enartinent representatives were reported I HI IN . .... .1.. t.. 't-t.l.. unl ixioiniiis r Town Yanks on Fib. 23 - The Cana- . itr.. inrfiw tvwfit mi trih-ir ThW hlt- a: . i,.a!:m, uvc nines i i the northern 6ur riasin, Third .f, iv,1 Tinnni rti fin : T: . r M tirM Wiat-KriiriVnii -Scvc.i'.h Army. PTMFKIT 111! III I I II If IlLJ I IV I ! Stil... ... a Jlliuisicr. A1SO l!jr ts an Increase In ";rV production fund MOO to SG50.000. w nave ioiu uic senate war investigating committee recently I that unless the combined chiefs of staff overruled the move, the Canol operation would be shut lift.,. nf(n r -,, I I , .. lAtll f A I 4 , I 1 1 1 1 . .1.1. , Ul I IIIU I unuaim mis STJHiig. Ill w . UVl I I rtn.llnn n ,.,l.. r- .... HU1I.IIIII BUipi.l.-B Jiuuuuiy will be given as the immediate reason for abandoning the I The committee has formerly criticized the project as a waste of money and Secretary of the i Interior Harold Ickcs told Con- ,. .... I.... . 'cress last year that It ouaht to .. ,.r... i be "Junked now." .j aw nnvrt ui t v i , i Ulc Industrial was uuginauy conceived Y ti ; day Canadian 513 " measure w mcei me iuci , walked unopposed oil and iwtioleum needs of the i i i. . ..it, nfiriiiwpsL nan. nr inn rnnr nonr. C.. ar wnile advance ca.r'y ' the wa- wren possible ixa i3ii to me oui- . ----". -.. - o O at ctf However, al-a coast might have endanger-Annyf miuand realizes cd tankers carrying oil from the . nc uncau tor . CTinrn ir. rnnt!rniAs an nirnr- luvi? :lven every i lncn P'I,e "nc running from Nor man wens, on me Mackenzie river In Canada's western Arctic ; . to Whltchorse In the Yukon I Territory and a tremendous in - . ' rrmu. in nnri nnrn nil nntniif . crease tlon. URGES CARE IN MAKING POWER PLAN VICTORIA, Feb. 23 0: Frank Putnam, Liberal - Progressive member for Nelsoti-Crcston, said in the Legislature yesterday that Nelson was the first municipality in Canada to establish Its own I power plant which "not only I benefitted its own citizens but V Feb. 23 9- Vmend- extended Its services to the rural the constitution and area along the West Coast of Ac were Introduced 'Knotenav Lake when no one else mature Tlie amend JVC thp 13V fnr 1..,- e forestry branch to siavus ana tne was interested." Putnam said that any steps which the govcrnrftent takes In setting up rural electrification plans affecting the municipalities now producing power or pur- uihui in r.nn opeccn lrqiu me imvuy una T'.'ast, said Hon. It. L. Maitland, Attorney al ii the Legislature today. He outlined ac-jnments and projects in the following fields: 'Tuiiill, I'UUCU 'cners salnrlra nu,n e H school buildings, clearing for farm-deal to villagers in Q (cwagc syitcma, post-ble works. ambitious program is a Systcm which we 1 malfo i . PIWSIOIC 10 OUt !"'cw- Introduction or the coming Into Socialist Government '"l CulnmKU ...ii,. . . . "wia wiu ClCICUl Is crvstnl 1, ' ' M,..., V sysxen, bcforc th be onn r, i. ......... irecQom iih d iii ' " ooih. ttni i eSbLcc8e. Paul sum mm.. WOUNDED BOY COMING HOME Twice wounded while serving with the famed Princess Pats regiment in Italy. Ptc. Bruce Simundson is returning home. When he arrives in Vancouver, probably on Sunday, he will be met toy his mother, Mrs. J. Simundson, of 215 Ninth Ave. E., and two sisters, Miss. Margaret Simundson and Mrs. Erllng Grlndstrand, who left last night to be present when the hospital train arrives In the southern city. His wounds include the loss of an eye and Impaired hearing received In battles in Italy last September. He was previously wounded In May In fighting at the Hitler Line thing two thousand years ago which is just as true today as it was then: "Qiipnrh not the spirit; Hold fast that which k good.' GUAM, Feb. 23 (CP) The American flag- has been raised siege of aerial bomoarament and shelling by field- artillery and naval guns. Upon enter ing Lc Havre, Army Engineers found the city and port to be a mass of broken concrete, rub ble and twisted steel. It was estimated that 70 percent of the city and 100 percent of the port was destroyed. Faced with the necessity of relieving Immediately the al ready overburdened supply lines from Cherbourg to the front, Transportation Corps Units as- Isted the engineers in clearing the devastated beaches of the city to provide smooth landing areas for Naval landing cratt and for the Army's "Ducks," famed amphibian trucks which carried supplies directly to in land dumps. Ammunition, food, and other priority supplies passed through the Le Havre gateway "wiuim a matter of days" after its cap ture. Rehabilitation, of huge Lock1? Rochcmount, made the Inner basin or the Port usable again and Increased the capacity of the port to well over 15,000 tons' a day. This Is far greater tonnage than was handled