IT" " m II'-. ill The Daily News . . . Dally Edition: VICTOR RECORDS "I'M MAKING BELIEVE" by Hal Mclntyre Bluebird 30-0831 ..... HEART" by Shep Fields Bluebird 30-0833 Saturday, February 10. 1945 Published every afternoon except Snn-ay by Prince Rupert Dally New Limited. Third Arenue. Prince Rupert British Columbia Q. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week Per Month Per Year By Mall, per month Per Year .40 14.00 I 50c "SWEET DREAMS, SWEET 50c NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 106 MEMBER AB.C. 77ie Federal Election . . . It is, of course, for Prime Minister Mackenzie Kjng, in consultation with his government, to decide and announce when the general election will be held. There is now talk that it may be deferred until fall which, under special circumstances such as the emergency of a war crisis, it would be constitutionally possible to do. However, in view of Mr. King's own statements prior to the Grey North by-election, it is hardly likely that the contest will be much further delayed. The situation for the government may not seem particularly auspicious at the moment but it seems to have already committed itself to the calling of an early election and it would l)e surprising if it did. not go through with it.. In some ways an election at this stage of the war would seem to l)e wholly undesirable and the fact that the Prime Minister appears to be pledged to it does not make it riny more desirable. Improving the University . . . Addition of a faculty of medicine to the University of British Columbia will bring this province's institution of higher education to a position comparing favorably with the standard of any university in Canada such as Toronto, Mcfiill and the others. The establishment of a medical col-lego- will involve a further heavy financial outlay both capital and current because of the new buildings and equipment required and the additional high-cost staff. It is a financial responsi- PAGE TWC BONDED KOOFEKS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmctal Works Bheetmetal work of all kinds Air Conditioning Tanks sink? Eavestrough & Furnace Work. Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor. 7th St. li 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 9C4 bilit, however, that the people of this, A f f irtCMTC province are, undoubtedly, in accord with. The people of British Columbia ' unquestionably must agree that a province which has consistently shown its progressiveness and leadership in all matters having to do with the wel T7l 1 TOGETHER" by .Dinah Shore-Victor 20-1594 75c "JELLY-ROLL BLUES" by Bunny Berrigan HlZn Victor 20-1502 iOL, MlaeMvs.cmi TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT WHO SUFFER WITH THEIR FEET You will be interested to know that there Is a man in town who has had a wide experience in the correction of fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports that will relieve that painful and tired feeling that only foot sufferers can explain. Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study or' foot ailments, is now in HilJ's Shoe Store, and will be pleased to take an Impression of your feet and let you know what can be done in your Individual case. Mr. Bill Terry is also in charge of the Shoe Repairing Dept. where your repairs are executed neatly and promptly. Call around and see him for either reason. THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 LETTERBOX i ALDERMEN REPLY Editor. Daily News: Replying to the letter of Mayor ; Daggett regarding the garbage operation deficit for 1944, we beg to Inform you that the figure first given out by Mayor Dag- ett himself at the city council of approximately $5923.00 for 1944. Deducting thix amount from the total deficit on the , two accounts the figure now given as $8538.87 is for garbage only but deficit is a deficit even if split into two different accounts. These two deficits have not included share of administration coste such as engineer's salary and mayor and aldermen Indemnities. Alderman Robert McKay. Alderman Nora E. Arnold. FIRST GREAT WAR SCOURGt During the First Great War typhus killed 10,000 people in rfx months in Siberia. GEO.JJAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO 8UIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phonfe for Free Appointment 146 4th Ave. E. Red 127- HuvllLlll J ARE LEADING ' DEATH CAUSE the part of individuals. THE DAILY fare and cultural development of its battle in which victory must be citizens will heartily approve anv ac- achieved, Dr. g. f. Amyot. pro-tion of the government to improve the i?mcl1Jf3a.rdi of Health direc" facilities for academic and professional education. Anything that can be done to make these facilities more Public health Is not the only readily available for the use of thejdeath ,n most age groups and people generally is also highly to be SrarS desired. Publicity for Prince Rupert . . . The fact that Prince Rupert has been under a virtual censorship blackout since the first of the war is one reason that it may not be in the limelight of the country as much as it undoubtedly would have been had there been normal peacetime conditions. No one knows that better than those who have tried to promote publicity here in recent years. However, there is reason to suppose that much of that blackout may soon be removed. The cutting off entirely of the tourist traffic and the forbidding of advertising that might lead to unnecessary travel and use of transportation facilities is another reason