r tfrinrc ttunrrr Dafln Jlrhis Omiles It Happened In Court A lawyer tfas examining the witness. "You say you had no education," he said sharply, "but you manage to answer my questions . smartly enough." "Well," answered the witness sharply, "you don't have to be a Scholar to answer silly questions." Lohdun Answers. For Variety A man was running along the street shouting at the top of ary hi? voice, 'Wo! No! Certainly IKK! A policeman stopped him and said: "Here, you! What's the Idea?" "It's all right, officer.- was the reply. "I'm a 'yes' man on a holf- day." -Toronto Globe and Mail. It's Germany Stuff A private, after collecting his pay, counted the money by wetting his finger and leafing through the bills. A nearby soldier said. "Hev. don't you know that money is iuii 01 germs ' The private grunted: "Brother. no germs could Jive on my sal- LAST MAILING DAY R FOR LOCAL M CHRISTMAS MAIL 1 i DEC 18 1 II ALLOW EXTRA TIME FOR H j OUT-OF-TOWN DELIVERY M D THIS YEAR THERE WILL BE E m fm nil nmucov m m All fUDICTMlAC hAV D WM . . . Postal Employees 59 Q will enjoy Christmas at home M Pjjl fssuecf by oathortiy of LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaninghd pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W Opp. YMCA Gift Suggestions ... For Comfort in the Home! HASSOCKS ... OTTOMAN COFFEE TABLES Vi ' I !l- MAGAZINE RACKS (glass) s')r, Watch Our Wi on Monday, December 17 NOCLTILS vim rAFT & ODOWES (Formerly J. H. Mair) OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Remember Them with The gift every woman or child loves to receive. THOUGHTFUL AND APPRECIATED All colors and sizes available in -our fine stock. FASHION FOOTWEAR Next tb Variety Store (A. J. Dominate) Did you know that greater interest in reading than is ordinarily believed. Forty per cent oi Canadian adolescents read from 5 to 15 books a year while the top 10 oer cent read one book a week. If you are in terested in enterinsr the "book n week" league you win also want to know how you can obtain a continuous supply of 6od banks They can be obtained right here in Prince Rupert. The Prince Rupert Public Library has froni three to 4.000,volumes of fiction ana non-nction. Many more ar.e on order and will ,be oh the shelves shortly. If .the reading material you desire is not included in this selection, possibly you could obtain it from the Open Shelf Division of the Public Library Commission in Victoria. Upon inquiry to Victoria, full Information will be forwarded to you regarding the books which are available, together with an explanation of the free library service they offer. Should a copy of "A Readers' List of Books in the ODen Shelf Divl. sion" fail to satisfy your literary appetite, you could Investigate the free library service offered by the Department of University Extension at the University of British Columbia. An enauirv ad dressed to either .library will bring you a more complete ex planation. British Columbia ranks high among the provinces of Canada In free library services so let's take full advantage of them. What's On Tonight: I.O.D.E. Hall, 8:00 to 9:30 p.m. Ladles' Keep Fit and Ladles Gymnastics. Seal Cove School, 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Intermediate boys Boxing; 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Senior men's barbell training. Ottawa Word has been received from Jerry Mathlsen, the provincial director of recreation, that the progress in Prince Rupert's "Rup-Rec" program received "much favorable comment" at the National Council of Physical Fitness held in Ottawa recently. Senator Charles Bishop, who watched history In the making for forty years as a nress cor respondent in the House of Commons in Ottawa, recently joined the ranks of working newspapermen who have been honored by Senate appointments. f ihtii icati: ur imi'iu)vi;.mi;nts PAH FRACTIONAL, EVE No. 1 FRACTIONAL. EVE FRACTIONAL. ATLIN FRACTIONAL. POLARIS No 5. POLARIS No. 6, POLARIS No. 7. POLARIS No. 8. POLARIS No. 9 POLARIS No. 10. POLARIS No. 11 POLARIS No. 12 FRACTION, POLARIS No. 13 FRACTION. POLARIS Sa i4w?PLAR1S No- 15 and SNOW No. 9 MINERAL CLAIMS. Situate In the Atlln Mining Division. Where located: Tulsequah River Valley about 5 miles above Junction with Taku River. Lawful holder: Polarls-Taku Mining Company Limited. Number of the hold- eri.teMln,r'8 certificate: 67689E. TAKE NOTICE that t. r. S.hil!'c;..?31l P. Ageni for miuing tympany Limit- days but not later than one year from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for Certificates of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining Crown grants of the And further take notice that action. linripP CMtlAn OK .... tulcates of .Improvements. S n aiy of Ptem- ber. 1945 D7-14-21-28 J5-12-19 To the Electors: I wish to express my gratitude and pleasure at the grand support given to me and to my colleagues in yesterday's election. It was a fine expression of confidence which I, for one, will do my utmost to deserve during the next two years. Thank you. ALD. .NO Ft A ARNOLD. NEW ROYAL HOTEL" A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. " Phone 281 v.O. Box 198 WHAT DOING AT PRINCE RUPERT RECREATION COUNCIL GYM5 by J IM NlAST ranks third on the list of leisure d mi timo niircnllc .,.. r, DVrOn lf I rn an4 dians? According to a survey Wife Nearly Hurt conducted ty sub-committee on I ' DEN' nvi 1 recreaUon Texas - Golfer of the Youth Federation,6 there Canadian Tl 2? r, f ."d hIs. wlf - wijuiy wnen meir car skidded and overturned near here, while enroute to Fnrt. Worth for an exhibition match. Nelson received nothing more than a shakeup. FROM GROCERS, CHAIN ana DEPARTMENT STORES Oil Burners qieaned and Repaired Chimney Cleaning and all Home Repairs , Ice Deliveries Saturday Green 486 Phone Green 337 "House of Better Cleaning" EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Authorized ' "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mail Orders Box 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 200 4th street : Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. ' Books, Magazines. Newspapers Phone Blue 810 (Res. Green 955) JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist JOHN BULGER LTD. Third Avenue imwiiMiuifii FOR PROMPT ind EFFICIENT SERVICE mall (our qlattct to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. LIS M MYMOOHST. VANCOUVER. B.C. YUE KING'S CAFE for coffee while at NEW HAZELTON Lunch Counter for Meals Hotel . . . FOR arrivals Prince Kuperi C. Westgarth, Vancouver; Lt. Commander A. G, Birch, Van couver; A. Attwassel. Vancou ver; W. T. Hickmore, Smithers; E. N. Johnson, Vancouver; C. C. Scaife, Vancouver; Capt. O. W. Vanderbilt, Vancouver; Capt. H. u. uambrat, Vancouver; William Dunn, New Westminster: J. de Kergammeaux, Terrace; VV. H. Mcllroy, Prince Georee: Col. j W. Nicholls, Vancouver; Mr. and Airs. G. Brown, cUy, J. B. Peters, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. J, A, Duthie, Vancouver," Mr. and Mrs, M. M. Gelfond, Vancouver; G, A, Bearl, Edmonton; B. E. Morgan, Billmor; G. Gottfred, Edmonton; H. N. Marshall. Vancouver' ! Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson, Cassiar, Mrs. H. Anderson, 'Vancouver; 1 Mrs. D. P. Birrell, Vancouver RICHNESS Business and Professional INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada a F. I.OVIN. Phone Oreen 874 Representative Box 826 117 2nd Ave. W. Opposite YMCA PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING & PAPERHANGING G33 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 p.m.) HANDY-MAN HOME SERVICE Expert SAW FILING All kinds of saws sharpened. For prompt service leave saws at Prince Rupert Supply House 334 Second Ave. If it's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man Ca M.SAUNDERS Blue C6G Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. PARTRIDGE & GUNSTON General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, Station B Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundations Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. Work to please everyone No work too large or too "small H. J..LUND Painting Paperhanglng UNION PAINTER Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 p.o. Box 274 Night Calls Especially 552 TAXI (Tom Harvey) Stand: Westholme Rooms, 2nd Ave. For General Construction Houses, Verandahs Raised, . Alterations, Additions, Steps Built and Repaired also Cement Foundations, Floors, Sidewalks', Driveways and Septic Tanks Phone Green 482 Immediate attention PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS- -CIRCULATION COUNTS tf Steamship Sailings For Vancouver -Mondav Prinrpw AHMaMp iu pjn. Tuesday s Catala, 1:30 p.m. Thurday ss Prince Rupert, ii. to p.m. Friday ss Cardena. 10:00 n.m. n-om Vancouver Dec. 19 ss Princess Norah. p.m. Sunday ss Catala, 4 p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide, Wednesday ss Prince Rupert. 