i1 I. OA t i t i I v JiHinrc Uuperi Dailj? JSctos Ftiday. October 26, 1945 RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Has the Honor to Present for Job's Daughters Their Third Annual Fall Fashion Show MASONIC TEMPLE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 8:15 pm. 3 S jjfi Of Course You Can Get It at . . . THE . . , VARIETY STORE Looking for some new novelties for your home? Come in and see the fine suggestions at the Variety Store . . . HAMBI 1.60 SHY LAMB .... 2.25 FLAMINGO .... 2.35 POLICE DOG . . 2.75 LARGE SCOTTY 4.25 DASCIIUND BOOK-ENDS 3.50 Mussallem's Variety Store "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" Good News for Trappers... providing they bring their furs to Goldbloom. 10f t higher than last year. Also have large stock of Fur Coats, 20'c lower in price than anywhere else. W. GOLDBLOOM 'THE OLD RELIABLE" A. MacKcniic Furniture "A OOOD PLACE TO BUY" 10 BEDROOM SUITES in four pieces vanity, chiffonier, bedstead, upholstered bench. Walnut veneer and burl. Waterfall design. Priced per suite as stated .Vm.o() and .SI 15.00 DINETTE SUITES in six pieces, in walnut and natural shaded finishes. Buffet, four upholstered chairs, and flipleaf table. Prices per suite as stated, from $U.oo Watch our windows. We appreciate having your mall orders. Phone "75 Tiince Rupert 327 3rd Avenue OPEN FOR YOUR APPROVAL . . ; Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL 6 A.M. to 2:30 A.M. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. 1 FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION quality foodstuffs are carried at all times. If you want the best, you will find it on our shelves. You are invited to inspect our stock. MUS5ALLEM S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS FOR BEST RESULTS RED CROSS IN EUROPE Thousands of Comforts Being Dispatched From Canada TORONTO, Oct. 26 Thousands of Canadian Red Cross knitted comforts, made originally for the Armed Forces, will go to warm the people of Eur ope this winter, as workers in the National Women's War Work Committee find their post-war work still in demand, Mrs. C. F. McEachren. National Chairman reported at the meeting of the Red Cross Central Council In progress here. Canada has made a large gift of these comforts to the Allied countries in Europe through the Canadian United Allied Relief Fund, the balance to be held in Canada for possible calls for the use of repatriated prisoners of war. Red Cross workrooms through the country will be busy making civilian clothing for citteens of Great Britain, using the wools and materials now on hand, as well as making quilts, sheets and pillow cases, for which there is a never-ending call. "We must keep our workrooms alive to bear our share of the burden of re-clothing Europe," said Mrs. McEachren. "Our plans for the next six or seven months have been dominated by one consideration, the responsibility of the women in Canadian Red Cross to do everything possible to relieve the inevitable suffering in the United Kingdom and Europe this winter.'' Quilts for cribs and cots, and RUB OUT THAT-77r& fKIMC OF Mlird BE WISE TODAY ORDER COAL TODAY! THIS WINTER AND BE WARM PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA jf'FDD" Radio Dial V I f l 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) FRIDAY PAL 4:00 Fred Waring 4:30 Science Magazine 5:00 Isabelle McEwin 5:30 Remember 5:45 GJ. Jive 6:00 Magic Carpet 6:15 Listening Post 6:30 Victory Loan Reporter 6:45 The Wild Beast 7:00 C.B.C. News 7:15 The Other Americans 7:30 Eventide 8:00 Soliloquoy 8:30 Vancouver Playhouse 9:00 Abbott and Costello 9:30 Russell Bennett Conducts 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Musical Interlude 10:15 Thomas Peluso's Orch. 10:30 Eight to the Bar 11:00 Silent SATURDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical clock ' 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hits 8:30 Operatic Gems 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning DevoUons 9:30 Transcribed 9:45 Hawaiian Echoes 10:00 Here's to Romance 10:30 Melody Roundup 10:45 Morning Visit 11:00 Jill's All-Time Juke Box 11:: 33 Message Period 11:35 Weather Forecast 11:36 Recorded 11:45 At Ease flannelette vests for infants are being made from old surgical dressing box linings, as the women utilize made-up stock to fill the great need for clothing and bedding In Great Britain, as well as In Europe. Plans have been made for a large gift of hospital supplies to China, including hundreds of cases of sterilized dressings, from the balance of made-up stock In NaUonal and Divisional warehouses. Port Distribution, of clothing and comforts, will be continued from Canadian ports during the coming winter, especially to the Merchant Marine. ? Praise for women workers In the Red Cross who worked at top speed during the summer to secure, assemble and" pack more than 58,500 release bags and thousands of clothing kits for prisoners of war and interned women In the Far East, was given by the National Chair man. The bags, containine toilet ar ticles, socks, cigarettes, etc., were a Joint gift of the British, Am erican, Netherlands Indies. Aus tralian and Canadian Red Cross Societies. ' Ontario and Quebec Divisions undertook the Dackine of 50.000 release bags for men. beine heto- ed by teams from Prisoners of War Food Packing PIants...The surgical dressing depot, Toronto, packed 8,500 release baes for women, and the Vancouver Branch became responsible for receiving and assembling the kits of clothing. Look! Just what you Need Here is your chance to win a GENUINE FRIGIDAIRE, Value, $325.00; a CONNOR THERMO WASHER, Value, $150.00, and an ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANER, Value $100.00, for only 50c 2 Tickets for $1.00. Write today to DRAWER 637, KIMBEKLEY, B.C. Drawing Is sponsored by Kimberley Rotary Club for Children's Playground and Park. Agents Wanted. Liberal Commission. HAVE YOUR PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN Five minutes from the time you pose until you have your picture. 2l,x2!4 inches passport or identification size. "CURLY'S" li50 ;j for .-()? 6th St., Just north of 3rd Ave. Box 1321 313 3rd. Ave. W. Expert Radio Servicing Electrical Appliances Repaired RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Fhone 611 ELECTRICAL GOODS See us about your Flourescent lighting. BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works Sheetmetal work of all kinds Air Conditioning Tanks sinks Eavestrough & Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor. 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 984 Films Shown at Rotary Luncheon ! The magnificent wartime speeches of Winston ChurchiU I ' jwere the background of a film depicting England's gallant fight from 1940 to 1945 which was shown in support of the Ninth Victory Loan as entertainment feature at the Prince Rupert Rotary Club luncheon meeting yesterday. A second film, in color, was called "Valiant Com pany' and showed the remark able recovery to usefulness of a man who had both hands FOR RENT Room, close In, for couple or two men willing to share. Phone Red 254. (248) FOR RENT Large comfortable room for gentleman; close in. Apply Box 33 Dally News, (tf) FOR RENT Furnished house keeping rooms, close to Cold Storage. Apply Box 29, Daily News. (249) HELP WANTED WANTED Clerk-stenographer. w. h. MaiKin co. Ltd. Phone 72. (tf) WANTED Experienced stenog- rapner, steaay worK. Apply stating qualifications to Box 32 Daily News. (tf) WANTED Housekeeper for sman iamny. private room, board and good wages. Other help kept. Phone Red 879. (tf) WANTED Janitor for part time vork, apply Catholic rectory. (tf) WANTED Housekeeper for apartment; downtown location. Would consider married couple. Phone 674 or Red 878. I (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at all druggists. (249) WORK WANTED WANTED Soldier wants work driving. Phone Green 257. (248) FOR SALE FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (251) FOR SALE Play pen and waterproof mattress; toldey seat, new; full-size bed, spiro spring; bureau. 