J Ilr N m a o? N P VJ tu 11 F v n r t o 't c. c ; J Br PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert. D.C. Thursday, August 30, 1045 SLACK SUIT FOR YOUR LABOR DAY PLEASURE AT Rupert Peoples Store n a . . . of course n n yillllRBIBIIIIBIBBnBBBlKIBBIIII BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and SheetmetaJ Works Sheetmctal work of all kinds - Air Conditioning Tanks Sinks Eavestrough & Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor. 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 964 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196. WANTED Able-bodied men, willing workers for cold storage and fish floor work. Have steady work for capable men. Can also use some casual labor. APPLY Canadian Fish AND - Cold Storage . COMI A NY L I M I T E D PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. Serve Yourself CLEARANCE of PLAY Regular Price SALE PRICE i All Sales Final CUT RATE """Mtttittuni m.n no YOU WANT YOUR ENGINE TO LAST LONGER? DO YOU WANT YOUR OIL TO LAST LONGER? DO YOU WANT YOUR $$$ TO GO FURTHER? Then instal a new ... WINSLOW OIL CONDITIONER WINSLOW oil conditioners remove sludge, varnish, moLsfure, acid, carbon and grit, leaving only the lubricating qualities of your oil. We carr a complete stock of WINSLOW filters as well as WINSLOW replacement cartridges to fit other makes of filters. I ..... as we Advise . . . he penny wise ... S. " Win E. PARKER LIMITED low Automotive Distributor for Northern B.C. 170 E 3rti Ave. Prince I13BUBI Mf 1 " U E W i i BBC LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave.W, Opp. YMCA SALE SHOES 1.95 3 $1.99 Serve Yourself SHOE STORE See Rupert, B.C. Phone 83; LOOKING OVER BALL LEAGUES j In the International League, . the Toronto Maple Leafs swung (out of their slump to wallop the Rochester Red Wings 6-5 and 4-2 while the Newark Bears turned back the Syra-' cuse Chiefs 3-2 and Montreal bested the Buffalo Bisons twice 7-2 and 9-4. The Baltimore Orioles tamed the Jersey City Giants 6-4. Here Is today's schedule: Baltimore at Newark (double-header). Syracuse at Jersey City. Toronto at Rochester. Montreal at Buffalo. SHORT SPORT A. The second women's marathon swim was staged at Toronto's Canadian National Exhibition 16 years ago yesterday. Martha Norelias of New York splashed home in front over the 10-mMe course to win the $10,000 prize money.' Ethel Hertle of Bronx, N. Y., won the first marathon for women the previous year. Only the very old timers will remember when the world's first 'middleweight class'-' division bout was staged at Toronto.Aug 30, 1884. George Fulljames challenged the world. Jack Dempsey, "The Nonpareil," accepted and, using driving gloves instead of bare fists, stopped Fulljames In 22 rounds. Bob Fitzslmmons won the title Jan. 14, 1891, and. now Tcny Zale rules the division. You get good-looki'n&refreslung shaves in no time withtheBlue Gillette Blade that's becauseit has the keenest smoothest-finished edges ever produced It pays to ask for Blue Gillette Blades For extra slaving luxury prepare your beard with Gillette Shaving Cream.. .33fL a fine watch ULOVA JOHN BULGER Limited JEWELLERS Third Ave. Pr. Rupert Today in Sports FORTRESS IN FINALS Coast Itattery Is Eliminated From Senior Softball Finals Fortress eliminated Eleventh roast Battery and advanced to the finals of the Senior Softball League la,st evening as Rube Shcr struck out 12 and limited the Coasties to seven scattered hits to hurl Fortress to a 2 to 0 victory at Gyro Park. It was the winners' THIRD triumph In the bpst-of-seven-games semifinal scries. The two runs by Fortress came in the fifth Innin.? when the team put together doubles by Swanopole and Gefucia and a single by Kryzanowski. Even though he was-the losing pitcher, Shirely of Battery turn-In a Rocd performance, fanning 11 and yielding only seven hits. The Coast Battery started the ninth in a threatening way when Simpson opened with a single but after Larson- had struck out Cornwall hit into a Ushtnins double-play. Leask to Martel to Kryzanowski. The line-ups follow: FortressUrysty,. c.f.; Trickey, c.f.; Gefucia, c; Kryzanowski, 3b.; Martel, s.s.; Bannan, 2 b.; Leask, lb.; Anse.mo, l.f.; Sher. p.; Swanopole, r.f. 11th Coast Hill, s.s.: Klrkpat-rick, 3b.; Busnlck, c; Van Home, c; Simpson, lb.; .Larson, 2b.; Cornwall, l.f.; Shirley, p.; Labo-vitz, c.f.; Fyfer, r.f. The .score by Innings follows: Fortress 