that this as well as other places have not been able to tell the world of their attractions. If we encourage people through publicity to come to Prince Rupert we must also be in a position to offer thorn something when they come here. All this requires organization. The kind of a publicity campaign that Prince Rupert requires will be costly. It will involve special financing. In advocating an energetic publicity campaign, there are many things to be considered. Rut it is something that must be done and full community effort and support will lie required. remain the leading cause of "People must have consideration for their fellows. That is the only way to achieve betterment on a community, provincial and naUonal scale, in spite of all the advancements of medieal science there will be a high accidental death toll if people act thoughtlessly about the safety of themselves and others," he said. The progress of chemlo-therapy with the development of the sulfa drugs had reduced pneumonia fatalities from 35 per cent to five per cent, and more recently peneclllin had showed spectacular results in treatment of certain conditions, but there has yet been no cure-all developed. One great cause of death Is that people fail to report sick-nesces soon enough so that treatment can be "effective, the speaker declared. Since the health of a nation is its greatest asset it is economically sound to preserve it. Dr. Amyot said. "People are only useful as long as they are in good health. Our soldiers went into service to light a visible enemy, not an invisible one. We must protect overseas and their families at home." , Public health services are on tap for the people whenever they need them. The important thing is that people must trust and understand the services which are provided. In spite of the broad field they cover, they are available throughout the province at a cost of only 7G cents per person per year. KEPT DOBBIN QUIET Early automobiles frightened to many horses and created so many runaways that one manufacturer mounted a dummy horse's head at the front of his vehicle tp fool old dobbin. Are you entertaining out-of- Inwn hniitp Piipsts? Vnn he Timely Topics from . Terrace RED CROSS GROUP PLANS CAMPAIGN; A.R.P. TO BE KEPT ACTIVE IN TOWN When the Red Cross executive held its regular monthly meeting in the Red Cross Rooms Mr. Cory was nominated as delegate to the Red Cross convention in Vancouver. Arrangements were made to tor. IndiP.ltPfl nt n inon-h nlJ . . .. . y. r 1 fi ;C 1 begin tne Keti cross campaign ior money ' eany in the weekly meeting of the t, Ro-lrr . .. m' , ,. i i r i r i made to Red Cross Heatl- ury club Thursday. Accidents March. Application was quarters to find out now mucn money and assistance the local " Red Cross can ' give to a family by the members at the loss of their treasurer, Mrs. McCarthy, who will be leaving Terrace early In March. Much assistance and sympathy has been extended to the Wag ner family by the townspeople since they lost their home and youngest child. Even the pupils of the school are doing what they can to help and, during the last few days, pupils of the ; and clothing. Miss Olive Johnson, public health nurse, was Jn Terrace last week attending to her duties In connection with the schools and the clinic. Captain C. E. King, Cadet In- Last Friday, a general meeting of Civilian Defence Workers ' was held in the Municipal Hall, j The chairman, Mr. Dubeau. had II I . 1 MAA4t . J I I iraiicu uie nit ciiug tu ulsiuss a letter from Mr. Malnwarlng. provincial chairman, requesting that the local A.R.P. should not be disbanded. It was decided to keep the organization functioning a local fire brigade. J. doing them ah honor by having 1 well attended. us publish a personal notei nutej o meeting-i the council sitting as I about their -visit. On Saturday . . . evening , a committee of the whole) held i on February 5, was $15,000. This figure broken down amounts to $50 per day. This- figure wa not subsequently corrected by the Mayor at the Council meeting on February 12 and the statement by Alderman MacKay ( that the deficit amounted to $50 . per day was on the strength of the Mayor's own statement and was not challenged by the'mayor nor any alderman. If such a figure was later found incorrect upon a study , of the city's books, such correction should have been made to the council at a regular meeting and not by means of la letter to the press. t It would seem now that the 1 figure of $15,000 deficit was the i Joint operation of the garbag ; and night soil accounts. Tills latter account shows a deflcl were two dances one at the Airport and the other in town r. at the Engineers' Mess. Both wnose nome nas wen purura ( . arialrs dre iarge crowd, croM- down. E. Hougland and H. King, j representing the Board of Trade, were at the meeting to discuss this matter. At the request of Misf Denham, the Junior Red Cross was given permission to use the Red Cross Rooms for sewing. Regret was expressed Staff Sergeant E, Jarvta left on Saturday night'c train for a trip to Vancouver. The Junior W.A. is to have a concert In the I.O.O.F. Htll on Friday evening. The program promises to be delightful and entertaining. Films from the Extentlon Department of the Unlvenlty of B.C. are being shown at the Knox United Church every Saturday afternoon. These are for the children who have been finding them very Interesting. CANUCKS TO RBCUE Canadian engineers helped in Terrace Elementary School, rep-1 the evacuation of survivors of resenting the Junior Red Cross, have taken over parcels bf food the First British Airborne Div ision's attack on Arnhem. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP U1UT1SI1 COLUMUIA IN PEOBATE and IN THE MATT EH OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" IN THE MATTCIi Of WILLIAM HAWTHORN. DECEASED. INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor W. E. Fisher, .made on thr 23rd dav of January. AD. I94S, spector, spent part Of last week I wa appointed Administrate of Itr . , I estate oi William Hawthorn. Ueeraaed. W.U in Terrace. He came to look I Bml all parU having claims against Over the cadet Situation at the the tl(l Kstate are hereby required . i , . . . to furnish same, properly verified, to schools. Unless instructors can , me on or before the Uth day of feb be found to replace those form- I 'ury .a d . ms. and an parties h.-i . . .Jl ,,..,' drbled to the Estate are required to erly sent to the schools by th nay the amount of their Indebtedness nrmv tills u.nrlr trill hnvp t ru K ne lorinwiin. discontinued. DATED at Prince Rupert. BC. this 24111 day bf January. A D 1U45 I NUK.MAN A. WAll. Administrator oi the Estate of William Hawthorn IN THE SUPHEK COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OP TUB "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP JOSEPH SMALWOOD HOWE DECEASED. INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Ord. r of His Honour Judge Fisher. Local Judg" of the Supreme Court of British Col- . umbla. I was on the 31sx day of January. A D. 1945. appointed Ad- minls'.rator of the Estate of Joseph Smith was appointed fire chief i day of Novtmber. ism4. aii per-. With power to name a deputy indebted to the said estate are re- .!:. ,. . quired to pay the amount of their ' and hlS Own Tire crew from indebtedness to me forthwith and all among the local citizens. George urlSd ! Dover was appointed secretary, with me pronerir verified on or be-; . fore the isth day of February. 194S ' O Brookes roKes held new the me second secona which distribution will he nde having regard only to uch of his weekly dances pn Friday , claims of wnich i stun nave u last Jn the Orange Hall. It was i ,t Prince Runert nc thu 31t day of January. A D 1945. I , . , WUKMAN A. WATT. ., 1 Official Admiiii.trntor. 1 there Prince Rupert BC ! y& ctfirs (Wis cwie66cff Bill fa ptefifa teneM. f !fg 111 PUREX I MAY INCLUDE WITHERS IN HEALTH UNIT Plans to increase the size of the Prince Rupert and district public health unit were initiated at the annual meeting of the Union Board of Health in the City Hall Thursday. The unit, prhieh new extends as far east as Usk. win be extended further to include Smithers providing the Int-rior town is a?reeab!e to entering. Smithers would be rep-reseitd by a member on the board. The board now consists of a chairman, a member from Prince Rupert school board, city council, Terrace, and Dr. R. O. Knlpe. , In the election of officers Inspector of School B. B. Thor-stelnston was returned as chairman by acclamation as was Alderman Norah E. Arnold, treasurer. O. L. Rorle was re-appointed auditor. The meeting received information 'in the establlhmnt and operation of school denta) clinics from Dr. O. F. Amyot who was present during part of the ses- ! slon. A city bylaw establishing the 'legality of the Union Board of Health was rrad at the saeeting. The bylaw d: fined the status of the board and ouMlned the duties of the medical t'irec. v t-'d sanitary inspector. KNOW NO SPANISH More than a million Mexican Indians cannot snenk Spanish. EARLY DAYS IN HARVARD The first scholarship fund at Harvard was donated by Lady Mowlson of London in 1943. It pay.v to use the Classified Ad columus in the Dally News. ASTHMA Don. Gasp (or llrealh Sold on Munvy llaett Guurantvet OR.MK'S Ltd. Telephone 81 or 82 Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee is Tops) Corner of 6th and Fulton HALF MOON SNACK (Manager, George Lum) Specializing In Lunch oh Chow Moin Chop Suey From 11 a.m. to 3 ajn. Opposite Sunrise Grocery SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala. Friday SS Cardcna Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every ten days. Further Information, Ticket and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 5fi0 lit UY il RliiY.Vwri SATURDAY FEBRrARj Reieve' ri -v. w W m Villi I III Aspirin Eases HeoiK Almost mmci'o(e Genuine Aspirin's nr p make it easier then r, to 8et fan, ee t,v n 5 headache misery. WHY AtPIPIU tunsvr See with your own tjn tS a, takes hold of pain a i: t. after taking. Drop an A j into a Rlasi of water, A.' t j it begins to disse'v; A 4 tL- latt action tak i r. - rm n K TVia ...1 a -...".uja: you so quickly, Fcr y -j .. have relied on Atfl.jf.rt-.. lor eiicctive relief tb- i dependable relief, A-r yoir uruggut t tcscryi MW tCDUOD MKB Pocl.ISo.o4 , COMM? letfW f .14. fT A '1 t BAYER UVD D &y in Tht fiavar rrait u Uu V stiff OuaanUs rk-i hi NOTICE J. H. MAIR has been t; i reprct ; H.1HI4 . .'(1.11 for th. C. The buslne s l.u bn chased from A. W. -W YlI; riWUriU CAftU 11.... HOP KEE HOUSE 812 7th AVE WE! (Next to Kir - T AH your pa'-": i x : Open 5 p.ra. :t' n 1.1, I . tm, M to 2 aJn. PHONE RED :U in fine tape v room for b!:. .k Sjieclal GUTtNEY FINE PA.VjE2 enamel, at V 7 I itnniiflr.. I u. Larse l it of Ara Shovel: and Rat low pi-' 3-PIECE CHECTEnnC Cnrvilol r 30 USED CHiCUMi. at - rV BX. FURNITO IMione lllafk 321 . r MIIIll lUL u i it ri I L vvu- MARKEI Features: . T TVTTffJ Beef : rrk Poultry V j.. sanlt Condition Pi 311 Third Ave.