. prince Rupert Daili 3etos ubilsned every afternoon except S unlay by Prince Rupert Dally New Jtmlted. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, , Brltlah Columbia, u a. HUNTER. Managing Editor. .SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ij City Carrier, per week er Month Per Star . 3y Mall, per month -Per Year MZMBER A.B.O. .15 -agfWfev 1700 3t3jaup 14.00 L Nazi War Lord Trials . The international war crimes tribunal at Nuernberg where Adolf Hitler's top-ranking henchmen are at the bar of justice for having plunged the world into the colossal conflict which brought death and miserj' to countless millions is, naturally, the current centre of news interest. . That due and just penalties will be meted out expeditiously is the wish of the civilized world even if the desire may 'seem to be somewhat calculated. ; There is little chance of the Neurnberg trial not bringing just ileserts to Goering, Ribbentrop and the rest of the international scoundrels but it is reassuring to "hear the chief prosecutor announce that, if anything should miscarry there, individual nations "will have their pqores to settle. So there .appears to be little chance , of the Nazi war lords es-fripmg. Navy Week . . . I i This is Navy Week and it is being bfeerved throughout Canada by the Njivy League including its active branch in Prince Rupert. Throughput the long war, the Navy League was of the value not only to the Naval Service but to the Merchant Navies of all the United Nations. Its splendidly run clubs and the countless gifts to sailors which resulted from Navy League activities, vere a very definite factor in the Maintenance of the war-time morale pf men whose comings and goings pver the great waters provided a contribution to victory so great that the war most certainly could not nave been won without it. S For the provision of many of tomorrow's seamen we may look, as-,we have looketi in the past', 'to the Navy League's Royal Canadian Sea Cadets whose training for citizenship is as valuable as their training as future seamen. No man can tell 'what the future .will hold for us but the past has shown clearly enough how important it has been for us that the control of the sea should remain in the hands of those pledged to the maintenance of that peace which alone is our true security. ! In addition to its work among Uaval ratings and merchant seamen, ,he Navy League sponsors the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets and, in cooperation with the Navai Service, sends many thousands of cadets to its summer camps which Prince Rupert boys know so well. In barracks, the cadets are taught many useful subjects as well as the importance of self-discipline and respect for You'll be Surprised WHEN YOU SEE . . a the quality . . . the reasonable prices OF FASHION -CRAFT ...SUITS... FOR FALL "THE FALL SUIT SHOWING IS NOW ! FAIRLY COMPLETE AND INCLUDES !ALL THE WANTED SHADES IN THE SMARTEST MODELS. Priced from, $30.00 TO $36.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP" authority. The entire syllabus is designed to turn out young men ready to assume the .responsibilities of citizenship. Support of the Navy League'and its work is a practical way to pay tribute to the men of the sea and to ensure a continuance of the sea cadet movement in the interests of Canada's future. Hon. Frank Putnam . . . Representing a district the interests and problems of which are largely agricultural and with long experience as a member of the Legislature, Hon. Frank Putnam, who was sworn in as Minister of Agriculture at Victoria yesterday, should be a worthy acquisition to the provincial administration. Coalition member for the Legislature for Nelson-Creston, Mr. Putnam has been a member of the House continuously since 1928 and held the post of Minister of Agriculture under Former Premier T. D. Pattullo for a brief period in" 1941 during the organization of the coalition government. Value of Publicity ... One place where labor unions most of the time run circles around management is in getting their story before the public, says Financial Post. The professional labor organizer well knows the immense power of public opinion. He is generally expert in knowing how to make it useful to him. An expert publicity man is almost invariably one of the chiefs of staff in major labor disputes and strikes. For this reason strike leaders are ever ready to make statements to the press, almost constantly available to tell what is going on, what they think is going on, what they expect will go on. Carefully planning their press statements and timing strike moves to "make news" and to "keep the headlines" edition after edition, day after day, is a major part of the strike organizer's job. How Old Is Aged? When is a person old, asks the Vancouver News-Herald. Some people may feel old at 35; others not old at 70. Generally speaking, a person at 60 these days is not old; certainly he or she is not aged. Some radio news announcers and some newspapers don't use much tact or thought when they describe a person of 60 as aged. Nothing makes a person of 60 or 65 so hopping mad as to hear someone of his or her own age called old or aged. These people are definitely past middle life; they will admit themselves that they are getting on