ft hi' It PAGE FOUR SatllJ NrtU0 Prince Rupert, B.C. Saturday, February 17, 1945 Noav Accessories have a way. . . of Brightening Up the Old . . . or Emphasizing the New . . . Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Jewelry, Collars, Scarves, Millinery, Handbags, Flowers RUPERT PEOPLES STORE The Last Comes First with HARTT TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT WHO SUFFER WITH THEIR FEET You will be Interested to know that there is a man In town who has had a wide experience in the correction of fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports that will relieve that painrul and tired feeling that only foot sufferers can explain. Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study of foot ailments, is now in Hill's Shoe Store, and will be pleased to take an impression of your feet and. let you know what can be done in your Individual case. Mr. Bill Terry is also in charge of the Shoe Repairing Dept. where your repairs are executed neatly and promptly. Call around and see him for either reason. For Spring Let us give you the latest in Hair-Do or Permanent . . . Following the course we have just taken in the South. PEGGY SAUNDERS (Annette Powell) Fourth Street (across from Post Office) 9 j Phone Blue 917 CENTRAL " DINING H UATCi U I b L room HOME COOKED MEALS Open 7 it.in. - 8 p.m. ALL WHITE II ELI Since 181)8, Hartts have been makers of men's highest grade footwear. Hartt craftsmen with an obsession for comfort, longwear and style, have been able to maintain the high reputation by carefully selecting proper fitting lasts. Family Shoe Store Limited "HOME OF HARTT SHOES FOR MEN" A. MacKcniic Furniture Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 12 Only Chiffoniers Chest of drawers with four drawers, water-fall top, white wood; finely finished and ready for the color of your choice. February Special, delivered Priced $7.95 327 Third Avenue Phone 775 DAILY NEWS mm Classlllcd Advertising Is payable to the oltlcc at time of submitting copy lor Insertion. FOR SALE FOR SALE Dinette suite. 1018 Ambrose Avenue. (46) FOR SALE Chicken Ranch, going concern. Excellent opportunity; fine home and garden. Low price. Sec Mrs. McClymont, 307 3rd Ave. and get all particulars. (42) FOR SALE Central Lunch, across from Capitol Theatre. Apply Central Lunch. (tf) FOR SALE Household furnisn-ings. 916 10th Ave. East. (41) FOR SALE 1 Brantford Spring Scale, 1 500 lb. Platform Scale, 1 small Platform Scale, all government tested. 1 Remington Typewriter, 10 inch, reconditioned. Phone 422. (tf) MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) WANTED WANTED On or before Feb. 25, 1 or 2-room housekeeping suite, for quiet soldier with wife working. Please phone Green 787. (42) WANTED Room for Naval couple with baby. Will pay for room and help with housework. A. Frayling, Ldg. Cook, H.M.C.S. Chatham. (43) WANTED Cash rejister in Rood condition. Box 915 Daily JNews. (42) WANTED Furnished 3 or 4- room housekeeping suite or house, by Canadian Army officer and wife and two child ren. Write J.H.R., Box 944, Dally News. (43) WANTED Light housekeeping room for married couple. Centrally located. Phone Mrs. Nairn, Prince Rupert Hotel. (43) Y.W.C.A, Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Nobl ston. WANTED Bathroom scales, in good condition. Phone Blue 469. WANTED Man to collect Poll Tax and Dog Tax, to Inspect Business Licenses and perform such other duties as may be prescribed. Full-time employment at monthly salary. Ap ply National Selective Service No. A.M. 165. (42) WANTED TO BUY Western Red Cedar poles or contract prospective producers with a stumping claim. If you arc anxious to deal with an old reliable firm, established since 1882, contact Naugle Pole & Tie Corporation, 229 Rogers Building, Vancouver. FOR RENT FOR RENT Sleeping room. Phone Blue COO. (46) FOR RENT Furnished room. Gentleman only. Phone after 6 p.m. Green 155. 216 4th Ave. East, (41) FOR RENT Single room, gentleman only. Red 976. 812 2nd Ave, West. TO RENT Furnished room. Phone Black 495. 