PAOE FOUR THE DAILY NETS Price. Rupert B.C Wednesday. March 7 Regiment. W. A,. Will Cojrcsoond With Soiaiers v Former members of the Prtnee Rupert Reserve Regiment who arc on active serV wiM be re-dpienU of letters and eomforU from the Women's Auxiliary of the reserve unit. Plans to start up oorrewjprtdgnce and send parcels to meuwno received their initial mlWTT-traJning nith the local reserve.Iia tallies were laid at a mee&Jt-Ur the rjjgfanentel W.A. last niht. In view of the success oj a recent dsfnee sponsored b trur W.A., plans foi another dance, lo be held daring Easter sreele, were bem and commlttfeea, appointed. (Mrs. E. SaundersQULiri the chair in the absence AmQi& president, Mrs. L. M. Asemiaaen. Are you entertaining out-of-town house guests? You will be doing them an honor by having us publish a personal note about their visit. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY "WANTED Warehouseman fr local grocery wholesale. Steady work, good opportunity for advancement. Selective Service A.M. 168. tit) WANTED AT'ONCE Experienced stenographer, steady n-ptaymect; good wages. Selective Service A.F. 10. ttf FOR RENT Furnished room. 1313 Overlook St. 57 LAZY BEES A PROBLQl SYDNEY, AustnUiS, 9 There are all sorts of angles to gardening in the tropics. The Australian Army planned to make itself self-supporting in vegetables in the Northern Terrivory, but the native bees were found to be 30 lazy that crop pollination failed. So they imported bees from the south. uSl. p)E5iGNED originally for sewing mocHinet, 1 I pZO?. thii Edivbn Mazda tamo Droved to be I Xjy' xjSjTN. exactly what the Navy reeded B ti)(fiM tot on Important war task a JB B iLjS-avFu iomp that could stand vibra- B 1 ,!on- Just onother instance of H technical skill of Edison B tUIMJN I II V MAZDA ; V y ' LAMPS I ANNOUNCING . . . EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L. D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 6:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee is Tops) Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY I! I It T II II A Y A Nil F. VERY I) AY CARDS W A T K It M A N ' S FOUNTAIN P !'. N S Hcsncr Ulock, -3rd Street IMione 231 RUPERT BRAND :: SMOKED :: BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND '' Cold Storage COMMN Y LIM:ITE D PRINCE RUPERT, U.C. INDIA IS NOW ' BIG FIGHTER Expanded Volunteer Services Hare Served on Many Battlefronts WASHINGTON, March 7 More than 300.00 members of h: Indian Army now mare taz. 2,0001000 strong have ssrvci outside India, says a &ofc.e'. entitled "India a War. The booklet, issuec ar.d tt -r-buted by the govern .ner.? of I -dia Information Service- he-e says Indian soldier- havo erred in the defence of Eas; AL :ra ai.d the Sudan, in Eritrea, E.h. jp.a, the Western Desert. Tur. . ..a Italy, Syria. Iran. i."-q, iaa, and the East Indies. Bu:x.i and Hong Kong. One of the units of he -volunteer army which ru. vr -led the farthest iiiu ;ju. .. i- " mos. is the 4th Indian Div . - It was part of Fieid M; r-z Lord Wa veil's jraail army ... Middle Bast in 1940; fought a the Ethiopian campaisrn he .?ed defend the Egyptian a drive by Romnv -1, raw hard fighting in Syria: k par in the 1941 offensive aJid retreat in Libya and Egypt: and fought all the way from Ei Aiamem :n Ecypt to Tunisia. In 194 it was , fie Ming with the British 8th Army in Italy. A women's auxiliary corps of the army, numbering more than ! 