I'VE GOTIHTO IT! vsjMSyjr sv ik-vs. Experts Say - - ,ier what Is the may be alternated with stuffed I : if ire Canadian fish tomatoes or stuffed onions. Uut- tered bread crumbs and grated d are he will smack ; 1 1. A .4 m rfr "Winnipeg .cnecse may De useu to sum me 'Ms e-per.ially like tomatoes or onions, too. he 'Mi 65 ll is reauy f heating them .ne iiey reach the Bt'y -re aimosi com- a Teat deal ymi deyes to vary ?. said Haze! :.:c ..lea Department IY j 'un toast them a itle lemon and r.:.-n, nr you can slm a :hort time and .i With lemon and to other fish , recommends her i rt ipe far cook-i r.he has found to favorite in her ' travels: ) OR PLANKED FISH h may be used or !t Clean the fish ; ;m with a damn : :;ut In cold salted Mly and stuff. T..:s recipe requires let aft bread crumbs, E tcn-to coup or 2 cup .'..iined tomatoes, l'A s uf melted butter or ;pocn of salt, if soup Br one teasnoon salt If fcmatoe, arc used; Vj ' of onion lulee and (' pcullry dressing. I'-her and stuff whole cb:s thp stiiffln'r be- ) clecei of fillets. If a itfd pre heat It for five pt 4M decrees fahren- the plank or pan, St .'luffed flOi on it l-ith oil nr melted fat' iii a 400 degree fahren- unt.il fish Is cooked from e'.-?ht to 10 minutes 'hirkness of fish is Th!; reclne serves six. pen stuffed with oysters, peas, and stuffed. "lionr, m.iv he nlnred 111? nlankpit fUVi nnil i " Or potato croquettes HEWS EICOME ' nw.5 items, to ensure Nil, should be in the fy 10 a.m, Contributors N to bear this in mind. t social and personal always welcome. RR & ANDERSON LIMITED mn and Heating "We Sprinkling and cal Stokers Ave. and 4th 8t. 389 P.O. Box 1294 ROYAL SANDWICH SPKEAp -Another favorite Miss Free- inmn Vppns tinndv In her reclDe Curtesy of the St. Catherines Standard. 1 from the heat and add one eg" and beat until well blended. Return ta the stove and cook until I thick and. smooth, stlrrlnz. Re move and add one cup of flaked cunned salmon, removing the skin but uln, the oli, and three tablespoons of chopped stuffed olives, Ihis mato?s abaut l. cups of the spread. As the tomata gives color, any variety of can-rifd salmon may be used in mak ing the spread, not necessarrly I., I Iht. nMA Tfw nn itntlitlla I fll StUIUUU. "You can leave out the butter tandwlch filling. . . - .... iand never notice It, and its LT:"tZl 2: much more economical these ra- to soup and V pound mild Cana dian cheese, grated. Heat and stir until all the Ingredients are blended. Remove turned days," Miss Freeman said. Church Is Debt Free I St. Paul's Lutheran Congregation Sees Its Mortgage On New Edifice Burned Clearing the church entirely of debt following the ambitious building development of the past few years, the congregation of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, at a special service yesterday afternoon, witnessed the formal burning of a $3000 mortgage. While the ceremony marked art important milepost In the his tory of the church, resolve was expressed that It would be al lowed to mark no flagging point In the life and activity of the church in the .spiritual -life of the city but rather should be a signal to greater christian Hev. M. B. Anderson, pastor of he church, was in charge of 'he service in which also participated Rev. J. II. Myrwang, of Paulsbo, Washington, former pastor, under whose organiza tion and leadership the line church at Fifth Avenue and Mc- Hrlde Street was built, and Rev. Roy E. OLsen of Ketchikan. Mr. Myrwang gave a history of the church with particular reference 'to the events leading up to and through the carrying out of the building undertaking. He paid tribute to the loyalty and zeal of the congregation which had been the de termining factor in keeping the church .alive during the difficult times of depression when It had appeared It mignt go under. Now, however, the church was firmly established, occupying a place of definite esteem and respect in the community. He trusted that the church would continue to serve as a beacon nast the rocks of sin towards- the goal of God. Mr. OLsen, spiiklng inspiring, congratulated the con gregation on the accomplishment symbolized In the burning of the mortgage but emphasized that this should be no time to slacken up In the work Tn- .iih nm tiumllv born ' of the church but should ratner while, the mother Is sound be the signal to renew efforts WW I Sr- M K m I few JNo wonder nearly 1 out of every 2 Canadian families use All-Bran.... 64 of them foi over 5 years I towards an even lareer program , of service in spreading the word or uoa. no aouoi. mere wen- many people in Prince Rupert who did not go to church ana many children who did not at tend Sunday School. He warned particularly against the church falling the men and women In the forces who would soon be returning home. Durlntr the ceremonv of the burning of the mortgage, members of the church council gathered in front of the chancel and the document was kindled by Even Evenson, a former member of the council who was active In the building period but had since removed to Vancouver. Pictures were taken. Measaees ADDroDrlate