bcforc the war. Major General O. P. Gross, Chief of Transportation, recently returned from a tour of the European Theatre and 'reported that the opening of Le Havre was almost delayed for about three months when a Liberty shlo struck a mine at the Preparing; to Meet Tanks Military Officials Leave but Population Greater Uian Kvcr STOCKHOLM, Feb. 23 W A copyrighted dispatch, writtrt' for the Associated Press by a Swedish correspondent, presents a graphic picture of the current situation inside Berlin. The corT on (up of Mount Suribachi on (respondent, Jerge Franacrg, ha "j, out uiiMiuy, iv.o. American Marine units broke through a curtain of deadly mortar and artillery fire to take the sav-aRcly defended mount. Its capture eliminated the threat to the rear or (he marines in the centre of the island attempting: to drive north. Dlscwherc on Iwo, (he American advance fias been temporarily checked by (he fanatical enemy resistance. Attacks both on the southern slope of the Ilorlane and against the second airfield in the centre of the island have been brought to a halt. American casualties on Iwo so far total 5300 of which G14 are dead. Iwo is developing in lo (he most sanguinary slaughterhouse of the whole Pacific war. Just arrived in Stockholm from, the German capital. Franbcrg says Berlin has been turned into a fortress as far as the eye can sec. He commcius: "When I drove from Berlin, it look me 90 minutes to travel six miles because the barricades are so thick it Is difficult to pass them;' anti-tank fire from each barricade after they reach the German capital. The Swedish writer discloses that high military staffs were evacuated from Berlin last week. Despite Allied bombings, however, he says Berlin's population Is bigger now than ever before. It 13 believed that about five and one-half million persons are now living in the city, a great many of whom are homeless refugees. Turkey Declares On Germany an ANKARA, Feb. a-.Ankara,knnpuiicd today that Xur key's National Assembly had voted unanimously to declare war on Germany and Japan as a result of the decision of the Big Three to qualify as "associated nations" all countries which lake up arms' against the Axis March 1. This will also qualify Turkey to sit In at the San Francisco post-war security conference on April 25. COL. WEED NOW PORT COMMANDER IE HAVRE, REGAINED PORT, FRANCE Colonel Thomas J. Weed, former .Commanding Of ficer of the Prince Rupert Sub-Port of Embarkation, has been designated port and district commander of Le Havre, France it has been disclosed in a recent announcement "from the War Department in Wash-innton," D.C. Colonel Weed was transferred from Prince Rupert last October. Le Havre was considered to have been "100 percent destroyed" by the Nazis before their canitulation to the Can chasing and d 1 s t r 1 b u 1 1 n g it adlan Flrst Army on Septem-"must be carefully considered." bcr 12 ig44i Tns grcat French : nort had undergone a six-week ERMMENT RECORD, SOCIALISM R ISSUE BEFORE PEOPLE ofB.C. JOHIA, Feb. aj The steady advance being D.V each Doiinvtnifiit nf thn Cnvornmcnt has breakwater entrance to the port. The ship was carrying 6,000 tons of ammunition but did not ex plode. The vessel drifted 200 yards from the entrance and beached, where it eventually split in half. Despite the obvious hazards, nearly all of the much needed cargo was salvaged. David Roberts, well known and popular former local railwayman. Is revisiting the city. After an absence of fifteen years, he notes many changes. Old I friends are giving him a hearty welcome. Pr. Rupert Passes Up C.C.F. Council Here Refuses to Take Advantage VICTORIA, Feb. 23 "British Columbia is giving- medical service and partial dental ser if vice to all social assistance i cases, including- Old Age Pen sioners, in unorganized territory and in municipalities where they have entered into an agreement with the I'rovin-cial Secretary's Department f .. . ... t. : .1 I, . ! it i Thn .nrrnsnnnrtmr Sfiv thn '"r '" MaHa,,d' Rcneral, in Russians must count on heavy f Wc pay 50-50 with municipalities and the service in- f eludes drugs. "Now wc have reputedly a C. C,l'. council in Prince Kupcrl (a majority now belong lo the C.C.F.) and 11 is amazing to know that Prince Rupert is one ' of the few municipalities that has refused to lake advantage of this medical scheme in Bri tish Columbia." ar apan PLANK WRECKAGE FOUND KINSrOKT, Tennessee Officials of American Air Lines reported a message from an Air Lines pilot said wreckage of a missing- air lines plane had been sighted four miles soulhwcsC of a rural rcircat in Virginia. There was no sign of . life about (he plane. The ship was known (o have carried 19 passengers and (hrec members of the crew. HOME FROM OVERSEAS