10.000 has been formed to release ! soldiers and technicians for more ;a-t:ve duty, the booklet says. Thry work as switchboard opera-' wireless operators, clerks a.ri in various other capacities. rrcat Naval Growth The Royal Indian Navy By trie be .: .r..n? of 1944 had expanded i' ; per jnnel to nearly 30,000 r m 1 200 the outbreak of the w-r Two major naval bases have 'cos.i and three minor bases. The minesweeper Bengal dis-x. hed herself h rovem:er, 1942, when two Japanese armed attacked a mccorvessei he two raiders was believed to He th Bengal was escorting. Each of armed with six 5.5 inch guns. The Bengal attacked and sank the larger raider-the 10.000-ton K.k.iku Maru. The mniseeper suffered only slight damage dur- I in'; tne .engagement. Squadhons of the Indian Air Force have been fighting over Burma since 1942. The coastal de-fi-me win? has been expanded ; and 75 percent of its personnel Is I Indian. India's Industrial effort during the war has been impressive '"). the booklet shows. The steel mdu. cry, for instance, now turns ji?-.- Jfes?" ' ' FLOODS DONT DAUNT C ANADIANS Duck carrying Allied supplies pa.--; aicn! the nui '.ed ra.-i read from Nijmegen to Kleve. Retreating German. f xied -irce area.s of land lying in the path of the attack by the Cmadan First A.Tny. Oen. Crerar's troop were moved up to the front line in amphibious vehicles along the flooded road. The high waters are gradually subsiding and roads are now emerging above the water. Briefs From Britain By the Canadian Press HERON BRIDGE Eng., 0 Skeltoas found during excava tions in a field in this Cheshire town are claimed by their discoverer. Archaeologist W. J. Williams, to date back to C1C AD. LONDON. O. A C.B.E. has been awarded to the "OH Man of the Old iJidy," Commodore Herbert Packer, R.N., who got out sufficient high-speed too! steel for Its own requirements and for manufacture of armored fighting vehicles. During 1943 an overall increase of 50 percent in output of steel was achieved. Also during 1943 more than 300 naval vessels were unor construction in Intiia, Including trawlers, corvettes, minesweepers, motor launches and small craft. the nickname because of his long connection with 1LMS. Wa.-ipite. veteran battleship. LO.VDON, London's telephone exchanges are short 1,000 trained operators and the rest of the country could use 3,000 the biggest telephone labor crisis of the war. LONDON, a Lord Brabazon, former minister of aircraft production, has disclosed that he was the first to take a p:g up in an airplane just to. refute the old saying thaUplgs cannot fly. LONDON. 0 Allied artillery barrages on the we&tern front are synchronized by BUC time "pips" from Greenwich observatorythe same tithe szgna: used by millions of Britons to set their clocks and watches. - LOUTH, Eng.. 0 it. H. Rld-ington, who watched the last public execution in Britain '6 years ago, has died, aged 102, in this Lincolnshire town. CANADIAN RED CROSS CAMPAIGN $10,000,000 NEEDED To send food to our boys who have been taken prisoners; To give aid to the wounded and suffering; To pay for lifo-giving blood plasma equipment; To feed and clothe youngstors who have lost everything through enemy bombing; , To help us meet ever-increasing demands on all our services. YOUR Red Cross Needs YOUR Dollars for relief of suffering NOW! S Suffering mounts as tho war progresses and victory nears. Tho merciful ministrations of your Red Cross are needed more than ever for prisoners of war, wounded and sick, victims of Nazi miles "Little boy, how Is it that your mother's name is Jones and yours is Smith?" "She got married again anc : didn't." Thoughtless Prison Visitor: "You know stone walls do not s prison make, or iron bars a oae." Prisoner: "If they don then I've been crazy to stay here so long." Young Doctor: "This pie is burnt. Send It back to the store." Young Wife: "I didn't buy It. It's my own cremation." An admiral and one of his officers were discussing the welfare of the sailors in their chareg. "I wonder how they spend their pay?" said the admiral. Just then a young sailor walked by and the admiral beckoned him over. He explained their discussion and asked the coilor If he would care to tell them how he apportioned his