IT i 1i i r r. I: i! ii Dal Edition THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert Wednesday, May 30. 1945 Published every afternoon except Sun-flay by Prince Rupert Dally News Umltefl. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British. Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Crty Carrier, per week 15 Per Meath- -65 Per Year $7 00 By Mall, per month 40 Per Year $4.00 MEMBER A.B.C. Oh'For a Drop of Rain! . . . We sat in our office sweltering in the afternoon sun and wondered how it ever could be that Prince Ru-pert'and rainfall continue to be syno-mously associated in the minds of thosevho do not know this place. Here the month of May is almost gorifi and we have not had a decent rain fall in its merry length. We saw forest- fires blazing away spectacularly across the harbor, we saw our spring gardens dry and parched, we saw the dust billow in clouds from our; wartorn streets and we almost prayed for some of the good old rain which we hear so much about but have missed awhile. The month of May with 1.71 inches of rain and fifteen days since we had even a spatter! A visit from Jupiter Pluvius with a generous spraying would be really quite refreshing in arid Prince Rupert, The old man with the watering can would be a welcome visitor any day now. Anxious Days in Europe . . We look at the post-war scene in Europe and wonder. We see Russia imposing conscription on her 15 and 16-year-old boys and announcing there would be more intensive military training in the Soviet in. peace than there was in war. We see the Yugoslav's endeavouring to force their will upon the Italian people around that long-troubled top of the Adriatic .Sea. We see the Polish question still agitating the peace of mind between the western Allies and the Russians on the other. And now we see serious discord in Syria and Lebanon under the French rule. The problems of peace are piling up in rapid succession and many of them are charged explosively with the elements of conflict. The war in Europe may be over but these are still anxious days over there. for Fun - and Health.,, S-W-l-M There's proper fit and perfect cut in these j Trunks styled by JANTZEN in SKINTITE KLINGTITE Fabrics are colorful, comfortable 'too, and include: GABARDINES RAYONS BENGALINES WOOLS ! PRICED AT f ' f $2.95 $3.50 $3.95 "THE MEN'S SHOP" FATHER'S DAY CARDS Father's Day - June 17th HASTI-NOTES now in stock $1 per box Dibb Printing Company Besner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 Support Your Police Chief's Safety Campaign j CHECK YOUR BRAKES : S.E.PARKER LIMITED Ford and Mercury Dealers 170 E. 3rd Avenue PHONE 83 RU PERT BRAND : : SMOKED ; : BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND - Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ACQUITTED (Continued from Page 1) preliminary hearing and read yesterday, Steele described how he had run out onto the street from Wilbershled'a barracks on Beach place and "shouted after" Miss Matzik who,, he said, had driven away in the truck without him. Steele's statements found little corroberatlon in the testimony of L. L. Hawn, manager of the Beach place barracks area, who told the court that he was on the street near the T-40 bar racks when the truck drove away shortly after 11 o'clock. He said that he had seen the truck drive away in a normal manner and that he had heard no shouting. He said "that he had seen someone sitting in the darkened truck a few minutes before and had thought It was a woman. Large Rump On Accused Head A large and presumably pain ful bump on the back of Miss Mataik's head, discovered the morning after Ross'sdeath, was mentioned lri court by Miss Ida Wilson, Miss Matzik's roommate, but the cause of the bruise was not brought out. Miss Wilson said she was ap proached by Miss Matzik In the American civilians' club where she had been given some keys. Later, in company with two men the.y had gone to the front of the women's barracks, where one of the men had re-parked the truck In which Miss, Matzik was said to have arrived about 11:30. Miss Wilson said her friend had appeared to be acting strangely. "From her condition it was apparent that something had happened," sbe said. Robert Nusko, U.S. Coast-guardsman who had seen Miss Matzik drive up to the women's barracks on Sixth street, said he thought the truck had both headlights burning. Four other witnesses said that they had not noticed anything wrong with the neaangnts oi Miss Matzik's vehicle. The deatn car Had one head light knocked badly askew. A black comb found on the running board of the death truck by police could not have been Miss Matzik's, Miss Wilson said, because the accused Invariably used white combs. Oir(ul trichnt h diawful LmiIimI You'll tn,oy adding nw, lrh, lo)y celori w your kitchtn furmiur. wood wel wild B-H Qioinl a latlrying rxim.l, gy 10 opc'v Konoaical leet WWm GORDON'S HARDWARE HOLLAND SUBJECT TERRACE, May 30 On Friday afternoon last an appreciative crowd of parents and friends were at the Division V classroom of the Terrace Elementary something reminiscent of old Holland. Beautiful tulips- were in vases around the room and dogs, cattle, storks, tulips, etc., were very much In evidence. Above the whole was a Dutch Hag. The program consisted of songs such as "Dancing Through the Tulips," "The Little Dutch Mill" and "In An Old Dutch I Security for your Garden." recitations like "The, Windmill." dances, plays and; rhythm band selections, all featuring something DirUh. The j children's performance was re- markafcle. Mrs. Hubble, their; teacher, was the director and piano accompanist throughout. At the close oi We program, Mrs. Hubble thanked the people for coming and said It was en- School to see the final activity ; 6 , for her and the class In an enterprise on Holland. . a x audlence. Keen