1910 8th Ave East. (41) TENDERS TENDERS will .be received by, the Board of School Trustees until noon of February 20 for uic loading, nauiing ana rough grading of approximate ly 75 yards of rock. Further Information may be had from inc scnool secretary. (41) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES STENOS. TYPISTS. POSTAL CLERKS for Government war work. You can train at home. Free information. M.C.C. Civil Service Schools Ltd., YOU CAN RUN A HOME KIN dcrgartcn with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. C. C. Schools, Winnl peg. Man. LOST AND FOUND FOUND Registration Card, by Dry Dock. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this ad vertisement. LOST Small chaniyp nnrsn mil laininz s42.au caxn. 1 kpv nnri raffle ticket, front nf Prlnrp Rupert Hotel, Thursday. Finder please return same to Dally News. Reward $5.00. (42) FOUND Navy man's wallet on jra vve., a lew days ago, Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. FIND IT with a Want Ad! Sell It with a Want Adl Buy It with a Want Adl Dally News classi fied section gets results. Basketball In North ACROPOLIS HILL AND PORT EDWARD BOTHWIN OPENERS AT ANCHORAGE Two local United States Army basketball teams, playing at Anchorage in the Alaska Mainland tournament, have both been successful in the opening games of the first round. Acropolis Hill defeated Fort Richardson 44 to 40 Thursday night and Port Edward won over Fort Ray Coastguard G2 to 34 Friday night. FLOOR HOCKEY IS REORGANIZED League, As A Result, Will Make New Start Decision to completely reorganize the Area Floor Hockey League was made by team representatives, at a meeting last night. Ed Selyan, new area sports supervisor of the YMCA is going to direct the league operations from now on. The Soo Suds had been unable to get a team together heretofore and had to postpone their games but they expect to have a club formed next week. To enable the Suds and a new entry, Royal Canadian El ectrical Mechanical Engineers, to catch up with the other clubs, it was decided to throw out all past games. In addition a number of new sport. Job's Daughters Telephone Bridge Mothers of Job's Daughters re cently hicld a very successful telephone bridge wnlch was m progress for a week. Prize-winners were Mrs. William Hunter. Joseph Caine, Mrs. George Murray and William Noble. Convener was Mrs. J. A. Frew and other members of the committee were Mrs. T J. Boulter. Mrs. F. S. Wal Acropolis will now play bewara and Port Edward will meet Ketchikan. The Acropolis Hill-Fort Richardson game w;w3 a particularly closely contested affair all the way through with quarter time score 11 all. half-time 21 to 20 for Port Edward, three-quarters 29 to 29 and full-time 44 to 40. Port Edward had a 7 to nil lead In the first five minutes of the game with Fort Ray and at the first quarter was ahead 15 to 7. Half-time score was 34 to 23 for Port Edward and the third quarter ended with a 46 to 30 count. Henson and Ketchmark each made seventeen points for Port Edward. URGES BLOOD TEST LABS IN V. D. CAMPAIGN VICTORIA, Feb. 17 it Mrs. Laura Jamlcson, In the Lcgisla- rules were made, which It Is ture, criticized the provincial felt, wll greatly improve the government for failing to estab- llsh laboritles to take blood tests In the campaign to combat venereal disease and said: Tills government is responsible for every child born with venereal disease In British Columbia. This government has condemned children to be born to a living death too horrible to contemplate." Mrs. Jamlcson said that a spe cial training course for girls as domestic servants should be established and, after training, the girls should receive certificates. If this was done It would lift the ton, Mrs. H.B.r Rochittf ricl,l occupation to a higher leveli she Mrs. H. F. Pullen. said. ' ONE OF YEAR'S BEST PICTURES "Double Indemnity," With MacMurray, Stanwyck and Robinson, at Capitol Theatre One of Jive pictures which were nominated for Academy Award of Motion Picture Arts and Science awards as the best picture of 1944. Barbara Stan wyck having been similarly nominated for outstanding individual performance In the same picture, a thrllllngly new type of murder story, "Double Indemnity," will be featured at the Capitol Theatre here next Monday, Tuesday and Wcdnes day. Double Indemnity" deals with the attempt by two lovers, Fred MacMurray and Barbara Stanwyck, to perpetrate a fraud upon an insurance company and col lect a giant-sized policy upon the death of the lattcr's hus band. The infatuation of the couple for each other led the' two to plot for the death of, the husband, played by Tom1 Powers. 