ting for Boards ,e i chamber of Kri-i making pre- e annual meet- liated Boards 01 Rrit-A Comm it Vanderhoof in Ivs of 'he cnam- o-on to draw i matters deem- Ettention. Lndlvl- he local cham- fcg asked to sub- , Trains index Lnday 8 p.m. 10:45 pro. CHECKED in a Jiff if or Money Back i ir if iinifffflal IpBESCRIPTiON. ISANO HINO IP KEE b UIFV J U I. I USE Save, west d King Tal) ;ronage welcome U, to 2 ajn. flers from 2 pjn. 2 ajn. fe RED 247 The Seal of Quality iTISH IJMBIA'S fr SALMON ROYAL KIEL xay From Home "J; up s. Hot and Cold Ic Water RUPERT, B.C. P.O Box 196 ,PnYLIS HAMBLIH MILITARY BRIDE in. 7 i-di ati. liauid PTION. Gr wlrsi nd ; A candlelight wedding of much interest to Prince Rupert was held at 6:30 last evening In the ; miry i when younger daughter of Sydney Hamblin and the late Mrs. Hamblin was united m marriage to Sgt. uioya uowman oi Ottawa. Rev. W. W. Silverthorne nffirlatprt The bride, in the trim iinlfnrm of the C.WA.C wearlns a baii. tlful corsage of red and yellow iausman roses, was given in mar riage by her father. She was at tended by Mrs. Tommy Craig, who wore a navy blue ensemble. The groomsman was Sgt. R. Fug ere. i A military guard of honor com prising 12 sergeants of the groom's regiment formed an arch A retention was hplrt at the home of the bride where many friends gathered to offer con gratulations to the happy couple. A buffet supper was served and the weddine cake. toDoed bv a fountain filled with flowers, was ( made by the brides aunt, Mrs. P. II. Linzcy. Both Sgt. and Mrs. Bowman are at present stationed In the city. The bride Is a lo cally born girl and Is very popu lar. HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I remove oil or grease from marble? A. Take 1 part or soft soap, 2 parts of fuller's earth, 1 part potash. Add enough boiling water to make a paste. Cover the stains and allow It to stand for a few days. Then wash off and polish. Q. How can I remove ink stains from fabric? A. By covering the spot with a paste made of starcn ana Buttermilk. Allow this paste to dry and then wash the goods in warm water. Q. How can I get the best re sults from Ironware? A. Before DUttln,? new iron ware to use it is always advisable to boil it J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., BA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 February Building Permits In City List of bulldlnz Dermits issued during February follows: Bishop E. M. Bunoz, Catholic rectory, addition, $1,000. William Wasyk, Skeena Groc ery, meat safe, $200. Mrs. Grace Mclntyre, Eighth Ave. E.. earaee. $200. Nels Antonsen, Fifth Ave. E., repairs, $150. Salvation Army Citadel, altera tions. $800. Irma Johanson, Tenth Ave. W., alterations, $200. Grand Cafe, Second Ave., al terations, $400. Frank Brown. Prince Rupert Club, repairs, $100. C.C.F. Bridge On Saturday Night Another successful bridge drive was held by the C.C.F. of crossed rifles and bayonets a.; club Saturday night with seven ine bride and groom left the church. Of First BaDtist Church Pte. linvlls Hamblin. tables In play. Prize winners were Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Doane, R. Hundeide and James Krikevsky. R. S. Traauair was master of ceremonies. I 'Y' DOINGS ( By MARGARET WOODWARD J The VS.O. show The Male Animal," which will be presented Thursday night at the "Y," has recently returned from a tour of the Aleutians and will play Here one night only for service per sonnel. The movie scheduled for that evening will be cancelled. Wednesday Jlmmie Halikas will call the numbers for a big bingo party. Friday night a naval frolic will be held in the Naval Drill Hall In aid of the local Red Cross drive. A limited supply of tickets Is available. With Johnny Taibet as master of proceedings, the first Tuesday night crlbbage party tooK piace in the wrltlne room. A very en Joyable evening was spent. Winners were T. R. Stewart and T. Turner. Low man was C. Klmmel. Two exhibition basketball games -will toe played tonight with High School meeting City and Fortress playing a return game with Tort Edward Coast Guard. BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works Sheetmetal work of all kinds Air Conditioning Tanks Sinks Eavestrough & Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor. 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 964 Suffering World Calls to You! On all tho war fronts, and in tho countries torn iby war. than over before. Your Canaiar sulfering is greater now and comfort to pnso ne s o Red Cross brings relief waj wounded and sick on the field and in hospital, wsand besides a host of other services victims of the Nazi hordes, to Canadian soldierssailors and airmen and their depend ents at home and abroad. Your dollars are needed as never before. Give generously! National Appeal, 1945 ADIANifaRED CROSS f his spaco contributed by ICE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSN. JUNIOR I.O.D.E. CHAPTER HERE Charter Presented When Municipal Chapter has Annual Meeting A foat.nro nf thp rirneeedlnES at the annual