m t Idt'mtc tttipcrt Daily J3cius Wednesday, November 7, 1945 ALL ONE I'KICE .S7..")(l KWONQ SANG HINQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tai) All your patronage welcome Open 5 pjn. to 2 ajn. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 NO COMPROMISE WITH QUALITY RUPERT MENS' & BOYS' STORE AND - iilT SIXTH STKEET I'KINCE IiWEKT SAAN'ICH ENGINEERS PLUMBING and HEATING WICK AND POT BURNERS COPPER COILS RANGE BOILERS GENERAL REPAIRS Box 1158 Station B Phone Black 962 WRISTMAS 0m ARDS A Large Complete Stock to Choose From You will find just what you are looking for in our boxed assortments which are sure to, please. ' NOW ON DISPLAY AT THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" YORK GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Building Supplies Free Estimates, Construction and Repairs Windows and Frames, Doors and Frames, Cabinets, Counters Show Cases of all description Also Furniture Repairs First class finishing and workmanship We have expanded our business which enables us to t&e care of all your crating and storage requirements. HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 COAL and WOOD RUPERT B RAN D : : SMOKED : : i BLACK COD Canadian Fish Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED . ' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING RESULTS DOG TRAILS BRING TOWN' PROSPERITY Handlers Spend Average of S3.000 Each in Three Month Trials GAINSBOROUGH, Sask., Nov. 7 iS A simple sign at the crossing of a couple of trails seven miles from this southeastern Saskatchewan town points the way to a playground of millionaires. The sign says "Trials" and the dog trials that so on at the end of the trail bring the cream of American setters and pointers Into this part of the country. Around little Gainsborough. 91 miles east of Estevan, where the sport has been popular for 35 years, the same people have been coming back 'with dogs for so many years that everyone is quite neighborly about It all. Two handlers showed up so often that eventually they bought property nearby and make the district their summer home. The others who come in year after year from the United States, handling dogs owned by wealthy and Influential Americans, bring much business. Thel; average expenditure In the thret months they were here this yea; was $3,000 a camp and then are five camps In the district. So, such sponsoring organiza tions as the Dominion Field Trial Club of nearby Pearson, Man. and the Great Northern Fiek: Trial Club of Gainsborough arc more like glorified boards o! trade than clubs In the accepted sense of the word. Those Interested In the sport have their own publication The American Field and a staff waiter represented it at this year's trials. Dogs and trainers arrive three months before the trials open, putting the animals into condition for the.big events. At Gainsborough this year 50 professional trainers arrived, each bringing from 40 to 65 dogs. Trainers rent buildings from farmers in which Jo house their dogs, a.nd rent or buy horses for use in riding through the countryside behind their dogs. Canine Aristocrats The trainers also pay the Saskatchewan government a licenca fee of $25 for five dogs and $1 for each dog above that number. The animals themselves arc treated like film stars. They eat such things as shredded wheat, fresh meats, commercial dog foods and fresh tripe. They go out during the trials to see how many birds they can i spot, how they can stack up against the other dogs for form. Dogs are run in pairs. Judges, i trainers, handlers and spectators follow on horseback. Trainers I direct the dogs over the course i by word of mouth or by whistle in pursuit of legitimate game-pheasant, partridge, pralrie- i chicken. When a dog spots a bird it j "freezes" or points, and its handlers yell "Point." Judges then j pass on the dog, use a whip to J flush the birds from before him. In the course of a day's work the judges and trainers may go 45 miles on horseback. Prize money ranging from $50 to $30 is offered in the different trials and this goes to the handlers of the wint.Mig dogs, with a percentage going to the sponsoring, club. While all this