FROZEN BEANS SHIPPED EAST VANCOUVER. Aug. 30 The first carload of frozen products shipped from the Okanagan Valley famed for its high quality fruits and vegetables Is en-route to Toronto in one of the latest type Canadian National Railway's refrigeration cars shipped by Bulmans Limited of Vernon. The car is consigned to the Campbell Soup Company. Weighing 60,000 pounds, contents of the car are 3,000 cartons of quick frozen beans drap-ped in wax paper with a value of $9,000. In co-operation with the ship- j per Canadian National freight j and transportation departments j are giving special care in the handling of' this car with em- 1 phasis on proper inside temperatures. The beans were frozen at Bulmans plant to five de-j grces below zero. I Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Monday ss Princess Adelaide. 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Catala, 1:30 p.m. Thurday ss Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. Friday ss Cardena, 10:00 p.m. Saturday ss Princess Louise, 5 p.m.; ss Prince George 11:15 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday ss Catala, 4 p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide, Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 a.m. Friday ss Princess Norah, 9 a.m.; ss Prince George, 10 a.m.; ss Cardena, p.m. For North Queen Charlottes August 31, Sept. 14 and 28 ss Casslar, midnight. September 2, 16 and 30 ss Casslar, a.m. For South Queen Charlottes Sept. 2, 16 and 30 ss Casslar, 9 p.m. From South Queen Charlottes Aug. 31, Sept. 14 and 28 ss Cassiar, pjn. For Alaska Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. Friday ss Princess Norah, a.m.; ss Prince George, midnight. From Alaska Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 7 p.m. Saturday Princess Louise, 4 p.m.; ss Prince George, 7 p.m. Don't Cross Your Fingers and hope thaf illness will bypass your home Sickness often strikes when you least expect it. And it is to your advantage to protect yourself and family when It docs come. See Our Representative: MR. W. V. 733 Taylor Street He is hetc to serve UNION HEALTH AND ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION G15 West rentier Street DAILY HONOR Your Assistance Invited The Daily News is completing a Roll of Honor which it Is hoped may contain the name of every man and woman of this city to serve with the armed forces at sea, on land and In the air. To make this list complete, It is essential to obtain the co-operation of the public as a whole In submitting the names. It is Impassible for the Dally News or any one person to compile the list complete so we are asking YOU to be responsible for the submission of the name of YOUR boy, YOUR girl or YOUR friend. The following Is the Information we would like you, to fill In and send to ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR Dally News, Prince Rupert Name Service (Army, Navy, Air Force) Rank Next of Kin Relation Address Date of Enlistment Here is a new air view of downtown Prince Rupert and waterfront which is being re-printed today in response to popular demand. In the foreground the Court House square is shown. Almost in the centre is the YMCA War Services Building WOOD Phone Itlack 182 you ami yours. Vancouver, Canada NEWS ROLL Date of Discharge I It Casualty, Nature and Date . . Remember, if YOU do not submit a certain person'! name, no one else may. You are responsible. LATEST PICTURE OF FRINGE RUPERT I'KINCE RUPERT Honour