but old or aged, never, until they're lour score or so, and proud of it. When one is 20, or even 30, of course, 60 does seem ripe old age, But, despite thoughtless boys and girls of the news services and radio, it isn t. Whifflets From The Waterfront Failure of Canadian National Steamships to have a scheduled sailing between Vancouver and Victoria this week and next marks the first such break in the service since 1910 when the coastal line was started. The service will be resumed with the arrival of the steamer Prince Rupert from Vancouver on December 5 enroute to Ketchikan on regular schedule again. Meantime the temporary discontinuance is allowing tne Prince Rupert to take her annual overhaul in Vancouver. ANTARCTIC AT 63 ADELAIDE, Australia, TO-S1' Douglas Mawson, 63-year old ex plorer, Is planning his fourtl Antarctic expedition to estab lish Australian whaling rights. Take invigorating steam baths and massage to relieve that tired feeling. R. Y. WALKER Graduate Masseur Reducing, Facial and General Swedish 'Massage Phone Green 507 evenings ior appointment 937 THIRD AVENUE WEST THIS AND THAT 'Mr. Smith, the next time you come will you try to bring a friend who likes to sit and discuss books all evening?" News - - JUNIOR GIRLS Girls from 6 to 12 years of ageJiad their second Rup-Rec class of the 'season last evening. The 21 girls who were put through the. program of exercises, relays, games and tumbling, enjoyed every minute of it. Instructress Eileen Yelland, leaders Arietta Hamilton and Louise 'Patrick, were delighted with this large early-season . turnout. I JUNIOR BOYS -Thrashing around the gym with their usual exuberance, the , junior boys are. once again paeking the- "Y." Thirty-two youngsters attended last. evening -hut, according-to Director iGeorge McGregor, there. Is room Ifornnarry more in this class. Fifty was about thelaver-,' age attendance An- this -class be-1 fore the "Y" was closed to the youngsters. Now that Wednesday j evening Is again available from. 50 to 60 boys are expecteti; INTERMEDIATE BOYS Instructor Eric Freeman, who excels both at basketball and gymnastics, took the Intermediate boys through an Informal class of tumbling, followed by a, basketball practice and game. CONRAD STREET .SCHOOL In the absence of Instructor Ted' Parkhouse and Don Wilson last evening, Assistant InstructonBill Collins and Denis O'Neil took charge of the Conrad Street centre Junior boys class. They were pleased with the results. Twenty-four spartans turned out and worked of f a small portion of their irrepressible energy. BOXING Boxing at Seal Cove for intermediate boys was. well attended last evening. A," ..the' request of the class the gym win be opened for boxing on two eve- riings each week. On Friday George Ferguson" will be In- charge. LADIES' CLASSES M o s t ladies realize that vigor, grace) health and .beauty can he gained by a graduated course of'exer- clses. Instructress Marjorie Jack son reports that although at-i tendance is Increasing there Is still room for many more mem bers. Last evening-was enlivened by the attendance of two girls recently arrived from Norway who demonstrated that gymnas tics are no mystery to them. RESULT Rup-Rec Is going over. Rup-Rec Director George McGregor and staff were Buy more War Savings Stamps. Returning Service Personnel Records Are Being Sought The Dally News Is anxious to completely .record the arrival of all service men and women returning home from the -war. Accordingly, it Is requested that Information be made available to .this office regarding the date of arrival home, the service with which the veteran has been Identified, in -what theatres of war, If wounded, 111, etc. If Inconvenient to caty at the office, the Information may be written or telephoned in. rPlctures- would be particularly welcome, street and Postal addresses and telephone numbers are also requested. ORANGE LADIES FALL BAZAAR Chrysanthemums and ferns, on the tables and booths gave a fresh lloral atmosphere to the Orange ladles annual fall bazaar and tea held in the Oddfellows' Hall Wednesday afternoon. Scores of visitors attended -the pleasant funotlon, being received by Ms. HenryJSmlth.Jr., worthy matron -f -the chapter. Convenor was Mrs. Frank Elll-'son, and .the following .ladles were at the stalls: Home Cooking Airs. Richard Menzies, Mrs. Harry Paulson. .White Elephant Mrs. S. B. 'Calder. Raffles Mrs. 7ohn -Jdhanson, Mrs. John Anderburs. Refresh-ments' Mrs. George Howe, Mrs. Agnes Murray, Mrs. H.'Ktllin. Pourers "Mrs. H. Thurgood, Mrs. J.Carr. .Cashier rMrs. A. J..Croxford. Servlteurs Mrs. W." Richard?, 'Mrs.'lyund, Mrs. J. Piper. Raffle winners were: Mrs. Lee Dell. Christmas-cake. Chicken dinner, Mrs. 'Harry Paulson. , Stuffed Lamb, Mrs. Henry Smith Jr. Bean -Guessing Contest, Mrs. Richard Johanson. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "I have been wishing to see you the worst way." 2. What is the correct pro nunciation of "heinous?" 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Maraskeeno, mar-garipe. marmalade. 4. What does the word abys- mal'mean? Answers 1. Say, "I have oeen wishing to see you very much." 2. Pronounce ha-nus, as as in hay, us as In us, unstressed, accent first syllable. 