Pilot Officer William Wilson, son or Mr. ana Mrs. uu-uibv- Wilson, having completed his tour of operations overseas with the Royal Canadian Air Force, arrived home this morning to spend leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson. He looks well and is receiving a hearty welcome from his many friends. Military Orders 1st (It.) Itn. Prince Rupert Rcgl. (MC.) C..J. Toombs. Ma. Commanding Range Practice Sunday, Feb. 25, 1945: MMG Range Practice will be carried out. Fall in at Armories 1000 hrs.; dress: coveralls, anklets, waist belt, helmet, ground sheet. Bring lunch and a cup. Hot coffee provided. VVair News Highlights Turkey Declaring War ANKARA It is freely predicted in Ankara that Tmkcy will declare war this afternoon on Germany and Japan. The action, it is reported, wilt be made by (he Turkish Na-(ioual Assembly. Unconfirmed rumors arc circulating that most of (he Middle East will be at war with Germany and Japan before the week ends. According (o reliable information, Syrla. Lcbanon, Saudi Arabia, Transjordauia, and Yemen, will follow Turkey in a declaration of war. Battle of Manila MANILA The battle of the extermination against trapped Japanese troops In Manila continues. General MacArthur's forces have finally taken the Manila hotel after a bruising floor to floor end room battle. Off the southern Up of Luzon, Americans landed on the small island of Capul in a bid to clear the sea approaches to Manila. Fifth Army Gains ROME Fiftlt Army troops, exploiting a surprise assault which recaptured Monte Helvcdcrc, 30 miles southwest of Bologna, gained up lo 1000 yards in a new local altack'Thurs-day against stiffening German resistance. Germany Hard Hit Reich Gets Worst Air Blows Yet Fatherland Reeling Today After 11,000 Allied Plane Attack LONDON. Feb. 23 Germany's railway system, which has enabled the enemy to move men and supplies to the western front, is reeling today from the greatest aerial smash of thenar. Eleven thousand planes tore at the enemy's rail networks yes terday. At its peak the day's op-, crations saw an average of 100 tons of bombs a minute falling on enemy targets. British, Canadian and American airmen took part In the raids which showered bombs on an estimated 100 German rail centres. Russian air men also were active as 200 So viet bombers went after eastern front targets Canadian airmen are playing a prominent part in the stepped- ud air war. Yesterday, an R.C.A. F. typhoon fighter bomber wing set a record for a single wing Dy many's communication system. Durine the nizht Royal Air Force mosquito bombers raided Berlin with two-ton Dlock bust ers. The German raaio aiso warned that other Allied forma tions were over the Reich. LOCAL HALIBUT BOAT STRANDED VANCOUVER, Feb. 23 tt The Borgund, 60-foot halibut boat and seiner of Prince Rupert, raq aground near the Sandheads Point Grey lighthouse early today after developing engine trouble. Salvage vessels have gone to her rescue. American Ninth and British Second Armies Swarm Across Roer River at Several Places, German Reports Say PARIS, Feb. 23 (CP) German broadcasts said tonight that the Allies had started a "grand scale offensive" toward the Uhur and Cologne. They bridged the Hocr River 3t several places and advanced two miles cast or the river in great strength with tanks, artillery and infantry. Allied headquarters maintained silence on the report which came as the First Canadian Army to the north of the Roer sector gained up to Vi miles and slowly surrounded the fortified road hub of The Germans said that the big push was pre-ceded by a three-hour artillery barrage by thousands of guns. The enemy said the attack was on a 3G-nulc front from Rocrmond to Ducrcn and was mounted by the American Ninth and British Second Armies. The German announcement said that a terrific artillery barrage opening up at 2:15 a.m. preceded the opening of the offensive. ' The new front is 35 miles long and advances of up to two miles have already been made. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Jqhnston Co. Ltd. Vancouver Bralome 17.10 B. R. Con. 18'2 B. R. X. 12 Cariboo Quartz , 2.05 Dentonla -01 uruiiwinmne..' ivz " - .93 Hedley' Mascot-jlrf . Mlntj2A. .08' Fend Oreille 1.50 Pioneer 5.80 Premier Border .05 Premier Gold '1.83 Privateer .44 Reeves McDonald .26 Reno -03 Salmon Gold .12 Sheep Creek . . L;25 Taylor Bridge .44 Whitewater .04 Vananda .42 Oils A. P. Con. v .17 Anglo Canadian . . .90 Calmont . -26 C. & E. . .1-98 Foothills 140 Home 3-65 Local Temperature Maximum 41 Minimum 35 Rainfall 33 inches Final Stroke- Great Russ Offensive In Making "Colossus" Only WaiUng Order To Strike for German Capital MOSCOW, Feb. 23 (R On the eastern front, the Russians are massing for what Marshal Stalin