Roll List of Men and Women on Active Service Are YOU responsible for someone's name not in this list? (See entry form elaewhere) ARMY Richard Adklns Danny Magnet j, Armstrong sr. O. Marchlldon Louis Astoria Cecil M. Marr Stanley Balllngcr MurlU Mathews C. P. Bartlett Steve Mentenko Jack Balfour George W. McAfee Eric Barton M. P. McCaffery II. H. Beerllng K. McCrlmmon W. Beynon J. C. McCubbln F. O. Bird N. McOlashan Leonard Blrtch A. A. MacDonald Walter Bird Ian Macdonald N. Blackhall Jack McEvoy Donald Blake Alex McFarlanc II. L. Bouvctto Oerald Mclntyre W. W. Bowes Ian. A. MacHae Ray Bracewcll Jack-Mlcholuk Ronald Bracewell Io Mlcholuk William Brass Victor Miller J. W. Brlddcn D. Montgomery Earl Brochu U. Montgomery W. M. Brown It. Montgomery Frank Bruce M. D. Montesano Wlzncr Bryant Clyde Moracs Alfred E. Burnlp Stanley Moraes Arthur F. Cade Ford Moran John A. V. Cade Jack Moran Alfred Calderone James Moran H. D. Oalderwood Carl Mostad Aldo Campagnola Otto Mostad Jack Campbell Robert Moxley jonn L.ampbeu John K. Murray wiuiam cavalier J. L. A. Murray Maro Cavcnalle Jack Mussallcm A. H. Chastcney Joseph Naylor Arthur J. Clark W. II. Nesbltt Donald Clark Leonard Ness Edward Clark Donald Norton Oeorge Coll Ins Jr. David W. Oland O. M. Collins Robert Orme James W. Collins Robert Parks Jim. Colussl Frank Parletto Mike Colussl Robert D. Patrick Frank Comadlna O. F. Penney o. J. T. Cook Walter Perkins M. van Cooten Ernie Perlstrom Grant Coverdale Peter Peterson waiter Cross W. A. Pllfold Jr. Bert Cross Arthur Phillips Charles Dennis N, R. Powell Thomas Dennis L. C. R. Raabe Peter Doherty Ernest Ratchford i-aui uvornoK Alf. M. Rlvctt R. C. H. Durnford N. A. Pavlikls ueorge Dybhayn Ed. Regnery D. J. Edlund James E. Rell Malcolm Elder Carl Reich Whitfield Elder Freddie Reich Prank Elliott Alex G. Rlx Helpe Essen R. O. Robinson R, Finer E. 8. Roper Charles V. Evltt R. Rudderham George Flewln Kaare Rudsvlck Thomas Flewln Thomas II. Ryan nick Fonit Arm tye William Oarllck Olav Rvsstnd James Oarllck Fred 8tmonds John Gates And. Skattebol Ralph OHllen Fred Schoaffer Alfred E. S. Olllls R. J. Scheaffer Joseph D. Olllls William Scherk Milton p. amis John T. Scully Andrew Glover Thomas Scully William Gomez Bob Shrubsall narrow Gomez Thomas Sibley Warl Oordon B. Slmuhdsnn Lee Oorrtcn Glenn Smith Edward Gosncll Hugh J. Smith t. v Graham James Smith iMirton Oreen J. S. Smith T. N. Greenfield W. D. Smith nro Oureorlch Houslm Stalker spiro Gurvlch J. A. Stewart James Hadden Albert Stiles Gerry Hamelln A. L. St. John i.i. J. R. Haynes Alexander Storrle K. C. W. Havnes .T-k Rtorrle R. H. A. Haynes Nell Stromdohl "D. Head Jamen S'iden Veil Hemmons J. O. Sutherland David Henderson Hov Swct Howard Hlbbard Plcsrd Svlvester H. Hlnton n ran Taner F. F. HMPklnsoii t. V. THewl "arnid Hodgson Pnhrt Tavln David Houston .Hn Avrt, Tnnff "j-ers Houston W. TV Tnhev "urtson n. Thorn Dson R. E. Hudson Arnold Tweed Fred Hunter .''V T'nwtn wnitB, Hntwin Onisr H. Tn-ed Harold Ivarson-Pihert Rrtnv Vslny Johnson A (BUI) Vance '"niter Johnson Clarenee Vsuihan Kenneh Johnston Vlcicerman P. .Winston Robert. vekovlch T n. .ToVnton John Wslker Nick J. Klllas C Wanamaker Robert W. Keays C, D Watson Reg. Kings R. M. Watson isicK iiuruioK Jack Wearmouth Fredk. A. Large James Weir Ronald Lee Leslie West S. A. Lee Dan Wick Everett n. Leek William White Oliver R. LelghtonT. J. Williams ' w, t. Lcighton James Wone Pierre LcRoss James Wmd " a. M. Letncs H. R. Wrathall . narence Lovln Jack Wrathall , Charles G. Lord K. E. Wrathall Charles E. Love T. M. Wright O. P. Lyons (Women) Beatrice Bcrner Matilda Larscn Ionise Bird Edith Mutrle Phylls Hamblln Irene Sully ian E. Hankinson Jane Taper AIR FORCE Ronald Allen 'Mike Hudema Harry Astoria John P. Johnson Alex Balllle David L. Jones Howard Beale Sam Jurmaln Marcel Blaln Robert Kelsey J. F. Bouzck Oliver J. Keays J. J. Bouzck Francis W. Leask J. V. Bouzek Kam Y. Lee Peter Brass Alan Lclghton Wm. M. Brown Harold Lcverctt Man Burbank Donald Llewellyn Alfred E. Burnlp John Lindsay Denis W. Burnlp Albert Mah W. C. Cameron Ccdrlc Mah Peter Cartwrlght. George R. Mayer ene uavenane Henry Mayer Victor Cavenalle II. W. Macdonald Elmer Clausen Don McCavour Jack Corbould J. H. McLcod Eddie Crosby Gavin D. Mead Ray Crosby John J. Miller James uurne Richard Mills Arthur Davey Herbert Morgan . John W. Davcy Rulph Morln " Pat Dcano Frlc Orme Victor Dell Fd. M. Ormhelm M. J. Dougherty Robert L. Peachey Jack Eastwood P'il Postolu Donald Eby Olof Rudsvlck Thomas J. Evans Tore A. Selvlg Jack C. Ewart Ken Schubert Victor Field Arne J. Selvlg Clarence Flnley Wm. Shrubsall Albert Flatcn Robert Sllversldes C. E. Flewln 'Eddie Smith Hugh L. Forrest James D. Stuart Thomas Forrest Robert Taper Rupert Fulton J, .1. Thompson Louis Orlin Olay R. E. Tobey William Hadden D. C. Tumllson Harry Hamilton Vernon Qulnlan Elmore Hankinson Robert Turgcon Arvld Hansen John A. Walker tawrence Hansen 'Rudolph Warne Harold Helgerson Wm. H. Wilson Helge Holkestad Henry Worsfold George Zbura (Women) Betty Barber Molly Mackenzie Jean R. Cameron Kay Nlckcrson Iris Corbould Lilian Croxford Isobcl Mackenzie U.S. ARMY (Men) Chester B. Clapp Terence Orme George A. Glay Thomas W. Pierce Glenn Goodllve K. Santurhane Richard J. Moore Elgood E. Stephens U.S. ARMY (Women) Mary McCaffery Made Supreme Sacrifice NAVY M F.N Sidney Alexander Jack R. Laurie Peter D. Allen Maurice Lay Charles Anderson Richard Lelghton Harold Anderson Jantoft Leland Stanley Anderson Fred Lewis J. Armstrong Jr. Tilly R. Lloyd R. Armstrong Bruce Love Fred O. Barber Harry Lundqulst Don Arney Ted Mills Ted Arney Harry Monkley Oeorge Bagshaw John Morrison w. o. Barker T. A. Mulhern Emlle Blaln William Murdoch John Bowman William Murray Arthur Bredeson Wm. II. Murray J. K. Brecn W. M. Murray William Bremner Daniel McDonald Bernard Brldden Jack' Macne F. IL Brooksbank Robert McKay George J. Brown Robert McLean James Bryant E. (Ned) McLcod Tony Bussanlch John McLeod Harold Bunn Norman McLeod John Bunn David McMeekln Hugh Burbank David McNab G. "Calderwood Robert McNab Richard Cameron John D. McRae Russell Cameron Harold Neville Edward Capstlck John O'Neill Robert Canstlck R. K. Olsen Doug. Chrlstlson Charles Ormlston Vernon C Clccone P E M. Palmer Wm. J, Commons Frank D. Parker ' ; which is to become the civic centre soon. Dominating building on the waterfront is the huge United States Army warehouse structure while nearby is the ocean dock. Other docks are also shown. Allstalr D. Crerar Gordon Parkin Sydney Croxford C. R. Parsons Spencer Davles Douglas Payne Bdwara Dawes Peter J. Peterson George Dibb A. M. Phllllpsor. A. I", uodd C. J. Phllllpson Vincent Dodd Bud Ponder John Dohl N. C. Powell Robert Duggan Macne Rabbcn Donald Eastman D. ivld Tlttchle Elmer Eburno Jack Ritchie Melvln Eburno Robert Ritchie John Eby Harry Robb Robert L. Eny J. H. Robinson William Earl Eby Robert Roy HODcrc umins Arthur Saunders