000 020 0002 11th Coast 000 000 0000 Batteries: Fortress Sher and Gefucia; 11th Coast S h 1 r le y and Busnick, Van Home. CARDINALS LOSING OUT Lowly Cincinnati Punches Another Hole in Their Hopes Four-and-a-half Games Behind NEW YORK, Aug. 30 0 Another hole was punched through the pennant hopes of the world champion, St. Louis Cardinals yesterday as the jowly ' Cincinnati Reds were vic torious 3-1 over the Red Birds i in Cincinnati. The loss dropped the champions four and one-half games behind the league-leading Chicago Cubs who in the meantime were defeating, the Pittsburgh Pirates 2-0. The Brooklyn Dodgers eked out a 2-1 decision .over the Philadelphia Phillies with both the Dodgers' runs being unearned. In the -American circuit, the Boston Red Sox shaded the New York Yankees 1-0 while the St. Louis Browns edged out the pace-setting Detroit Tigers 5--4 to move within four games of the Bengals. The. Detroit loss also means that the Washington Senators are only one game behind the league-leaders as the Senators captured the opener of a twin-bill with the Philadelphia Athletics by the score pi 3-2 but lost out 2-1 in the nightcap. The Cleveland at Chicago tangle was postponed. Yesterday's Big League scores: National Chicago 2, Pittsbugh 0. Brooklyn 2, Philadelphia 1. Cincinnati 3, St. Louis 1. American St. Louis 5, Detroit 4. Washington 3, Philadelphia 2. Philadelphia 2, Washington 1. Boston 1, New York 0. Only three Big League games are scheduled for today Chi-cago and Pittsburgh in the National League and Boston at New York and Cleveland, at Chicago In the American. The League standings: W L Pet. Chicago 76 43 .639 St. Louis 73 49 .598 Brooklyn 68 '53 .562 New York 67 57 .540 Pittsburgh 65 62 .512 Boston .'. 56 67 .455 Cincinnati 49 72 .405 Philadelphia 36 87 .293 American League W L Pet Detroit 69 52 .570 Washington 69 54 .561 St. Louis 64 57 .529 New York 61 56 ,521 Cleveland '1 62 57 .521 Chicago 61 60 .504 Boston 58 64' .475 Philadelphia 37 81 .314 CHESTER, Eng. f All the wolves in the zoo here were shot after a 10-year-old girl had her hand mauled when she put It through the barbed wire en closure. 1 BYRON NELSON WINS ANOTHER PITTSBURGH, Aug. 30 ft The Big Four bond golf match at Oakmount 'Country Club in Pittsburgh was won yesterday by Byron Nelson of all people. The umbrella man from Toledo polished off a four-round total of 295, seven over par. Sam Snead was second with 293 while Jug McSpaden placed third and Gene Sarazen came in as the BOYS WIN . OVER GIRLS Wartime Housing; Defeats Bo-Me-Hi by 4-to-2 Score Playing a warm-up game in preparation for their respective contests tonight. Wartime Housing boys and Bo-Me-Hi girls played four innings of softball at Algoma Park last night with the boys emerging as the winners by a score of 4 to 2. Interrnela and Flaten shared the pitching duties for Wartime Housing while Thaln hurled for the Booth team. The line-ups follow: Bo-Me-Hi iA. Hamilton, r.f.; Hltchlns, c.f.; Youngman, c.f.; Cowie, c; B. Hamilton, 3b.; Wln-dle, 3b.; Kennedy, l.f.; Thompson,, l.f.; Caldwell, sfi.; Thornton, 2b.;. J. Hamilton, lb.; Thaln, P- Wartime Housing-r-Intermela, p. Flaten, 2b.; Nordgaard, c; Forbes, lb.; 'Overgaard, 3b.; Jones, l.f.; McDonald, s.s.; Anderson, r.f.; Owens, c.f. Baseball Scores American Association St. Paul 5, Kansas City 2. Milwaukee 6, Minneapolis 4. Minneapolis 5, Milwaukee 1. Columbus 3, Indianapolis 2. International Baltimore 6, Jersey City 4. Newark 3, Syracuse 2. Montreal 7-9, Buffalo 2-4. Toronto 6-4, Rochester 5T2. Pacific Coast San Diego 9, Portland 3. Oakland 12, Hollywood 1. San Francisco 3, Los Angeles 0. San Francisco 4, Los Angeles 3. Seattle 2, Sacramento 1, Seattle 5, Sacramento 0. DUCK AND GEESE HUNTING SEASONS The open season for ducks and geese on the Queen Charlotte Islands and the western district north of the 52nd parallel will be from November 1 to February 14,- it is announced. The bag limits are: 15 ducks in a day or 150 in a season and eight geese in a day or 50 in one season. EARLY NEWS ' IS WELCOME Local news Items, to ensure publication, should be In the office by 10 a.m. Contributors are asked to bear this in mind. Items of social and personal interest are always welcome.. FOREST FIRES IN INTERIOR FCRT FRASER, Aug. 30 A period cf dry weather which has lasted unbroken for the last four weeks has caused an outbreak of forest fires In the central Interior