,- IK.. -. m J tit i J3rfncc Rupert DaHi J3ftos Friday, October 26, 1945 Published every afternoon except Sun-Hay by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, i British Columbia. OL A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. I I SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By 'City Carrier, per week 15 Per Month 65 Per Vttr 7 00 3y Mall, per month .40 Per Year 14.00 532 THIRD AVENUE IT'S . . ABO. Election Reflections . . . British Columbia has swept its , qoalition government back into of-... f ice by an overwhelming majority of seats in the Legislative Assembly. ' Prince Rupert has elected to go into the side of the opposition in provincial affairs as it has already done in the federal field. So we are now completely out in the political wilderness and, in the very nature of things, have placed ourselves in. a disadvantageous position. However, it is not the first time that we have been that ' way and we shall survive although "it will be necessary for us to fight . and fight even more unitedly for recognition and the receiving of the consideration which is our due. It is fitting that we should con-' gratulate the winner here in Prince 'Rupert Aid. William Brett, the C.C.F. candidate. There was no one who did not expect he would make a Strong run. His election cannot be 'considered as anything of a surprise : in this community which for a considerable time now has been demonstrating increasingly socialistic tendencies. There is every reason to ex-pect that Mr. Brett will give us faithful and sincere representation to the best of his ability. One thing that his constituents will certainly demand of him is that he shall be the repre- sentative first of the riding and shall ' not permit the interests and dictates pf his party to supercede those of the community which he has been elected to represent. It will be for ) Watts & Nkkerson Reopening PACIFIC CAFE Saturday, Oct. ,20 6:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. ,Special Chop Suey Noodles FOR Fashion -Craft TOPCOATS See the new arrivals In Scotia Hand-wovens English Coverts and Gabardines Domestic and Imported Tweeds . . . Smart in appearance Comfortable to Wear . . . $27.50 to $52-50 "THE MEN'S SHOP" . i. ina,n.iCT.i,:n:;.i?.oi his own political welfare if he so acts and we believe that Bill Brett is conscientious enough to so' conduct himself. After nearly thirty years as representative of the riding at Victoria, T. D. Pattullo, who held and distinguished in his day the office of Prime Minister and practically every other administrative post in provincial government, drops out of the picture. To his many old friends, there is something sad about that. But the old political warrior has nothing to be ashamed of. It is in the nature of Duff Pattullo that he I should go down fighting. Premier John Hart, speaking last night after Mr. Pattullo's defeat had been ascertained, asserted that his one-time chieftain would be sincerely missed in the Legislature of which he had been the honored dean. Mr. Hart simply voiced a sentiment which will be felt throughout the province. As for the youngest and, undoubtedly, the most vigorous of the three candidates here in Prince Rupert, Bruce Mickleburgh finished up a poor third but he was a buoyant loser. In this campaign he, undoubtedly, won many new admirers admirers who may not have voted for him. Without question, we shall hear further anon in the political field of the irrepressible young school teacher. Another election is over and, like the result or not, it is for us all to forget any differences that may have been accentuated in the campaign. The very nature of the result makes it the more necessary that we should get together to work and fight for the interests of Prince Rupert and, if we are to do that, wre must accept the result gracefully and in good spirit and be prepared to co-operate mutually in bringing about the materialization and development of those things which are out rightful due. PHONE 345 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert ANNOUNCEMENT ' j&PRESCglPTIONS William M. Phelan, fully qualified and registered pharmacist, whe has been In the armed services fof five years, has lolned our staff. We are fully equipped to fill the most exacting prescription requirements. Quality, purity and accuracy assured. Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers Soup of the Evening for These Brisk October Days Soup of The Evening-. . . Beautiful Soup for These October Days Football practice after' School, a brisk walk home from work through the October twilight and the family gathers round the supper table with appetites, that are ravenous. These are the evenings when a thick soup of the chowder type with plenty of vegetables hidden in Its fragrant depth seems made to order. Servings must be generous of course, for soup like this is a main course, not an appetizer. If you have an old-fashonea soup tureen hidden away on a tcp shelf get it down'and use It for serving these whole meal soups. Accompany the soup wttn a big plate of crips crackers or melba toast, follow up with salad or dessert and even the hollow-legged members of the family will leave the table replete and content. Theje are three recipes from testing kitchens that have what it takesfine fla"or. ease of pre- LIVELY CRICKET) Don't let sluggish kidneys slow you down. Take Gin Pills the "relief or money back" remedy and ice how much better youH feel.' Rsgular tin, 40 Mils largs lilt, 50 Pills InthtU.S. hMh "GlnaPIIM" Children Ins Prince ert 1 this yer r Monstrous 1 Kiaaiesaparty .. . I SeUers for 1 Big fof ot SheU-Out 1 V Collet Tickets'. 1 paratlon and generous quantities. Vegetable Chowder 1 cup white beans 3 cups cold water 1 cup sliced raw carrots. 1 cup diced raw potatoes 1 cup canned peas 2 cups canned tomatoes 1 teaspoon salt 1 tea-'ipoon celery salt Vb teaspoon pepper 1 cup milk Soak beans overnight in cold water. Cook for 1V2 hours or until tender. Add vegetables and seasonings. Cook '2 hour, add milk and reheat. Six servings Onion Chowder 3 cups sliced onion 2 tablespoons fat 4 cups boiling water 2 cups diced potatoes 2 teaspoons salt 2 cups milk 1 cup grated cheese 2 taolesspoons minced parsley Cook onions in fat for five minutes. Add boiling water, potatoes and salt, Cook until vegetables are tender. Add milk, grated cheese and parsley, and serve at once. Six servings. Oxtail Chowder 1 cup dried pes 3 cups cold water 2 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons celery salt 1 lb. oxtails 3 cups canned tomatoes 4 carrots 2 onions 3 potatoes 1 bouillon cube 4 cups boiling water Soak peas In cold water overnight. Add oxtails and seasonings. Cook 1 hour. Slice carrots lenghtwise, cut onions and pota- m toes In large pieces. Dissolve bouillon cube in boiling water. Add with vegetables. Cook I hour. Six servings. . Keeping Your Cheese Fresh Cheese must, te' kept in a cool place. High temperatures cause some of the fate to melt and es cape from' the cheese. It must also be kept from aampness as this will cause .mold. But it Is essential 'that the natural moisture be retained. The best p:ace to keep cheese is. In the refrigerator or a very cool cupboard, free from damp ness and it should be kept well covered to prevent drying. To preserve the flavor and texture of a small piece of cut cheese for a few days, a wTapping of waxed paper Is sufficient. A wide-mouthed jar with screw top is an excellent container if the cheese must be kept longer. A piece of paper moistened with vinegar and cut to fit into the bottom of the jar helps prevent mould if it is to be kept for any length 6f time. A lerge wedge or a small cheese Home Recipe WHEAT SCONES IVi cups sifted flour 3 teaspoons baking powder te.aspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 5 tablespoons shortening 2 Nabisco wheat biscuits s finely rolled. 2 cup milk. Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Cut In hortenlng until fine as meal. Add tlje finely rolled bis:ults. Combine the t and milk and add to dry ingredients. Mix to a soft dough. Roll out on lightly floured, board to make a circls V2 inch thick. Cut in 12 pie-shaped wedges. Place on baking sheet. Brush top of each with cream. Bake in hot oven (450 degrees P.) 12 minutes. Makes 12 scones. may be wrapped in a clotn moistened with vinegar and water, using 2 tablespoons ot vinegar to 1 cup cold water. Dampen the clotlr once a week with the vinegar solution. Processed cheese are best stored In the refrigerator and left In the package in which the cheese was purchased. To prevent waste scraps of cheese may be grated and stored in a covered jar Clarsn Is On Way Home .. I uvii iir . B. F. Lovin of . ' pen, is among the w H 4.4 " "Mil "-""is now on t vwu x i ill 1 1 inn Ti. i at Halifax at the C week. "llUIi-DUHNF IMt wuunivi, surrey, n ters) FnnH tin . 6' I I -sT VtZS,. 1 HELP KINSMEN HELP OUR KIDDIES KINSMEN SHELL-OUT" TICKETS FOR HALLOWE . . . and give them to the children when they ask you to "SHELL-OUT" EN! m n wuiiiiiinfr .... . .. Lar uiut-uurne miect nn .. uctiui ui Mrs. V nW i an inquest. UM-M Tk. Quatn 0u Cn,ni ! CiJ. Halt, J WALLPAPE See us for ypur wallpajer quirements. You will find selection of patterns excell and the prices very reason BUY VICTORY BONDS Gordon's ' Hardware McBride Street A Ci I'hont mm " PflWFi I . RIV VANrni vf Thursday at ll:la IV I1! I III'M lil V II 1(111 r? rr?o .ni ivirniMM t rirr Tirirrr in HMD Df (A ii iff vn (Formerly LD.) CompleUly Renovatei Kedecoratea . . .n 1- n T II VI IVlAJXiif 11 a.m. to 1 am. BARR & LIMITED Plummng aim Automatlc Sprlnklln. Coal Stokeri Corner zna avc. Phone Red 388 ' ULUIlVk - ana nTlA " VALUATOR mtTnTED I onwiAi ..ftPN YOUR CONVJ .-.Y-vT ii i",r McCUTCHEON PHARMACY Estimates PACKED AKU Third Ave. at Sixth St. Phone 70 Free Phone iveu -