1 '"V 'AQE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Prlneo TJnnrf n r In Terrace . . . THE Monday, August 20, 1945 RUPERT PEOPLES STORE our FALL Skeena Mercantile G. McADAMS, Prop. SELF-SERVE GROCERS DRY GOODS - LADIES' WEAR A Modern DeplStore WE WELCOME TOURISTS I i nscmbie A trio of compliments to clothe you in spoity splendor come those chilly days. The coat is your favorite chesterfield dressed up with a velvet collar. The two -button suit has four 'Map pockets and narrow skirt. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ANNOUNCING Opening of Pall Mail Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. Fortune Telling C a.m. to 3 a.m. DO YOU WANT YOUR ENGINE TO LAST LONGER? DO YOU WANT YOUR OIL TO LAST LONGER? DO YOU WANT YOUR $$$ TO GO FURTHER? Then instal a new ... WINSLOW OIL CONDITIONER WINSLOW oil conditioners remove sludge, varnish, moisture, acid, carbon and grit, leaving only the lubricating qualities of ypur oil. We carry a complete stock or WINSLOW filters as well as WINSLOW replacement cartridges to fit other makes of -filters. AS WE ADVISE ... BE PENNY WISE Sec S. E. PARKER LIMITED . , Winslow Automotive Distributor for Northern B.C. 170 E. 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 83 TEKRACE SKEENA MOTOR TRANSPORT O. L. Brooks, Proprietor When in Terrace let Skeena Motors take care of your transportation. The best In transportation for less. Specializing In service to Lake-else Lake Agents for cabins, etc. All-night Coffee Bar TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON TOURISTS "SKEENA RRIDGE CAMP" One mile East of Terrace Box 13 Terrace, B.C. FEW ACHES TOURIST AND HUNTING LODGES Accommodation for 4 or 8 people by week or month, very reasonable, good swimming. Vacant now. Gcitrude Mitchell Terrace, B.C. TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND - GARAGE W. C. Osborne. V. Imhoff A. M. Williams Expert Repairs on all makes of cars Reconditioning Motors Tractors Road Equipment Machine Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric1 Welding BOX 202 -:- TERRACEfB.C. RACES HELD AT TERRACE Were Part of V-J Celebration At Interior Town Thursday TERRACE. August 20 Thurs day afternoon as part of Victory over Japan celebration here sports were held for the children. Winners of the races were as follows: Girls, seven and under Ger-aldlne Smart, Cecile McConnell, Evelyn Jackson. Boys, seven and under Clarence Baker, Raymond Bracken-berry, John Engejcke. Girls, ten and under Florence Normandeau, Pearl Haugland, FOR SALE Two lots with one three-room house; fully modern, fine garden, greenhouse and good chicken house; plus two-story four-room house. $3,200.00. Collart & McCaffery Ltd., opposite Third Street. (tf) FOR SALE Victory Cafe Building; excellent condition. Vacant apartment immediately upon sale of same. Rents $100 month. See Geo. Ladicos for particulars, (tf) FOR SALE Five-tube R.C.A. .Victor radio; also C.C.M man's . bicycle Red 410. (197) FOR SALE Seven-room house. Apply 315 9th Ave. West or! phone Green 838. (193) FOR SALE Davenport. Apply 529 6th Ave. East. (193) FOR SALE Trolling boat "NS" at New Floats; Al condition. Can be seen between 4:30 and 5 p.m. . (196) i FOR SALE Radio, 9-tube cabi-i net, $50.00. Box 91 Dally News. . (193) FOR SALE Studio couch. Call Blue 821 after 6:30 p.m. (193) FOR SALE Circulating heater, oak buffet. 140 7th Ave. East. (192) FOR SALE Household furniture including solid walnut dining room and bedroom suite, tri-llght lamp, ping pong table, General Electric radio, etc. Phone Red 126. (193) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver. DC. (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT Rooms for working couple. 344 Sherbrook Avenue. (194) FOR RENT I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone 83 for particulars. (tf, FOUND FOUND In the Post Office, pair of ladles' black kid gloves. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this ad. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50, Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Annette Normandeau. Boys, ten and under Lloyd Llewellyn, Oran Halan, Art Kerr. Girls, 14 and under Delphlne Johnston, Yvonne Normandeau, Theresa Johnston. Boys, 14 and under Roy Thomas, Pat Johnston, Bernard De Kergommeaux. Girls, 18 and under Delphlne Johnston, Yvonne Normandeau, Theresa Johnston Boys, 18 and under Roy Thomas, Pat Johnston, Bernard De Kergcmmeaux. Wheelbarrow Race Bernard De Kergommeaux and Gunnar Paulson, Pat Johnston and George Haugland, Stan Kerr and Lloyd Llewellyn. Ladies' Race Jeanne Des- jardins, Mrs. Maclnnes, Mrs. Classified Advertising - - - - TERMS CASH Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. Please do not ask for credit. FOR SALE FOR SALE 28-foot cabin gas- boat, excellent condition. Call Sgt. Allison, American Signals 189. (195) FOR SALE English, pram; used five months. Phone Green 487. (195) FOR SALE New and used furniture at the lowest prices. New 3-piece chesterfield, $100; high grade all-enamel ranges from $95; hardwood chairs; mattresses; used beds and springs, $7.00; enamelware, plates, cups, pudding dishes from 7,,ic; used enamel range (McClary) $47.50; axes from 95c. B.C. Furniture, Black 324. FOR SALE Two barber chairs; two big mirrors; National cash register, like new; rings to $1.95; other, goods. B.C. Furniture, Black 324. HELP WANTED WANTED Teacher for Topley Public School, capable of teaching Grades 9 and 10 if necessary. Salary $1200 with additional $100 for each grade taught over 8th. Mrs. Ivy Strimbold, secretary-treasurer, Topley. (192) WANTED A three -man set of experienced coast fallers; also a cook, for north coast mainland camp. Good accommoda tion; union wages. Apply Na-i uonai selective service a.m. 189. (tf) WANTED First class butcher to take full charge and do his own buying. Apply National Selective Service A.M. 186. (tf) SALESGIRL WANTED Apply at office, Rupert Peoples Store. (192) HELP WANTED Piano player for dance band. Must be able to read and Improvise. Steady work for good man. Phone Green 296. (192) AGENTS B.C. BILLIARD & BOWLING Supply Co. (Reg'd), 218 W. Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. WANTED WANTED Electrical man and wife want housekeeping room or furnished suite. Apply Room 4 Commercial Hotel. U94) WANTED Young couple without children want housekeeping ' rooms or apartment. Apply ' Box 92 Daily News. (193) URGENTLY NEEDED Boarding places for teachers. Will anyone having accommodation to offer please phone Mrs. Roper, School Board Secretary, Red 897. (193) WANTED TO RENT By August 1 or 15, four-room house or apartment, not necessarily close in. Reliable, permanent tenant. Write Box 33 Daily News. WANTED Army officer and wife, no children, desire furnished apartment or home. Apply Box 90 Daily News. (195) PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at all druggists. (197) BANISH GREY HAIR 'Look years younger use effective Angelique GreyHalr Restorer. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (193) TENDERS SEALED TENDERS marked "Tender for 4th Avenue Sewer" will be received by the undersigned up to noon Friday, August 31st, for the construction and Installation of sewer on Fourth Avenue, Prince Rupert, all material to be supplied by the City. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the City Engineer, City Hall. Tenders to be accompanied by accepted checque for ten percent (10) of the amount of the Contract. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. H. D. Thain, City Clerk. (194) LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty r 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Besner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 Military Orders 1st (R) Btn. Prince Rupert Regt. (MG) C. J. Toombs. Mai. Commanding Parade Monday, Aug. 20, 1930 hours Bn. Parade. Regt. Committees All committees will meet at 2030 hrs. Scheme, Terrace Preparation for scheme at.Terrace, B.C., which will take place Saturday, Sept. 3, will be made tonight. Briefs From Britain By the Canadian Press MAIDSTONE, Eng. M Foxes In Kent are doing so much damage among poultry that steps are being taken to deal with them by gas. MANCHESTER, Eng'. ff) Charged with being late for work 550 times in five years, an apprentice in a firm here was fined 3 ($13.50). LCNDCN 0) British restaurants In the borough of Hendon lost nearly 1,430 articles of cutlery through pilfering last year. LONDCW Soldiers in the southeast Asia command have coined an abbreviation to describe the supreme allied command. It is "Supremo." H. Johnston. Sack Race Pat Johnston, Delphlne Johnston, Bernard De Kergommeaux. Boys' Three -Legged Race Bernard De Kergommeaux and Alex Jordan, Pat Johnston and George Haugland, Odd Eldsvik and Charles De Kergommeaux. Girls' Three - Legged Race Delphlne Johnston and Theresa Johnston, Pearl Haugland and Donna Tallon, Florence Nor-mandeaux 'and Henrietta De j Kergommeaux. I Slow Bicycle Race-i-Oran Hal-1 an, Pat Johnston, Delphlne John-i ston. FAMILY FILM SHOWING HERE "Roughly Speaking," With Rosalind Russell and Jack Carson, Is Human Picture "Rouihly Speaking," the chronicle of a family's hopes and laughters through three decades, the story of a courageous and Independent mother- and her four children, is the feature picture this Monday and Tuesday at the Capitol Theatre. Born to be a lady, Rosalind Russell decides to make her own way In the business world of men. After a brief education at a business college, she takes up the stenographic profession, only to marry an egotistical college boy, Donald Woods. The next few years bring her an assortment of homes, fluctuating financial conditions and four tcts. Laughing bravely through the lean years of the early thirties, she manages to keep her family together by filling in on old Jabs. Her husband, however, leaves her for the sugary warmth, j of another woman. And then i the gaiety that is ir her heart is matched in tne person of ; lovable Jack Carson, who marries her. Jobless years follow fast Upon the heels of 1923 and one hopefully started business venture after another bursts, bubble-like. Through it all the family's courage, nourished at times only by onion sandwiches, holds fast and their laughter Is ringing. Then, with the opening of the New York World's Fair which Ironically promises a peaceful world of tomorrow, a parking lot enterprise pans out for them, is followed by defense Joos, financial security and the inevitable heartbreak of war. The cast also Includes Robert Hutton, Craig Stevens, Alan Hale, Ann Doran, John Qualen, Ray Collins, Hcbart Cavanaugh and other well-known screen figures. Buy War savings Stamps TODAY and TUESDAY Capitol Ml HAPPY KM It swim x i.rfc2r MS I MJ (N TECHNICOLOR ROBERT tlEUJTon 1 J. lor. r if,, i, 3 "IN WHICH Wl jiiV,'.' (EUR JOHtlSB-n t m mm mm u . . JUHll mills nnri SHOW TIMES : H H Y UHISH 1:00 2:45 )T , 1:43 - 6:51 - 9:00 p.m. j 0m ' " ADDED SHORTS PKOVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA BOARD OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS NOTICE is hereby given that the Board will holj meetings at the Court House, Prince George, on WedmJ day and Thursday, August 29th and 30th, 1915, at 2 a I p.m. ana nou p.m. eacn aay, ior ine purpose of hearici I representations concerning the Hours of Work Act lm Regulations pertaining to the Lumbering Industry east of the Cascade Mountains. All parties concerned are Invited to attend. Wrfttu suomisiions may dc aaaressea to tne Chairman for con- siaerauon Dy tne uoara. ADAM BELL, Chairman, Victoria, B.C Commercial, Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs MOTT ELECTRIC LIMITED Offices In Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 367326 2nd Ave. Here to serve the ptibBt YORK CONSTRUCT! Building, Materiils, Estimates f in m ii . uenero anxiaxm Nothing too big or too mil PHONE BLACK 884 - . i Final Victory has been won over the last of our enemies. We offer grateful thanks to our fighting forces whose skill, courage and determination played so great a part in making the victory possible. But deeds speak louder than words. As more and more of these gallant men come marching home, it will be the personal responsibility of each of us to help them to get reestablished in homes and jobs , . . to help them in every way possible. We were right behind them in the war. Let us continue to be right behind them in the peace which lies ahead. 'CAPILANO BREWERY LIMITED