Is going on the men who own the dogs sit In their offices in Miami, Chicago, Birmingham, Ala., or some other American centre directing the affairs of industry. Trainers take the dogs 'from one trial to ayother. starting here each summer and working south, and the better their charges show at the trials the more valuable they become, either to the owners as pets or for breeding purposes. Some are .valued at $2,000. The Gainsborough trials rank today as the third best on the continent. The National Trials held In Tennessee are considered the best. Returning Service Personnel Records Are Being Sought The Dally News Is anxious to completely record the arrival of all service men and women returning home from the war. Accordingly, it Is requested that information be made available to this office regarding the date of arrival home, the service with which the veteran has been identified, In what theatres of war, If wounded, ill, etc. If Inconvenient to call at the office, the Information may be written or telephoned in. Pictures would bv. particularly welcome. Street and Postal addresses and telephone numbers are also requested. THIS AND THAT Tilt Ctorft M.tlhrw Adam, fmirt. Inc. The British are going to be out again looking for Canadian hockey players. They are going to send scouts to Canada this winter to negotiate for players in preparation for Britain's 1946-47 hockey season. But the British Ice Hockey Association does not intend to raid Canadian hockey clubs. Harold David of Wembley Stadium in London says that his association is anxious to co-operate with the governing body - of Canadian hockey and will sign players only with the permission of the Canadian association. Before the war, most British hockey teams consisted mainly of Canadians who crossed the Atlantic without any agreement with the Canadian Amateur Hockey Ascsociatlon. Now it -will be different. Other news from British sports circles tells of a threatened soccer strike in England. Soccer is Britain's big sport and the soccer players have threatened to go on strike after November 17 unless they get increased pay. They have set next Monday as the deadline for an answer to their demands. The players want their pay increased from the equivalent of $36 in Canadian money to $54. And they also want year-round contracts. In Canadian football, the lat est Canadian Press compilation still shows Royal Copeland of Toronto Argonauts of the Inter-Provincial League leading the individual scorers.' Copeland has forty points but he has no chance to better his mark now because the Argos have finished their regular schedule. Next to Copeland, with thirty-eight points, is Annis Stukus, of Toronto Indians. Stukus has a chance to get ahead of Copeland because the Indians have one moue game. Next "to Stukus Is Tommy Ford of Balmy Beach who has thirty points. The next game between Toronto Balmy Beach and Toronto Indians will finish the regular schedule of the Ontario Rugby Football Union. The Beaches and the Indians meet at Maple Leaf Stadium on Saturday. It was thought earlier that next Saturday's game might be con- , Gene: i i i t J cVneu0' baseb?ir ! OAKLAND WINS ""'6 ojjimau yitcueis, ait'u at Conway, Mass., 14 years ago. He led National League pitchers In 1901 and 1902 while with Pittsburgh, and in 1904 hung up a record for games won with 41. while playing for the New York Yankees. HOCKEY OPENER OAKLAND, Nov. 7 ? In the southern division of the Pacific Cpast Hockey League Oakland Oaks defeated San Francisco Shamrocks 7 to 3, LONDON, Q A world civil service was established by diplomats of the executive committee of the preparatory commission of the United Nations, sitting at Church House, Dean's-yard, In the shadow of Westminster sidered as the first game of a play-off series. But Harold, Bailey, secretary of the O.R.F.U.,' says no arrangements for a home - and - home elimination series have been made because of complications. YOU, TOO, CAM Sign your hamb fOR VICTORY! BUY victory bonds SUPPORT CANADA'S 9 th .VICTORY LOAN SEVENTH AVENUE MARKET BERT'S TRANSFER & MESSENGER CHANGE OF LOCATION Our New Stand t- 303 Third Ave. West OUR NW PHONE BLUE 810 (Res. GREEN 955) For Real Prompt Service, call us any time night or day Good News for Trappers... providing they bring their furs to Goklbloom. 