952 Ambrose Avenue. Phone Black 480. (251) FOR SALE Kindergarten set as good as new. Phone Black 393. (248) ABERDEEN', Scotland, ffi The harbor board has decided to give British ships priority for berthing at Aberdeen fish market. Foreign vessels will be allowed to berth only after 4 p.m. blown off in the war. The films were shown by CpL Smith of Pacific Command film service. Guests at the meeting were Geoffrey Wootten, VJctory Loan unit organizer. W. D. Lambie, chairman of the Citizens' Victory Loan committee, H. D. Foster. Vancouver, and Lieut-Col. Hamilton Grant. President James Thompson was chairman. From small beginnings the daily newspaper Industry In Canada has grown to be a fortv- , five million dollar a year busi ness. - - Classified Advertising - - TERMS CASH Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for Insertion. Please do not ask for credit FUNERAL NOTICE McKECHNIE I.O.O.F. members are requested to attend the funeral of the late Brother John McKechnle, October 27. Church service will be held at 2:30 at the United Church; interment in I.O.O.F. Burial Plot. Visiting Brothers please attend. W. DAVIDSON. N.G. H. THURGOOD, Rec. Sec'y. FUNERAL NOTICE McKECHNIE Funeral services for the late John McKechnle will be held at the United Church, Saturday, October 27, 1945, at 2:30 pjn. Interment will follow in Oddfellows Plot in Falrview Cemetery. WANTED WANTED Oil burner with or without range. Phone 66. (254) WANTED Four or five room furnished house or apartment by November 1. Phone 792 local 52. (248) RETAIL DEALERS Manufacturers of Approved Electrical Instruments and Appliances wish to sell and establish direct dealer contact. Toasters Hotplates-and Amplifiers, immediate delivery. Box 18 Daily News. WANTED Two Railway employees would like a furnished room, or 4 to 5-room apartment, furnished. Phone Green 598 and ask for A. F. Wil-liams. (249) WANTED furnished or unfurnished three or four-room self contained suite, close In, quiet young business couple, no chll- , dren; permanent residents. tsox 33 uany News. (249) WANTED TO RENT Small .furnished house or housekeeping room for couple with two children. Apply .Box 34 Daily News. (250) FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished room. 843 9th Ave. West. (251) FOR SALE Anyone planning to buy a house the end of February may be interested In this one. Five rooms with bath; furnished or unfurnished, four blocks from Post Office. Good buy for cash. Phone Red 240. (248) FOR SALE Club rung roller canaries, good singers. Box 315. Phone Blue 519. (249) FOR SALE Restaurant business and three houses on two lots; also green house. $3500 takes the lot. Furniture $500 extra Apply Lone Star Hut, Exchange Block. (252) FOR SALE Fairbanks-Morse Onan electric light plants in 12, 32 and 115 volts sizes in stock. Vancouver prices. Write for illustrated folder or see W. R. Love Electric Co., Prince Kupert, B.C. (249) FOR SALE New and used furniture at the lowest possible prices. Slightly used, all ma hogany coffee tables, chest of drawers, writing desks, like new, door" mats at 75c. real good tables at $3.75, electric table lamps, book cases, like new at $7.00, card tables $2.25, drapes and cushions, electric range, almost new. three-Diece chesterfield suite, two new chairs going at $85.00, new mirrors at $2.50, new big size pillows at 75c, all kinds of other useful furniture at the B.C. Furniture Co. Black 324. (tf FOR SALE McClary range, bed room suite, etc. Alter 3 p.m. 1512 6th Ave. East. (250) FOR SALE Harley - Davison motorcycle, twin -engine. Phone Blue 953. ' (248) FOR SALE Four-room house, luny modern, newly decorated. $840 cash. Apply H. G. Helgerson Co. Ltd. (2191 FOR SALE Three congoleum rugs, 712x9; chest of drawers; one bed, complete with spring filled mattress. Call at 545 7th Ave. East. Phone Red 877. (249) FOR SALE Chesterfield bed, Beatty electric washing machine, good condition, kitchen table and cupboard. 