3. Marachlno. -4. Bottomless; unfathomable. "He had sunk to the abysmal depths of despair." S omnes Farmer -You can't go wrong on this mare. She's sound, gentle, a good worker and a fine saddle .horse." Restaurant proprietor "What I want to know, Is she tender?" Night clubs these days remind some girls of the Gay Nineties the girls may be gay, but the men are mostly ninety. She "It's shameful the way that you start making passes at me after a half dozen drinks." G. I. "What's so shameful about that?" She "Wasting .six drinks." Two colored recruits from the South were wlde-eyed thelr first day in an Australian port among the International troops stationed there. But -the climax came when Ahey saw coming down the road two Highland Scots in the swinging stop they use, their kilts swaying about their bare knees. "'Joe," one colored -boy whls-pered,.""do you see what I see? Or is I dreamln,." . "You're awake," tne other said comfortingly. "That's Just some of that Middlesex regiment we's heard about." A war contractor notified government official of his difficulty in obtaining cutters to thread a shlpment of piping urgently needed for a war Job. "Send the pipe right away," came the prompt reply. "You can ship the threads later." Gert "I -had to change my .seat several times at the movies." Myrt "Gracious, did a man get fresh?" Gert "Weli, finally." INlt "Why is your car painted blue on one. side and red on the other?" Wit "It's a great scheme. You should hear the witnesses contradicting each other." .Advertise in The Dally News. Genuine Aspirin isih MARKED THIS WAY mwJM EARLY NEWS !S WELCOME Local news items, to ensure publication, should be in the office by 10 ajn. Contributors are asked to bear this in mind. Items of social and personal interest are always welcome. DAILY NEWS HONOR ROLL Tour Assistance Invited The Daily News is completing a Roll of Honor which It Is hoped may contain the name of every man and woman of this city to serve with the armed forces at sea, or land and In the air. To make this list complete, It Is essential to obtain the co-operation of the public as a whole In submitting the names. It is impossible for the Dally News or any one person to compile the list complete so we are asking YOU to be responsible for the submission of the name of 'YOUR boy, YOUR girl or YOUR friend. The following Is the Information we would like you to fill In and send to ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR Dally News, ? . Prince Rupert "Name 'Service (Army, .'Navy, Air Force) 'Rank - Next of Kin , 'Relation . Address Date i of Enlistment Date ef Discharge .If Casualty, Nature and Date , , Remember, If YOU, do not submit a certain person' name, no one else may. 'You are responsible. Coast Freighter Loads Equipment The coastal freighter Chllli-wack of the Frank Waterhouse Co. arrived in port Wednesday from Stewart, loading naval equipment and six army trucks for Vancouver. She sailed for the south last night. The Chllliwack is under command of Capt. W. Highet. FUIANS STILL KNIT SUVA, Fiji, P) The women of Fiji's Knitting and Sewing circle did not stop their good work with the end of the war. A case of 300 garments was dispatched to the Lord Mayor of London for distribution to war victims recently and a second case Is now half ready. 0i Authorities say the difference be tween husky children nd those who are poor eaters, underweight and nervous is often simply a matter of proper nourishment, especially an adequate supply of vitamins. But vitamins alone are not enough. For authorities now agree that vitamins do not work alone. They work as a team with certain 'Other food elements. For this reason, thousands are switching to Ovaltine. Unlike mere "vitamin carriers," Ovaltine food beverage contains not only extra vitamins but nearly all the precious food elements needed for health .and top vitality. These include Vitamins A, Bi and D, the important minerals calcium, phosphorus and iron, high quality proteins and qiiclc energy fuel. food a combination of food elements authorities agree are needed for best results. So, if your child is thin, nervous and not developing properly, why not turn to Ovaltine as thousands are doing. Three normal meals plus two glasses ui wvaiunc a ay give your child all the extra amounts of vitamins and minerals needed for health and top vitality. us OVALTINE THE PROTECTING FOOD-DRINK Lumbe f See Us or your ri hi . . k Ml II I AIM in NEEDS MIIIAAn rWUII, tVI & CO. LID. nuiic uji nr nv rumrvr ir CmrlKt UK (Formerly LD.) Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHS 11 am. to 1 a.ni The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'5 w" m m. i ' l- a nil i PROGRESS, PROSPFJim is just around the corner . . . LET'S ALT r o AFTEIMT! For represent i r witho;;: reservation Vote CUFF. HAM INDEPENDENT CANDTDATS FOR ALDERMAN OPEN FOR YOUR APPROVAL Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL C A.M. to 2:30 A.M. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. iiavf vnim nnnrnr.n apii TRI?NFiTe minui - the time you pose until you;have your picture. 2 inches passport or identification size. rnmi Mir n 25 ,or ""v LUKLT 3 6th St.. iust north of 3rd Ave. Quality ARROW Style SHOES FOR MEN Quality and Stb at Popular PriO at the Now Featured HIT PATF trlOF STORE m. a m m m m v a k mm . mm - m m m m m m m m - "