1 . . .1 t. t i1 :; t' ; v J 1 ': DaUr Edition THE DAH."S NEWS Prince Rupert Tuesday, July 17, 1945 Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. a. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES! By" City Carrier, per week 15 rvr juoncu .00 .Per rer Year 1 ear . 97 (7 1 00 By Mall, per month Per Year 'STETSON .4 .40 4.( 1.00 HATS Backed By 77 Years of Quality Tradition For more than three generation the Stetson MEMBER A.B.C. "This Is a Dangerous World" . "This, is a dangerous world" said "Field Marshal Jan Smuts, speaking at the Canadian Club in Ottawa during his recent visit to Canada. The truth of that statement has been too obvious to our returning fighting men and to the people of half the world in 'these last six years. The Field Marshal was pleading for preparedness against a reoecurance of world war. "Don't," he said", "let the San Francisco Conference give the impression that you can go home, and that will be all there is to it. I want to impress most strongly that that would be a dangerous delusion. The problem of maintaining peace is a perplexing one. But part of it and this is essential is preparedness." Blind optimists may regard Jan Smuts as a pessimist and pacifists may accuse him of pleading for a continuance of militarism. But he is neither a pessimist nor a war-monger. Although he is a soldier, his whole life has shown him to be a man of peace and good-will. Goodwill, in fact, is the secret of the peace that has existed between the British and the Dutch of South Africa in the last forty years, and if the same good-will could be established among the nations of the world, then universal peace would be assured. But the good-will must be mutual, and not one-sided, as was the relationship between Britain and Germany. Britain gave conclusive evidence of good-will towards the German people, and even towards Hitler, as Neville Chamberlain demonstrated by his humiliating vitis to Munich. Chamberlain was a blind optimist and a pacifist, as were most of the people of Britain and of the British Commonwealth at that time. If they had backed their good-will by preparedness to meet the obvious threat of Nazi Germany, the war might have been averted. It might be argued that preparations Jfori war would inevitably lead to even greater war in the future, and that lasting world peace can be secured only by disarmament. But this last and worst of all wars is the answer to that argument. As the Field Marshal said: ''One of the potent causes of this last war was that the good-will nations disarmed and the enemy counted on that." Opportunity to Be Embraced Prince Rupert is being presented with the opportunity to cash in on some real publicity through the "Miss America" bathing beauty contest which is to be held in connection with the forthcoming Civic Centre Carnival. The bathing beauty contest should not be confused with the Queen of the Carnival contest which is now under way with four candidates in the field. Interior points such as Burns Lake and Prince George have become actively interested in the bathing beauty contest but Prince Rupert itself appears to be slow in grasping a double opportunity. First of all, the girl who wins the contest, and a girl is definitely to go from here, will receive a free trip to Atlantic City and all the pleasures and glory that will go with same. A "Miss Northern British Columbia" .will also bring much notice and publicity to this part of the country and that will be all to the good in the campaign for publicity to which we are now committed. Back to "Business as Usual" Advices to the advertising department of the Daily News indicate that many lines of consumer goods, of which there has been scarcity for years during the war, are coming back on the market. A recent bulletin tells for instance, that there is plenty of aluminum and only the question of manpower is holding up production of manufactured articles. Elastic is another commodity that is coming back on the market gradually. There will be a similar story with many other lines in the near future, no doubt. In fact we are already in the midst of the transition from wartime to civilian production, notwithstanding the fact that the Japanese war is not yet over. There would, however, to be no. reason for a frenzied rush of buying. Those who wait a little longer will probably do better in the end, both from the .standpoint of quality of goods and prices paid. Spreading out of the buying will also steady out the national economy. Local' merchants may not be any too well stocked as yet in many lines but a few months at the outside should see a great change in the situation. Before we realize it we will probably be back again to "business as usual." trade mark has been the Hall-Mark of quality among men who appreciate quality at its best. The same traditional value that has made the name STETSON world-famous, takes on an added significance today, when lasting satisfaction has an important bearing on every purchase. AGENTS FOB STETSON HATS -THE MEN'S SHOP" NOTICE Our store will re-open Monday, July 16th ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THIS AND THAT 1 mi' r -n. x. -1 .if. Business and Professional (Under New Management) GUNN'S BICYCLE SHOP SERVICING, SALES AND RENTING GADGET REPAIRS, ETC. 214 Sixth Street (Next to Jones' Newstand) Work to please everyone No work too large or too small H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanging UNION PAINTER Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1283 Phone BlacL. 