ALADA" ft JjfiF' - " ,. .ar with so many items obtainable, ah excellent solu- ,,n to your gift problems is to r l " w cTUt.f! Tn mir ti vou will una many very; ceptable items, we suggest: ,r HEK Superhealth Cooking Utensils. Pyrex Ware. Dishes Lamps. ,ir HIM Tools. FREE ESTIMATES Cor. 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. Shop Now! . . . while the selection is largerl Gordon's Hardware . i I--1 t K'OIIUC unit. IKS littcriMH s Unties nnr sizes T 1 1 W J - ' I ----- Phone 311 A. MacKenzie Furniture "A" GOOD PLACE TO BUY" it.ov make beautiful CHRISTMAS GUTS. Tney have lust Under felts for your Carpets. They will make your carpet last longer and give it a new life; all,sizes and different grades to choose from. This Is a good investment as well as a necessity and a Christmas Gift chat will last. PHONE 775 327 THIRD AVENUE or MISCELLANEOUS LADIES' WEAR ... at the ..." STONE BUILDING (Next to W. F. Stone's) Exceptional Values in all kinds of Women's and Girls' CLOTHING A VISIT WILL WfiLL KEI'AY YOU! EMPIRE CAFE (Fo.icny L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 ajn. to 1 aon. WORK GUARANTEED P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue fl4 Local News Items For a reliable taxi, Phone 32. Open 7 ain. to 3 a.m. (tf) Mr, and Mrs. James Hutchison left last nigri on the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson of Cassiar cannery were passen n ft ft A Si 5 YORK GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Building Supplies Free Estimates, Construction and Repairs Windows and Frames, Doors and Frames, cabinets Show. Cases of all description Also Furniture Repairs First class finishing and workmanship Phone Black 126 Between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. WATCH THIS SPACE For An Interestng "New Specials Every Day Announcement Coming Soon MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18 and 19 (Opposite Canadian Legioni P.O. Box 575 BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works Sheetmctal work of all kinds - Air Conditioning & Furnace Work Eavestrough Tanks Sinks - Prompt attention to outside orders J.Me Kergommeaux of Terrace sailed on the Prince Rupert last night on a trip to Vancouver. Tony Crawley left last night cn the Prince Rupert to spend the Christmas season at Van- l couver and Victoria. gers for Vancouver on the Prince Mr. and Mrs. Harry Drink-Rupert last night. ' water were passengers on the Marie's Dining Room, 622 Fraser Street. Russian dishes. Open to the public, Saturday, December 15. Hours 5 p.m. to 2 am. Phone 309. (291). Clarence E. Salter, a Skeena River cannery manager for the Canadian Fishing Co., left on the Prince Rupert on a trip 'to Vancouver. E. E. Poole of Edmonton, War Assets Corporation Appraiser, who has been surveying the American installations here for the Crown company preparatory to them being taken overVby the Canadian government, left last night for Vancouver to complete. pricing of the U.S. buildings and equipment here. He was ac- Prince RuDert last nisht for Vancouver where they will spend Christmas. ' Mr. and , Mrs. David. Allen were passengers for Vancouver aboard the Prince Rupert last night. Mr. Allen is manager of Kelly Douglas Co. here. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sargent of Hazeltori' wre passengers for Vancouver on the Prince Rupert last nlghtr having arrived on last night's train from the interior town. Sgt. Douglas Sweeney who was with the U. S. Army here for the last 27 months and during much of- that time president of the Corporal's Club before his promotion, left last night on the glcompanled by J. E. Poole, who ; Prince Rupert for, Fort Lewis, nas been assisting m the survey, i wasningion, wnere ne win De Both are members of Poole Con- i discharged. His home is at Oak-struction Company, Edmonton. ' lan. California. "e New TAPerite "STATELEIGH" . . . gift of the tnwrt et. Thil beautiful atreamlined pen with gold-filled cap and pencil to match tn choice of colours. Set $22.90 Pen alone ..... Pencil $16.06 No. 515 P'" ' ,ncn alaoNo.SISV for ladiei. Choice of colour. $5.95 et $9.52 $6.84 Inspector of Schools and Mrs. E. E. Hyndmari ana their two children left last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. They will spend the Christmas holidays in the south. G. Gottfred, superintendent of C. N. Telegraphs, and C. A. Radford, traffic manager, CN. Telegraphs, both of Edmonton, left lastinlght for Vancouver on the Prince Rupert after a brief business visit to the city. Bob Herrick, who has been assistant US.O. director here for the last six months, left on last night's train on his way to his home at St. Louis, Missouri, where he will spend & vacation prior to being re-asslgned with the U.S.O. Frank Finnerty, for more than two years director or the U.S.O. Club here; left last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver on his way to New York prior to being re-assigned to the Philippines with the U.S.O. Miss J. B. Peters R.N. of Vancouver, consultant in tuberculosis for the Provincial Board of Health, sailed last night by the Prince Rupert on her return south after a brief visit here on official duties. She had arrived in the city on Wednesday 'night's train from the Cariboo district and Prince George. The Inkquaduct Feed assuring perfect balance, smooth-flowing, instant stop. The 14-Kt. hand-ground point, twrsunalizcd to fit every hand. The One-Stroke Filler . ., . instant and complete. The beauty of line, giving rightful pride in every smart setting. NO. 352 Popular pen fur men and ladiei. Choice of coloura. Pen .$4.16 ct ....