SUGAR Jots of iousness! I MAGIC Peach Layer Cake 1U Jtt cur tun millet (Iftol rak 2!i tin. Magic flaking I'owdrr up. aaJr M cup shortening Sift Arm tndrJlu.. - - - , - --v .u, ,, , s 0. j, triher 1 linn. Cream trolna. Add syrup aradualljr, Iwitlnfl w i -"wiiitin. Add Ulm well. Add at lmt nut writ after Add female.,, flour mluxr. In third., im milk in bal.-.Wwrti.t earn ad I Ion. Add flar. vrina. Italia i. i , . Uilly Ouorni ja tak. pa,,. j7j..F u Ta and fin Uynt lih awb-haln and hirprA rream. MADE I CANADA :a - Raspberries, raes, Sliced Peaches. rprise Fruit Co. , PHONE 343 I "P hlt.m, 2 4. unban Bjrup '4. cup rnllk ' P. ranllla "P-lmondtraft to All Interest . . . Special Servicemen's Rally At llif S-VC.A. Lodge, 415 Sixth Ave West L? ppt ikrr Captain Chaxle Fcaver, R.C.E.M.E. .. aber by member of tlw armed forces, cordially invited. No collection Wednesday and Thursday May 'J and 10, at 8 p.m. Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Christian Association i, MacKenzie Furniture Limited "A OOOD PLACE TO BUY" SPRING CLEANING TI.MK! b ...i your walls all tint in stock. SPAi: VAKNISII for your wood work and ? i that will not turn white. $1.35 $2.25 WIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED itr.. 3Z7 3rd Avenue, I'rmce uupert it frozen rTuiu aim J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly so! Smith Block Green 995 fit i Local' News It , Rev. W. S. Cooper, Anglican I Church missionary at Green-jville, left Monday night for a I trip to Vancouver. A First Battalion, Prince Rupert Regiment, win hold a smoker on Wednesday, May 9 at the Drill Hall. Time 18:45 hours. Meeting, Thursday, 8 p.m. Liberal Committee Rooms, 3rd Ave und 1st Street. Executive please attend. 4109) Miss Jean Thompson, who is ia training for a nurse at St. (Paul's Hospital, Vancouver, arrived home on the Princess Ade- 1 ltiide Monday for a holiday visit. J41s. H. L. Ray. wife of Staff ,Sexgeant Ray, armorer for the jrtjmy nre, spent me weeK-ena ; visiting In the city, having come i in from her home at Terrace. Their son, Private Bruce Ray, was killed overseas recently. An in IMS CU ITS LONDON, ENGLAND j20m ems PHONE 88 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS Miss Nancy Rorle left on the Catala Tuesday on a trip to Victoria. C.C.F. broadcast, Thursday, 1 p.m. to 1:15 p-m., Angus Mae-Innis, MP. lt W. R. McAfee returned today on the Prince Rupert from a trip to Vancouver. Canadian Legion B. E. S. L. regulal meeting Legion Rooms at 8 o'clock tonight. (It) Capt. Reg Green returned to the city Saturday on the Cardena fiom a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. W. Bent arrived In the city on the Princess Adelaide Monday to spend a holiday with her niece, Mrs. Hamns ' Glske, Park Ave. ' AA public lecture of vital interest will be delivered by Rev. Conrad Guard of Tacoma at the Anglican WhLst, Valhalla Hall, May 9. Prisoner - of - War dance, auspices I.O.O.F. Andy McNausdv ton's Swing Band, May 11 Oddfellows' dance, Oddfellows . I Hall, May II. Andy McNaugh-' i ton's Orchestra. ! Full voting information. Phone i 1 8G4V Mkkleburgh C a m p a 1 g n I i Headquarters. Hill CO Tea, I.O.D.E. Hall, May ,10. Technocracy Inc. Dance every Saturday night, I.O.D.E. Hall 9 p.m. C.W1,. whls, bridge and crib-bage, K.O.C. Hut, May 10, 8 ' o'clock. Hospital Auxiliary Tea, May 17. Dance every Saturday night. : Oddfellows Hall, 9 to 12. Swing j Quintette Orchestra. Help Norway Program, May 17, jOddreJiows' Han, 8:15 p.m. L.O.BA. Dance, May 24, Odd i fellows' Hall. Refreshments. I Dry Dock Employees' Welfare Association dance, May 24, Staff i Dining Hall. Close the holiday by dancing from 9 till 1. Music i by the Americans. j United Tea, June 2, Mrs. Art I Nickerson's, Summit Avenue. (Specialty, homecooking, tessen. wifils Iicarlfcll nirailitlc . o wc join in 5 lie rcjoiCBng and 1 1 a a in Ic s i i v 5 tm fi for ill is dlay of vicfory. Famous Players Canadian Corporation - Fted 'Conrad returned to the Mrs. James Hltder arrived In Prince Rupert. B.C. 'ellv nn the PrlnrMu Arlplaldp th rltr Mnndnv' nn thp Princess , Monday from a brief trip to Vancouver. Gerry Woodside, son of Mr. and Mrs. Syd Woodside, left on the Catala Tuesday for Vancouver to enter the naval service. Dell J. Rcbison. Vernon hotel proprietor, arrived In the city ion the Cardena at the end of llTiA wealr frnm fVto cmitVi nrn. ceeding to the evening train. interior by the J. J. Little proceeded on from Vanderhoof to Vancouver on a business trip on Friday after attending the conference of As sociated Boards of Trade at Vanderhoof. other son Is also overseas. The Cathedral Hall on Wednesday atjBurns Lake district, has taken family formerly resided at Burns 8p.m. Subject ;'God's Peace Plan over management of the store. kaKe. - j versus The Panaceas of Men. welcome. H08) J Prtnn. nf Everybody , - - -. . J.J, . w. the Royal Canadian Mounted Police arrived in the city1 on the Princess Adelaide Monday from the south and left by last evening's train for Hazelton In the course of a northern tour on of- ! f.cial duties. It was his , first visit since 1929 and