10 higher than last year. Also have large stock of Fur Coats, 20 lower in price than anywhere else. W. G0LDBL00M "THE OLD RELIABLE" RUSSIANS RESTORING WATERWAYS LENINGRAD, Nov. 7 P) Russia's great northwestern river- j ways are coming back as thousands of workmen repair the de- j vastatlon wrought during the German occupation. The target for this year's navigation season is 50 per cent above i that of 1944 although the ice break-up was later than usual. 411 - .1.. i i i V , , I s T this year the port expects t0 to ' Xrfi wa? Z j ndle 1,200,00 ?ons 0f ?argo. v V V V V V V V y v v v v v v v V V V V V y V V Y V Y V V if y y Y Y & 3? Y Y Y Y y y Y Y Y y Y V Y Y y v Y V Y Y V V V V y y v y y y v y y Grain, oil and salt arc being 1 nnc.ln J fnM U - U . iiu.k.. nnd fish from the north; and sand, stone and other building j materials from the southwest I . Russia's Inland waterways can be compared with those of Canada. Sixteen hundred miles of channel are sailed by ships of the Northwestern Shipping Line. The Baltic Sea is linked with the And to think people wait In une for hours to get these things.", the Neva River! the Ladoga Can- ali, the Svirl River and the Mar-insk water routes. Through Lake Onega and the White Sea Canal the Baltic Is linked with the White Sea. Through the Volkhov River the waterways reach southwestward to Lake Ilmen. Hundreds of ships use the water route to the northwest, At Leningrad, one glance may take in a steamer clearing the dock for the mouth of the Neva, Peter opening game last night of the hof and Kronchtadt hauling barges of bricks and sand for rebuilding a city; passenger steamers moving toward Schlujselbcrg; and a flotilla of windjammers coming in with a catch of live fish from Novaya Ladoga. Much damage was done to the waterways system by the Germans. However, last year Leningrad rivermen had completed restoration of the Olkhovitsk, Novgorod and Schlushelburg shipyards and 40 vessels salvaged from the river and lake bottoms now have been put bnck In service. New docks and piers have been built from the ruins and Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. When a .girl is marrying a very wealthy man, and her fam lly is In poor circumstances, isn it all right to let her bridegroom pay for the wedding? A. No. The bride's family, or the bride herself, should do so. Q. If a sales person has shewn one a 'display of articles is it necessary to thank him? A. While It is not exacttly necessary, the well bred person never falls to do so. Q. How long after a breakfast should a guest leave? A. From 15 minutes to an hour after eating. CLIMACTICALLY SPEAKING In climate, 100 feel of altitude is equivalent to golng north one ' a tugboat degree of latitude. Tnn t i -. .. FOR RENT -J FOR SALE- -A """-" to a full dance band librl'l un, tlon tn 17 d ceorirril drum .stand. TnTSt band light, etc can Americans town.PhReS NEST OP HAiapm A Carolina mm SrdUsnentlrelyoa Phlegmy or dry and ck h?? coke. ip. ,v afcy "isht.? Relieve U -nouTV0" TO MY SUPPORTER! I wish to take this opportuJ .to thank all those who he J so willingly in my campaJ Carry on. FLOYD FRANK,. WL&BSm. -lb3Z& JWHl HHD 3BZm . ' 7 iViJL SW4 ON tHI UMI MOOI1M 3IERKIE MELODY CARTOON LATEST NEWS 1:00 Complete Shows at - 3:00 - 5:00 - 7:oo - Give Your Home 9:00 See It From the Beginning! Bright, New Look ... for ... Christmas! Skeena CCF Candidal HE HAS HIS MOTHER'S CHAMPION BEAUTY... When danger roared when life hung in the balance Laddie'l fighting mettle marked him the true son of crchampion. 01 BUT DOES HE HAVE HER FIGHTING KEARn TtCHNICOm ""oJ'oo.S'M PQrOeh 3lhy FILMED AMID THE CANADIAN ROCKIES AND VANCOUVER ISLAND Today Only ANN MILLER in "JAM SESSION" TOMORROW Cm With the proper tools and proper materials you can make the job easy to do . . . and one you'll be proud of. Come in and choose your needs from, our stock of quality Monoscal paint and brushes . . . also sec us for kalsominc and housecleaiiing materials. Gordon & Anderson Ltd. FEDERAL BLOCK Electrical Goods, Hardware, Furniture PRINCE RUPERT THIR-D AVEN