POTATOES Per lb. I x ' . ... . ........ ' MI 1TC Large 59c lb. FANCY I'OMSHEI) PECANS 65c lb. 8-lb. Mesh Bag I Pn-n-nn-Pnll A Fir VUI 1 1 VI XWfc .... www Green Peppers 25c Green Beans 25c ; Spinach 23c 'Strawberries 39c Raspberries 39c i Canteloupe 34c ! Peaches 29c Sweet New JUICE-HEAVY i ORANGES 314's 2 doz. 65c 252's ....... -2 doz. 95c 200's 2 doz. .$1.15 176's , . doz. G5c 150's doz. 78c 126's doz. 92c FANCY PEARS A Lush Table Delicacy 32c U POUNDS FRESH FLUFFY Marshmallows While they last, pkt. iKU CRUSHED PINEAPPLE Gallon tin $ (No , coupons) Free Delivery' 1.45 19c 3 55c IIAZELTON NETTED Qg GEMS, sk. Fresh V y y y y y HALF SACK ..$1.00 CRANBERRIES No. ,1 .Capecod, lb :. 49c APPLES ": $3.45 XMAS CRACKERS 45c 55c 85c MIXED NUTS 2 99c DIAMOND WALNUTS ALMONDS FILBERTS Mckled Herring 33c, Pickled Walnuts 39c, RED EMI'OKER GRAPES VEGETABLES LETTUCE, CELERY, ONIONS. BROCOLLI, GREEN ONIONS, ARTICHOKES, TOMATOES, PARSNIPS, RADISHES, ENDIVES, LEEKS, CARROTS, TURNIPS, .SPINACH, BEETS. BRUSSEL SPROUTS, PARS LEY in fact everything In season pred to save you money! AUSTRALIAN SULTANAS 1 pounds Featuring a wide selec tion of quality food stuffs at the city's low 1 est prices. Ovenvaitea advjses you to place your .order now for your Christmas food requirements. Your order will be delivered next week on any of the following days: Tuesday West. Wednesday East. Thursday West. Friday East. Saturday City-wide ar 1 i "J POUND SWEET POTATOES HUBBARD SQUASH 2S FANCY OLIVES Plain or Stuffed 6-oz. 9-oz. 16-oz. PINEAPPLE 1 KRAFTS .QREAM CHEESE P pkt. J 1 CIGARS CIGARETTES -'CRACKEK-JACK POTATO CHIPS FROZEN FOOD BKINC.S THE FRESH FLA- i (VOL'R OF AN EARLY JUNE GARDEN TO GRACE YOUR HOLIDAY FEAST. Green Peas 25c 19c 4-lb. bskt. 75c 29c M POUNDS POUND Vegetable, Green Pea, Tomato, Asparagus A A and Celery X" lb. TINS 8c TEXAS SEEDLESS , GRAPEFRUIT 3roBstoM 29c TEXAS PINK GRAPEFRUIT Size 80, 2 for 15 It AYL.MER SOUPS 99c MONEY'S ; BUY GOSH FAMOUS FOODS Mushrooms : Pop-Corn Spaghetti 65c 5c Pk, : 19c , FRESH FROZEN y y y FROM NORTHERN SASK. Jell In a Jiffy, 12-oz. carton 35c . . . X V1.:'V11,'..'1. v.y.s -' A H y XMAS CANDY I S XMAS WEEK 5 MARASCHINO CHERRIES ROTARY SEES CANNERY FILM Entertained by Moving Pictures Collection for .Old-Timers Dinner Prince Rupert Rotary Club members were "taken through" a salmon and herring cannery at Port Edward by the medium of a motion picture which was the entertainment feature of the club's weekly luncheon meeting Thursday. The film was shown by George Peters, local railwayman, whose hobby of photog raphy has built up a rich library of local scenes and industries. K y aJ Nabob Fancy, C4-oz. Jar ,$2.!)!) Silvets Sardines Small Fish In Oil. - for 0yERWAITEAEJEA1J.5cIMYSORES.COFFEE,.41c r CDY A TF Ane RUPERT'S LOWEST-PRICED GROCETERIA An appeal by President James H. Thompson for Individual con tribution to the elder citizens' Christmas dinner fund sponsor ed by the Women s Co-ordlnat- ine Council brought a response totalling $37 when the hat was Dassed around. In addition $25 is being contributed from club funds. Mr. Thompson announced that npxt weftk's meatlni would be devoted to club business follow ins the luncheon. quests at yesterday's meeting were E. E. Poole, Canadian gov ernment apnralser for War A?sets Cornoration: G. Gott- fred. superintendent of Cana dian National Telegraphs. Ed monton; C. A. Radford, trainc manager, C.N. Telegraphs, pd- monton, and George Peters, of Prince Rupert. Buy more War savings Stamps CFPR fc SBCRBT RECIPE I Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) ppnnBAM