823 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 R. Y. WALKER GRADUATE MASSEUR Massage and Steam Bath Facial and Reducing Treatment Evenings Only Phone Red 315 424 8th Ave W, SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Mr 'Qn "So you're Mary's blind date for tonight . . . well . . . well DofGthe City Counci Council adopted a motion by Alderman George Hills that the council's ambulance committee be absorbed into the health, police and licensing committee, and that the ambulance driver be asked to submit a monthly report on ambulance activities. Council members accepted an Invitation on behalf of themselves and their ladies to attend an informal reception at the American Seamen's Club, observing the first anniversary of the club. The invitation was Issued by E. Tutte, club director. Mayor H. M. Daggett and Alderman George Hills were named delegates to the annual convention of the Union of B. C. Municipalities, to be held at Quallcum Beach on September 6 and 7. Motion was made by Alderman Rudderham that they attend. City Council granted permission to the Civic Centre Association to close Seventh St. between Second and Third Avenues after July 22 In preperation for holding the Civic 'Centre carnival WAR ASSETS CORPORATION, 410 Seymour Street, Vancouver. B.C., are ureoared to receive tenders lor the unoer-mentloned motor vcsaeU which are located in care 01 the supply and Transport Olllcer. Prince Rupert. The following are the particulars of these vessels: 1 MV RCASC No. 3. SSxe'xS'S". Reg. tonnage 4 tons. Speed 7 KU.. Engine Gasoline. 1 MV RCASC No. 4, 32,x8,x312,i Reg. tonnage 4 tons. Speed 7 kts.. Engine Gasoline. 1 MV RCASC No. 12,'32'x9'x4-6". Reg. tonnage 4 tons, Speed 7 kts.. Engine Gasoline. Parties wishing to view any of these vessels should apply to the Supply and Transport Officer at Prince Rupert for an appointment to inspect same. Tenders must be received by Noon, on the 26th day of July. 1945, and must be enclosed In a sealed envelope, postage prepaid, addressed to War Assets Corporation, 410 Seymour Street, Vancouver, B.C.. and plainly marked jenaiT no. iuy lor MVS kuasu. The highest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. Open for Business MARINE GENERAL REPAIRS Arc Oxy-Acetylene Welding First Ave. East i We repair anything "House of Better Cleaning" EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Authorized "FLEX FORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mail Orders Box 99 Beauty Culture In all Its branches 200 4th Street : Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 821 1363 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist JOHN BULGER LTD. Third Avenue A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING RESULTS there from August 6 to 11. Permission was subject to the approval of the police chief and fire marshal. Council arjnroved a recom mendation of finance committee that accounts totalling $23270 be paid for June and that the citv rav $500 to the Prince Ru pert Recreation Council as its donation for the year 1W5. Council approved a report by the Board of Works committee authorizing repairs to toilets and dressing rooms at McClymont Park and the investigation of the extension of a sidewalk on Mc-Bride St. to the park. Approval was given by council to a Board of Works committee recommendation authorizing the city engineer to purchase a rock crusher with conveyor and screens. A recommendation by utilities committee that a telephone be Installed at McClymont Park for the summer months was approved by city council. Licensing committee reported that trade licenses have been Issued to Stephen Perryne for painting and H, E. Johnson for electrical -contracting. utilities committee recommended that the rate of pay for telephone linemen and cable splicers be Increased to that paid by the B. C. Electric Railway Co., the increase to be retroactive to December 4, 1944. Utilities committee reported to council that an additional telephone has been ordered for the fire hall and that It had approved a direct connection between their present telephone and the U. S. Signals in order to give direct- connection between all fire services In the city. Finance committee reported that the resignation of Angus C. Glllls, tax collector and pound keeper, be accepted with regret. Finance committee recommend-' ed that the position be offered to the person who was alternate choice of the. committee at the time Mr. Glllls was appointed. The report was approved by council. LOCAL AIRMEN ON WAY HOME Pilot Officer Eric Orme, son of Mr. and Mrs. C H. Orme, and Pilot Officer James Stuart, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stuart, are among young officers of the Royal Canadian Air Force now on their way home from overseas, having landed on the east coast a few days ago. Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) CHARGED WITH ENTRY, THEFT Charged with break and entry into the office of Dr. W. S. Ker-gln and the theft of a doctor's bag and contents valued at approximately $75. Lloyd Wader, a seaman, appeared before Justice of the Peace O. W. Johnstone in city police court this morning and was remanded for eight days. Ball was granted at $500, consisting of two sureties of $250 each. The theft was alleged to have occurred on July 1. He Takes Pictures And Wife Sets Type Archie J. Hicks, who publishes the Coast Dispatch and Progress at Enclnitas, California, and Mrs. Hicks were visitors in the city yesterday, going north on the Princess Norah for a trip which will take them as far as Dawson. Mr. Hicks, who had his camera slung ready to 'shoot anything interesting that might show up, specializes In the pno- tographlc and engraving worK for his newspaper. His wife is also active ln the business as a linotype operator. r r n p Radio Dial L T I l 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) TUESDAY PAL ; 00 Woras With Music :15 G. I. Jive :30 Great Moments In Music :00 O.I. Journal : 30 Remember :45 Supper Club : 00 Amos 'n Andy :30 Fred Waring :00 CBC News : 15 Books for the Times :30 Classics for Today :00 Rythm on the Range ; 30 Dance Orchestra 00 Fibber McGee and. Molly :30 Mall Call :00 CBC News : 10 Musical Interlude 15 To be announced :30 Suspense : 00 Silent WEDNESDAY A.M. : 30 Musical Clock on r.nn News :15 Morning Song 30 Morning concert 00 BBC News 15 Morning Devotions 30 Transcribed Varieties 45 Yank Band Stand 00 tonmemakers :15 Ravmond Scott i:30 Melody Roundup :45-r-Announcer's Choice BLACKHEADS Don't ut blackheads dinolM thera- Ct two ounce, of peroxin. powdr from an 4ri .tor. and apply gntr ho cloth over blackhead.. Th.r dlMoWc and diiaoixar br tab af almpl method. Lumber We now have a stock of good grade FIR, SPRUCE ' AND CEDAR Lumber on hand FLOOKING We have a limited quantity of 1x3 Maple Flooring on hand. Call and see It. Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Commercial, Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs MOTT ELECTRIC LIMITED Offices in Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 367328 2nd Ave. KATY'S KLEEN KITCHEN 703 FULTON STREET : PHONE BLUE 882 Specializing in Home Cooking Anything from Steaks and Home-made Chili -Con - Carni to Hot Dogs. Also cater to Banquets, Weddings and Parties. Open 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. APPOINTMENTS AT LEAST ONE DAY IN ADVANCE T" AAtt Erianrlc anri Oat-. r l m w w i a mm rz j i ii j ij ni ii m W. McKenzie and V. Morrison, of Prince Rupert, have purchased the business and equipment of the Handy, man Home Service, .effective July 13, They plan to parry on under the same name and with the same service. All persons indebted to the fiCIn prior to July 13 are requested to settle their accounts as soon as possible. All bills due by the firm up to July should be rendered to me at once. I wish to thank the people of Prince Rupert for their loyal support in the past and to assure them that the new operators will give them good quality service. GOKDUM 1CUINSON. The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S (jtHttjr FINEST SALMON Here to serve the public YORK CONSTRUCTION Uulldlng, Materlali, Estimates General Building Nothing too big or too small PHONE BLACK 884 We can say this in three words ... BUY COAL NOW ' " 0 HOP KEE l.niJK HOUSE 612 7th AVE. (Next to King All your patronaee t r upen 0 p.m. 10 2 si to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 24) Poiilsen's Cafe and Dining Room Is the Talk of the Town-WHY? Because . . . It's the nicest-looking place in town. It's open for banquets, weddings and part Meetings may be arranged. "As good as the best, Better than the rest" THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 r a j r 1 r r r 1 (Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated Redecorated lTin.T. RTRATJs I.UN CHOW MEIN, CHOP 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. nil, tunn tnxri omiiiNUO run w and Way Points Tuesday SS Catah Friday SS Cardeit sailings jor uureu v- Islands every foru mrmer miormauuu. and Reservatloni FRANK J, SKINKS Prince Rupert PHONES ALBERT AND 11 a i rrr In M I A h r TK mi 1. u 1 1 V W "