William P. Elklns W. J. Scheaffer Ion Engstrom R. M. scherk Martin Erlkscn Stanley Scherk James Fcasby J. D. Schubert Bernard Fortune A. Slmundson Terry Fortune C. Sllversldea Oordon Fraser P. J. Sims Mitchell Gay M. Skalmerud Efner Green F. W. Skinner James Greer Henry Skinner Lester Grlmblo John Skog Terry Orlmble Ole Slatta Iart Orlmsson Carl Smith Boyo Ourvlch Jack E. Smith John Grlmsson Malcolm Smith Cnrl J. Gustafson Ralph Smith George D. Hague Walter Smith 'a??n Hankinson Thor Solllen Matt Harris F. H. Stephens. Jr. Glen Hemmons Carl Strand Trevor Hill John Strand Raymond Hougan Jack Storrle BUI Hunter Orme Stuart FoRter Husoy Charles Sunbrrg Peter Husoy James Taylor .tames M. Irvine Inge valen Tom Johnstone Stanley Veitch Rodnev Jones Rid White Jack W. Jov Robert Whiting L. (Sonnvl Keavs Carl O. Wilson "irrv T,. Knutson Oscr Wlneham Fercy Knutson George Yule James G. Laurie Jack Yule (Women) Lavlnla Fxley F. M. Thomson Dapane Hcmmel U.S. NAVY (Men) C. J. Robertson Howard Frlzzcll U.S. NAVY (Women) Viola M. Dybha'vn HOW CAN 111 By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I reduce? A. Eat slowly. Masticate thor oughly. Take but one serving. Do not eat between meals. Avoid starchy vegetables, pastries, candy, salad oils butter, cream, cake, and all things containing sugar. Q. How cfcn I make a good supper dish? A. By using canned corn and canned tomatoes. Escallop together with a few cracker crumbs between the layers of corn and tomatoes. Season, and use plenty of butter. Q. Hqw can I prevent milk sticking to the bottom of the pan? ' A. Milk will not stick when heating It, If the saucepan is rinsed out with a little hot water before putting the milk in it. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Business woman de sires to rent single house keeping room. Apply C.N.R. city ticket office. Phone 260. (202) WANTED Permanent profes clonal man Requires as soon as possible five or six-room suite or house. No children. Apply iBox 100 Dally News. CLUE BELIEVED IN GIRL KILLING VICTORIA, Aug. 30 R Bustling activity at police headquarters here yesterday led to the belief that some, clue may have been discovered in connection with the death of 18- year-old Phyllis Stroud whose partially clothed body was dug up Tuesday from a sawdust pile in the basement of her home An autopsy was performed on the body yesterday. STOCK REDUCING SALE Chenille Bedspreads (all colors) Regular Values lo $19.50 &a qz PU,V) CLEARING OUT AT 5 ONLY SATIN COMFORTERS Regular $7.95 To Clear at $4.95 CHENILLE HOUSECOATS Regular Values to $10.95 Sale Price $8.95 CHILDREN'S HOUSECOATS Sizes 2 to (i Years Regular to $5.95 . Clearing Out at $2.95 ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR 313 Third Ave. West RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC (Opposite Canadian Legion) EXPERIENCED TECHNICIANS, PLUS MODERN EQUIPMENT, COMBINE TO GIVE YOU THE BEST, IN RADIO SERVICING. We also repair all types Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEW0 PAGE THREE Thursday, August 30, 1945 IMPRESSIONS OF PALESTINE Capt. Henry Gibson, Imperial Army Doctor, Is (iyro Club Speaker Impressions of Palestine from the standpoint or an army doctor formed the subject of an interesting talk before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at its regluar weekly luncheon yesterday by Capt. (Dr.) Henry Gibson of the Royal Army Medical Corps. Descriptions of the Holy Land and some of its customs and problems