'I It fi Ivli 111 PAOE FOUR TIIE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. nflMT IILIIAM Friday, February 23, 1945 .LKLUMUIIIUN 75-$29 -$33 7 $27 i; BABBITT METALS Harris Heavy Pressure tlilarlnc Diesel and Imperial I'V Spooner's Coppcrine Z'.'. Matchless and Choker '.Type Metal - Lead - Solder jEJtOck for immediate delivery "Subject to M.C. regulations) iPRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE C. G. Ham, mgr.330 2nd Ave. 1J. H. MAIR Furniture and Auctioneer - AUCTION SALES I-.".: ARRANGED AND CONDUCTED ft!. NEW AND USED FURNITURE VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES , 632 3rd Ave, Blue 63 Prince Rupert, B.C. Your move to buy the suit by Bond will be the wisest one you ever made. There is sound value coming to you good customized tailoring, hand-stitching where it counts, quality sewn in. Your Bond suit's a king for weartailored to your individual measurements. CLOTIILSi SOLD IN PRINCE RUPERT ONLY BY RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE Business and Professional "Largest Organization of Its Kind in the World" ; MUTUAL BENEFIT Health and Accident Association J: WRIGHT, Spec. Representative 336 9th Ave. W. Red G93 -GEORGE L. ROME Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Ta Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 - IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning'' Authorized "FLEX FORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses "" ' Without Guesses : .Waterproofing a Specialty isu-: PHONE 858 Mail Orders Box 99 !.: R. HUNDEIDE WATK1NS DEALER ' j.;337 Seventh Avenue West w. phone Green 973 FIND IT.wlth a Want Adl Sell Kit with a Want Adl Buy it with a Want Adl Daily News classi-i'i-fied section gets results. SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 FRENCH LESSONS Mr. L. P. Bcaubien. the teacher of French language, has re turned to the city, and has re sumcd his classes. His address b Postal Station B. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 HOTEL FRASER HOUSE Phone Black 823 C. II. HICKS, Proprietor Clean, quiet rooms. 714 Fraser Street BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER "You Call We Haul" PHONE BLACK 884 Residence: Green 955 W. D. Weiss W. Peterson H.J.LUND PAINTING, PAPERING AND KALSOMININO PHONE 46 THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED' New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job Phone Black 735 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS CIRCULATION COUNTS SHOWS GROWTH Progress Reported at Annual Meeting Wednesday Night In the five years since the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Credit Union has been in operation, its membership has grown from 40 to over 300 the annual meet ing of the union in the I.O.D.E. Hall on Wednesday night was told, Reports given by the presi dent, George Viereck and the secretary-treasurer, A. Sinclair, showed that the Credit Union had had a highly successful year. About 50 members attended the meeting. Operating as a. people's co operative bank the Unlon has been of service to its members in making loans for many differ ent purposes, most of them dir ectly connected with the fish ing Industry in Prince Rupert. Fishing boats have oeen built, others have been purchased and engines have been bought by means of loans negotiated through the -Fishermen's Credit Union. During the past year $40,000, it was reported, has been loaned out to members of the Credit Union at a low rate of interest. As a result of the year's successful operation, it was possible to pay a reasonable rate of Interest on share capital and deposits In the Credit Union. Further, a patronage refund of five percent is being paid back to all members who have paid interest on loans from the Credit Union. Officers were elected for the year. To the board of directors were elected W. A. Pierce, P. Melo, E. Gfinstrand and V. Mor gan. Credit committee members elected were Hans Knutsen, R. Giske, Martin. Berg and Norman Bellis. Miss Bea Rudderham was elected to the supervisory committee. Appreciation' was ex pressed by all members for the untiring services of Alex Sinclair, secretary-treasurer of the Credit Union, to whom It was acknowledged a very large amount of credit was due for the success of the organization. SHIP'S AIR SUPPLY A big battleship sucks in and breathes out enough air each 24 hours to equal half of her own weight in the water 48,000 tons. LIBERAL MEETING A general meeting of the Liberal Association of Prince Rupert, will be held at the I.OD.E. Hall. 5th Avenue, at 8 p.m on Tuesday, February 27, for the purpose of choosing delegates to the Liberal Convention and for the election of Officers and a Committee for the en suing year. AH voters support ing Liberal policies are cordially invited. C. C. MILLS, President. Delmore Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Raspberries, Strawberries, Sliced Peaches. Enterprise Fruit Co. PHONE 343 KWONG SANG HIND HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. . to 2 ajn. PHONE RED 247 3-PIECE STUDIO COUCHES in fine tapestry with storage room for blankets. Special r $100 GURNEY FINE RANGES, all-enamel,' at very low prices. 1 RANGE, Just like new, $40.00 Large lot of Axes, Peavle?, Shovels and Rakes at low prices. 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD Special $169.00 30 USED CHROME CHAIRS at . $7.50 B.C. FURNITURE Phone Black 324 Hockey Scores National League New York 5, Detroit 3. American League Buffalo 6, Providence 5. DAILY NEWS mm Classified Advertising Is payable to the (((Ice at tlpie ot submitting copy lor Insert lou. FOR SALE FOR SALE One adjustable dress form. Phone Black 145 after 6 p.m. (51' FOR SALE Six-room modern house, two nice lots, close Jn Nice basement, furnace heat ' For price and terms apply 503 Green Street. . (47 FOR SALE "37 Internationa; panel delivery. Serial No 1837L. Price $525 cash. En WANTED WANTED Furnished 3 or 4- room housekeeping suite or house, by Canadian Army officer and wife and two children. Write J. H. R., Box 944, Dally News . (52- WANTED Two or three-room housekeeping suite. Married couple, no children. Apply Kirby, Commercial Hotel. (18 WANTED Furnished room, for soldier and wife. Call American Signals 253 between 4:30 and 6:00 o'clock. (49) WANTED House or suite for army officer, wife and 15-year-old boy. Urgently needed Phone 646. (49) WANTED Station Sgt.-Major of Seal Cove requires furnished residence for wife and 18-months-old son. Phone 792, local 20. (47) WANTED Furnished room with kitchen privileges if possible. Apply Box 946 Daily News. (47) WANTED Furnished house keeping room, around March 1, for married c'ouple and 11-month-old child. Apply Box 947 Daily News. (46) HELP WANTED WANTED Lady cook required j for hotel in Ontario. No objection to st:hool-age child. Good home. Apply N.S.S. A.F. 157. (48)! HELP WANTED Housekeeper wanted. Live in. Phone Blue 801. (47) I WANTED Housekeeper, live in. - Annlir TOO C4U A im West. (tf) WANTED Female cook for family of six. Salary $90 and board. Apply National Selcp-tlvc Service No. A.F. 150. (48) PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at all druggists. (47) FOR RENT FOR RENT Single room, gentleman only. Red 970. 812 2nd Ave. West. (49) TENDERS SEALED TENDERS will be re ceived addressed to P.O. Box 1323 up to noon Feb. 26. for purchase' of trolling boat Nor-den, 28'x8'x3,2'. 5 tons, now moored at Fishermen's Floats. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information apply 743 9th Ave.W., evenings. (47) LOST AND FOUND FOUND Brown dog, Same may be had by calling at the Daily News ana paying lor tnls FOUND Registration Card, by Dry Dock. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this ad vertisement. FOUND Navy man's wallet on jra Ave., a iew days ago Owner mav have same hv rail. ing at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement Today in Sports PORT EDWARD AND KETCHIKAN TO MEET IN U.S. ARMY HOOP FINAL Undefeated Port Edward and Ketchikan will meet tonight at Anchorage in the final for the United States Army Alaskan mainland basketball championship. Ketchikan qualified for the final by defeating Fort Richardson last night by a score of 42 to 40. It will not be the first meeting for Port Edward and CITY TEAM TO SEMI-FINALS Defeated Army Officers by to 35 Score Last Night 19 The Prince Rupert city team ginc newly overhauled, 4 new gained a tires, 1 good spare, new gen-.Basketball berth In the Area League's semi-finals iiawt ana uuuery, neater. ... ,,,, , .,,.. Officers -irrin... Phoqe Green 296. US) by defeating the Army vj to J3 in a suaaen aeatn game FOR SALE Dinette suite. 1018 m the Y.M.OA. gym last night. morose Avenue. wi; Holkestdd ran away with the FOR SALE Central Lunch, scoring honors bjr bagging 18 across from Capitol Theatre, points for the winners while Apply Central Lunch. (tf) Holmes was the losers' high man FOR SALE 1 Brantford Spring! with 13 Scale, 1 500 lb. Platform Scale, 1 small Platform Scale, all government tested. 1 Remington Typewriter, 10 Inch, reconditioned. Phone 422. (tf MACHINERY FOR SALE The fixture was so rough that Johnny Comadlna found It necessary to call' a total of 29 personal fouls on both squads. No player, however, was banished lrom the game for five fouls. City built up a lead of 25 to 10 at half-time and was ahead by a score of 36 to 25 at the end of economically, use the modernuie tnwner. and up-to-date type National! The line-ups follow: Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) City Santurbane 5, Domlnato 7. Holkcstad 18, Fitch 9, Bill 6. Ciccone 2, Vuckovich 249, Officers Holmes, 13, Bone 1. Glasebrook 8, Thrasher. Mc Crae, Greenough, Poster 1 Lewln 2, Welgle 10 35. Referee, Comadlna. Sport Chat The first 'sports attraction at the "Y" gym tonight will sec Navy and Air Force colliding in the re-opening of the Floor Hockey League. Later, Bo-Me-III and the Canadian Women's Army Corps meet in the first of the Women's Basketball League finals. WANTED TO RENT Small cent more light. piano, fnone blue 7ze. 148) i I Ketchikan. In the second round Port Edward scored a close 51 to 42 victory over Ketchikan. The Prince Rupert area team may be considered to have an advantage tonight since it has been resting while Ketchikan has been busy fighting through to the final. Acropolis Hill was eliminated from the series last night by losing 43 to 39 to Fort Ray which thus finished in fourth place. Prince Rupert (Acropolis) led 13 to 8 at the quarter mark, 21 to 18 at naif time. 33 to 31 at three quarters. In the fourth quarter, Fort Ray forged ahead for the win by getting three free throws which ran the count to their favor 41 to 39. After Garzclclinl had barely missed a fast shot, ccardsley cleared the full length of the court to give Ray the victory 43 to 39. HUMAN PUMP The human heart pumps five to six quarts of blood through nearly 4,000 circuits or the body dally. Wffi Minora Blades! Minora has a real "edge" over other low price blades. In fact, it's the sharpest double-edge blade in its class. One shave will convince you. rirs rout DOUIlt fDCE MZOJt rk- : lAvFrw5 : ! Clean lamp bubs give 25 per- II J J i , Special For proper enjoyment it Is lmp0,tInt Notice! J0U see thl5 feature 'rom its start! 1 'I' mM III Fi 1 MB ' 1 I 4 AA A GREAT BEAUTY'S STRUGGLE TO HOLD THE MAN SHE LOVES! GREER LiQiTtt GHRSOn-PIDGEOn tDWR0 ACNES ARNOLD M00REHEAD f c r 1 1 in T&ffO ON THJ SAM! MOM AM WOULD NEWS EVENTS Complete Shows 12:30 - 2:34 - 4:51 - 7:07 - 9:24 .Feature 12:30 - 2:47 - 5:03 - 7:20 - 9:37 PEGGY SAUNDERS (Annette Powell) LAWAY 3INT LUKE 3 , ""-"., j Coi For Spring Let us give you the latest in Hair-Do or Permanent . . . Following the course we have just taken in the South. lV; Fourth Street (across from Past Office) rhone B CENTRAL DINIt i inrn n.KJ I L L ROO HOME COOKED MEALS Open 7 a.m. 8 p.m. All w 111 T 1. II I.' i i i u w Tf ii i in GROCERIES, MEAT, FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Make this your community shopm Stone's centre SKEENA GROCER) HOG r,th Avenue East I'J SALE Clock Specials -Saturday at 10 a.m. PAIRS DRESS PANTS ciock sPi $3.95 (Dry Cleaned and in perfect condition) 100 PAIRS OF DRESS OXFORDS $4.95 Black and brown. Regular value to $10.50. 10 ONLY MEN'S SUITS Regular value to $45.00. Clock Special ... gij (jg 12 ONLY MEN'S COATS Regular value to $49.50. Clock Special .... j (jg 15 ONLY MEN'S SPORT JACKETS Regular value to $27.50. Clock Special J Qg 332 TIES Regular values to $2.50. si'Sl 25C 17 PAIRS ONLY MEN'S HEAVY WOOL BREEKS Regular value $8.95. Clock Special Jjjg (jg 40 PAIRS RUBBER COATS AND PANTS To Clear. Clock Special per garment CQ QQ 10 ONLY MEN'S DRESSING GOWNS Regular value to $17.50. Clock Special $5.00 The above and many more good buys in Men's Clothing on sale at William F. Stone