PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Monday, April 23, 1945 CAtWATinki AnvjvLr i . throughout Canada and also in every country where the Army Flag flys, being international in 7ts .scope. The object of the League is the raising of high standards of home life and the .spiritual and practical help of the family. The work of the Home League women covers many phases of home front activity and adapts itself to the conditions of the community in which it operates. :The Tiuman touch and the understanding heart have been proved by The Salvation Army to be an Infallible means of ...meeting the human problem and the ever present chaos in which men and women find themselves. In Prince Rupert the Home League and Red Shield Auxiliary .. have, In the past six months, sent 93 garments to the Tor- r onto Headquarters for shipment overseas, including: Service garments 7 sweaters, 7 pairs mitts, 2 scarfs, 17 pairs socks, 1 helmet, 5 chest , .tectors. , Civilian goods 1 quilt, 10 .pairs children's pyjamas. 3 children's sweaters, 34 assorted Man garments. AERONAUTICAL MEDICINE The Germans were the first to keep medical histories of persons' transported by air. Prince Rupert, B.C. JHLVttllUK WIT AL ! U -l0 homf i FAfniiF ! Whirflets Special Heck Is Being: Observed By Women This week has been designated as "Home League Week" in The Salvation Army when .members throughout the minion will hold special meetings and outline the League's objectives and review its past accomplishments. One of the far-reaching or- From The Waterfront J The Princess Louise, Capt. Thomas Cliff, arrived in the city today northbound to Alaska ports. She carried 70 passengers, six of whom were for Prince Ru pert. LAW COMES FIRST CAPE TOWN, 0) Driving hnmp from th irrmso nf Atwrn. ganizations with the Salvation bly recently, the Minister of Na-Army is the Home League. attive Affairs, Major P. V. G. van work in almost every Corps lder Byit helped fre.Hghters put cut a fire. When he returned to his car he found that a policeman had left him a warning for parking in an unauthorized place. OLD BUT RECENT Platinum was known from Announcement All advertisements ta this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Full voting information. Phone 8C4. Mickleburgh Campaign Headquarters. St. Peter's Sale, April 26. Lutheran Tea, April 28. Dance every Saturday night, Oddfellows Hall, 9 to 12. Swing Quintette Orchestra. W.O.T.M. dance. May 2, Oddfellows' Hall. Technocracy Inc. Dance every Saturday night, I.OD.E, Hall 9 p.m. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. Lakie's, May 2. United Spring Sale, May 3. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Saturday. Hill CO Tea. I.O.D.E. Hall, May 16. O.W.L. whist, bridge and crlb-bage, K.O.C. Iftit, May 16, 8 o'clock. Watch family appetites perk up vlien you sen "Hoyal City" Spinach toppe.I uith har.M CANADIAN By MARGARET WOODWARD This week we are back to our regular program with the Monday night dances starting off the week's activities. Bob Wy-brow and his versatile new combination will be on hand to supply the music with Tommy Ur-quhart doing the vocals. Special prize dances will be features of the evening. On Wednesday evening the Music Hour will again be held in the Common Lounge. Bob Morrison is in charge of the arrangements. After the recorded music a short film, "The Woodwind Chir" will be shown. Bob Fleming will then take over at the piano with a transcript very early times but it was notjat tne lano wUh a t Introduced into Europe until thejUon " of his own cIeyer I8th century tsitipn, "The Nursery Suite." This promises to be a highlight program and a special invitation is extended to all service personnel and civilians. The program: "Peer Gynt Suite," - Edward Grieg. "Celeste Aida, Forma Divine" lAida), (Verdi). "Che Gelida Manlna" (La Bohemej (Puccini), Jussl Bjor-llng, tenor. "Symphony No. C (Pastoral) (Beethoven) Toscaninl and BBC. "Waltz in E Flat Major" (Chopin) "Waltz in A Flat Major" (Chopin) Alfred Cortet, pianist. "Trees." , "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes," Paul Robeson, basso. Film, "The Woodwind Choir." Piano, "Transcription of Nursery Suite" (Robert Fleming) Robert Fleming. Buy the 8th Victory Bonds! e delicious 1-ltoiletl VMM felice! It makes n siilwtantial .li-h M.pper ami ii' n simple to prepare, you can Io it in a jiffy. "Hoyal City" Spinach is all cleaned ami trimmcl, ready for instant use, and of course it has the famous superfine quality of all "Hoyal City" Canned Foods. Order it from your grocer tomorrow. F&YAL CITY CANNED FOODS RUPERT B RAN D :: SMOKED :: BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND Cold 'Storage. COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 