which threaten to cause a serious hazard unless dampened soon by rainfall. Wind3 during the last few days have Increased the danger. Latest fire In the Fort Fraser district Is one six miles north of the town which was fought Saturday and Sunday by a crew of 30 volunteer fire fighters. It is burning through an area of forest and meadowland used by local farmers as open pasture. Lack of water in the areahas created a difficult situation, causing the fire fighters to resort to picks and shovels to dipt trenches in the path of the blazs to stop It from spreading. The dry weather is having a bad effect on grain crops in the dlstrict.The oats, major crop in the-district, has suffered particularly and will not measure up to earlier expectations when harvested. The wheat crcp has withstood the drought better. Haying In the district is going full blast and the crops are heavy. However, some farmers have deserted their hayfields to fight fprest fires. JR. SOFTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP The Wartime' Housing team and the Knights of Columbus are scheduled to collide this evening at Gyro Park in a siid-den-death game to decide the championship of the Prince Rupert Junior Softball League it was announced today by W. D. Lambie, league president. Advertise in the Daily News. FOR SORE and TIRED FEET Returning Service Personnel Records Are Being Sought The Daily News Is anxious to completely record the arrival, of all service men and women returning home from the war. Accordingly, it is requested that Information be made available to this office regarding the date of arrival home, the service with which the veteran has been Identified, in what theatres of war, if wounded, ill, etc. If Inconvenient to call at the of floe, the Information may be written or telephoned In. Pictures would be particularly welcome. Street and Postal addresses and telephone numbers are also requested. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALL. RETURNING SERVICEMEN In line with their usual policy of scrvide and quality "Cambridge" has again come to the front, offering all discharged servicemen a selection of excellent cloth for made-to-measure clothing. This selection is reserved entirely for servicemen with priority suit certificates. WE ASSURE YOU OF DELIVERY IN TWO TO THREE WEEKS Drop in and look over our samples IMiNDING OFFICIAL DISCHARGE PLEASE CLIP THE COUPON BELOW AND BRING IT TO US FIIE-DEMOBILIZATION PKIOKITY SUIT CERTIFICATE (I'Olt mtSONMX OF KKKVICKM ONLY) This certificate may be used aa an advance priority In ordering sulta for members of the services Immediately prior to receiving official discharge and MUST be replaced bv y the official certificate Issued at time of discharge ing Imcla?mscLPrge.nnel l P'aCe 0rd"s ?or P"0'"? V' SIGNATURE fErS REGIMENTAL Nq DEALER'S NAME MOKOANS MKNS i IIOYM WKIU I.TI1 I'rlnre Itupert. H. ('. QflUon. Wens & &WJS )ear Jfa "WHERE MEN BUY" LAST TLMES TODAY "SUDAN" TOmORROtii REAL PE0,PLE AND DISNEY CHARACTERS ON THE SCREEN TOGETHER!... in a (east of beauty, laughter and (j rhythm!, n tMMSk. K: I 111 IW Atr'DfsNEyi? 1 SfefcR PANCHITO JOE CARIQCA DONALD m AURORA MIRANDA DORA IUZ CARMEN MOLINA I ON THI JAM! MOORAM 1 "BATTLE OF SUPPLY" Edgar Kennedy Comedy N E W S n n u . . i fvii i IkI...,.!.. OFFICES IN HEILimONER'S JEWELRY STORE Complete qualified optical service. NOTICE MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE WILL BE Closed ALL DAY SATURDAY, SEPT. 151 Commercial, Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs MOTT ELECTRIC LIMITED Offices In Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 367326 2nd Ave. CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chircpractlcl If nerves doubly sol Smith BIpck Green 995 TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE TERRACE Li W. C. Osborne V, Released by RKO Radio ftim SE) DW m j i.'.mi TOURISTS One mile East of Terrr . .a T.rrarf. IMIX IS in.- In Terrace . THE VYCCMA MFRfA LJllULlllil 111 iJ'-- r nfAn .M. Fro t-t-i nrrTn T A TlT fo A Modern Depl$! WE WELCOME TRANSPORT a. L. nrooks, Prop When in Terrace wi Motors take care ofF transportation. Th Knot in transport for less. Sneclalizlne In service t ArrantstOF . CiOC lidlLC etc. All-night MACHINE SHOP AND Imhoff A. M. Expert Repairs on all makes of .cars Recon Motors Tractors Road Equipment S Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric c BOX 202 ; TERRAS