1 Excitement and suspense mount with each passing scene as Edward Robinson, the claims manager of the insurance com pany, relentlessly tracks down clues to solve the crime. Ac tually, there Is no secret about the guilty persons, MacMurray confessing early In the picture. The suspense comes after that episode. In addlUon to the main Intriguing theme, there arc a number of amusing incidents and some torrid love scenes. It pays to use the Classified Ad columns In the Dally News. Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our XJoffce Is Tops) Notice to Employers Corporations and Persons in Business Regarding 1944 INCOME TAX INFORMATION RETURNS f.' Tonus T.4 and T.4 Supplementary for SALARIES AND WAGES Forms T. 5 and T. 5 Supplementary for DIVIDENDS Forms 609 and 600 Supplementary for INTEREST on registered bonds MUST BE FILED ON OR BEFORE 28th FEBRUARY1945. Avoid Penaltks . Forms can be obtained from the District Inspector of Income Tax. Defore requesting forms, you should estimate the approximate number of persons to be reported so 'that you will obtain the required number of sets of the' Supplementary forms for your use. COllll GIBSON Miniilr of Noli'onol Rfnu Corner of Gth and Fulton HALF MOON SNACK (Manager, George Lum) Specializing In Lunches Chow Mein Chop Suey From 11 a.m. to 3 tun. Opposite Sunrise Grocery HYDE TRANSFER Dry Slabwood, per cord -.. $10 Dry Poplar, per cord -$12.58 Sawdust, per sack 15c PHONE 580 KWONG SANO HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 012 7th AVE. WEST . (Next to King Tal) All your patronage wclcomo Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 C. FRASER ELLIOTT Dtpvly Minitltr ct National fovfnu for Tonofton For a Good Meal, Visit . . . THE Victory Cafe All White Cooks 25 Years' Experience . Give Us a Trial and Convince Yourself 3 DAYS BEGINS MONDAY 3 FLASH! Here's one of the 5 best pictures of nU4v for Academv Award and so is Stanwvrk c. . . ' " "" wsi pcrtJ rvimnlete fihows at 1:00 - 2-4R . s i . 1 Feature at 1:00 - 3:06 - 5 i . i . I8. ! in. j;jt FRED Paramount preitnfi BARBJUl MacMurray stanwy EDWARD G. ROBINSO IXTRA! Wall Disney's "TIGER TROUBLE" Today ( .at 7... ! SUNDAY 2 I'M. SUNDAY MT Ann Dvorak 1 Hollywood Canteen" Dan-rr" i... FREE SERVICES ONLY The Walking mm. Business and Profession: R. Y. WALKER Graduate Masseur Scientific Swedish Massage Facial and Reducing Treatments Phone Red 315 "Largest Organization of Its Kind In the World" MUTUAL BENEFIT Health and Accident Association J. WRIGHT, Spec. Representative 336 9th Ave. W. Red C93 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Ta Returns Compiled Dcsner Block Phone 337 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning1" Authorized. "FLEX FORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing' a Specialty PHONE U58 f JT' Mall Orders Box 09 R. IIUNDEIDE WATKINS DEALER 337 Seventh Avenue West Phone Green 973 PAINTING Paper jl Interior Hanging n Decorating Showcards and Signs LOItNi: COKN1XL Phone Blue 142 25 0 SMITH & ELM eJ Plumbing and Enginccn Phone 174 I FRENCH Ul Mr. L P Ilcaubi: of Ficnch late-!? turned to the clt; i sumed his clas;c l Li Postal Station B. HELEN'S HEAUTYSE Permanent Wf Beauty Culture In m 4th street TA PIANIST WITH COSOl RADIO EXPERIENCE DESIRES PUPILS- ASH TERESTED PHONE I DLUE 333 TMTEL ERASER HOI Phone Black C C. H. HICKS. M Clean, quid 714 Fra.scr SW HERTS TKANSF! MESSKNCt Vi.ii f'llll W" ininVR BLAO Itpsldcnc: Oreetl W. D. Wclis J. L. CURF CllIHOrilAC' -If pain- Chlropre H nerves--do UiniUl Ul"-" On All 195 Diaries, Rem Off Calender Pads ...1 1 r ii.iu rri.r Start l.UVU .lliv.iiii.igu "I jpl Iiwiii .1 piumrl if vnlir IH'rSOllill 1"U I Si., mil- window for selection .... , 1 nrift'tl H we suu nave a laru vunw 34c 10 $3.56