Local, News Items . . . PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITKMS Mrs. E. Menzles returned today on the Princess Louise from a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Robins of Port Edward left Saturday night on a trip to Vancouver. Inspector of Customs Jarvis H. McLeod left Saturday night on a business trip to Vancouver. John G. Nelson of Greenville Is in the city for "a few days on business. He will return to his home on the Naas River this week. F. S. Rose, regional auditor. Canadian National Railways, left Saturday night to return to Vancouver after a brief business trip to the city. He was accompanied by Mrs. Rose. Ry. J. H. Myrwang, former, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church here whn visiting in the city for the past j iew uays, is leaving tonight on his return to Paulson, near Se- j attle, where he now resides. I INTRODUCE CHRISTIANITY Christianity was brought to Norway, Iceland and Greenland in the 11th century by the Norwegian ruler, Olaf. V: Bcsner Block, 3rd Street I'M MkUiti SPIMCII! L ?4 We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW Otto Brlemo was among those who left Saturday night on a trip to Vancouver. Hear Bruce Mickleburgh, LLP candidate, advance his Jobs and prosperity program for Skeena Riding. Radio Station' CFPR, Thursday, 6:45 p.m. j Evan Evenson, who has been I visiting in the city for Uie past few days, is leaving tonight on M his return to Vancouver where!; he now resides. Arthur H. S. Moreton, advertising representative of "Your Health," oflclal publication of the British Columbia Tuberculosis Society, Is a visitor In the city from Vancouver. Mr. More-ton Is carrying out the work formerly done by W. T. Stlnton who passed away recently. He is a veteran of the present war, having gone overseas In 1939 with the famous Seaforth Highlanders of Vancouver, later being Invalided home. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS Don a ttubborn bronchial cough, (citlier phlrgtny or dry and hacking) make you choke, gasp, wheeze, keep you awake ni(hu? Kelieve i, nowl Do ai thou andi have done get Temtleton't RAZ-MA11 and atop that cough! KAZ-MAH baa helped Uherelet it help you. SUc, $1 at druggisia tveiywhere. K-14 ' Dibb Printing Company MOTHERS' DAY CARDS Phone 231 PHONES 110 - 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY Free Delivery cprriAic a dd ii -.... - trivia. 'i4th foil When Downtown Meet at SHEA1M BORDEN'S MILK ,4.59 TANG SALAD DRESSING 18c YELLOW CHEESE ARMSTRONG lb. JD WRITING PADS Each 10c am, 15c HAZELTON POTATOES Rack S2-95 NABOB PRODUCTS Nabob Tea 69c Nabob Coffee 39c Nabob Chocolate Puddings, 4 pkts. 25c Nabob Pure Vanilla Extract. 2-oz. 23c Rice Dinner, pkt.. 19c Oversas Packages $1.49 Vi-Tone, 12-oz. tin 49c Borden's Chocolate Malted Milk, tin 43c ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 49-lb. Jack $1.83 Red Winsap Apples Fancy :t)hi 33 itox S389 Texas Grape Fruit 24 :i for Oranges 200's, Medium Size, tZftt Dozen t)"' FRKSII FRUITS AND VEOKfARLKS TIIRKi: TIMES WEEKLY Lime, Lemon and Orange Drink CORDIAL Meeds no sugar, O ?r Bottle AYLMER MARMALADE Jar 29 HEINZ BABY FOODS 2 tins 19 1JUI.K PLAIN COOKIES PRUNES Medium ..ce 'i lbs. CLARK'S TOMATO SOUP H tirus COTTAGE CHEESE lb. WAX PAPER Roll SWIFT'S PRODI Brookfield Cheese, pound pkge. Picnic Hams, lb. Prem, tin Canned Sausage, tin We have limited tu Pickles, Pickled Oniou, r Rutter, Mince MtiL i Dry Apples, CUctd Frd ROUIN HOOD QUICK OATS 5-lb. sack Buy your DELNOR Frozen Fruits at ill Stuffed Olives 16-oz. Jar Royal City Corn 20-oz. Peas, size 5 20-oz. Nabob Tomatoes 28-oz. Royal City Whole Green Beam 20-oz. Libby's Sauerkraut 28-oz. MAZOLA OIL 16-oz. tin BULK DOG Blfl il lbs. NABOB LEMON (S Bottle Buy Right - Buy at SHEARDOVj NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 KWONO SANO HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcoma Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 Classified Ads In The Dally News get results. CARD OF THAKKS . TArt flt tl E of the Prince Rupert suu ;" U S. Armv. u-Lsh to tC)movWie .1 extended to us y i expressions of sympathy Prince Rupert in the loss ol our law i Delano Roosevelt. The many (riJ mat nave receiveo. irum jrisj,! solemn occasion have been deeply v .l symbolize the unity of thougni anu v-' no nnp nnmmmi CTfiT 1 rni.nVELJ.HJI1 Commsidlng Free Delivery Throughout 0 MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - To East Section ( TUESDAY - THURSDAY j,j To West Section FROM TZa Kindly give us your vour order deUvery before day- w . 7ml We serve Special Red Brf Jrgett1 1 fresh and cooked meatr-iresn frultsomplete line of grocen $ ii f outcED FOB - - - TOU" PHONE 21