hwtvt uiul tender, "Hoyal City' CANN SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala. Friday SS Cardena Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every tn days. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 508 Crn .orn Iiuh th CANADIAN By MARGARET WOODWARD Last Thursday afternoon In the ladles' lounge the Y.W.C.A. Service Wives Club met with an attendance ot 1 wives and 14 1 children. Tnree rnew members were Introduced. The afternoon was spent In mending sox for Service men. Mrs. 'Perry was the lucky winner of the raffle which had been donated by the cluS. Lunch was served by Mrs. Trann Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. Pooey, in the absence of Mrs. "Nctolston, was In charge or the playroom. 'The area forts held a very successful ping, pong tournameni under the direction.ofBlll.Hood. the fort Y man. '.Refreshments were served at the close of jilay. An area tournament Is to be held shortly. Badminton drew a good crowd to the gym Sunday afternoon. Sunday evening Pop Riel presented his Allied Services Show, to a capacity crowd which mez. this excellent show wlthenthusl-' "Weihave found It necessary to effange our mu.o'c hour from Doei a tubU)rn btondiiai i-ough. (eiiiier j Wednesday to Tuesday evenings i SylyX 1 V T m The time and place will be the , nigMs KHicve u- nowi uo as ium- 1. xuWuV itom, 4jr sarnie, in me common lounge ff Ttmiiieton'i oddfellows' Hall, 8:15 p.m. KAZ-MAH and stop that coughl KA2-H All lias hel(el other let It lielp you. Sue. 11 -at L.O.B.A. Dance, May 24, Odd- at UrusKistt utusgUu everywhere. everywhere. R-u H-H 'Hows' Hall. RefreshmenLs. I i Buy the 8th Victory Bonds! 7 IVntlitT-lijiht rorn fritlrrs oldrn and hot from the frjIiiR-paii- ar a HelroiiiP Mpht to a liunfiry fumily! aintiiiH Miper-fuie quality of all "Iloyul City" Canned Fruits and Vegetable. Order it from your grocer tomorrow. OD We can say this in three words . . BUY COAL NOW 7 y a! PHONES 110 117 ALBERT AND HcCAFFERY LEAVE HERE FOR TERRACE Mr. and Mrs. C. 3. Korrington ! to Make .Future Home In I Interior Town .Mr. .and Mrs. C. J. Norrlngton, esteemed resldents.of Prince Rupert for the past twenty years during which time Mr. Norrlngton has been a valued and popu- I lar member of the staff of the Canadian .Fish Si Cold Storage Co., at present In the capacity of purchasing agent, are .leaving shortly for Terrace to take up residence. Reasons of health are the cause of the move but Mr. Norrlngton will join the office staff of the Little, Haugland Si Kerr sawmllllng concern. They own a home at Terrace whicn they -will occupy. 'Mr. Norrlngton has been active In various quarters In Prince Rupert. He Is a captain In the Prince .Rupert. Machine 'Gun Regiment. For fifteen years he has been secretary .of St. Peter's Church "Hail committee and has also been a trustee of the Ridley Home. JV .keen sportsman,, he took particular Interest in soccer, ;badmlnton and tennis. Mrs. .Norrlngton has been secretary 6r St. Peter's Anglican Church for five years and organist of the church for fifteen years. She Is also first vice- astlc response. Our congratula- president of the Diocesan Board tions to Dotn rep and Mrs. tim1 and sincere thanks for all their time and trouble to give the service men and their friends such a crand nrotrram. . 'I Classified Ads in The Dally i ncre win dc dancing Monaay j jjews (,et results, nignt witn Frank uuiion ana ms bniys supplying music for dancing pleasure. -Special lighting and prize dances will contribute l. the evening's enjoyment. of the Women's Auxiliary. An enthusiastic gardener, she has been active in the Prince Rupert Horticultural Society. miHiuillH "Build B.C Payrolls1 HI JvPW(AT J "X like Pacific Milk more than ever now, though it has been our 'milkman' many years. "Recently on a trip to the coast we drove through the . Fraser Valley and raw some . , of the wonderful dairy herds there. "Now I know why It Is so good." PACIFIC M ILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Little Things This war is being fought for the rights of little things the sacred right of little nations to live their lives unmolested. It is being won by millions ol little sacrifices, little efforts and millions "doing their bit." Our duty is to make our "bit" bigger, by buying every Victory Bond we can possibly afford NOWI MIDWAY GROCERY Phone 659 FOR FREE DELIVERY NOTICE J. H. MAIR has been appointed sole representative of NATIONAL MONUMENTS for this district. The business has been purchased from A. Welxl by W. Yule. TrlnceKirpert.'S.C. ' THE DAILY HEWS : !Mbnday, April ;30, 1M5 3AG"E FlVa ATS. -- r-i- tai'. just Arrived; njj i -mmmm sk. I H ow you'll go for these tiny, tempting bundles of masty whole wheat right from the first spoonful! ;Shreddies Is different i i flavor-mellowed with taste-tempting malt . ; i then toasted crisp- and golden brown. Each spoon-size morsel keeps its delicious fresh-from-the-ovencrispness in mills " i , . brings you nourishing goodness of the,H whole wheat, including bran,, minerals, protein and precious wheat germ. HOSTESS HINT ... ON APPETIZERS Here s a treat that s tops with tomato- sf juice cocktails ... makes delicious party ifrfjfc canapes. Simply dip Slirtililies in null til butter, then salt to taste. ihrnitlift h regiitereti trademark owned in Canada -'Si- 3mJ New Shipment of : ANKLETS Black or Beige THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LIMITED ! ! Annette's Ladies' Wear "We Lead . . . Others Follow" Hair and Beauty Let us give you a PERSONALITY PERMANENT. We'll style your hair In a flattering coiffure with our new Cold Wave. It will be easy to keep and very becoming. No split or dry ends, no straggling curls. You'll be more than pleased. PEGGY SAUNDERS BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 ' . . (Annette Powell) 4th St. (across Irom Post Office) , GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR ; SALES CONDUCTED TofeUTT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone) for Free Appointment Ehpne Red 127 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER v f 1 . ' v I; jt in .via 1 Mi mi til m m3, It M & A.' a