& p i i 1 T n n ' r f a a a a I... V """ ' y y y y y y y y y y e y y y v V y y y v , IBEDROBBBBBI New Westminster-Portland Tied SEATTLE, Nov. 22 0 Portland moved Into a tie with New Westminster for second place in the northern section of the Pacific Coast Hockey League last night by scoring a 5 to 4 victorj over cellar-dwelling Seattle. The standing to da',e: Vancouver 9 0 4 5G 48 18 N. Westminster 7 0 6 53 55 14 Portland 7 0 7 62 66 14 Seattle 5 0 11 58 60 10 "'W "'tlCA ROASTED IN THE WEST FOR WESTERN USERS in Furniture Kitchen-ware Tableware Electric Lamps VI mirrors Gordon & Anderson Ltd. Electrical Goods, Hardware, Furniture FEDERAL BLOCK PRINCE RUPERT THIRD AVENUE g ait1! ''.V The National Hcckey League veteran, wlngman, Mac Corville. has been signed with the New York Rangers and may see action against Chicago Black Hawks later this week. Colvllle 8t ) ioure if ahead two ways whenwuuseBltie Gillette Blades... made of steel hard enough tocutUssj. Youget: 1 Faster, claner shaves 2 More shaves per blade Save time and money... Ask for Blue Gillette Blades For extra shaving sati$faccicn,always use Gillette lather Cream ...33P For Mother and Daughter . . . Rupert Peoples Store und- Wallace's Dept. Store I1 or Father ami Son . . . Rupert Men's and Boys' Store' GOINGS ON IN THE WORLD OF SPORT November is nearlng its close and still league basketball has to mate its start not that the talent is lacking, not that it is unorganized but that, here in the midt of so many playing venues, not one is available so that the sport may go ahead. A situation in that regard has arisen that seems hardly reason- THIS AND THAT Zoyt The Coryc M.tthrw Adimt Sryirg. Inc. "Would you like to say. 'Hello, Mom, it was a great fight! Mr, Dooley?" able. Postwar rehabilitation of sports and athletics, a very important p hase of community velfare and happiness, is being held up at a time -when it is most Important that it should be making a strong start. Surely it should not be difficult to rectify the matter of obtaining a place to go. And that right soon. The Winnipeg Blue Bombers have announced their intention of asking the Canadian Rugby Union whether Prank Mathers will be eligible to play for the western champions in the Grey Cup. final, scheduled for December in Toronto. Mathers starred as full back for the Winnipeg squad in the team's first few games of the season but in October he left the gridiron to play hockey in Ottawa. It is not disclosed whether Mathers has been approached about taking part in the east-west final. Incidentally Tuesday night's meeting of the Blue Bombers produced no definite announcement of whether the team would travel eastward shortly or wait until the end of November. There has been some talk lately of the Bombers changing their original plans and getting in some practice on some eastern field before meeting the eastern champions in Toronto December 1, In Ottawa Tuesday night, the Hull Volants bowed to a 5-3 victory marked up by the Valley-field Braves. The Braves turned on the pressure in the .second f period, battering in four goals. The win boosted them into a second place tie with Shawfrilgan Falls Cataracts in the Quebec Senior Hockey League standings. In Saskatoon, the Saskatoon Elks defeated the Regina Capitals 4-2 Tuesday night. The game went into overtime. Agreement has been reached by officials of six clubs In the Junior "A" division of the Manitoba Hockey Association to take action to distribute all excess players equally among the clubs, thus providing a more balanced league. There was some opposition. Henry Borper and Art Chipman , representing the Winnipeg Ranbers, protested the, conditions of the player pool. They threatened to withdraw their entry