Interest was shown in n n among other things, she , the Grade I pupljs who were went on to explain how she had j attired In Dutch costumes of ! . u nnii,nH thn Fnter- i blue and white and In. the at- 1 ,sc Method dT Study, one of tractlvely arranged classroom fhp pwer developments in edu- ltself which, in every part, had i ,ifl ..We chose nalland for our study." Mrs. Hubble saw, -as many of the children have rpiativps In the armea lorces bulbs were growing In boxes on ! meTe and because Prince tne window sins, we winaow .. of the Netherlands decorations were In keeping with t some tlme in Canada, it.. 1 , l At : 1 "r me general tejc. n, a apa. though the Holland of tnp prcs-table, the children's workbooks pnt Ume u greatly changed due on Holland were displayed and, i . th tfar wehorje that, in on the wall above, pictures with : tjme to comei u wm once again printed stories under them des- u Dieasant land we hare crlbing the scenes. At the front , studiwl in the class." of the room, was the sandtable j Hubble took her clasa with a characteristic section of outs)de and the people thrnnicd Dutch landscape made by the fnrU7nrH tn examine everything children. Above this was a . thp P, There was cleverl finished and colorful mnrked surnrise at the quality murai. uuicn people, uytes, windmills, boats, carts drawn by of the work and the comments on tne program wvre civui;u Here are some of the definite, practical steps taken by the Liberal Government to ;iye security to home and family by assuring well-paid post-war jobs for everyone: For Veterans The most generous plan of any - United Nation to get returned men started in the type of work each of them chooses. The Liberal Government is determined1 that every man and woman coming Jiome to Canada shall return to the lond of greatest opportunity in the world. For Workers About a third of all Canadians depend on exports for their livelihood. Liberal plan provide for increasing our exports 60 in value over those of 1939. ( For Farmers Acting on the belief that' all Canadians prosper when farmers do, the Liberal Government has arranged that they can Improve their farms and equipment under a new loan plan and has arranged to put a floor under the prices of farm and fishery products. To stimulate employment for all, the Liberal Government has created a special Department of Reconstruction which is now in operation and which will co-ordinate private and public enterprise. THIS AND THAT 'to " "ry. ... - . " ' " Caji , 1W Cwy M.uW Itrtn, . Security for your "We must have missed a bus." NO MILLIONAIRES CATERHAM. Eng., O, W. J. Jordan, New Zealand High Cum KOJtiE WAH EFFORT t-TA-SOANYIKA DAR-ES-SALAAM. Tanjanyi' ka, Oi Maie than 900JDO hsad to make any teacher feel proud, i mton is I 0f catUe have passed thrcujh the I l 9 fnnt VlQt np , . .. , . .t . . nt! in tjiuc u w". a v jppy uttle country, i langanynta umiwi pest week has been particularly We haTO w native mammals of ! The territory has played a big hard on people's pocketbooks. wjJ iatfe are plr(lly of ; part in sujjplylns 'fas Ir --en. re-$13 was donated to the Junlor blrd3 and p!anty of sunshine, but !funts and prLwer-of-war Red Cross. i W have no scoiplons or camp?, and labor employed In . . . 1 ( tl t I.I m.mi lrklt4tl off . j n i tv, n rwdlu malaiia and no mmiojunres. laseunui ui The Liberals believe that the, home is tho boart of the nation. They aim to give Canadians every possible facility to build and furnish better homes! With Government assistance you can build a home in the country, town or city, This will make fobs for the building trades, and those who make huilding supplies and those who manufacture household equipment and furniture. New Homes for Canadians The Liberal Government's new $400,000,000 National Housing Act, now on the statute books, enables hundreds of thousands of Canadians to get money at low interest and on long, generous terms to build, renovate or enlarge their own homes. Now thot Germany Is defeated, plans are already in opert ation for at least 50,000 dwellings. Other practical, workable measures for the security of your home are the Liberal Govern ment's laws for Unemployment Insurance and liberal Old Age Pensions. The Liberals believe in doing what can be done, as soon as it can be done. If returned to power on June 1 1th, they will carry on and expand the sound, constructive work already started. produc Security for your 10 amount of rubbe. ARCHIIECIli SERVICE " Store rrwt Uemodeiiint PHONE black tl KWONQSANQHIKC HOP KEE CHOP 1 C12 7th AVE. UNexttoKlngTi. All Opp.i S pjn.ta:a Outside Order. frajJ PHONE RED 2fl Security with Freedom Your Vote or, June 11fth can bvmrj lasting security to your work, your home, your family! WORK FAMELY ho Family Ailpwantes-Surting !njuly.parna" benefit least Jrom income ih ... r :i All,.,-,nr rhecues IVW N0"10 . . . ..... f.wwl rlnth inn. St1" to neip mem gci utu and education for tbeii children so they ........ . ... u-i,t. Jnrmi Canadian cii Kruw ...... -B t20fl. These 000,000 0 cluoue- will amount to between and $? 50,000,000 a year. A. u. will do much to ne.K .L- I1U.I. rthlective Of fU atmeving inv nui, ploymtnt. H-.ltUA wa.:s.l Health Plan will ensure" lib Willi t r everybody shall be taken care of while incr sick and the best measures medical science devise shall be employee! to prevent aisw and other lcVtt .t, .ff,.,. r Drew. Uruce, reactionaries, me "" mined that human interetts, the n shall bo placed before "bvine u Help build the nw order of security with freedom. Protect the social gains already made. eeds of men, suol" ...j Tho liberals have faith In tanauu, - .a ...!nu tO P"" ' country, and In their ability i i ...s.u ..;.-. a moxe obundoni Villi J WWI wf.i, greater opportunities for Canodions VK. m9 . W t .... I rm Jt' J I 1 1 . .iberal candidate o