meeting of Municipal Chapter, Imperial Order, Daugh ters of the EmDlre. Monday nigm was the presentation of a charter to a newly formed Junior Chap ter, Galloway Rapids. This chapter, under the regency of Mrs. L. Moses, has 12 charter members of high school age. Each girl was presented with a badge oi me order as part of the ceremony. The meeting took place at Reld's Cafe. About 75 members were present and the regent, Mrs. Sidney Elkins, was in the chair. Following an enjoyable rpnnrtx nf the vear's activi ties were nresentcd by Municipal charter, as well as by the three primary chapters Queen wary, Hill Sixty and Cambrai. i nese reports showed that much had been accomplished by the Prince Rutert chapters in welfare ana oHimoHnnni work as well as in war work. The grand total in money and kind of war work amounted to $1,989.93 for the I vear. Officers for the coming yvu were elected as follows: Honorary Regent, Mrs. Sidney Elkins. Rptrpnt. Mrs. D. C. Stuart. virst Vice-Recent and War r-nnvpnnr Mrs. R. J. Keron Second Vice-Regent Mrs. Jens Munthe. Secretary Mrs. John Murray. Assistant Secretary Mrs. Ed T.lnrtspth. Treasurer Mrs. J. Hutchinson Echoes Secretary Mrs. wu nam Brass. nr(Tnnizinir Secretary Mrs ' - n o - .Tfimr Stewart. Eduactional Secretary Mrs. h M Fnntp. Standard Bearer Mrs. S.V Cox. Service Library Convenor- Mrs. Sidney Elkins. Mrs. Elkins, the retiring regent was presented with a gilt oi : rhlna birds In apprecia tlon of her good work during her term of office. tVip assembled mcmDcrs were ontprtainM bv the reading of a hv Mrs. William Brass, en titled "IjO.D.E." ana aeaicatcu to Mrs. D. C. Stuart, wno na been an outstanding, member oi the order in Prince Rupert. Mrs. Stuart was appointed by th meeting as delegate of Muni cipal Chapter to the forthcom ing Provincial Chapter annual meeting to be held in Vancouver in April. COMMITTEES REAPPOINTED Last year's standing committees of the Prince Rupert Gen- oroi wnsnitai Associacion nave been re-appolnaed. to serve in similar caoaities this year, As sociation President G. P. Tinker announces. The appointments followed the annual meeting oi the hospital association wnen the ioia ovoontiup was returnca w nffirp hv rhe membership. Following are the committees rp-annointed by Mr. Tlnxer: . vinanfp Arnold Flaten. W. M Watts. N. A. Watt. House Committee Rcncr. Gordon, T. B. Black. George Hills, Mrs. E. A. Evans. Executive Commluee -W. O. Fulton. Arnold Flaten, Dr. R. G. Large, Robert Gordon, N. A. Walt, T. B. Black. Grounds Committee T. S. Black, George Hills, Ambulance Committee W. M. Watts, Dr. R. G. Large. Advertise in the Daily News. tomorrow night when a publicity camDalen for Prince Rupert will be the principal topic of business. The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce has been advised that a meeting of the Alberta-British Columbia Trade Association which was to have been held in Edmonton (this month has been deferred. The intention of the chamber is that Prince Rupert should ibe represented at this meeting. A Zanzibar (Africa) exporting and importing company nao letter before ithe Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night seeklne Information which might lead to development of trade In lone list of commodities Samples of local products were requested and also imormation in regard to city and district. A letter from the city council advised the Prince Rupert Cham ber of Commerce last night that the request for civic co-operation in settinc ud an Information bur eau on tourist and Industrial matters was being considered by the civic rehabilitation commit tee. Since the letter was written the rehabilitation committee has endorsed the idea. The Vancouver Board of Trade has sent an invitation to the Prince Ruoert Chamber of Com merce to have a representative at a dinner of the transportation bureau of the Vancouver Board on March 21 when the special sneaker will be Sir Gerald Camp ihn nf the British emiDassy at Washington, D. C. The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, on recommendation of the civic committee, approved of a resolution of the. Prince Rupert Parent-Teachers' Associ ation ureini Joint action oy ine city council and Wartime Housing In providing sidewalks on Sixth Ave. E. and other streets for the protection of school chil dren and motorists. The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night received of ficial notification from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce of the decision to cancel the annual convention which had been plan ned for Quebec City this montn. The convention was cancelled on patriotic grounds in the view that transportation iacmues were worse needed for essential uses in connection with the winning of the war. Committee On Peace River Keeping Busy The Peace River committee had a lencthy report before the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com merce last night including a re solution an d memorandum, all of which was referred to the ex ccutlve for consideration. FIND IT