to' the occasion from Dr. J. A. Osgard of Minneapolis, president of the j Lutheran Church of America: Rt. Rev. ii. L. ross or seaiue, nresldent of Pacific District; Rev. C. L. Nashby, secretary of the Home Mission Extension Board, and from Rev. A. R. Anderson, Rev. M. Olsen and Rev. A. O. Aasf of Vancouver on hehalf of former members of the congregation now living in Vancouver. There was special music by a Norwegian choir under the leadership of Peter Lien with (Annette Powell) GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. LTD. Hose Belling and Accessories. A representative stock of popular sfzes carried, ready for Immediate delivery f.o.b. Prince Rupert, from Prince Rupert Supply House C. G. Ham ManTct'rs Agt. 330 2nd Ave. . Phone 032 ANNOUNC1NQ EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L. D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY . 6:30 ajn. to 1 ajn. Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) R. C. A. F. Mess Room Chatter Claiming to be one or the oldest crews in the matter of age in the R.C.A.F. are the seven Blsnn squadron airmen who teamed up to fly the Hali fax bomber "M, for Mike," veteran of 95 .trips, on its last flight with their outfit. Youngest man in the crew was 23-year-old FO D. D. Fallon, navieator from New Jersey, and the second youngest was the pilot. Flt.-Lt. J. L. Brown of Domremy. Sask. . Other members were a 33-year-old wireless operator air cunner. SS-yeai'-old flight en gineer, 36-year-old bomb aimer, 37-year-old rear gunner and 40 year-old mldupper gunner. Rev. E. Olsen of Ketchikan as soloist. ! Special Thanksgiving services were also held morning ana eve ning with Mr. Myrwang preach lng In the morning and Mi Oisen in the evening. .-J. 'H i I w iTmlllF. CROOM: A SICNET RING ai Handsomely H P CA t) tfV yUd. 10kU$5 y yji) I . JOHNJ5ULGER JEWELLERS Third Ave. Pr. Rupert LOVELY PENDANT 6 .60 T w b-t on e loveliness in Sterling and Silrer gilt Perfectly matched md the en gagement diamond i And For HER ATTENDANTS EAR-RINCS Dainty Hearts and Bows de- JOOO sign in Sterl- J lng Silver. Going to a Party? Let us glamorize you for the occasion. CALL BLUE 917 FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY and be assured of no last-minute disappointment. PEGGY SAUNDERS 4th St. (across from Post Office) J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic 1 If nerves doubly sot 8mlth Block Green 995 LUCKY'S Light Delivery and Transfer 24-HOUR SERVICE 1341 Sixth Avenue East Phone Black 371 Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) POULSEN'S Grocery and Lunch Phone Red 441 FREE DELIVERY 6th Ave. E., beside Postal Station "B" "As Good as the Best Better Than the Rest" GREEN SPOT TAXI 65 TAXI Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY" NEWS Monday. April 23, 1645 VI- New Hats for Spring STETSONS A new stock Just arrived. MORGAN'S MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR 3rd Ave., next to Ormes J. M. S. LOUBSER DC, B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 PAGE FIVB CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT PROCLAMATION To commemorate "V-E,f Day, I hereby proclaim a Public Holiday, as follows! the official news is received prior to 12 o'clock noon ... The balance of that day to be a holiday the official news is received after 12 o'clock naoti . . : The following business day. to be a holiday. H. M, DAGGETT Mayor. A Utile n the Inely Side Waiting Victor record 56000. Mart Kenny I'll Remember Suzanne You Belong to My Heart Victor record 56001. Mart Kenny I Ain't Got Nothln' But the Blues As Long As I Live Victor record 20-1C26. Lena Horn Sentimental Journey I'm Gonna See My Baby Victor record 20-1043. Hal Mclntyre Dream Every Time Victor record 20-1645. Freddy Martin I Got a Song Hence, It Don't Make Sense Victor record 20-1640. Tony Pastor AUCTION SALES NOTICE J. H. MAIR has been appointed sole representative of NATIONAL MONUMENTS for this district. The business has been purchased from A, Welxl by W. Yule. PRICED AT 7."e BONDED KOOFEIIS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works Sheetmetal work of all kinds Air Conditioning Tanks Sinks Eavestrough & Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor. 7th St; & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 964 Floor Sanding and Finishing Repairs and Alterations Val Spidel Green 186 Box 1430 St. MB" J. II. MAIR Auctioneer Favored with Instructions from W. A; Ormlston, I will sell by public auction the contents of his dwelling at 508 Green Slreet, opposite Hospital, 2 p.m. Thursday April 26 Chesterfield suite, Triumph range, dinette suite (chairs) quarter-cut oak dining room suite, radio, electric Connor washer, bamboo fishing rod and reel, dishes, etc. AUCTION SALE at I.O.D.E. Hall, 5th and McBrlde, Saturday, April 28, 2. p.m, Household furniture, dishes, service for 8 In English China, radio, mechanic tools, fishing boat equipment, other articles. CHIMNEY SWEEP1NO OIL BURNEItS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean job Phone Black 735 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE t: