is me aw-mm Rl I us f f V .1 II I n W H mm T-lmmtw a ALAM TEA. omes L i il L f ith Since 1898, Hartts have been makers of men's highest irtt craftsmen with an obsession for tlongwear and style, .have been able to .. h,rh limitation bv earefullv sel- 1 UIL ," '-I - 1 .... fittintr l:mt5. 7 CI ... Ci T iiii i i ii ii ji . t. m m a m a a i v - i a . HOME OF HARTT SHOES FPU MEN" Delivery Throughout the Lily MONDAY - WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY - THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM .2 TO 5 PAL give us your order before 12 o'clock noon during your delivery day. , j u.J a , i ...nlkl.. nA t,- ,.4. It .l,... PERT BUTCHERS I'D THIRD AVE. W. You Can Depend On It W.ien the weather keeps you at home, you f.-n phone us at 18 or 19. Your orders will V rp.-eive the same careful attention, uur :t Service covers the entire city on Tuesdays, - 1 Saturdays. Leave your order before 4 p.m. tc: '? dsvlvcrv ----,( . k cut crnMfiMV villus IUIII IT! II lllllll'l I 1 I tJUL. bb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY " I A Y A ND E V F. U Y I) A Y C All I) S T F 1MI 1 If I n mr k .Y rt m f X? I I, V S i n a i v u n x j " 'Wock,3rd Street On All 1945 5a j Local News It Phone 2.TI Diaries, Reminders, f Calender Pads, etc. advantaKe of this offer Start Now and - iiuiiu iii your nersuiuu iih.-hii-' See our window for selection sl'H have a large variety, priced from 34c ' $3.56 Genuine Ford Parts ""estone and Gutta Percha Tires Jmperial Oil Products Wreckinc Service C r k n 1 r n i iiiirrn turned this morning rrom a trip to Vancouver and Seattle. Pte. Phyllis Hamblin. C.W.A.C arrived In the city this morning, being transferred here from duty In Victoria. A Important meeting of, Local No. 510 International Union of Operating Engineers will be held in the Carpenter's Hall, Fraser St. Friday Feb. 23 at 8 o'clock. Initiation. A. W. Johnson. Re cording Secretary. Sgt. David Tumilson R.C.A.F.. who has been spending leave at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Tumilson, lert last night for Vancouver to resume his duties. He was previously poited at Mont oil, Quebec. Flying fflcer and Mrs. Jack Lindsay and small aaugnter ar- t tVia i.ltv fiila tnnrntnp . Announcement Whist and Crlbbage, Valhalla Hall, 8th East, Feb. 28, 8:30 p.m. W.O.T.M. Dance In Oddfellows' Hall, March 7, 9:30 to 1. Little Norway Tea, Lutheran Church, March 10. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Saturday. Presbyterian Church Tea, March 14, Mrs. Berner's, Pacific Place. C.W.L. t.w.ij. St. oi. Patrick's ramtits Tea im and mi, W.O.T.M. Sale and Tea In Odd- thanks fellows' Hall, Thursday April 5, 00 to 5:30 p.m. St. Peter's Sale, April 26. nance every Saturday night, Oddfellows' Hall, 9 to 12. YTYYYYTYTTYYTTYTtTTYYYYT NEW LOCATION; 1431 Cth Avenue Kast "' Thone Greeri 30 ' Esther Stanyer EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING ems PHONE 8 TO CONTRIBUTB PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS Mrs. C. F. McCarthy left last night on a trip to Vancouver. Among those returning this morning trom a trip to Vancouver were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. lee. Mrs. A. Dowther returned this morning from a business trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Feero re Col. E. J. Ryan arrived in the city, this morning Irom Vancouver on a business visit, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ritchie and daughter returned to the city this morning from ajtrip to Van couver. Chest Colds Act promptly to relieve muscular Soreness anc tightness, fits of coughing in the night. Tonight, at bedtime, WICKS rub on time-testa! f'trJum MESS DINNER HELD LAST NIGHT Garrison Serjeants' Mess Honored Sergeant Major Robertson The Garrison Sergeants' Mess held their monthly mess c:nner last night and took the occasion to honor their popular Sergeant Maior "Hobby" Robertson who in wv, .w o t,ir.L,i. In 4 t Ulli V ill iwu iv 1 on leave from his station Comox, Vancouver Island. at Rupert. The president of the mess, Reeimental Sereeant Major E. R. MacDonald, of Prince Rupert's own reserve regiment, and his committee did themselves proud and entertained In a nospltable manner. The Area Band, under the dir ection of Bandmaster Mills, dispensed sweet and sors music. To the strains of a Strauss wauz the birthday celebrant and C.W. A.C. Quartermaster Alice Abbott gave a terp:schorean demonstration which received the plaudits of the happy gathering. Sereeant aergeani Maior jviajur Bob iwu watson nowui Sale of Home Cooking and Ap-Droposed " a toast to which "Rob Art fn Po rt V r support given him at all times. KEYI SARCC WHERl'S YOUR MINARD SOLDIERS RUB OUT TIRED ACHES MRS.T0LIN. IS HONORED Farewell Said at Meeting of Women of Moose the tea table over which Mrs. D G. Borland and Mrs. A. L. Holtby nrslded. Servlteurs were Mrs T. B. Black, Mrs. George Hill Jr Mrs. R. J. Carson, Mrs. William Brooksbank and Mrs. Jack Bui gef". Acting as cashier was Mrs. W. J. Greer. MADE OVERF0f &AZIS'' BELFAST, & Plans are bein made for detention of tens of thousands of German prlsoners-of-war in North Ireianu camps formerly used hy British ana American troops. a T sfi-f mmT mm mm mm . Mmmm. iz-xsmfimi Local P.-T.A. Now Has 400 Members ma wa . mi m i j.p-'.-.'w -vk3 i i nf mym jlji. mm . aasj!, hbi rAKKtK LIMIICU FORD DEALERS 170 E. 3rd AVE, -' Late Late of of Hudson's Hudson's Bay. Bay. Vancouver Vancouver . Vwr9i W 1 H iissmmm mm f tli 1 jwm rfcfcZ rfroh otter. J fi minfV B i ifcFsssj mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm-trnw mmrnf mmm i i m. ii .f .: ibv mmm hk mmm sR-miv i,;. Correspondence read at the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Parent-Teachers' Association Wednesday night Included a letter from the provln- At the regular meeting of the clal association expressing ad- Prlnce Rupert Chapter No. 211, miration that the local organlza- Women of the Moose, four new tlon had 400. members. Rev. E. W. members were admitted, namely, Scott, the president, reported Nora Stromdahl, Judy Goveski, 0n the part taken by the Assocl- LlUlan Le Claire and May Brew, atlon's delegates In various mat- The drawing of $2 from "Moose Cash" was won by Mrs. E. Mc-Intyre. With a few words expressing the good wishes of the chapter, the senior regent, Mrs. J. T. Kas- ters pertaining to schools. The treasurer's report showed a balance of $125. Mr. Scott was in the chair during the latter part of the meeting and Mrs. C. II Insulander, second vlce-presi- per, presented the Oraduate dent, In the early part. There was Regent, Mrs. Tolln, with a part ing gift. Concluding the business, the meeting was closed to enjoy a social evening to which the members of LO.O.M. No. 1051 were invited. The program Included ' a Xnnea Out? nrftVi 4to men vr. isus the women, the latter win-If nlng by about 20 points. Then amid laughter, cheering and much-needed advice, five men adorned five other men as their blushing brides using newspaper and pins. To the strains of both Lohengrin and Mendolson wed ding marches the groom and the i would-be bride paraded the hall. ! Reg Crolzier and Reg Wilson ' were the trlumpant prize winners. After the serving of re freshments Mrs. Tolln and Mrs. Royer led the grand march, lrs. Tolln being led to the centre and the crowd sang "Auld Lang Syne" and "For She's a Jolly Good CATHEDRAL TEA FINE AFFAIR The home of Mrs. C. C. Mills, Musgrave Place, was the scene of a pretty and successful spring tea yesterday afternoon by the wo men's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral. Many guests were received by rnnt O 3:(Kl-bUU. . r , laru vr ruixy , i-, : ivua. vj. iu'i 5T0 Pm '-d mSStSTK good 'dent of the auxiliary, and the omnai. inrflps' f?ale. March k 28. ' j .onr hostess. D .wisnes ana eyicwcu i i.j .,, c,in fwr nrinrnori tfsr pn.nwrni'nn and I - a good attendance 01 memoers from all parts of the city. Feminine Fashions Feature Waistcoats LONDON", Feb. 23 V Natty little waistcoats for women now tatlon astrakhan with shepherd's plaid silk facings introduced either as fancy pocket flaps or turn-down collars. The waltscoats are double- breasted and are the latest note In feminine fashions borrowed from masculine garments, HEAT-TREATED FOR v Yes . . . it's true . . . heat-treatmtut makes Carnation Milk easier for babies to Jigtit-one of the biggest reasons why millions of babies get Carnation Milk in their bottles. There axe other reasons, of course it s completely sale, .convenient to keep and to use in baby's formula, as nourishing-as milk can be. And Carnation provides extra "sunshine" vitamin D, needed for bones and teeth. Carnation is just good, whole milk with part of the natural water taken out, homogenized, sterilized, and enriched with "sunshine" vitamin D. Write for free, authoritative book, "Your Contented Baby". Carnation Co. Limited, Vancouver, J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly so! Smith Block Green 995 HYDE TRANSFER Dry Slabwood. per cord $10 Dry Poplar, per cord - $12.50 Sawdust, per sack 15c PHONE 580 Lumber We now have a stock of Rood grade FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumtor on hand Phone 651 or 652 for particulars Prince Rupert, B.C. I- PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. THE DAILY NEWS Friday February 23, 1C45 We can say this in three words . . . BUY' WCQAL NOW Corner of $th and Fulton HALF MOON SNACK (Manager, George Lum) Specializing In Lunches Chow Mein Chop Suey From 11 ajn. to 3 ajn. Opposite Sunrise Grocery LUCKY'S Light Delivery and Transfer 24-HOUR SERVICE 1341 Sixth Avenue East Phone Black 371 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 PAOE THREE mmmwh : I mm i mm El PHONES 11G 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY 1944 INCOME TAX Returns Forms now available. 4i 5-1 R. E. MORTIMER: Phone 88 324 2nd Aver Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S. JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) For a Good Meal, Visit ... THE Victory Cafe ; All White Cooks 25 Years' Experience - Gue Us a Trial and Convince Yourself RUPERT BRAND : : SMOKED : : BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE APPRECIATED 5. V