lCPDIMf UirM ICC IM A HTIK At Nirn i iwux UN WAKIIV.Q uriUV PR Af TlfFQ m cnor 1 1 W - - - w If if SUGAR RATION REDUCED rid s cua" t rtpnietea con- jftJJU . j so long, have naa so ans made one big ad- ln their tastes ana l(rn Stiff. re .v.. -c- ------- vet rationed, Tlwy will i.. ili'f Hi nponl L.i oo-ff onH nrilnln :r:i . the same thing, 60 ions of ex-slav laborers ...inrr hnntrrv npnnlp may share In the supply - - ( fa c fn TnQiljr jnillcant the resultant ... AA fm rH,ir nf ;it-U)nally. Its day Is . hot tea or coffee j - 1. i sugar ana ate wi ii mat sirring follows. ' . T -1r y-l I C1 IIA IM uslr pre-war recipes, . In nlmnaf til tH Villi wc IVUUVVU ?ed bv the' Consumer Dcmlnin Department . . , t : ii.. .v utiui t.o mu va i I I - .U-ImUI , Division,. Depart- nmrn .(lulling iff1 nll.nairmun I salt -.1 I - 11 I . 1 . 1 porridge). ked rhubarb, cut In ptex IWUIIILIY J fki rttit a ft uirniiuK MON 11 TUES Mix and sift flour, baklnz dow- der, salt and sugar. Add half the mule, the well-beaicn egg and the remaining milk mixed with the rolled cats. Mix only encujh to combine. Add melted fat and rhubarb, and fill greased muffin tins' two-thirds full. Bake In a hot oven, 400 degrees F for 25 minutes. Makes 12 medium muf fins. Fruit Bisk Pour canned fruit ol any kind Into a saucepan, bring to boiling point. Place left-over tea bis cuits, on fruit. Cover and let fctand until biscuits are thor oughly heated. Serve hot with fruit as sauce. The syrup may be slightly thickened first with a little cornstarch if desired. Lemon Snow ' cup cornstarch 1-3 cup sugar V2 teaspoon salt 2 cups boiling water 1 lemon, grated rind and Juice 2 egg whites Mix cornstarch, sugar and salt thoroughly together. Gradually add boilirrj water, stirring constantly. Cook over direct heat until thick and clear, about 5 minutes. Add .cTated lemon rind and Juice (3 tablespoons) and .pour the hot mixture slowly over the stiffly beaten egg whites, stirring until well blended. Turn Into individual sherbet glasses and chill. Serve with custard sauce made with the egg yolks. Six servings. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. Hew long after refreshments are served should a guest remain at a bridge party? A. This depends upon how how early in the evening refreshments are served, but probably about 30 minutes after finishing is the usual time to leave. A guest at any affair should never "eat and run." Q. When Introducing a rela tive, is it proper to use the pos sessive pronoun? A. Yes; one may say, "My father, my mother, my sister, my uncle." WED JUNE 13 20 27 lulu l X I CI J.- 1 1 1 I i ii Jir i n Kiri r .J I I S- I .11 iiii mm m mm w mw trouble bcmir a trood snort in 'tas like these. Get in tune with iuuiv feinarL leui cuui- table. We've a downright rug- 1 selection of sport coats and in fabrics good to the J colors and patterns good the eve. Cafll me "BILL" ' THURSDAY 7 Butter Coupon 109 4 Butter Coupon 110' 21 W. F. Stone 'CLOTHES . . OF.. . . DISTINCTION' "Poor Sap! He didn't order his coal before June 1. Timely Tips Spout Saver With good china so precious these days, what asks for better care than a delicate, cherished teapot? To keep the spout frcm breaking or chipping, cover with a hollow cork when not in use. Up and Down Traffic . . ., pretty heavy in a two storey house. For least disrup tion when the stairs need paint ing, follow this method. Use the mast sure-fire quick drying paint, paint every other step one night (when the family has retired) and the alternate steps the next night. The Han in Plant This isn't playing favorites but, If you are still considering what to put In your Victory Oar-don don't forget old hardy, eas ily grown Swiss Chard. It Is an excellent source of vitamin A and you can keep cutting them right up until the frosts come. Attention, Men! We've the wcrd from the Wrens for this and they should know. They have two navy blue Valid Valid Butter Coupon 111 Valid Sugar Coupon 60 - ' Preserves Coupons 57-PI 28 Butter Coupon 112 Valid COUPON VALUES BUTTER W pound SUGAR . 