PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Monday, April 23, 1915 ls a matter Bond. King card In a pack of important factors. Cut Is to your individual measurements. Quality is stitched in to last while wear is there. Dond methods march with the finest custom-tailoring traditions. You hold the high card3 with a Bond suit. You can bet on that ? m 27" 2975 3373 RUPERT MEN'S Little Things Ai of first importance at & BOYS' STORE Tliis war is bcins fought for tlic rights of little tilings the sacicd rielil of FREE E5T1MATE3 Phone Green 217 little nations to live their lives unmolested. It is bcinc won by millions of little sacrifiees, little efforts and millions "doing their bit." Our duty is to 1iiakc our "bit" biftser, by buying every Victory tfond wc can possibly afford NOW. MUSSAtLEM S ECONOMY STORE FISHERMEN! Call and see (lie St. Lawrence 100 1 1 . 1 . Mercury V-S Marine Engine now displayed in our stockroom. S.E.PARKER LIMITED Ford and Mercury Dealers 170 E. 3rd Avenue PHONE Hit Flash!! Have You Heard the Latest? Your KADIO is your link with the world! Keep It In perfect condition have it checked and repaired by an expert call "Speedy" Radio and Electric Shop ' 43-HOUR SERVICE 733 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. TAKE A TIP . . . . ,;from the thrifty shoppers and come to Thd Variety Store. ;;;,Our store Is filled with everyday needs with gift sug-gestlons with sparkling new Spring .Items. And the prices will please your budget. Come in and browse around. V: THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Arc Little Dollars" RATINGS WIN OVER OFFICERS Jim Thorbum countered 30 points to lead the Ratings to a CC to 22 victory over Officers in an lntcr-port friendly basketball game Saturday in II.M.C.S. Chatham's Naval Drill Hall. The Ratings were oil mem bcrs of the Navy cage team, while two officers, Lieutenants Miller and Preston, also played on. that club. SIBERIAN SUPERSTITUTION In western Siberia the fat of sacred animals Is rubbed care fully onto the brow and limbs of a diseased person because it Is believed to possess magical powers. Classified Ads Classified Advertising U payabla to the ofllce at tune of submitting copy fur Insertion. IIIKTII NOTICE ARSENEAULT Dom to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Arscncault on Sunday, April 22 a daughter, Marlcnc Diane. FOR KENT TOR RENT-I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone 83 for particulars. Itf) IX) RENT At Ferry Landing, comfortable house, fully furnished, near store and Post Office. Good Fishing, ideal for holidays. $7 weekly. Ncave, Erancois Lake, near Burns ake, B.C. 9GI MACHINERY FOR RENT FOR RENT Heavy equipment power shovel, buldozer, com-presser, Chuck Vlcrs, Atlas Boiler Works. (101) FOR RENT Suite, married couple preferred, with one child. Call evenings, 072 8th Ave. East. (94) I OK SALE FOR SALE Boat, complete for nallbut fisning, with 14 skates gear, also outfitted for trolling. Powered with 35 h.p. Acadia. Length 34', beam O'i'. draft 5. Phone Blue 191. t07) FOR QUICK SALE 16 Heavy uuiy vivtan, double ignition, In perfect condition. Owner leaving town. Call after 5 o'clock, 1412 Overlook St. (95) FOR SALE Regulation overseas cartons. 5 lbs. and 11 lbs. sizes at 10c and 15c. The Variety Stoic MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modem and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, u.u. Ml) FOR SALE Pre-war range; kit- enen suite; ciiestcrflcid suite; also bed. complete; dresser; radio; chrome chairs; linoleum, etc. 430 Bowser Street (back door). Phone Green 717. (100) FOR SALE Strawberry plants, .ou per nunarca. uau bcrore 2 p.m. at 224 5th Ave. West. (96) FOR SALE Folding baby buggy wun reversing nanaic. mono 41- (tf) FOR SALE Camera, postcard &izc, a icns, S25.00; violin and bow, $10.00. J. Sutherland, Box 1383, Postal Station "B." (97) FOR SALE Simmons spring anu Dcosicaa, double size. Phone Blue 953. (100) FOR SALE Tricycle. 1415 Picott AVC- (100) WANTED WANTED Apartment or house wj ient Dy avai couple. Urgent. Good local references. Phone Green 834. 04) WANTED By reliable cnnnlP. no children, furnished house or self-contained apartment. Phone 437, Mrs. D. A. Fletcher. (99) INVENTIONS wanted by lndus- ii its. i-aientea or patentable, what have you? Wc locate buyers. Invention Promotion Bureau, Cornwall, Ontario. WANTED - Room in private uiiic, oy young man, near town. Apply Box 989 Dally News. . oo, HELP WANTED WANTED-Janilor for part time wum. appiy uamollc Rectory. (tf) WANTED Storekeeper for city n anu iuiu siuraKc plant. Must bo rrimnofnnt. nticnln0. lug agent, accountant and eiMCKceper. Permanent position, good salary, good residence available. Apply National Selective Service A.M. m- (97) FOUND FOUND Upper plate of false teeth, owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this ad. PERSONAL MEN OF 30, 40. 