if two of their players Fred Nelson and Bill Jphnson did not return to Winnipeg from Brandon. Chipman claimed that the other ;lubs in the cir-suit were raiding players from the Rangers. Coutt's Canadian Xiiius Cards LARGE SELECTION OF: only recently was discharj from the Canadian Army. ed Pete Gray, the one-armed out fielder, has been released by the St. Louis Browns to the Toledo Club of the American Associa tlon. Gray once played with Three Rivers in ,the Canadian American League, and Joined the Browns last winter after serving with Memphis of the Southern Association, where he had beeri a sensation. Annls Stukas has given notice that he and brother Bill are quitting the Canadian gridiron sport. "We've had enough," he said las; nlaht. He said they were retiring to the sidelines. Last year's National Hockey League rookie award netmlnder, Frank McCool. may be going back to professional hockey That's indicated today in a story carried by the Calgary Albertan. The paper says that McCool. who left the Toronto Maple Leafs before the first game this year as a result of a contract misunder standing with Mannger Connie Smythe. has been reinstated by the Leafs and returned to the payroll. His contract' calls for a salary of $4500 comoared with the basic pay of $3000 for which he played a year ago. McCool is quoted by the Albertan as say ing: "I realize now that I made a mistake. I guess if I had stayed in Toronto we could have Ironed out the differences then." Hockey Scores National League Montreal 0, Boston 3. Pacific CoaH League Portland 5, Seattle 4 (over time). MORGAN'S LEAD IN FIVE PINS K'ine Given Close Run Ily Stone's Maurice Irving Holding All Individual Honors Morgan's lias now assumed the leadership in the Men's Five-Pin Bowling League with fourteen games worn while Stone's team is a close second wltlj thirteen victories. Malklns' and Burns are tied in third place with nine wins. The Stone team is holding high scoring honors for teams i with 1,140 In a single game and aggregate, of 2,963 in three games. Maurice Irving Is In top place in all the Individual scoring classifications with 302 for single game, 764 for three games! and 537 nign average. Games won by teams to date are as. follows: Morgan's 14 Stone's 13 Malklns' 9 Burns 9 Bankers .' 6 Peoples Store , 4 Gyro 4 Northwest Construction .. 1 Advertise In the kaLy News Cards for the Family Cards for Mother and Dad Cards for Sweethearts Cards for Friends Boxed Assortments from 65 cents up Send COUTT'S FINE CARDS . . . The Finest Greeting Card Made HOOP GAME IS THRILLER Ordnance Drfrats Service Corp by Narrow Margin of Two Points In a game that was packed with thrills from start to finish, Ordnance basketball team went to the top of the Service League Tuesday night as a result of a close 32 to 30 victory over the Service Corps. The game was played at the Y.M.C.A. .gym. The Ordnance had garnered a two-point lead by half time and managed to hold on to that slim margin for the balance of Uncontest. Some phenomenal shots were recorded, an outstanding one being that of Berticlni. Top scorers for Ordnance were Sutton, with 10 points, and Lubin with nine. For Service Corps Tricky and Lang scored nine each and Cummlngs eight. Lieut. Campbell wxs referee and Capt. Edwards scorckeepcr. The two teams will pliy ngaln next week. D Radio Dial CPD I I IV 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) THURSDAY. P.M. 4:00 Fred Waring 4:30 Comedy Caravan 5:00 Fiesta 5:30 Remember 5:45 O.I. Jive 6:00 Magic Carpet 6:15 Viva America 6:30 The People Ask . 