with a Want Adl Sell It with a Want Ad! Buy It with a Want Adl Daily News classified section gets results. THIS AND THAT I. ocal INews Items PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS A White Elephant Sale, King Edward School, for Junior Red Cross, Thursday faternoon. (It) Permission has been granted J. Schlld by the civic building com mission to connect his dwelling to the sewer on Third Ave. which serves the Dyer Apartments. Members of the publicity com mittee will represent the Prlhce Rupert Chamber of Commerce at the monthly meeting of the Junior Chamber of Commerce "The heck with our managers . . . let's make a separate peace." A LAC Archibald, OOF. candi-. date for Skeena Federal Riding will speak over CFPR Wednes day, 6:15. The rehabilitation committee of the clty.councll has considered a. Questionnaire submitted by the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities regarding post-war projects ans is arrang Ing for its completion. Night Coughs fna fa rnlil pa vd without dosins when vou rub throat, chest and WICKS back with ume-tcstcd 7oaut Correspondence read at last nleht's meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Included a letter from the Cana dian Chamber of Commerce with reference to a tour recently made toy J. Gordon Ross oi Aus tralia and New Zealand. The pur-nose of Mr. Ross' trip was parti cularly In connection with econ omic aspects of farm production. The city of Prince Rupert continues to be a member of the union of British Columbia Muni cipalities, the finance committee reporting to the city councu Mnndav nieht that the meirooer- shlp had been renewed. The onnnrii on recommendation oi the rehabilitation committee, ex pressed confidence in the mah ner in which the Union oi Muni cipalltles is handling the rehab ilitatlon problem. Announcement W.O.TJkl. Dance in Oddfel lows' Hall, March 7, 9:30 to 1. i.hhp Norway Tea. Lutheran Church, March 10. C.C J". Bridge Drive every Sat urday. T.cV,vtoi-t'in nhiirr.h Tea March 14. Mrs. Berner's, Pacinc Place. Rebekah Fashion Show, Thursday, March 15, I.O.O.F. Hall. C.WX. St. Patrick's Tea and coin of iinmp p.nokinp and Ap- tjai w vw o - rons, 3:00-6:oo. jara raity 8:00 pm. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, March 20. , Orange Ladles' Sale. March 28. Anglican Easter sale, April 5. W.O.T.M. Sale and Tea In Oddfellows' Hall. Thursday April 5, 3:00 to 5:30 pjn. United Spring Sale, April 19. St. Peter's Sale. April 26. Dance every Saturday night, Oddfellows Hall, 9 to 12. Swing Quintette Orchestra BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 SAVOY HOTEL . Curl Zarelli, Prop-Phone 37 P.O. Box 54 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert J. H. M AIR Prince Rupert, B.C. Furniture and Auctioneer AUCTION SALES ARRANGED AND CONDUCTED NEW AND USED FURNITURE VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES fi.12 3rd Ave. Blue 69 Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, March 7, 1945 WATCH BABY'S HEALTH pick up put on Borden'i Evaporated Milk! Doctors recommend it because il't nourishing, easily digested, tafel Concentrated from purest, farm-fresh whole milk, pasteurized and homo-genize'd then irradiated with growth-promoting vitamin D. REMEMBER " 'i BoroWfc ' GOT lo k. soool Forms now available. R. E. MORTirvlER Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. PAGE THREE LIFE WITH 'JUNIOR" by the Borden Cow wtr.UT AS WELL WEIGH THE boroen's evaporated milk WITH ME-I'MTHEONE who's going to dwnkit ,q Ttie Borden Co. Ltd. alter being r- ;a I 'tvPomj I LEE St ISorden's evaporated milk A. MacKenzie Furniture Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" BABY WEEK! Baby Prams with springs; Baby Deluxe Carts with springs; Baby Strolling Go-Carts; Baby Walkers; Baby Swings; Baby Bassinettes with felt mattress, 18"x36"; Baby dribs, steel and wood. 25"x49"; Baby Crib Mattresses, all sizes; Baby High Chairs. Limited supply only of these Items. We appreciate your mail orders. 327 3rd Avenue Phone 775 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 LUCKY'S Light Delivery and Transfer 24-HOUR SERVICE 1341 Sixth Avenue East Phone Black 371 HYDE TRANSFER Dry Slabwood, per ftrd $10 Dry Poplar, per cord -$1230 Sawdust, per sack, 15c PHONE 580 THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 pjn. to 2 aJn. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 Genuine Ford Parts Firestone and Gutta Percha Tires Imperial Oil Products Wrecking Service S.E.PARKER LIMITED PHONE 83 FORD DEALERS 1944 INCOME TAX Returns 170 E. 3rd AVE. POULSEN'S Grocery and Lunch Phone Red 441 FREE DELIVERY 6th Ave. E, beside Postal Station "B" "As GOod as tKt Best Better Titan the Rest" A r On All 1945rf 3 Diaries, Remilers, Off Calender Pad etc. Take advantage of this offer Start Now and keep a record of your personal memoirs. See our window for selection We still have a large variety, priced from 34c $3.56 . EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE APPRECIATED Hi 1. V s , ' at: ' 3 i sr. fail t-r f r ( i i'