were interspersed with the recalling of some humorous Incidents. Capt. Gibson started with his enlistment in 1938 following his graduation from University 'of Toronto and lnterneshlp in Montreal. He spoke of landing In Liverpool and first posting at Aldershot and sailing through the Mediterranean via Gibraltar. Malta and Crete to Haifa an Impressive early, morning sight as the sun rose over Mount Car-mel. Troubles between the Jews and Arabs in Palestine were discussed. Industrious, progressive and adaptable, the Jews were making a good Job of developing their new national home in Palestine. But the speaker also had to admit that the Af abs were a likeable, even If a lawless, lot of rebels and guerillas. Possibly It was not surprising if they should resent and- resist being evicted from their plains to the barren hills. Jerusalem, the place qf con trasts, a modern and up-to-date new city on the one hand and an ancient city of primitive conditions and indescribable filth on the other, gave the speaker material for Interesting descrip tion. One of the sources of disappointment to the average visitor to Jerusalem, Dr. Gibson believed, was the fact that each of the many denominations which had Christian churches there claimed to have site on the very spot where Jesus Christ had performed some act or another. Mention was made of frequent visits to Nazareth where sick parades were held by Arabs In an internment camp. It was in Jerusalem that Capt. Gibson found himself when war broke out In September, 1939 Visitors at the luncheon, In addition to the speaker, were Bishop J. B. Gibson spd Capt Andrew Johnstone of Nanalmo. Buy War savings Stamps Phone Gil of Household Appliances Octane Ratings Being Removed OTTAWA, Aug. 30 fv -Reconstruction Minister. Howe announces that the restrictions on the octane rating of gasoline sold to the public have been removed. . Oil. companies now can produce and sell gasoline of any octane rating that the market demands. Briefs From Britain By the Canadian Press LONDON 0) Edward Harry Symonds, official dressmaker to the Queen, has died. ST. AUSTELL, Eng. W Plans to build a memorial to honor the 26 war dead of this Cornish town of 23,500 population were abandoned . because of lack of public interest. LONDON ) More than 1,000 railway engines, built In the United Kingdom, were sent to the British liberation army to enable the advance from Normandy to Berlin to be continu ously supplied by ran. Killed By Relief Supplies From Sky SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 30 W-Tokyo radio said yesterday, In an English language broadcast, beamed to North America, that a woman prisoner of war was killed Instantly and two Japanese civilians were injured when struck by falling drums containing relief supplies dropped from Allied planes at Fukashlma city Popular "Prince" Steamers From Trince Rupert to Ocean Falls Vancouver Thursday Saturday Thursday steamer also . . calls Powell River . to Kctchihan Wednesday Friday FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Ave. and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE LING THE TAILOR o Vic arc taking cleaning and pressing .and strain pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Phone Blue 112 , 0E C0,N r l'AI'EIUIANGING SIGNS AND SHOWCARDS i BE WISE TODAY AND BE WARM THIS WINTER ORDER COAL TODAY! . PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 nc ny HI ndta :30fl ken, I take lift; mt t mix IUU4 '1 X' lit