salary. "Oh sure," said the sailor, "I don't mind telling you. t spend a third of It on whisky and a third on women and I guess I Jusi spend the other third foolishly." Doctor: "Walt a minute, I didn't tell you to say ah-h-." Male Patient: "I know you didn't. I Just saw the nurse." Judge: "So you broke into the cizar store lust to ge: a ten-cent cigar? What were you doing In j the safe?" Prisoner: "I was putting In the dime." Doctor (eyeing outpatient! coldly as the latter arrives late for pneumo): "You should have Veen here at 9:30." j Outpatkat: I'Why, what hap- bened?" Captain: "Have you cleaned the deck and polished the brass?" Sailor: "Yes sir, and I've swept tho horizon with my telescope." LONDON, Q Lord Bruntls-lield, parliamentary secretary to tho Admiralty, told a Wembley kneetini that since the start of the war the Royal Navy had lost 47,000 men killed or missing. 13,-D00 wounded, and 5,500 prisoners for SO yart a fcrvorto C topho quickly relieves lubborn coidt and ruuichi due to coMa, bronchial and atthmatiO condition. An effective, all vear round tonic ,OefiT.Ina hat triple val- ura. i ancle to nclu avoiu cJd oc fur relic tdurinii a cold or aa a tonic after a culd. Family tlia Bottla tl.00, Sold only by Nyal Drogglm 6toptios I Set. I Lj ; ; IN THE SUPREME COUUT OP i imiTIUH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP KRISTIAN KNUTHEN. DECEASED, INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order ot Hlii Honor W. E. Fisher, made on U 10th day ot February, AD. 194J. I was appointed Executor ot the estate or KrlHtlan KnuUen, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 17th day of March, A.D. 1015, and all parties indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness lo me forthwith. .DATED at Prince Rupert, HO., this 17tli day of February, A.D. 1045. W. O. FULTON, Executor of the Estate of Krlstlan Knutscn. father." GIi! vour dollorc ui response to the I$iJ Thte space contributed by rirAii n 1 urr rr ami UUKUUN & AMUCKiUN " "Mama, how do you get trw say cubic contents of a barrel?" youth f "I don't know, ask your keepl , Wife: "Did you see those soldiers stare at that pretty girl boarding the bus?" Husband: "What soldiers?" - . "Sur ' 'W( n Ian ei "Co'.d ;H : butcher DAILY NEWS HONOR ROLL Your Assistance Invited The Dally News Is compiling a Rcll of Head Is hoped may contain the name of every nan nl nf thLc eltv to serve with the armed fcr"i it Stttl and In the air. To make this list complete, It bed obtain the co-operation of the public as i tft&il mlttlng the names. I tt u imnosxlble for the Dally News or isjed tr, rnmnile the list com Die te so we are aitolll responsible for tho submission of the name of Til YOUR girl or YOUR friend. The following Is the information we wjuldS: fill In and send to ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR Dally News, Prince Rupert Name Service (Army, Navy, Air Force) Rank Next of Kin - Relation Address Date of Enlistment Date of Discharge - If Casualty, Nature and. Date Remember, If YOU do not submit a ctrUSa name, no one else may. You are responsoic. Purily, .Accuracy, Dependability These are our watchwords In filling prescriptions! And while every prescription Isn't a matter of life or death, we fill It as VtAiinci If ntapa XTt 11 C A AnlV i the purest and finest quality drugs-ana conr precision accuracy. Our reputation years of expert reliable compounding. OrmeslW -Jiie Pioneer Lfruqy' Open Dally from 9 a.m till 9 Sundays and Holidays from u- WflOl THE REXALL STORE r GREEN SPOT TAXI 65 TAXI nplmorfc i"" You Can DcpcndOn .. oti at r iklAI . J Enterprise PHO When the weather rf can Phone us at 18 or w. ...m ' V rcce ve tne same k .. - ... . iu entire Cl"' r itcu ueavery service covcjo w iw Thursdays and Saturdays. Leave your or on day before delivery. MUSSALLEMS EC ONOMYJ!!