1 pound FRI I 8 15 22 29 SAT 16 23 30 out. Hazelton Warrior Back From Europe Ii suits to keep ship-shape and they say the handiest Implement for this is a good clothes brush. Their advice Is a good brushing for each wearing, brushing with a damp brush to remove shine; and hanging In the. open for a few hours to get the wrinkles HAZELTON, May 30 Private J. A. Danes has returned to his home at Hazelton after service overseas. He was among a group of British Columbia warriors aboard the first troopship to come Into Halifax with veterans of the Battle of Europe following V-E Day. Trooper A. R. Kelly of Prince George returned to Canada on the same ship. ' Buy War Savings Stamps Mr. and Mrs. L. Fitzgerald of this city, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Arllne Marie, to Lead-ing'TSeaman -William Reginald1 Pottle, R.ON.V.R., son of Mr. and Mrs. A R Pottle of Moose Jaw, Sask. The wedding will take place on June 16 in St. An drew's catnearai. FOR SALE FOR SALE Eight-room house with basement; fully furnished. Six blocks from Post Office. $4,000. 336 9th Ave. West. Phone Red 693. (127) FOR SALE Boat "Georglna." length 30 ft., beam 7.6 ft;. 10 h.p. Union seml-dieisel engine. Apply to boat at Fishermen's ' floats. (130) FOR SALE Stove, gramaphone, , radio, electric Iron, beos, eic. 1380 Overlook Street. (128) FOR SALE Convertible chester field, cnest or drawers, Deo, occasional chairs, end table, card table, kitchen table and chairs, dishes. Phone Green 861. (125) FOR SALE Single bed, complete. Green 965. (tf) FOR SALE Regulation overseas cartons. 5 lbs. and 11 lbs. sizes at 10c and 15c. The Variety Store. FOR SALE 1937 three-ton truck, eood running condition: tires in good condition, also spare tire and tube; flit deck, newly rebuilt. Apply 1093 Am brose Ave. or write A. Bellam, Box 1047 Station "B" car phone Red 489 (evenings). (126) FOR SALE English pram, prac tically new. Phone Green 707. (126) FOR SALE French doer, $5.00; removable white cemrcnt fireplace, $12. Green 469. (125) FOR SALE Mink dyed muscrat fur coat, size 15; fery good condition. Government Hut T80. (129) FOR SALE Six wahiut dining room chairs, leataier seats; magazine cupboarfl; steamer trunk. 1104 8th Ave. East. (126) FOR SALE Boys CMJJt. bicycle, like new. 1332 8 th Ave. East. (127) MACHINERY IfOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically, usp the modern and up-to-date .type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, uu. (U) HELP WANTED WANTED Immediately, reliable emcieni. woman iree to snena summer at resort; must be able to co oik, fond or children. Good wages. Phone Black 920. (127) WANTED -Women to fillet fish good wages. Atlln Fisheries Ltd. The Experts Say . . . SALAD WEEK This week is salad week and, starting from scratch, we can remember that deep, inside the colorful vegetables now in the grocers' bins and crispers are many of the vitamins and minerals so necessary to healthier, happier lives. Ai least one fresh raw veget- able should be included in the diet each day two are better and salad is one of the best means of getting them tucked into the dally menu. Salad greens should be crisp and fresh and salads are easier to make if you wash the greens thoroughly before storing, being sure to shake off excess moisture. With clean, crisp greens at hand a salad can be prepared in the twinkling of an eye. But unless itvs eaten it can't do anyone any good. One su; tlon that. Is worth trying is to serve the salad as a first course. It is more likely to be eaten then, when appetites are keen, than if it comes between the main course and the dessert. At this point the experts put their heads together and suggested Cucumber Boat Salad and Duchess Salad, which is Jellied, as sure-fire hits with lunch or dinner. Mix the cucumber pulp, toma- Hoejs, celery, salt, pepper and onion1 and moisten with mayon naise. Garnish with parsley and serve with mayonnaise. This serves six. Classified Advertising - - - - Classified Advertising is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. ENGAGEMENT NOTICE WANTED WANTED Lady's bicycle, in eood condition. Phone Black 291. HI) WANTEB'TCT RENT 3 or 4-mnm unfurnished house. Re ply Box 8 or Postmaster. (127) WANTED TO RENT Furnished apartment or house by June l. bv voumr naval officer and wife. No children. Have best of references. Box 6 Dally News. (125) WANTED Girl to mind house two evenings a week. Apply house behind Fairway Food Market. (223) WANTED Two or three-room furnished suite or house. Phone American Signals 725 or 726. (126) WANTED In good condition, 30-32 Buick sedan, or other heavy model. Phone Green 911. . (129) WANTED By two respectable office cms, a nouseiceeping room or small apartment. Please call Miss Watrln at Imperial Oil Ltd., phone No. 532, before 5. (130) WANTED Suite or small house for officer's wife, or willing to sub-let for summer months. Apply Box 10 Daily News. FOR RENT PERSONAL (127) HOLIDAY TIME For rent at Salt Lake, three-room house, unfurnished; one room down, two up. Could furnish. Also several houses at Bilmor, all for sale. Phone 880. (125) FOR RENT I.O.D.E. HalL Phone 83 for particulars. (tf) FOR RENT Two -room suite. Furniture for sale. 934 2nd West (upstairs). (125) DANCE NOVELTIES, paper hats, horns, ticklers, etc.. now ob tainable at Northern Distributors, 210 4th Street, agents for Dance Novelty bureau. (tf) birds', penqulns and fish, (134) BANISH GREY HAIR Look years younger ... use effective Angellque Grey Hair Restorer. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (129) PERSONAL Would dressmaker who advertised In Dally News several weeks ago, phone u.s. Signals 295 between 1 and 3 pjn. (130) WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Can do any housework required. Phone Green 736 or call at 530 8th Ave. West. (It) ALL-EMBRACING TUMMY BERMAQUI. Australia. 0) A white shark welehlne nearly a ton was caught near here. Inside were three-quarters of a large seal, about 20 sea birds, mutton Of General Interest Send Discharge Papers If securing their ration books by mail, servicemen should send their discharge papers when making application to their Local Ration Board. The papers will be returned with the No. 5 ration book which will contain coupons valid only from the date bf application. Exceptions to Rule In freezing all stocks of can ned meat, the Prices Board ex cepted poultry meat, blood pudding, soup, pork and beans, pur eed meat products for infant feeding, imported beef concentrates, or beef concentrates pro- DUCHESS SALAD Requires one package of Jelly powder (lime flavor), one cup boiling water, cup of cold water, Va cup of grapefruit Juice, V2 cup diced cucumber and 1 cups grapefruit pulp. Dissolve the jelly powder In bollin? water. Add cold water . ...... J" 'Qnrl Trllir im, rihin until ir Iv. ""- -- - gins to thicken, then add cucum ber and grapefruit. Pour Into small molds, each of which has been garnished with a slice of cucumber. Chill until firm and serve on watercress with mayonnaise. This serves four. Since the salad itself is only part of the finished dish, the home economists added suggestions for salad dressings. A French dressing which cucumber boat salad i dresses up vegetable salads re- Thls fresh salad requires three ; quires one cup of salad oil, V cucumbers, two tomatoes, Vi cup CTP 01 vinegar, '8 teaspoon 01 chopped celery, one teaspoon of Paprika, V2 teaspoon of salt, and salt, Vi teaspoon of pepper, one tablespoon of green pepper, one tablespoon chopped onion. Chill cucumbers and tomatoes one teaspoon of sugar. Put the ingredients in a screw-top jar and shake well before using. Keep In the refrigerator and ke time it is used, Peel cucumbers. Cut in halves Honey salad dressmg a staple from lengthwise. Remove pulp requiring neither but- centre, being careful not to f1 for break the outside. Peel tomatoes, caJ cut In cubes and drain off juice. tablespoons of salad oil, one tablespoon of fruit Juice, two tablespoons' honey and 1-3 teaspoon of salt. Mix the Ingredients together and serve with fruit salads. Quality Repairs at Economy Prices Prince Rupert, B.C. Only 1 Cup of Meat IN THIS CFPR Delicious Chicken Puff I& cup flour 1 cup chicken, cut fine 2 teaspoon Magic 2 teapoon (craped onion Bakina Powder K cup Crated raw carrot H teaipoon ult 2 tablespoon, melted butter or chicken fat 1 cup milk 1H cup chicken travy Sift together flour, baking powder and aalt add beaten egg yolk and milk. Add chicken, onion, grated carrot and melted fat and mix well. Fold In tiffly beaten egg white. Bake In greased baking dish In hot oven at tlS'F. for about 25 minutes. Serve with hot chicken grary. 6 servings. MADE IN CANADA PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) ANNOUNCING EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 6:30 am. to 1 &m. CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job Phone Black 735 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Here to serve the public YORK CONSTRUCTION Building, Materials, Estimates General Building Nothing too big or too small PHONE BLACK 884 THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, May 30, 1945 cessed from imported meat ex tracts. Used Goods Ceilings Price schedules for a wide variety of second-hand goods may be obtained at any local of fice of the Prices Board. Information on Request r Returning terv Icemen, who are unfamiliar with the operation of price ceilings, may secure infor mation by writing to the Con sumer Branch, 490 Sussex Street, Ottawa. Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles WEDNESDAY PAL 4:00 Words With Music 4:15 G. I. Jive 4:30 Alouette Quartet 5:00 Music America Loves Best 5:30 Remember 5:45 Supper-Club 6:00 Comrades In Arms 6:30 Information Please 7:U0-CBC News 7:15 The Soldier's Return 7:30 Political Broadcast 8:00 Spring Concert 8:30 This is the Story 9:00 Kav Kyser 9:15 Globe Theatre . 9:30 Globe Theatre 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Elmore Phllpott 10:15 CBC News Roundup 10:30 Intermezzo 11:00 Silent THURSDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock : 00 CBC News 8:15 Music for Moderns Liberal Broadcasts Wednesday, May 30, 6:30 and 7:30 pjn. Friday, June 1, 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 4", 6:30 pm. E. T. Applewhalte. Tuesday, June 5, 1 pm. Wednesday, June 6, 1 pjn. and 6:30 pjn. Thursday, June 7, 6 pjn. Friday, June 8, 7:30 and 9 pjn. raHrtal 3M I HBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSSaVaaV M . WaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl mm POULSEN'S Grocery and Lunch Phone Red 441 FREE DELIVERY 6th Ave. E., beside Postal Station "B" "As Good as the Best . Better Than the Rest" NOTICE J. H. MAIR has been appointed sole representative of NATIONAL MONUMENTS lor this district. The business has been purchased from A. Welxl by W. Yule. THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 pan. to 2 aJn. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) PAOE THRES M.I, C0LDWELL CCF NATIONAL LEADER Thursday, CBR 1 m AND C.B.C. NETWORK NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home, Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER, and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala. Friday SS Cardena Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every ten days. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations 5 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 i 1 ,Tn tit iV 1 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S finest Salmon Lumber We now have a stock of good grade FIR, SPRUCE - AND CEDAR - Lumber on hand FLOORING We have a limited quantity of 1x3 Maple Flooring on hand. Call and see It. Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTf , EVITT & CO. LTD.