calls an end-of-the-war stroke. Tlie Soviet forces have almost encircled the Nazi stronghold of Guben on the Jfeisse river and now are close "to a consolidation of Marshal Zhukov's army east of Berlin and Marshal Konev's forces southeast of the German capital. The Berlin radio claims that the final all-out Soviet assault on Berlin Is imminent. German broadcasts describe Marshal Zhukov's forces east of the German capital as a "colossus" waiting for the signar to strike. NORTHERN JOINT HIGHWAY GROUP IS ADVOCATED- Scientific Survey of Skeena River Salmon Depletion Asked Establishment or a joint permanent highway Committee with members drawn from Boards of Trade and Vandernoot west, including Stewart, Is advocated by the Smlthers Board of Trade. The proposal was considered by the executive of tlie Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce ac a meeting Wednesday night. Tlie proposal whicn was pres ented at the annual meeting of the Smlthers board last week suggested that, while the com mittee should draw its members and tie financed by the Joint Chambers of Commerce, It should act as an Independent unit. The executive or the local chamber objected to too great a degree of Independence, feeling that the committee would carry more weight acting closely with the Chambers of Commerce They agreed to appoint two delegates providing that enough chambers showed Interest to make the move worth while and expressed the opinion mat Ques- nel, Williams Lake and Prince George should be included. Apparent chief purpose ol tne committee, as suggested by the Smlthers group, would be to urge the building of the projected highway to Alaska as lar west as possible. Tlie local chamber, however, has committed Itself to endorse whatever route is sel ected by a future impartial sur vey. Two resolutions concerning More Canadians In Australia OTTAWA, Feb. 23 ) A Can adian signals unit has arrived in Australia for duty with the Australian military forces, De fence headquarters announced today. The statement did not elaborate, but previous an nouncements in the last year indicated that the Canadian army was building up a sizeable force of specialists and ob servers in the Pacific theatre. FRENCH FLOODS In recent months, France has experienced its worst floods In 50 years. fisheries were passed by the meeting. One recommended, that the Dominion government make an exhaustive scientific survey of the causes of depletion of sal mon in the Skeena river. This was passed after discus sion of a resolution from the PrlnceGcorge Rod and Gun Club protesting a reported statement by the Minister of Fisheries that cutthroat trout destroy young salmon In the spawning streams and should be eliminated. The second recommendation urged that the Fisheries Department be authorized to determine the existence, extent and location of shellfish and other mar ine resources not at present known or utilized. Coast fisheries resources could be enlarged by such a survey, the executive felt WOUNDED SOLDIERS ARE HOME OTTAWA, Feb. 23 tf Nearly 2000 Canadian soldiers have ar rived back in Canada from the battlefronts of the Mediterranean and northwest Europe. Included in the returning veter ans are medical walking cases-men wounded but now on the road to "recovery. Some are back in the Dominion under the trl-wound leave, plan that allows them to be posted near their homes. The hospital ship Letltla arrived at Halifax last night. BATAAN IS ALL CLEAR List of Japs Have Been Driven From Manila Harbor Area MANILA, Feb. 23 0)-3eneral MacArthur says Bataan Peninsula on Luzon Island has, been cleared entirely of every living Japanese. On Corregldor scattered- enemy remnants are being cleaned up. In Manila, the Americans have narrowed the Japanese pocket to an area 700 yard3 long by 500 yards wide. 1 NORTHERN AND L'tMnlAli BRITISH .QOLUMBIA'0 NEWSPAPER Weathci TYtfes . .,.i becoming fair. 'if (Pacific Standard Time) overeat in alter-g She nl . Saturday, February 24, 1945 S" HI as High 0:05 18.1 feet 11:54 20.1 feet winds Ught to Low 6:00 8.4 feet 18:32 32 feet derate- &?Or 'tn.'2vr VL- XXXIV, No. 46 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 23, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS REAT FFENSIVE FROM WEST ! - 1 V qress May Pinch Off w Ma III! ISI.Wl. - III 1WIWBWVBBBWII I IIIJ I I " - r u.. c.. Tanks akp L-uivriToN. Fob. 23 fCIM Th Amoriran 1 I 1 11 VJ A ' - - M is about ready to close down its Canadian oil unent, uinol, and write on mucn 01 tiio $131,- i investment as a strategic war expenditure; ed Congressional sources said today. Berlin Is Fortress GERMAN CAPITAL BARRICADED FOR SEVERAL MILES iwo mount Grand Scale Drive Started By Allies on Ruhr-Cologne f :' i V -3 1 1 1 . Is. f a M' ft v. 3 3 j. JS v i