f 8 Prince Rupert Daftf 3ctos Tuesday, September 19, 1945 Published every afternoon except Sun lay by Prince Rupert Dally Newt Limited. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION' RATES: By Clty Carrier, per week IS Per Mrnth .83 Per fear 7 00 By Mall, per month .40 Per Tear 14.00 LETTERBOX APPRECIATION Editor, Daily News: As- a reader of your paper I wish to express my appreciation of the splendid edition which yoU produced last Saturday as a souvenir for 'our departing friends. There is no doubt but that same Issue will prove to be the mojt excellent advertising . our city has ever had. A READER OF THE . NEWS. New Arrivals IN ; r . ii . v.ora jaci :kets : and Trousers ' The Jackets are ismartly styled and comfortable. Two-tone .shades of tan .and brown. Sizes 36' 'to 44. $7.95 Trousers are in .shades of tan, brown and teal. Sizes 30 to 36 $7.75 UZUBER 4J.C Need For Clothing . . . A National Clothing Collection will be staged in Prince Rupert and across Canada in October for the people in war-devastated Allied countries. These victims of war are desperately in need of clothing, especially the children. Unless they get substantial quantities of serviceable wearing apparel, millions of them will suffer during the coming winter. There is a partial solution to the problem in Canada. For every man, woman and child in Canada, there is a double, a human shadow of ourselves in ravaged Europe or Asia. There are children "over there" who would be overjoyed if they could have the clothes our children can wear no longer. Whereas, we have enjoyed the comfort and safety of distance from the world's battlefields, our doubles wrecked by the tide of war, are now among the "statistically naked." For each one of us, working, shopping, tending our chores there is another human being "statistically naked." It is a phrase to remember. It 'means that our doubles share a "THE MEN'S SHOP" BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works Sheetmetal work of all kinds Ajr conditioning Tanks sinks Eavestrough & Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders I FREE .ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor. 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 964 COMMERCIAL HOTEL ' COMPLETELY MODERN Make this your comfortable home In Prince Rupert. ,'Flrst Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No, 997 PHONE 676 shirt with six other people, tak'e turns wearing a pair of shoes. The National Clothing Collection for War Relief wants your help in gathering practical clothing warm, sturdy garments, shoes tied in pairs, plain shoes, knitted headgear, any sort of clean blankets, clothes and more clothes, every size, but practical. Make up your bundle. A representative of a local organization wjll call for it; or you will be informed where to take it. Get ready ! Healthful Recreation or Crime It is evident from our newspapers that the predicted crime wave, the aftermath of the long war years, is sweeping Canada. That the perpetrators of many of these crimes are mere children is indeed alarming. An important movement is now on in Prince Rupert to help prevent the development of this wave here. It is the fast-moving setting, up of the Pro-Rec facilities which include organized sport programs such as archery, volleyball and badminton, hobby groups sucli as woodcraft, leatherwork, plexiglass and chess and checker club, and cultural activities such as drama groups, play reading, public presentations, outdoor summer theatre, music, Young Peoples' band, music appreciation classes, swing club and orchestra. The movement is worthy of the support it is receiving and it is something that every person in the community may well become actively interested in. SURPLUS UNDIES TO BE RELEASED LONDON, Sept. 19 0) Negotiations are being conducted be tween the board1 of trade and women's services in the forces to release surplus stock of underclothes to meet a drastic shortf- :age of women's underwear this winter. At present, it Is almost Impossible to buy a pair of women's pajamas in the United Kingdom, ;but the release of services' supplies would put thousands of pairs of warm pajamas on the market for the winter. Also available will be white wool and Commercial, Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repars MOTT ELECTRIC LIMITED Offices in Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 367326 2nd Ave. cotton service vests with pants to match. Corsets, only a bright memory for most civilian women, also will be made available by the services, with garters and bras sieres to match. DODGE DEALER Gordon D. Bryant, who recently sold out his Variety Store business here, Is leaving tomorrow for Prince George where he will make future headquarters following Mis return to his old line of business automobile distributing, Mr. Bryant has. been appointed by the Chrysler Corporation as dealer In Dodge-DeSoto car and Dodge truck lines for the area between Hazelton and McBride. Mr. Bryant, before coming to Prince Rupert, was for' twelve years in the automotive business on Vancouver Island, YUE KING'S CAFE for coffee while at NEW HAZELTON Lunch Counter for Meals LOST ACE FOUND IN JAP CAMP Maj. Gregory Boyington, U.S. Marine Corps air ace. missing for more than 16 months, Is shown (left) shaking hands with Cmdr. Harold Stassen, former governor of Minnesota, aboard an American warship In Tokyo Bay, after his liberation from a Japanese prison camp at Aomori, near Yokohama. Maj. Boyington was-officially credited with shooting down 26 Jap planes before he disappeared over Rabaul, New Britain, in January, 1944, Navy rescuers told of harrowing tales of conditions at the Aomori canip, which they described as a "hell hole." Maj. Boyington holds the Congressional Medal of Honor, Military Orders 1st (R) ntn. Prince Rupert Kogl. (MG) C. J.'Toombs, Maj. Commanding LEAVING DISTRICT Personnel of this unit are again warned that action will be taken against anyone who leaves this district without properly applying for discharge through the Bn. Orderly Room at the Armories. N.C.O:'s PARADE OFFICERS' Officers and N.C.O.'s will parade each Friday at 2000 hrs. Special N.C.O.'s classes will start Friday, Sept. 21, 1945. BN. PARADE There will bfc a