$5.95 Mrs. C. J. Norrington is paying 1 a brief visit to the city, having arrived on last night's train from the interior. She will return to Terrace Saturday night. W. Neale, formerly a clerk In the C.N.R. ticket office here, was a passenger on the Prince Rupert last night for Vancouver where he has been transferred by the company. G. Gottfred, superintendent of Canadian National Telegraphs Edmonton, and C. A. Radford, traffic manager, Edmonton, are in the city on an Inspection visit to the local telegraph office. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leckle, who have been In Prince Rupert for the last three years while Mr. Leckle was attached to the United States Army Engineers as a clvirian engineer, left last night on the Prince Rupert on their way to Los Angele3 following the completion of Mr. Leckle's work here. Six millionaires, a host of bankers, Judges, lawyers, stock brokers, office workers, newspapermen recently held a din ner in honor of the newsboy from whom they bought their dally paper. He had been in the business 48 years, and estimated he had sold over 6,000,000 news papers during that time. jjJ ...At "LADY PATRICIA" Pearl colours . . . lines of Rtace. Spark ling chrome trim. $5.95 et... ...... $9.52 s a Waterman's ! WATERMAN'S! That's it . . . the perfect A present for those people on your "very special" list those who will appreciate a really smart gift. When you say "Merry Christmas" with a Waterman's set, or a Waterman's Pen or Pencil, you know you're giving the finest ... a gift to be treasured always 1 Don't worry too much about which Waterman's you buy. You can't go wrong if you "Just look for the name . . . Waterman's!" These famous features are a part of every Waterman's pen: No. o77-The" tion' in coloura of mi.'oon, blue, black or grey, Pen $10.41 et .....$15.47 13rfnce Rupert Dailp f3cui0 Friday, December J4, 1945 FUNERAL AT METLAKATLA The funeral service lor Ruby Nelson, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson Jr. was held In St. Paul's Church at Metlakatla on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Gordon Smith of Seal Cove offi ciating. The child was the victim of a tragic drowning accident earlier in the week. Organist for the hymns,. "When He Cometh and "Safe In the Arms of Jesus," was Helen Haldane. Interment took place at Auriol Point, pall bearers being members ol tne Men's Benevolent Association. There were many beautiful floral tributes from the following: George and Family. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leask, Mr. and Mrs. William Leask, Grandpa Leigh-ton and Lizzie, Grandpa and Grandma Nelson, Salvation Army, Y.M.B.A. Association, Mr. and'Mrs. Fred Auckland, Metla katla Council, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wright and Family, Mr, and Mrs. William Campbell, Cecil, Dorothy and Family, Marjorie and Bar bara Wilson, Mary and Myrtle Emily and Will. "He who moulds public senti ment goes deeper than he who enacts statutes he makes statutes possible or impossible to execute." Abraham Lincoln. And without the education of nubile opinion to the pressin: needs of war toy Canadian dally newspapers, It would have been impossible to enforce urgent wartime regulations. Announcements All adverusrmenw! -n tnw column wUl be charged for a full montrj at 25e a word. P. A. Dance, December 18. Oddfellows Hall. Bobby Woods Orchestra. Regular Baptist Christmas party, December 20, 7 p.m., I.O.D.E. Hail. Prince Rurjert Regiment (MG) Dance, Friday, December 21, 9:30 to 1:30, Armouries. Admission $1. Canadian Lesion Christmas Tree, Dec. 22. Legion and Aux iliary members witn cnnaren n rind under, mease nnone mrt. Morrow, Black 752 before Nov. 30. L.O.B.A. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Dec. 27. Refreshments. De Carlos Orchestra. Hogmanay Dance, under auspices of I.O.O.F. Lodge, Oddfellows' Hall, Dec. 31. Dancing 9'p.m. till 1 a.m. John Brem-ner's Orchestra. Canadian Legion and Prince Rupert Regiment (M.G.) New Yoar Eve Party and Dance 6th Avenue Armouries. Ad mission by invitation only. NEURALGIA Driving You Mad? T-R-C's. Specially compounded to ease Hull nclies end sharp, "tabbing panu T.K.C?. are used by thousands for Neur- HOW CAN L? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. .How can I make cut flowers last longer? A. The stems, of cut flowers should be clipped every day" to prolong their freshness. Another help is to add a couple of aspirin tablets to the water In which they are kept. Q. How can I improve the flavor of lemons? A. Place lemons in water un til they are wanted for use. The skin will not only be kept from hardening, but the flavor will be Improved. Q. How can I easily shift a rocking chair around the room? A. Try rubbing floor wax on the rockers of the heavy chairs, and see how easily they can be shifted around the room. More financial advertising Is carried in the dally newspapers of Montreal and Toronto than in those of New York, Boston and Chicago: rood whole. nulVw i0! A j fine V tnr hablCS. allia. Sciatica and Lumbago, tor Kneuj jjjj Tain and Vsci mStic Arthritic or .Neuritic Stiflncss. 50c, $1 at druggists. WU The IDEAL PRESENT for . . . HIM or HER There arc-- - g . . ,nVr-.nd Provides 8Smlcanu. m.nDto "sunshine h, extra help help bm d bones ana . h l wori sealed and ster.Tr ;; eJ V indefinitely w'r j- t- can.Thira, nt V Vancouver, B.u WIJ.M4M.I If (111 A FINE NEW ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS GIFT DRESSINGS AND CARDS WE HAVE A WONDERFUL SELECTION OF WATERMAN PEN AND PENCIL SETS DIBB PRINTING CO. BESNER BLOCK, THIRD STREET (Downstairs) OPEN FOR YOUR APPROVAL ... Pall Mall ae AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL 6:30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. t We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes: - "; "