50! Vim. Pep, Vigor, subnormal? Try Ostrex Tablets. Contains tonics, stlmulr.nts, aids to normal pep. Introductory size only 35c. At all druggists. (100) SLENDOR TABLETS areeffer ive. 2 weeks' supply, $i; 12 weeks $5, at all druggists. (100) I' ' " ! '-' JLoaay n 9poi9ts TORONTO WINS STANLEY CUP Eddie Bruncleau's goal, after 14 minutes of overtime, gave Detroit Red Wings a 1-0 victory over Toronto In Maple Leaf Gardens Saturday nfght to even the Stanley Cup hockey series at three games apiece. In Detroit last night Toronto won the seventh game 2 to 1 to take the cup. Harry Lumley produced a sensational exhibition of puck-fending in the Detroit cage to score tlic fifth shutout that has been recorded In the scries. Three of them were gained by Toronto s rrank McCooI. The line-ups were: Detroit- Lumley, Seibcrt. II. Jackson, E. Brunctcau, McAtce. Armstrong, Howe Purpur, Lind say. Carvcth, M. Brunctcau, Lis- combc, Quakcnbush, Hollett. Toronto McCool Pratt, Mor ris, Hill, Mctz, Davidson. Schrln- cr. Bodnas, Carr, Hamilton, Stanowski, Kennedy. LOOKING OVER MAJOR LEAGUES Phil Wclntraub, 38-ycar old New York Giants first-baseman, who hit only 13 home runs last season, lias already slugged three In ills first five games this year. Wcintrawo's second mid third circuit blows came as the Giants defeated Brooklyn Dodgers 10-6 at New York Friday. "Rip" Scwcll, victor of 21 games In 1944, gained his first win of the season as Pittsburgh Pirates shaded the Cubs, 5-4, at Chicago. A home run by "Dutch" Nlc- nran In the ninth with two on enabled Boston Braves to nose cut the Phillies 6-5 at Phila delphia. St. Louis and Cincinnati did not play. In the American LcagucTony Cuccinello doubled In thettenth t give the White Sox a 3-2 victory over St. Louis Browns at Chicago. Ed Lopat held the Browns to nine hits and knocked out a home run. Although handicapped by four errors, New York Yankees scored their fourth straight; victory, beating the Senators 0-3 at Washington. With Frank. Hayes homcrins in the first inning. Philadelphia Athletics downed the Red Sox 5-3 at Boston. - Cleveland Indians defeated Detroit Tiger? 4-1 behind the slx-hlt pitching of Steve Oro- mck. The Indlans'talllcd all their runs In the first three innings off "Stubby" Ovcrmitc. Tlic baseball standings follow: American League New York 4 0 1000 Chicago 3 0 1000 Detroit 2 2 .500 Business and Work to please everyone No work too large or too small H.J.LUND Painting Paperhanging Interior and Exterior Work UNION PAINTER P.O. Box 1280 Phone Black 823 "Largest Organization of IU Kind In the World" MUTUAL BENEFIT Health and Accident Association J. WRIGHT, Spec. Representative 336 9th Ave. W. Red 693 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING For Good Work That Lasts! JERRY VREBOSCH Phone 372 GEORGE L. ROME Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tac Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 R. Y. WALKER GRADUATE MASSEUR Massage and Steam Bath Facial and Reducing Treatment Evenings Only Phone Red 315 424 8th Ave. W. FOR PROMPT ard EFFICIENT SERVICE man icur 4.M t to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. 118. . ui iimrnn sr. wiwvrtM.fc Baseball Scores AMERICAN LEAGUE (Saturday) Philadelphia 8, Boston 2. New York 1, Washington 2. Cleveland 2, Detroit 3. St. Louis at Chicago, postponed. (Sunday) New York 5. Washington 2. St. Louis 3-4, Chicago 4-5. Philadelphia 6, Boston 1. Cleveland 3, Detroit 6. NATIONAL LEAGUE (Saturday) Brooklyn 2, New York 3. Chicago 4, Pittsburgh 3. Cincinnati 2, St. Louis 3. Boston at Philadelphia, postponed. (Sunday) Brooklyn 3, New York 1. " Chicago 3-5, Pittsburgh 0-2. Boston 3-0, Philadelphia 2-7. Cincinnati 0-9, St. Louis 2-7. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE (Saturday) All games postponed. (Sunday) Montreal 9-4, Syracuse 4-2. Buffalo 4-8, Baltimore 5-11. Toronto 8-5, Jersey City 9-7. Rochester 10-6. Newark 2-4. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION (Saturday) Louisville 1, Columbus 7. Kansas City 2, Minneapolis 4, Milwaukee at St. Paul, postponed. Indianapolis at Toledo, postponed. Sunday) Milwaukee at St. Paul, two games, postioned( Kansas City at Minneapolis. two games, postponed. Louisville 6-3, Columbus 1-0. Indianapolis 6-1,. Toledo 4-0. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE (Saturday) Sacrcmcnto 6, San Francisco 3. Seattle 6, Oakland 2. Los Angeles 5, San Diego 3. Portland 2. Hollywood 1. (Sunday Oakland 3-3. SeatUc 1 -2. Hollywood 1-10, Portland 16-2. San Diego 12-9, Los Angeles 1-4. Sacramento 5-5, San Francisco 0-12. Washington 2 2 .500 Philadelphia 2 2 .500 Cleveland 1 2 .333 St. Loxiis 1 3 .250 Boston 0 4 .000 National League New York 4 1 .BOO Pittsburgh 3 1 .750 Brooklyn 2 2 .500 St. Louis 1 1 .500 Boston 2 3 .400 Chicago 1 2 .333 Cincinnati 1 2 .333 Philadelphia 1 3 .250 International League Ntwark 2 0 1000 Jersey City '2 0 1000 Syracuse 1 0 1000 Baltimore 1 1 .500 Montreal 1 1 .500 Buffalo 0 1 .000 Toronto 0 2 .000 Rochester 0 2 .000 Professional EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY "House of Belter Cleaning' Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 90 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branched 206 4th 8treet : Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 370 1431 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 FIND IT with a Want Ad! Cell It with a Want Adt Buy it with a Want Ad! Dully News classified, section, gets .results. Sport Chat Tlic fabuously wealthy Maharaja Gaekwar of Baroda has arrived in England to watch his horses run in the racing classics. With him came the champion jockey of India, Edgar Britt, an Englishman who will ride the Maharaja's string. Tlic Gaekwar has Her Highness entered for the 1.000 Guineas and the Oaks, and Gackwar's Pride and Baroda Squadron in the Derby. The horses, of course, have been trained In England. Last year the Maharaja, 35, married and father of eight children, met Sctl Devi, 21. daughter of the Maharaja of Plthaupuram.' She too. was married and could not be divorced under Hindu law. So she embraced Mohammedanism and obtained a divorce. Then she and the Gaekwar married In Bombay after Sctl Devi had resumed her Hindu faith. FORMOSA'S SIZE Formosa Is 244 miles long and 97 miles wide. IN THE BlirnCMR COUKT OK minimi COLUMMA IN l-ROHATE IN T1IK MATTKU OP TIIK "AUM1NI8TKATION ACT" and IN TUB MATTKIl OK THE KHTATE OK WALTIJt 11A8MU88EN, IKCKAHKII. INTESTATE ,TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hlfl , Honor. W E Fisher made on th 6th duy of April. AD 1945. I wan; appointed Administrator of the Ed-tat o of Walter Itaamusnrn. deceased, I and all parties having clalma against ' the aalu ,tatc are hereby required Ui furnish same, properly verified, i to m on or before the 12th day of May. A D. 1945. and all purll't. Indebted to the suld Estate are required to pay tU' amount of their ; Indebtedness to me forthwith. HATED at Prince Itupert. I1C . thla 6th day er April. A D. 19)5 OKOROE It. HAU.ETT. fdllelal Administrator. ATL1N, BC HUSKEVS 1 J iirkllna cough. Boi Sold Only by Your Nyal DruggM Popular "Prince" Steamers From Prime Rupert , - to . Ocean Falls Vancouver Thursday Saturday Thursday steamer ulso calls Powell River to Ketchikan Wednesday Friday FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Ave. and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE Lumber Wc now have a slock of fjood Krade FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand FLOORING We have a limited quantity of 1x3 Maple Flooring on hand. Call and sec it. Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. T n n a v . 'Sffi Complete Shows 1:00 - 2:42 - 4;55 - 7:08 - 9,21 SI'l-TIAl linn... " A Tilt IfTlnv I ii' 'THE ALL-STAR nn JH Academy Award Winner mvn . ' HAU1 HETTY (iltAIU.i;, June llawr "arry James and fl . . m"MMu oood V anu TlJESn p mid UKACIA Oxford TIES, .m i J width C to KKK, have arrived. J GALLIVANT Loaf en and Oxfords sizes 3U to i). Widths AA to C COME EARLY rT)R REST ASSORTMENT Family Shoe Store LiA For 30 Years the Horn-! r-f Cc;3 cxi A. MacKenzie FurnitJ Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY I'J ROCKER CHAIRS -Easter : hsrdfr J veranda, kitchen or Just to use wlir i yea want to relax. Each I- HAIIY IIKill CHAIRS Co'or crfam. lr ( Eiich , WE APPRECIATE YOUR MAIL OH Phone 775 r- 327 3rd Ave :ue Priaal Slej) Out... in a pair of Annette's NOVELTY SHOES and SANDALS A large assortment of the most bcautifd! " ever shown in KuF1'1' Annette's Ladies' "We Lead . . . Others Follow" INDUSTRIAL & MARINE ,,t-iiAll) AMVT1I1N0 YHIU Jliui im, General Hepairs to all Automotive an Equipment - Body Work and W nuinmlna Diesel Eifelnes t0fc Fore" nc Wlllard Uattcries - a,u Home Oil ProducU ACETYLENE AND ARC WELDING Phone '459 Box 1398 WH.r...-rn. re aOrffiPrrl ews! Ludies . , , Part of our Vtilflaw. 0 "puns mmil H1IA ARTB I PL -pei SI a Agents for .lrfPOf 0