10:00 a.m. Dec. 15 Princess Norah. For North Queen Charlottes-Dec 7, Dec 21. Jan. 4, una . m nut v B k A 1 Card of Thanhs To the Electorate: While successful In electing only two cut of seven candidates, we accept your verdict unconditionally, and thank sincerely those who worked for and supported our candidates at the polls yesterday. CIVIC LABOR FEDERATION. Steamship Service from Prince Rupert -TT to I OCEAN FALLS POWELL RIVER VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FAKES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE - - Classified Adt)nrfh;- WANTED - Experienced stenographer, shorthand essential. Permanent position. W. H Maikln Co. Ltd. (tf) WAMEU WANTED-Three-room suite or housekeeping rooms, in good district. -Central If possible. Room 64 Rupert Hotel ut) WAVTPn TO OrlT n..t.i i ...... .w nijin f uuiiMiea suite, by quiet couple, no children. Close in. Will pay up to $50. Room 62, Prince Rupert Hotel. (290) WANTED TO RENT House, close in, by quiet couple, no children. Permanent resident. Box C3 Dally News. . (289) WANTED 3 or 4 -room house or suite, preferably near King Edward Rrhnfil Wrlto Dnv ca W1..VW AUA I Dailv News. ijsqi FOIt KENT FOR RENT Three-room suite, private entrance. 436 Bowser Street, next to 137 5th East, alter 7 p.m. (294) ROOMS FOR 909 1st Ave. """" rrn. . Classified AdTertUn la payable to th suomiuing copy ror Insertion. Please da . ltc i ujt.iwi, jsirriCE Funeral service frvr thu Mrs. Edna Stalker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Prtrar wrin be held from the Grenville Court Chapel, Saturday, at 2-33 p.m. Interment at Falrview Cemetery. CAKD OF THANKS I wish to thank all th - ww. ntiv supporiea me m the election for me uoara 01 scnool Tritec Will do mv best tfi morlt V.J infidence you have shown in me. MRS. EARL BECKER. HELP WANTED RENT Close in. West. (294) FOR RENT Suite, almost complete with brand new furniture. Renter must purchase furniture. Apply Box 65 Daily News. (293) FOR RENT Furnished house- Keeping rooms. 341 Sherbrooke Ave. MACHINERY LOST NI) FOUND (296) TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C (tf, FOUND AT LAST A brand new aance nail to rent for your parties and socials. It's the Recreation Dance Hall on 5th Ave. East. For information fnone 840, ask for Fred. (12) LOST Admiral pocket watch weanesaay evening. Please pnone Black 347. (290) FOUND Man's wrist watch. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. (291) FOUND Key on chain. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. (tf) RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE Have vour radio serviced before the Christmas season. Phone 6 and a member of the Associated Radio Technicians will call at your home. McRae uros. Ltd FOR UK ' for It CSALE All k, TT . v""1' 3 oth Ave forsaIt uiftn U87, FOR SAI.F. across from FOR SALE-.Rolu, . kic spriiL.uee from FOR SAI P. nr tel. radio: QSTk,. "ally News. 6SI FOR 8AI.Fn. for quick sale. 718 after 6. run. oaliv BOV's C.CM oar Dicycle. A-i 7L nva us alter 6 1 u.. c piuuo. Apply 89 rung, males. $10. Good s Phone Blue 519 after 6 1 rUtt SALE (t.rrw, .... "uute. in 7tn Ave rutt SALE New and ist iiiiure. isome of us clubs of Port Edwara' at the lnu-Kt n.i... mirrors, big sizes, jr? rag rugs, from $2.00 -t lows. 75c: new rar- make u-lth on ,!". $100; usetl beds ara s set, $3.00; good pi leg tables, $5.00: batten in nrs; class shape chairs and dMkr he -, office baskets. 50c Ahlt used furniture B.C f;t tro. Black 324. FOR SALE 3 -room Dodge Cove For pai pnone uiue 142. pno nor m . ' oAiit iwu wean a". radio and trramaDh:.-. or trade. 714 Far f PERSONAL DRESSMAKING, d alterations. Phone Gree DRESSMAKING - Coats 773. For the fast- .FEDERAL BLOCK TENDERS FOR SALE Sealed tc.. dc received uy me u signed until noon of Dea .isi ior me purcnaie c easboat "Stnrriv Tl. ; b 1l..T-ti-.niP'i , . ou 3 ui aim is duc 7 H.P. Vulcan eneine strictly cash. Highest c: lenaer not necessarily it A Tl . .. u I . tu, cuiik may ltc viewcu ' now moored in small cove nr wn t isiani nr sa t of the Estate of Gusiil trom, deceased, Prince R SWAP SWAP 30-foot troller Gee 12 Ji.p. diesel engine iz: Apply Box 62 Daily C.N.R. Trains Bally except Sunday From ihe fast Dally except Monday y mmmmmmm 5 FURNITURE Tht Perfect Gift For Your Home 10:4.' The thoughtful, lasting present that everyone enjoys. - Gordon & Anderson LIMITED THIRD AVENUE ELECTRICAL GOODS, HARDWARE, FURNITURE