Bn. parade Monday, Sept. 24 at 1930 hrs. KIT INSPECTION A quarter ly kit inspection will be held cn Monday, Sept. 24. All ranks must attend this parade. Any man detained by reason of work or sickness is required to report to Bnj Headquarters or their Coy. Commander. Phone 102. REGIMENTAL DANCE A farewell dance to the American Forces will be held at the Ar mories on Friday, Sept. 8, 1945, at 2130 hrs. All ranks attend and make this dance a success. SIGNALS AND TRANSPORT CLASSES Signal class and Transport class will commence at 20C0 hrs., Wednesday, Sept. 19, 1945. Advertise m The Dally News. LAND REGISTRY ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 22752-1, to Lot 161, Queen Charlotte District, said to contain 23 acres, more or less, except a strip, of land one chain In Width measur ed from high water mark South of a line being thr production West of the North boundary of Block "A" of District Lot 160 to high water mark of said Lot 161. , WHEREAS satisfactory nroof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of James Barratt Gillatt has been filed in this office,- notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, issue a provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B.C., this 31st day of August, A.D., 1945. ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy Registrar of Titles. World sugar stocks are dangerously low... BROWNS HAVE LAST BANQUET The Acropolis Hill Browns, champion baseball team of the Prince Rupert Sub-Port of Embarkation, held their farewell banquet last night in the mess hall of the Last Resort. The Browns closed this season by having marked up nineteen1 victories in twenty starts. Attending the banquqet were; Major Louis W. Beck. Capt. Lou D. Maguolo, Capt; Hyman Poster, Lt. Bob Farmer. Lt. Milt Weinrieb, Lt. Henry "Side-arm" Ernst, Art Lancaster, VInce Balas, Herb Bartlett, Carl Randall, Bob Klener, Don Glbllrt, Red Kearney; George Hoppe, Chris Garzellonl, Tony Sanchez, Dave Mayer, George Kalino-vitch; Red1 Askerooth, Merv Willoughby, Ray Smith, Ralph Browne, and "Walt Montgom-erie. Unable to attend was tne star centre -fielder of the Browns, jonn oisonka, who just underwent an operation at the station hospital. Ask Fair Division Of Food Supplies LONDON; Sept. 19 O) Many British housewives now are sug gesting that there should be a revision In the division of food supplies between restaurants and homes to the benefit of the latter. Some housewives say that the distribution Is inequitable1 and that persons who can afford1 to eat In restaurants fare better than ordinary householders of moderate means. The housewife's troubles are -due to' increase by the return to normal employment as, during, the war, hundreds of thousands of war workers had their noon meal at canteens but now will have to provide for themselves out of tfie household ration. WE'LL JUST HAVE TO TAKE A SMALLER SLICE (?(?$ I AK SMALLER 7-rVW II I TH;ft6'L( BE 1 JiJ I VSXl 1. leNOUCH FOfe . JTTTT vU- use less-use with discretion LIGHT PLANT FOR CHURCH Substantial Sum of $1146 Is Raised at Kincolith A basket social was held at the village of Kincolith on the Naas River on Saturday, under the auspices of the Women's Auxiliary of Christ Church, Kincolith, for the purpose of raising funds for the purchase of a new electric llghc plant for the church. The Jubilee Hall was packed with local people and visitors from nearby canneries. There was much enthusiastic bidding among the men for the gaily decorated baskets. The total amount received from the auctioning of the baskets and donations was $1146. The evening was brought' to a close with a dance, music for which was provided by the North Star Orchestra. Massett Veteran Home From Front Gunner Ivan Adams, son of the late Alfred Adams, for many years president of the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia, and Mrs. Adams, who Is at present in the city, is among recent overseas servicemen to return to Prince Rupert. He is spending leave here be fore pro I ceeaing 10 Vancouver to obtain his discharge. Then he will go to his home at Massett. His wife and son and daughter are in the city. His father-in-law and mother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jones, came over from Massett to meet him. His aunt, Mrs, Mary Stanley, was hostess at a dinner in his Honor in the Com-i modore Cafe Sunday night. dlirmpr Ariflms vnlnntprpri In 1939, was at Barrett Point here! for four years and then spent two years overseas, mast of the time in Holland. For Results try a Classified. STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage for a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishings of your home is convenient and' inexpensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. ! For' complete details about packing, crating, moving, storage and' shipping, PHONE 00 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd and Park Avenue BE WISE TODAY AND BE WARM THIS WINTER ORDER COAL TODAY! PHILPOTT; EVITT SCO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 During the warmer months of the year tht nt works hard to find his food. But he it always careful to lay away a ser.eroui portion which he does 1 not touch until h really needs It. And so, because he is win he survives. Each of us has the opportunity to buy-and put away Victory Bonds and War Savings1 Stamps. Let us continue to do so, regularly. And let us be sure to keep them until we really need them. CAPILAKO SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala Friday SS Cardena Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 cam BREWERY LIMITED THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIM Beef : Pork 1 Poultry Products Jnder Most aaniurj Condition 31 r Truro Avt Pfione 11 A. MacKenzie Furniture "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" . FALL IS HERE WINTER IS AROUND THE CORNER! WITH IT COLD WEATHER . . . Our Fall Bedding Has Arrived SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES All sizes and grades BEAUTYREST MATTRESSES Also in stock. Standard price $42.50 Mail Orders Shipped At Once Phone 77 5 327 Third Avenue We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW pnONES 116 -117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY