prince Rupert Dafli fSttos Wednesday, November 7, 1945 u Wished etry afternoon except Bun-lay by Prince Rupert Dally New -"jfanlted. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia, nft HUNTER. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 3lCrtJ Carrier, per week 15 rtraAianth 65 (Wtfi star 17 00 3yMsll. per. month 40 jfferYear ', ' 14.00 MORE BONDS ARE BOUGHT BY CITY The city, in addition to an original purchase of $26,000, has bounty further Victory Bonds to thevextent 'of $23,300, it was announced yesterday afternoon by Mayor H. M. Daggett. The purchases have been made out of . tlnvfollowing funds: Water reserve, $6,000. . Telephone reserve, $2,500. Pioneer's Home fund, $11,500. i ' School Board building fund, $4,300. t S32 THIRD AVENUE IT'S MEMBER A.B C Dangers in Suspicion . . . tWhen Prime Minister King, grjme Minister Attlee and President i-uman meet in Washington to dis-cjismattefs relative to the atomic gprru) and atomic energy development? and Control, they will have clearly before them the indications fiat Russia soon will be in possession of the; scientific formula for the Bomb, if she does not now have the Jlquired knowledge, says the Vic-pwa-: Times.. The three leaders of state can have few illusions over the . possibility of keeping the secret. Nor : need they expect that Russia will be ; the only power to join them in shared knowledge. ; They will know, too, that the potential dangers of the atomic bomb will be vastly increased by the growth of international suspicion. It will ,be safe to assume, therefore, : that "t h e. iT discussions regarding atomic development will be colored : essentially by consideration of means ; to eliminate the suspicion which can pervert future use. of this great ; power. As long as distrust exists ; between nations, atomic energy is a ; Frankenstein. It can gain its right-! ful, honest place in world society only . when nations capable of producing it : trust one another. ' 1 v J ! Cis on Local Highway . . . -The first winter testing which the Prince Rupert Highway has had and "which has demonstrated its deficiencies indicate that this road, be-fqrfit can be regarded as a consistent and dependable artery of traffic, -must have extensive construction reinforcement and improvement. It .must: beTrndje than the mere emerg-. ency military highway as which it was built. A permanent commercial ;an'd' tourlst'highway demands; more ' thairthat so it must be handled-in'a different way. First, of course, the question of FOR its status must be settled once and for all and it would be well that we should press with that end in view. It is not to be expected that any authority the jurisdiction of which is not permanently established will assume the responsibility for a program of repairs or maintenance such as has already become involved through the widespread damage which was done during the last week. In a way the Prince Rupert Highway is a matter of unfinished business. We have now been shown that more than mere maintenance is involved in the work that must be undertaken. Meanwhile it looks like the highway is out of business for the winter at least and we will have to concentrate our insistent representations on first having the question of jurisdiction- settled so that responsibility for its completion and permanent maintenance may be definitely fixed. If the matter is not taken in hand it is quite possible we may have no through highway left at all. A Third Term? . . . Mayor H. M. Daggett has received the blessing of the Civic Labor Federation for his third-term candidature for the mayoralty. There are few who will not agree that His Worship has given Prince Rupert good, conscientious and honest service during his tenure in the mayoralty. Probably that is why there appears to be a general disposition to accord him an acclamation for the further term. The mayor has always enjoyed the blessing of the labor interests although he does not seem to have been definitely tied down or committed to them in any way. Of course it is quite a long time to election day now and there may be new developments. In the meantime, since it is generally acknowledged that he has done a decent job, there appears to be no general objection to the continuation of Mr. Daggett as the guiding officer of municipal affairs. Evidently, the electors are to be given a wider choice in the selection of aldermanic material with a full Civic Labor Federation slate already in the field as well as independent candidates al-so announced. 'And, after all, it is in the ranks of the council where civic policy is really decided. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "Jane is littler than her sister." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "jasmine?" 3. Which one of these words is spelled Incorrectly? Allusive, allegiance, allmighty. Answers 1. Say, "is smaller than her sister." 2. Pronounce the as as in at, i as in mint. 3. Almighty. Ornithologists believe a few birds can count to three. Watts & Nickerson Fashion -Craft TOPCOATS See the new arrivals In Scotia Hand-wovens English Coverts and Gabardines Domestic and Imported Tweeds ... Smart in appearance Comfortable to Wear $27-50 to $52.