57f i ! it am : r. -sin .vn It 1 RUPERT PEOPLES SIORE Totht Quality Repairs - at Economy Prices prince Uuucrt Dafly Bclvs Friday. December 14, 1945 PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR .3rd St. (Near the Post Office) i o 0 ."" AT AT vniiu YOUR FAVO R I TF BOOK STORE ONUr Christmas Cards FANCY WRAPPINGS. STICKERS, ETC. Besides Your RUPERT TOBACCO STORE Also Carries' ... 5 S F O R Y O U R P L E A S U R E RUPERT PEOPLES STORE IIBBBBHBHDBBBaiiaBglllllla - VOTERS OF PRINCE RUPERT Thank you for your excellent support. I shall do my best to warrant your confidence and to meet my responsibility on the council. CLIFF HAM. KATY'S KLEEN KITCHEN "03 Fulton Slrcct t Phone Blue 882 HOME COOKING AND BAKING AFTERNOON TEA Open Daily 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Iie. dance and be merry at a happy holiday spot. -Kathleen Davis, Proprietress. Merry Christmas end Happy New Year COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Make this your comfortable home in Prince Rupert. First Ave. and Eighth St, BOX No. 997 PHONE 676 CHRISTMAS GIFT SELECTIONS NIGHT BALL IS UNLIMITED Big; League Meetine in Chicago Comes to Peaceful Conclusion CHICAGO Oi The big league baseball meeting In Chicago ended on a note of peace the major leaguers and Commissioner Happy Chandler apparently agreed to bury the hatchet. With the wind-up came the announcement of approval of unlimited night baseball for 1946. QUEBEC ADDED TO CUBS' FARM CHICAGO P The Chicago Cubs have announced that the Quebec club of the Canadian- American circuit has been added to their farm system throuah n working agreement with their inree-Eye League Club In Dav enpqrt, Iowa. PHILLIES ARE BUILDING UP BETTER CLUB PHILADELPHIA P In their latest deal totouild ud a cood ball club by straight cash purchases. the Philadelphia Phillies have bou?ht shortstop L&.ar "Skeet-er" Newsome from' the Boston Red Sox. The Phils are said to be paying the Sox $15,000 for Newsome, with no players Involved in the deal. Advertise in The Dally News. -jOk. ' bbbbbbbbbbV fA 'flflflflflflflflflW FOR . . . BABY at XMAS BUNTING BAGS CARRIAGE and CRIB SPREADS KIMONAS DRESSES ROMPERS BONNETS BOOTIES JACKETS BIBBETTES A large assortment WEE TOTS' SHOPPE Today in Sports In amateur hockey rink encounters last night, the Flyers defeated the Catenrv Stampeders 6-5 In a Western Canada senior hockey league game played in Edmonton The Sherbrooke Randies scored four goals in the last period to defeat the Saint Hyacinthe,8alnts 6-2 and pulling Into a third-Dlare tie with the Saints in the Quebec Provincial Hockey League. The game was played in Sherbrooke in a Mailtime senior exhibition. Aioncion deieated Amherst 7-4 and over In the Halifax Senior City League, the R.C.A.F. trounced the Crescents 8-2. 1 Prominent in ts prizefight business, Louis Diamond, has died In Hot Springs, Arkansas He was 55 years old. Diamond had been currently managing Gus Lesnevich and, during his long career, he had also managed Johnny Buss, the bantam and flyweight titleholder, and Man Burke, the New Orleans heavyweight. Diamond was regarded in boxing circles as one of the smartest ballyhoo men In the game. The only game played in the National Hockey League circuit Wednesday night saw the Detroit Red Wings come from behind to gain a 2-2 tie with the Boston Bruins on Boston ice. With the victory, the visitors, sept anve tneir jinx over the Bruins, the Boston club havin? been unable to top" the red shirts in a regular scheduled league tussle since December 28. 1943. The first period passed scoreless. Boston drew first blood on a goal by Dit Clapper early in the second stanza, lobbing a 50-footer through, goalie Harry Lumley. Herb Cain put Boston iwo anead when he hammered in a forward pass from Cowley but the lines were changed for the resulting face-off and Ben Buidolin knocked the pins from under the Bruins by drawing an Interference penalty. That was the .signal for the Red Wing offensive and Detroit packed the Boston zone. Carl.LIscombe.drop-ped one in behind goalie Paul Bibeaut's back and veteran Mur ray Armstrong mu'f In' the equalizer. Hockey Scores National League Toronto 4. Montreal. 3. ' Chicago 7. New York 4. Pacific Coast League Oakland 6, Los Angeles 5. San Francisco 10, Hollywood 5. Buy more War Savings Stamps, PROMPT SERVICE TRANSFER and TAXI TRANSFER 65 TAXI Anytime Anywhere 2 4 - II O U R SERVICE ft ft if! A A K H A H K rt H i if A A A A : A K n : Newspapers - Magazines - Tobaccos - Candy 2 OPPOSITE ORMES DRUG STORE f- 19451 mm irui i . .1 eace . in 55 years? Here's o fight that's far from over agpinst tuberculosis, the dreod plague that still kills more Canadians between 15 ond 45 thon any other disease. Your annual purchase of Chrisfmas Seels since 1900 hos helped cut Ihe TB death rate 757! And TB can be wiped out some authorities soy by the year 2000. Yet vartimc conditions give TB a new lease on life human life. So please, help us bring up the reserves. This vear. buv extra Climmn (..i. d. member, there con be no peace