HIGHLIGHTS The Kinsmen of Prince fhrnuirh thp ro-orjeration of Radio Station CFPR, will be gin this evening at 9:30 a series of five Interesting stories by Lloyd Morris. Tonight the life story of Robert Louis Stevenson will be given. Next Friday at 9:30 -the llie story pi wiuiam Ernest Henley, this win rje ioi-lowed by the life story of Francis Thompson, and the life story tiva hrnnrfpasts will be rjresented each Friday at 9:30 and are in the Interests of B.C. TUDercuiosis Society and the sale of Christmas Seals. ' FRIDAY P.M. 4 :C0 Victor Salon Group 4:30 English Favorites 5:00 Vocal Varieties 5:30 Remember 5:45 Piatter Parade 6:C0 Supper Serenade 6:15 Listening Post 6:30 March Time 6:45 Who Was He? 6:50 Recorded Interlude 6:55 Ideal Hints 7:00 C3.C. News .7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Montreal Festival 8:00 Books for the 'Ames 8:15 Concert in Miniature 8:30 Vancouver Playhouse 9:C0 Music to Remember 9:30 Hawiian Echoes 10:00 CBC' News 10:15 Dark Naratlve 10:30 Hal Mclntyre's Orch. 11:00 Silent SATURDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hits 8:30 Operatic Gem 9:00- BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions LET US MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EASY! Why carry home bulky or heavy parcels when you can leave them at the store for delivery the same day by BERT'S TRANSFER. We have made arrangements with city stores to supply this service for a small charge. Delivery by 4 p.m, of the same day purchases are made. Tell the clerk to "Call Bert's." V y y y y y y 5 y I BERT'S TRANSFER & MESSENGER 303 THIRD AVENUE WEST y y y y w y SCOTTY'S Old Country (jiftslktttue "'B'ta'tfS'ifS'i&sti'f PHONE BLUE 810 HEY FOLKS! CM on and Dance at the Recreation Dance Hall. It's the place you'll want to bring your friends . . . and we hope you do1! Dancing every Friday and Saturday nights from 8 p.m. to midnight. RECREATION HALL FRED ERNEWEIN, Manager Phone 848 COLD WEATHER AHEAD! Make sure your Oil Burner, Stove and Furnace are In good order also cnecK your waier ripe msuiaiions. FOR CLEANING AND REPAIRS OF ALL-KIlfos N.T. HANSEN hionf. home service Tin OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO 6- A.M. Fish and Chips Comer of Third Avenue and Sixth 'Street FISH AND CHIPS TO TAKE HOME Phone, 8C4 Find Iema ,Gure i On Kitchen Shelf NANAIMO 0i Js Galloway, prominent doa breeder, discov ered by accident .not loos ago that ordinary liquid blueing is a cure for eczema, u an nap- pened when his favorite dog, suffering from the malady and doomed to be shot, changed her fate when she bumped into her mistress in the family laundry and caused a bottle of blueing 7 vJi V V V If v v y y y y y y y y v y y y y y y y v y v y y y y y y w . y y y y y y y y w y y y y y ;y V y y y y A large selection in: EARKINGS COMPACTS CIGARETTE CASES -GLAMQUIt, PINS LOCKETS LADIES' RINGS GENTS' RINGS and NOVELTIES John im JEWELLERS Third Avenue (Opp. Post Office) i EXPERT ENGRAVING Groggy Croi gini ii ntiure'i wtrnini (hat rout sy-lm needs atteoiion. SlugcUhkidnermn ciuse backtches. &Leep-len nights. Tke GIN PILLS, the reliable remedr favoured by thousands sold on a '"relitf or money back" basis. Ragulor alia, 40 Pills Lorga alia, 10 Pilla (In U.S. aak far Clna Pllli") XMAS GIFT j p pair Specials g For MEN . . . TIES Special 50c to $1.50 SCARFS Silk $1.25 t0 $2.00 DRESS .GLOVES S2.00 w 2.95 DRESS SHIRTS $2.25 to $5.00 DRESS IlELTS Leather 75c to $1.25, SVEATERS Big assortment $2.00 to $5.00 HATS Big .selection $2.25 M $6.00 For KOYS . . . STOCKINGS Iftp long SPORT CO JC5 SHIRTS ?UUO suits Tweeds. all sizes' 70 from PANTS Longs, .election. $2.00 JSLACK DENIMS ah sizes, of en with xuffs IA.OU .OJCEORDS Double sole. .sizes l to 5, 7K For JjADIKS LADIES' STOCKINGS LADIES' ANKLETS 65c 35c LADIES' HOUSE .SLIl'.l'ERS CI OS All sizes, pair yM-AO 11 0)RESS.ING Cl QCr GOWNS J)1tJ B.C. CLOTHIERS Third Avenue just West pf Slth Street K A a A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A .A A A s A A A A Jl A PrJurr JRiiucrt Daily jmc Erlday, .December 4.4, 1945 Better English BJ J. C. WILLIAMS 1. What Is wrong with this sentence? "1 do not wish to see him no how." 2. What Is the correct pronunciation of "inamorata"? 3. Which one'ef these words 10 cracK ana spin over u. n. j j,ajjaster. weeic luucr iuiis ui 6"" where the liquid had discolored the Inflamed skin. It was then Mr. Galloway began applying the blueing dally until the animals coat was restored. .Other aogs here are taking the cure and making fine progress. The ones jvlth eczema like the blueing because It stops itching and 9:30 Singing Strings 9:45 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Children's Scrapboo'K 10:30 Round up Time . 10:45 Morning Visit ll:C0-,Hit Song of .Yesterday 11 ::33 Message Period 11:35 Weather Forecast 11:36 Recorded 11:45 Personal Album P.M. . 12:00 Alvlna Rey's Orch. 12:15 Novelty Tunes 12:30 CBC News 12M5-Serenade .For Strings 1:00 To be announced 1:15 To be announced 1:30 To be announced 2:00 Silent 4. What does the word "tu multuous" mean? 5. What Is a word beginning See our new lnes ,of well known makes of .women's shoes In black and brown pumps and oxfords; high, Cuban and low heels. y y v y . - ' . Mu.b..i.hA I 5 y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y A jj y 1 with ie thafrneanTfldelity In allegiance"? Answers 1. Say, "I do not wish to see him at all (or. In the least)." 2. Pronounce ln-am-o-ra-ta, first a ,3s In am. second ,a as in ah, final a as in ask unstressed, principal accent on fourth syllable. 3. Acme. 4. Agitated with conflicting passions; disturbed. "He was aware of a tumultuous rush of emotion." 5. Fealty. Advertise in The Daily News. tutu i -mm ''' " ft CIGARETTE PAPERS Eor your HOLIDAY ATTIRE Our stock of slippe-for the practical g.-Is also complete. Selection at liest Now! See Our Windows FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE W. C. Osborne V. Imhoff TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT tH. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE A. M. Willi arria Expert Repairs on all makes of cars Reconditioning Motors' Tractors Road Equipment Machine Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric Welding BOX 202 TERRACE, B.C. PACJFIC CAFE Now Open for Business 6:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Special Chop S.uey Noodles 'XMAS SUGGESTIONS For Father, Son or Sweetheart . . . Parker's or Waterman's Pen .and Pencil eta Remington .Dual Head .Electric Razors, Men's Shaving Sets, all sizes, Wrist Watches. For Mother, Daughter or Sweetheart . .. . R A A .Beautiful Ladles' Toilet Chests, Perfumed Soap and Cologne ;Sets, Matched Powder and Perfume Seta, Manicure Sets. CHRISTMAS CARDS WRAPPING SEALS McCUTCHEON PHARMACY PHONE 543 . . . FOR . . PHONE H. Letourneau Expert Plumber, Tinsmith and Roofer A A 1 A A A A A A A BURN WOOD Spruce, per cord $12,50 Poplar, per cord $r.." Slabwood, 14" $10.00 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 COAL and WOOD TRY CUR CLASSIFIED ADS THEY OET RESULTS !' A A A A A a If