he was Interested In the many changes since that time. will bring.. ujk$ Delicious crispy, crunchy VITA-WE AT Crltpbreod, f reth from English Ovent to you. a-J Announcements All advertisements m tills column will h: charged for a lull month at 25c a word. ' Meet Me at . . . ' JOHNNY'S ' JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) Adelaide from Vancouver for a ' visit with her mother who Is in j hospital. Capt. J. James, Pacific Com-' 1 mand signals officer, formerly loaded here, arrived in the city I Monday on the Princess Ade- laide from Vancouver for a visit 1 ' on official duties. PO Ronald Davidson arrived! In the city on Sunday night'' train, being on leave from his naval duties at St. John's New-j foundland. Accompanied by hit Wife, the former Kay O'Neill,' and little .daughter, he wil proceed from here to his home la Victoria for a visit before returning East. . . . I Sergeant T. E. E. Meehan of W. O. Sheardon p, returned tothe Prlnce Rlj2rt Machine Gun the city at the end of the week .Regiment administration staff fro mBurns Lake where he has been for several wes :n connection with the taking over of the store formerly operated toy John Berg. J. C. Hunt, formerly of Pert Essington and for the past eeveral years residing in the returned to the city on the Prin cess Adelaide Monday from Camp Borden, Ontario, where he has been taking a course. Regimental Quartermaster W. G. Broadley was east for the same course and is now spending leave at his home in Victoria before returning north. HAVE ANOTHER SLICE! YOU BET-hits the spot to bake bread usf right, use Fleischmann's FRESH Yeast Bread is extra important in war menus. It's not only an essential high-energy low-cost food, supply ingVitaiin D, it's also a good stretcher for other foods. If you bake bread at home use Fleischmann's fresh Yeast and be sure of light delicious loaves every time. This dependable yeast has been Canada's favorite for over 70 years. Ask your grocer for Fleischmann's fresh Yeast with tlie familiar yellow label. i MADE IN CANADA Third Ave. SUPPLEMENT TOUK OUT by eating 3 caktiof FLEISCHMANN'S frh Tt vry dy. ThU Iraih Ytot It on axctlUnt noturol sourc ol th Importer,' Complax Vitamins. """""TrlMBER SAQT0C3804I Sealed traders will be received by the Minuter of Lands and Forests at Victoria. B.C.. not later than 11 a.m. on the 14th day of May. 1945, for the purchase of Licence X36041, to cut 4570.000 feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock on an area comprising of Lot 651 Timber Licence fart 09 IP nnd adjoining Crown land at Howiirco Bay. Lyell Island. Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Two (2) years will be allowed for removal of timber: Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C JOHN BULGER Limited . JEWELLERS Pr, Rupert NOTICE J. H. MAIR has been appointed sole representative of NATIONAL MONUMENTS for this district. The business has been purchased from Av Welxl by W. Yule. GREEN SPOT TAXI 65 TAXI THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 Commercial, Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs MOTT ELECTRIC LIMITED Offices In Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 3G7 320 2nd Ave. KWONO SAND HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome" Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 am. PHONE RED 247 THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday May 9, 1845 TEA PAGE FTVB "SA1ADA To Mother with' Love - - This year, more than any other, you will want - j to remember Mother s Day. ' You will find that we have many;ftstfrom which to choose large and small., j1 1 -V- Sec the gift suggestions in our window or, better' still, come In and let us help you to get a gift that will please her. :s .it Annette's Ladies' Wear "We Lead . . . Others Follow" Dibb Printing Company MOTHERS' DAY CARDS Besner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 Flash!! Have You Heard the Latest? Your RADIO is your link. with the world! Keep it in perfect condition have It checked and repaired by an expert call Speedy" Radio and Electric Shop -HOUR SERVICE 733 Second Avenue FREE ESTIMATES Phone Green 217 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTj t 1 For Up-to-thc-Minutc Styles sec us for PLAYSH0ES Twenty-five styles and colors to choose from In anklets, slings and ties. High or low heels, In bright leathers and fabrics. Choose several pairs to match perfectly your slacks, shorts and gay summer prints. The same famous quality you liked so well last year. CUT RATE SHOE STORE ?AkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkA Hair and Beauty Let us give you a PERSONALITY PERMANENT. We'll style your hair In a flattering coiffure with our new Cold Wave. -It will be easy to keep and very becoming. No spilt or dry ends, no straggling curls. You'll be more than pleased. PEGGY SAUNDERS COAL and WOOD HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 (Annette Powell) 4th St, (across from Post Office) J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., DA, CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 VJ. m m- V