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP" i iMMiuyiii m, ii i iir PHONE 315 BUYING VICTORY BONDS Mrs. Beatrice Harrison $200 Master William Toderas . .. 50 Mrs. Anne Sawka 50 Mrs. Georglna Morrison .... 50 Master Edward Morrison 150 Master James Morrison 150 Deepsea Fishermen's Federal Union, B.C. Local No. 80 ... ,. 500 Steve Charney 200 Mrs. Mary Cliff 50 W. O. Chow 50 Lee Shar Mung 50 Chan Gee Quong 200 Chow Poy 100 Lee Chong Bing 100 Lee Bor .... 100 Tom Lee & Son .. 500 Lew Tong 300 Ling Gam 100 Dong Sing Wong Jang Shew David Lee Mrs. Suzanne C. Lee Lee Key Sun Modern Tailors Lee Kong 100 100 100 100 200 500 50 MORPETH, Eng., Vf More than 1000 German officers are digging notatocs in Northumber land without guards. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT REVISED STATUTES OP CANADA 1927. CHAPTER 140 PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, a com pany Incorporated under the laws of the Province of British Columbia. having Its registered office at 1318 Standard Bank Building, Vancouver. British Columbia. HEREBY OIVES NOTICE that It has. under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Minister of Public works at Ottawa, and In the office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry District of Prince Rupert, at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, a description of the site and plant, of a log dump and standing boom proposed to be built or placed In Shingle Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands, In the Province of British Columbia, on a water lot ad- loining Lots 159 and 161, Queen Char-one District. In respect of which water lot an application for a Lease from the Government of the Prov ince oi uritun Columbia is now au take NOTICE that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice Pacific Mills Limited will, under Section 7 of the said Act, apply vr wuuuvcr vi ruouc woru at his offloe at the City of Ottawa, lor approval of the aald site and plans. DATED at Vancouver, British Co- 1945. mis ztn day of October. PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED. By: LAWSON & LUNDELL, Its BollcRon 1318 Standard Bank Building. 510 West Hastings Street. Vancouver, British Columbia. THIS AND THAT "Think well have much trouble getting your parents' consent?" MAYOR'S APPRECIATION Editor, Dally News: I desire to expreis my appreciation of the fact that the pupils of the Booth Memorial High School accepted my challenge and have repaired the damage done to the' Gyro playground on Halloween. I am sure that the public .will appreciate as I do the co-operation of the pupils In this matter and, on my own behalf and of the citizens generally, I extend to all Kalled Christians first at Antl- those who shared In the labor thanks for what has been done. I understand that there were more volunteers than were required and twenty-four were chosen from the number to do the work. Boys, I thank you and appreciate ffiis more than I can express in words. H. M. DAGGETT Mayor. Dally News: NATION AND SABBATH In your Issue of October 2Vyaa reprint an article by W. L. Belton under the heading "Sabbath Loss Grave PeriL" Since every man is entitled ,to his own opinion and one man's opinion is as good as another, we will waste little space with our oDlnlon. What really matters Is the truth. In John 17:17 it Is recorded that Christ; in his prayer to. His Father said "Thy Word is Truth." To us the Bible Is Just that and we claim what is needed today is not interpreting the Bible tout believing the Bible as It is written. Scientifically proven facts are also beyond question. We agree with much that Mr. Belton says and we believe that science has proven that it Is profitable from the standpoint of health, wealth and happiness to rest one day In seven. But, when we turn to such serious thoughts we should be sure our precognition is sound. Referring to the Sabbath day he says we are losing it, possibly not knowing that we lost it as far back as 321 A. D. on March 7, to be exact, when Constantin decreed for the first time that the "venerable day of the Sun" (the ancient day set aside by pagan sun worshippers of Egypt, Greece Rome, ets.) be observed officially as the Sabbath. Though God's word states plainly (Exodus 20: 10) "The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord." The command was to remember the Sabbath. The reason,"For in six days the Lord made the Heaven (Gen. 1,6 to 8) the Earth the Sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day. Wherefor the Lord blessed the seventh day and hallowed It." Almost identical language Is J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropracttcl If nerves doubly sol Smith Bloek Green B9S PIIONE 543 FOR PHONE H. Letourneau Expert Plumber, Tinsmith and Roofer used in Genesis 2:3, "And God blessed the seventh riiy and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made." Is it any wonder few men believe God created the earth etc. much less In six days', when the memorial has been lost these 1600 years? Then the assumption that Canada is "a Christian nation" must be based on tradi tion rather than fact for we read in Acts 11:25 "The disciples were och." thus directly indicating that