treoty with tuberculosis. BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS THIS SPACE DONATED BY "WHERE MEN BUY" t . Maple Leafs Beat Canucks MONTREAL The upset of the evening in the National Hockey League saw ihe lowly Toronto Maple Leafs nose out the Mont real Canadiens, circuit leaders, in a top-drawer match on Mont- j real Ice. The 4-3 Montreal loss was the first defeat suffered by the Habitants on home Ice this season. From Toronto's point of view. It enabled the slow-starting Leafs to move out of a cellar place tie with the New York Rangers. Montreal now stands one point ahead of the second place Chicago Black Hawks. The Toronto club displayed the form that carried them to the Stanley Cup victory last season. They showed a lot cf fight throughout, coming from behind an early 2-0 Canadlen lead. For their part, the Canadiens suffered from a week rearguard. Doing the honors for Toronto ? were Bob Goldham, Jackie Hamilton, Billy Taylor and Sweeney Schriner. The Montreal goals were tallied by Joe Benoit, Elmer Lach and Toe Blake. Black Hawks Beat Rangers In the other National Hockey League tussle last night, the fleet Chicago Black Hawks visited, and trounced, the bottom place New York Rangers, 7-4, placing the Windy City club in second position in the leaeue standing. The victory saw Chi cago break Its third-place tie with the Boston Bruins and step one 'point ahead of the Detroit Red Wings. Three third-period goals spelled victory for the Hawks. The Rangers Jumped into a two-goal lead early in the game on counters by Lynn Patrick and Alex Shibicky. Max Bentley and Clint Smith neutralized the New York goals, but Lynn Patrick's second counter of the night made it 3-2 before the period was out. In the middle stanza, Chicago jumped into the lead on score i by George Gee and Doug Bent-ley. Alex Shibicky countered on a solo effort to tie the score. And In- the final session, Max Bentley, Clint Smith and Red Hamill tallied for Chicago. buy a GRUEN ROW THE PRECISION WATCH ONLY GRUEN GIVES YOU MONTEREY 17.Jw.l P. cition Movement, UK Solid Gold Cose $52.50 c PRECISION TIME UTMOST QUALITY BEAUTY MEDALLIST-17 Jewel Precision Movement. 10k Gold Filled Case S42.S0 FIRST CHOKE OF INTERNATIONAL STYLISTS hastlicm There's One In Vour District NEW Westinghouse Sun Lamp Completely self-contained, 275 -watt RS Sun Lamp. Fits ordinary screw socket in your home ... no special fixture or auxiliary equipment required. Four minutes exposure equals 12 minutes July sunshine. Price StJU.oo A YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS 1MKK1N RUPERT RADIO ELECTRIC CO. & ELECTRIC CO PRINCE RUPERT, SUPPLY HOUSE Christmas Cards ilk jWIAW L A complete selection to choose from. Cards that will suit your taste. Beautiful designs and nice verses. FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS CALL AT THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars' (Jet Out and VOTE Thursday Any type of construction undertaken. Engineering and plans supplied. NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION CO. General Contractors HOUSE REMODELLING FINANCED ON BUDGET BASIS Kitchen Cabinets, Sash and Door 225 First Avenue East ,,hone 5C, Today - Saturday at i: fc flflflflflBv K 3 1 00 - 2:50 - 4; Hit0 Capitol 4 55 7:00 , MAKCIl OF tiMe WSNEV CAKTO0J NEWS SATURDAY-10:15 A.M ' I D D I E LAUREL and UARbY in L U B "JITTERBUG WESTERN SHORT SIlBJECIS CAHTOON ,' GIVE THEATRE TICKETS OtnSlt 'I SEE OUR STOCK OF Automotive Accessories Cleaners and Polishes-Polish Cloths-Chamois- -oiashlae Window Cleaner (with sprayer) -Vanity Mirrors-Bumper Jacks-Scat Covers-Locking Gas Cans- -Car rnn .. Carriers (just the thjng for the sportsman). -Sled Shaven wiii'u wrencnes. Get your Imperial Oil Hockey Broadcast Schedules here. Listen every Saturday night at 6:00 p.m. over CFPR to the National Hockey Broadcast, S. E. PARKER LIMITED l ord Dealer Card of Thanks I wish to express my appreciation to the people of Prince Rupert for the confidence they have shown In electing me to the'clty council and to ensure them that I will at all times do my utmost for the city. T. NORTON YOUNGS. Quality Imperial Oil Drain I Tommy's Tad Stand: Grotto Cigar Store Day and Night Strrict 77 phone 771 Tommy Christoff, ProprictoJ ARROW SHOES FOR MEN Quality and Style at Popular Prices Now Featured at Ihe CUT RATE SHOE STORE For 194(1 DIARIES . . . , Standard Pocket Diaries. Standard Office Diaries CALENDARS 1946 . . . Ideal Calendar Pads, 75c and $1.25. Ideal Calendar Stands, $1.00 and $1.25. "Calendar by Varga," .'55c. "Colorful Canada" Calendar, $1.50. HAVE YOUR PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN Five minutes from the time you pose until you have your picture. 2'i2Jj inches passport or identification sire. "CURLY'S" a FOR 303 THIRD AVENUE llaveyour EYES EXAMINED UPSTAIRS ABOVE STONE'S CLOTHING STORE Office Hours 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. . or evenings by appointment. Cor. 3rd Ave and 5th St, if. -r .iviaw Wi.lU'V' Hooni 4 STONE Optometrist block