1 ? TlilVf! Tc Underwear rt I u iDVDON, Oct. J weuii -w i,r. entered the home Srl l W $ o( Baroness Ravensdalc In Eaton Square, they stole most of her clothing and all of' her underwear. Afterwards Lady Ravensdale Win A onwo01' " aA Amsi "" 1n- FEB. UNnBOJOODO uuaiKiunuui UN"' - p" A 9 told of a ruse used by the thieves to ensure that the house was empty when they entered. "Someone rang up the maid while I was away," she said, "and told her I had been injured in an accident and was being brought home immediately. "My maid was also told I had lost my key and she was asked i - f to place a spare key behind the dustbin- for me and then go immediately to Paddlngton Station to pick up my lujgage. "My maid carried out these in structions and as soon as she had left the Wase .(burglars broke In." Eighty-two per cent of "women Three Million Satisfied Victoru loan .nr. h toupon tlippers Twice a year, three million Canadians know the satisfaction that comes from clipping and cashing Victory Bond interest coupons at the rate of 3 per annum. Most of us never owned a Bond of any kind until we invested in Victory Bonds. But now that Victory has been won, we have the additional satisfaction of knowing that.' our investment in Victory Bonds goes on working and earning 3 interest in peacetime, and will continue to do so until the principal amount becomes due . . . and Canada pays it back. There is no better investment than Victory Bonds because o fic safety of principal. 1 o fc regularity of the payment of 3 interest in ; half-yearly instalments. Victory Bonds are readily saleable. t Canada's national wealth and resources are security for the principal and interest. This will be the only Victory Loan for a year. Therefore continue to save at the same rate per week or month as you have been doing in the past, and buy twice as many Victory Bonds as you bought in any previous six months' Victory Loan saving period. You have a year to save for them and a year to pay for them. Buy on the Payroll Savings Plan or buy them through your bank, loan or trust company. " mm BUY MORE VICTORY BONDS NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE Ml I9rft.cc Rupert Daflg facto Friday, October 26, 1945 read department store advertising regularly in their dally paper. AFFIRMS NATIVE ANTI-JAP STAND KITWANGA, Oct. 26 Appro val of the deportation of the Japanese back to their homeland was expressed by Harold Sinclair, local vice-president of the Native Brotherhood of B.C., in a speech at Kitwanga in which he re-affirmed the policy of the Brotherhood in that re gard. "Our organization has passed resolutions at its last three conventions urging the deportation of the Japanese," he said. Whether they are Canadian- born or hot they should be sent back to Japan." Loyalty ot the Japanese to their homeland was proven, Mr. Sinclair said in the way they consistently sent their earnings back to Japan. Resolutions urging their de portation had been signed by the late Alfred Adams, patri arch among coast natives, whose policies had done much toward native advancement, he said. ' The business people and fish ermen of Prince Rupert are in accord with us in this because they know of the difficulties which will return with the return of the Japanese to the coast." JOSEPH PENNOCK IS LAID AT REST Funeral services for the late Joseph Gordon Pennock were held at the B.C. Undertakers Grenvflle Court on Thursday, with deceased's son, Gordon J. Pennock officiating. The cere mony was beautiful and im pressive. The officiating clergyman thanked all those present for sympathy and kindness extend ed to himself and his brother, Harold, on the death of their father. The funeral was held under the auspices of Local 115, Oper ating Engineers, of which deceased was a member. There were several quotations from Holy Scriptures, while Mrs. J.C. Gllker presided at the organ rendering "R6ck of Ages" at the beginning of the service and "Abide With Me" at the con-clusipn. The pallbearers were N. S. Campbell, Slg. Larson, Louis Keller, 'FrankTtfcGowan', Robert Hand, J. S. Ogllvle. The floral offerings were nu merous and beautiful, including the following: Mrs. E. Mcintosh and J. S. Ogilvie; Margaret, Frank and Charlie Sherwood: the family; Local 115, Operating Engineers; Mr. and Mrs. Scharff and family; Savoy Hotel: Irene and Matt. Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert Rev. P. Kelly, Ocean Falls; H. . Foster, Vancouver; E. M. At kinson, Vancouver; O. Pennock, Winnipeg; H. Pennock, Winni peg; Sgt. R. G. Vanderstool, Port Edward; E. Clough, Vancouver; Cpl. O. Guelalr, Port Edward; Mrs. J. P. Hinz and child, Seattle; W. E. Waldron Prince George; Newman, Prince George; J. Baine, Vancouver; L. Barber, West Vancouver; C. R. Watson, Vancouver; I. N. McKlnnon, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- Grane, Massett; F. West, Sunny- side; F. J. Lancaster, Vancouver; C. J. Mullls, Tacoma; G. S. Julius, Vancouver; Mrs. M. Campbell, Smlthers; Mrs. Nigel Sherwood, Terrace; F. P. Clark, Vancouver; Dr. George E. Darby, Bella Coola; Dr. George Dorey, Toronto; Mrs. J, M. Smith, Caspaco; L. B. Waite, Vancouver; Rev. W. P. Bunt, Vancouver, Dr. J. E. Whiting, Bella Coola. NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER LICENSE NOTICE Is hereby elven that on the 8th day ot November, next, the undersigned Intend to apply to the nquor loniroi uoara lor consent io transfer of beer license No. 6837 Issued In respect ot premises being part ot a building known as Central Hotel; situate at the corner of 1st Avenue and 7th Street. Prince Rupert. B.C.. upon the lands described as Lota NumDcrca n to iv jjiock Number 10, Section 1. Map No. 923, Prince Rupert Land Registration District, in the Province of British Columbia, from Norman A. Watt. Administrator ot the Estate of Cora Elizabeth Black, deceased, to Albert Dixon ot Prince Rupert, B.C., Harold Oarforth Dixon and Sidney Watcr-flcld of the Municipality of Court-enay, British Columbia, the transferees. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 37th day of September. A.D. 1943. ALBERT DIXON, HAROLD OARFORTH DIXON, SIDNEY WATEPFIELD. Applicants and Transferees. (0-29) Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 857