true Christians are disciples of Christ. Are we Canadians, by and large, disciples? After all, what does it matter which day we keep or whether we keep any If we are not disciples of Jesus? He said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Light, no man cometh unto tfte Father but by Me," (John 14:6) and "I am the Resurrection and the Life, he that belleveth in Me though he were dead, yet shall he live." (John 11:25). John states plainly "lie that hath the Son hath Life, and he that hath net the Son of Go hath not Life." (John 1, 5:12). THE CARPENTER NEW WOUND TREATMENT BOMBAY,) The Department of Pharmacology here, investigating treatment of war wouods, has evolved"a techniaue of dressing wounds with a cod-'liver oil sulphanamide paste and a sulohanilamlde Impregnated pad. The method was given an extensive clinical trial in Burma and is being adopted as a routine treatment. Classified Advertising Pays! At Least 15 Slides on Road the Terrace-Prince Rupert highway. This slide is more than 200 feet long: and is composed of rocks and trees which filled the highway and overflowed onto the railroad below. There are many places on the highway in that area that are partly covered. So violent were the floods and slides that rocks and boulders pounded down the creek beds piling up at the bridges while the waters carved their way around the bridges. Two small creeks west of Amsbury ripped away the approaches to their bridges. "At one place there Is a little bridge loaded with boulders like the back of a truck. The water has torn away the approaches and the creek no longer passes under the bridge but along one end of it," Mr. Olsen said. Shames Kiver Bridge Tilted Piling at the northeast end of the big Shames River bridge was washed away and now the bridge stands tilted. Of, extremely sturdy construction, the bridge can be repaired, Mr. Olsen be lieves. Describing conditions In the mountains west of Terrace on Friday night when the floods and slides were at their height, Mr. Olsen said that the mountains yere "roaring with water and that a hot wind which blew up the valley melted the snow on the higher levels quickly. "The wind was so warm It seemed like steam," he declared. At Terrace, Nigel Sherwood, who keeps the weather records, recorded a rainfall of 3.7 Inches on Friday, Mr. Olsen said. "Mr. Sherwood said that it was the heaviest rainfall ever recorded at Terrace and it rained heavier farther wes;, ' he added. Between Amsbury and Shames there were six slides, some of them large, while there were two smaller slides on the highway between Extew and Salvus. Between Salvus and Kwinltsa there are many places where the SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 pjn. Friday SS Cardena, 10 pjn. Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Midnight, Oct. 12th, 14th, 2th and 28th Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 563 See them at . . . JOHN BULGER LTD. JEWELERS THIRD AVENUE (Opposite Post Office) (Continued from Page 1) highway surface is washed away to a depth of three feet while this same condition exists between Salvus and Tyee, 20 miles east of Prince Rupert. Highway equipment at Terrace consists of a bulldozer and two graders, which may be required to repair damage to logging roads In the Terrace district, rather than to repair the Prince are improved with Natural content of vitamin D increased by Irradiation. 4m P.uprt He wouli not h--. ion as to the ie-U ; which would be tHU. f 1 pair the highVavT? ' " could be &an:,riin tlvely short time i, ijujpineni" were eratlon. At least two rrr , struct the &.' between Tyee ara Pt. in the area east of Terrace t rcckslides. Mr oi All recipes usinmillc ' ft - - .... M ' J ' ft 1 WW 1 l ll) LTbe Borden Co. L& Christmas Cards IS Choose Christmas Cards you'll be proud to send . . . It's easy If you know where to look. Run through jr selection of Coutts Christmas Cards . . . each one eric!;.; distinctive . . . beautifully designed in perfect tarte Anc you 11 like tnetr warm ana menaiy messages fuel r.: true Christmas spirit. Open stock also specl-Ey . with your name and address. Make your selection now at I I Wr yfC I JL iiivc muii riiuiuuum'ii iviit.. me minutes Irot the time you pose until you have your picture. 2' ji!1; inches passport or identification size. "CURLY'S" 23r 3 for SOc 6th St., Just north of 3rd Ave JANITORS' SUPPLIES Brooms, Brush&s, Floor Soaps, Cleaning Crystals, R' r Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, Deodorant-Disinfectants, Insecticides. DUSTBANE Products WESTINGHOUSE Lr? Restaurant Supplies Hotel Supplies Freight allowance on out-of-town shipmenr; Genuine DUSTBANE maximum oil content sweeping com pound. 100-lb. bbl. Sd.X.T 250-lb. bbl. $VM SISAL Comoound for li PRINPF RITPF?' - QIIPPIY MOUSE 330 2nd Ave. p." 3cr. ".".2 - PI., ne E More import than any other at cessory, is me hay' vou earn Shown here are: few from our nev season selec tion . smartly de signed, handsomely trimmed and an t t if ii h eciuipped Choose your-in leather ff fahric Annette I aHif Weal I la tsf biVIMIwv ' Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY ...... inur CO mane iw j j home in Prince B" andE"1 First Ave. BOX No. 997 imio"