6:45 Sports College 7-00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Panorama 8:00 Winnipeg Drama 8:30 Servicemen's. Forum 9:00 Music Hall Roundup 9:30Alan Young in-nnCBC News 10:15 Les Paul Trio 10:30 Mrstery Playhouse 11:00 Silent FRIDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock non-r.BC News 8:15 Breakfast Club 8:30 Songs of Today 8 : 45 Morning . Song 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9 ;30 Transcribed Varieties 9:45 Yank Band Stand 10:00 Showtime 10:30 Melody Roundup 10:45 Homemakers. 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Studio Scrapbook 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:36 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Personal Album , P.M. 12:00 Downbeat 12:15 Across the Board I Buy Your WOOLLEN GOODS AT B.C. CLOTHIERS MEN'S BUTTONED WOOL SWEATERS at HEAVY WOOL ALL- $4 MIXTURE $2.75 MEN'S ALL- W O O L TURTLE-NECK SWEATERS 4 MEN'S HEAVY WOOL MACKINAW PANTS $6.25 to $7.00 MEN'S WORK and EVERYDAY TROUSERS from $2.50 to $5.45 BOYS' SWEATERS AND PULLOVERS Cotton and wool mixture, large selections from 65c to $2.50 CHILDREN'S I fin STOCKINGS pair Ttvl ROYS' TWEED SUITS Long pants, C7 Kfi 4 to 10 years V OV BOYS' CHECK WIND- BREAKERS 6 to 12 years $1.95 to $2.10 BOYS' OXI ORDS Double-soled, black and brown. Sizes 1 to 5'2. B.C. CLOTHIERS Third Avenue just West of Sixth Street PACIFIC CAFE Now Open for Business 6:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Special Chop Suey Noodles Hotel . . . Tod(i) f arrivals i Prince Rupert . M. A. Raymond, Smithers; W. W. Rcid, Prince George; George F. Bourkies, Port Edward; Ar-thur-Hlnton, Smithers. Lieut. B. Nixon, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. n. Hudson, Ketchikan: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fiorclla, Ketchikan; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dockrlll, Telkwa; Mr. and Paul Holmes, Pomona, Calif; O. A. Lindstrom, Remo; Mrs. J. M. Smith, Casslar Cannery; II. T. Anderson, Edmonton; Sergeant Keogh, Port Edward; J. II. McDonald, city. ROTARY DINNER-DANCE TONIGHT Prince Rupert Rotary Club members, their wives and guests will frolic tonight at the club's annual dinner dance at Reld'j Cafe. The function Is being held In place of the club's regular weekly luncheon meeting today. Following the dinner there will be dancing and bridge. Commit tee in charge of arrangements is Martin Stuart. D. C. Steven son and George Mitchell. Buy more War Savings Stamps. r at 6:50 - 9 p.m. STARTS FRIDAY ROY ROGERS Quality Repairs at Economy Prices WESTERN MUSK am KUMANCf losers, C.lBtJjH Deluxe musical wesbn, I iau' tvarr and u. 1 modern we it t h,. i... " ....... ., ncw ,on . Thome rn.ilU.. " ""1 Muwui-i, corned! ' ' romance. Rngers ridr and ... . lighthearted ahH r . t.r inc "quest, wealthy ranchpr break up the romanc ;il rancher's pretty daughter jj aimvc loriune-nunthw fa- - ; picture t aiugixuacn race in which I horse teams an- driven in t, cross-country contest I Thurston Hall. John Kdn I the Sons of the Pioneer. rj vornsran. wenns Duncan J LPKoy Mason are in the J porting cast C.N.R. Trains tor, lh Dally except Bundaj l'rm llir ilsm uilly except Mnntlnj i: i) i e at 10 Hi CAXT0I 'Kid From Spcmi i:us - 2:39 (J 6:53 - 9 pm. DALE EVANS MARY LE uflrs ccbeoji nwirai BOB NOLAN M , SDKS Of THE PIONEERS Capital PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) anywhere else. W. GOLDBLOOM "THE OLD RELIABLE" Mil Tommy's Tj PHONE 77 Stand; Grotto Cigar Stol Day and Niglil Sen I Tommy Chrlstoff, Prop" Good News for Trappers... nrovidinrr thrv hvinir tlioiv furs to Goldbloom 10 higher than last vear. Also have largl stock of Fur Coats, 20 lower in price tMl We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIl'I'KKS SMOKED ALASKA NLACK CW SMOKED MILD CUKED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. dian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.