621 Fulton Street. Call after 5 p.m. (249) FOR SALE Round centre table, two wicker chairs, floor lamp, table lamp, two Simmons beds, small dresser, rocking chair, child's training chair. 131 1st West. Green 815. (248) FOR SALE Four room house, 2 bedrooms, fully modern, con crete basement and sidewalks, hot air furnace, electric stove, hot water Jacket, electric light fixtures, Venetian blinds, linoleum, all newly fenced. A REAL BARGAIN at $3,000.00. See.Collart & McCaffery Ltd., odj mira Avenue w. (tf) FOR SALE 32 ft. trolling boat, new engine and equipment. Apply Central Hotel, Room 1. (248) FOR SALE Living room, bedroom and kitchen furniture. Phone Green 257. (248) FOR SALE Wurlitzer. Box 24 Dally News. (252) FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon on Wednesday, October 31st, for the purchase of Lot 42, Block 7, Section 6, City of Prince Rupert, together with two-storey, 6-room frame building located thereon. Separate sealed ten-.ders will also be received for the furniture contents, inclusive of electric range, washing machine and fireplace heater. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms strictly cashv Premises may be viewed by arrangement. Norman A. Watt, Administrator of the Estate of Ernest Noel Valentine, deceased. (251) FOR SALE High grade -office and store fixtures, bought from U.S. Army Officers Club, Port Edward! big size rugs, desks, electric fan, big tables, high grade solid walnut chairs, big size mirrors, electric fixtures, high grade pool table, solid walnut smoking stands, cash register. Selling at the lowest possible prices. B.C. Furniture Co. FOR SAL E Piano and bed chesterfield. Phone Green 985 or 237, 8th Avenue East, after 5:30 p.m. (tf) FOR SALE Modern completely furnished four-room house, excellent condition, immediate occupancy; oil furnace and oil range. $2700. 941 Second Ave. West. For Inspection dally from 11 a.m, to l p.m, and 3 p.m, to 8 p.m., phone American Signals 413. 2?3j HALLOWE'EN GHOST sun WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31st, n;30 " 0 Boris Kailof fin "ISLE OF THE DEAD" ALSO K ADULT TICKETS nt Grey1,? - "HESTOFTHEPiV TODAY 'til SAT. at 1 on . 7T" GINGER ROGERS JOSEPH COTIEN W SHIRLEY TEMPLE ADDED COLORED MUSICAL NEWS .vu s.ug .7;0) K13 SATURDAY -10:30 A.M. I D D I E L U B LAUREL and HARDY - in - "A-Hunting We Will Go NOTICE COMMENCING MONDAY. NOV e Valentin Dairy will start House Delivery as we are limited to tnree Delivery Trucks, it can only be a group system, PLEASE PHONE YOUR NAME AND ADDRFRs fdtW The stores will be served with milk and cream as usual Phone (157 VALENTIN DAIRY WANTED Phone (;l Able-bodied men, willing workers for cold storage and fish floor work. Have steady work for capable men. Can also use some casual labor. APPLY Canadian Fish AND - - Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. WE WILL PAY A FAIR CASH PRICE FOR YOUR USED FURNITURE ELIO FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 813 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 TERRACE Transfer&Taj Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY P0C1 IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRA! ANNOUNCING . CORNER SNACK BAR (Mrs. Flossie Lambly) TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE W.C.Osborne V. Imhoff A. M. WMlH Expert Repairs on all makes of cars Recondition Motors Tractors Road Equipment Mal;2, Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric WeMW BOX 203 : TERRACE, B-G LAKELSE LAKE HAS ANOTHER OUTSTANDING ATTRACTION! DUCK AND GEESE HUNTING Clean up your shot-gun ... die out the shells ni Come to Terrace FOR SOME REAL SPORT! Dress warmly, bringr food and blankets, and Iel,lJorr Brookes of SKEENA MOTOR TRANSPORT do w Write for cabin reservations. Season opens Sept. 13 SKEENA MOTOR TRANSPORT O. L. BROOKES. MflX. Our Skeena Coffee Bar Is open day and night