'AQI FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Prince Riinrt n n . THE Saturday, August 25, 1945 5keena Mercantile G. McADAMS, Prop. SELF-SERVE GROCERS DRY GOODS - LADIES' WEAR A Modern Dept.Store WE WELCOME TOURISTS IKBHI RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Your FALL Ensemble 'iff A trio of compliments to clothe you in sporty splendor come those chilly days. The coat is your favorite chesterfield dressed up with a velvet collar. The two -button suit has four flap pockets and narrow skirt. .." RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ANNOUNCING Opening of Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. Fortune Telling 6 a.m. to 3 a.m. FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION . . . quality foodstuffs are carried at all times. If you wan pie best, yon will find it on our shelves. Yoju are invited to inspect our stock. MUSSAtLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS We regret to Inform our patrons that, due to the fire that destroyed the Terrace utilities power plant early on Sunday morning, we .are compelled for a- short time to seriously curtail production. We are very sorry to disappoint our customers but wish to assure them that In the near future we plan to be back In full production again. At this time we wish to extend our hearty thanks to all who have supported us during the past. "HOME OF VITAMIN-RICH BREAD" TERRACE BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY TERRACE SKEENA MOTOR TRANSPORT G. L. Brooks, Proprietor When in Terrace let Skeena Motors take care of your transportation. The best in transportation for less. Specializing in service to Lake-else Lake Agents for cabins, etc. All-night Coffee Bar FEW ACRES TOURIST AM) HUNTING LODGES Accommodation for 4 or 8 people by week or month, very reasonable, good swimming. Vacant now. Gertrude Mitchell Terrace. B.C. In Terrace Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) TOURISTS "SKEENA BRIDGE CAMP" One mile East of Terrace n 13 Terrace, B.C. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE W. C. Osborne V. Imhoff a. m. Williams Expert Repairs on all makes of cars Reconditioning Motors Tractors Road Equipment Machine Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric w0Mt BOX 202 -W (I vtuiii ' TERRACE, B.C. Today in Sports SOFTBALL EVENED UP Battery and Fortress Have Now Won One Game Each Behind the two-hit pitching of Echerle, the 11th Coast Battery defeated Fortress 4 tn 1 last nisht at Gyro Park to even up the be.st-of-three-games series In the Senior Softball League semifinals. Fortress won the previous fixture. Martel, star Fortress catcher, who has been absent frnm lhp iine-up for soma time, made his return Known toy wallopirts a triple 'but the losirrs were able to make onlv one other hit uhilp Scherle struck ovi nine. ine oniy inning In which eith er team scored morp than nne run was the third when the 11th Coast team followed up two walks with a double by Larson to score two counter.? tn fnrrp n 3-0 lead. Hertzman. .Dltchin? for Fiirt- rtss, struck out seven and yielded nine hit. Score bv inninss: Fortress 000 000 1001 llth Coast 102 000 lOx 4 Batteries: Fortress Hertzman and Martel: llth Coast Battprv Scherle and Busnik. SOFTBALL GIRLS DANCE HONOREES Happy Affair Held Last Night at Y.M.C.A. Captains Introduced A happy event of last evening was a dance at the Y.M.C.A. in honor of members of the Prince Rupert Women's Softball League. During the course of the dance Rube Sher-, coach of the C.W. A.C.'s, who acter as master of ceremonies, Introduced the captains of five of the six league teams "Scotty'-' Scott of the C.W.A.C.'s. Bettv Hamilton of Bo-Me-Hi, Dot Douglas of Naval civil berviee, Margaret Morgan of the Allies, and Edna Bond of the Women of the Moose. The Dry Dock- team was not represented. , In addition, three of the coaches Moe Silverman of the Bo-Me-Hi team. Harry Dielsch of. the Allies and Joe Gefucia of the Women of the Moose were introduced to the crowd. In a prize drawing, the first lucky ticket was held by Marie Caldwell, shortstop of the Bo-Me-Hi team, second was T5 Marion Caldwell of Port Edward, third was H. Duffus of Postal Station B, fourth was Bob Wilkin s of Empire Stevedoring, and fifth was Y. Adams of the P. and M. shop, Port Edward. I The music was supplied by Frank Dutton's band. COCOA RESEARCH LONDON 0) A cocoa research conference was recently held to discuss objectives including the control of pests and diseases and the general organization in the colonial empire of cocoa research work. ARE STILt IN SHORT sumt-BUT-wfu WORTH WAITING FOR rrm . J. L. CORRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 GEORGE, DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates , Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing ana Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 LOOKING OVER BALL LEAGUES Rainy weather in the States forced the postponement of several Major nnd International League contests last night. In the American League the Washington at New York tussle was DOstDoned but the Ditchlns duel between Bob Feller for the Cleve land Indians and Hal Newhouser for the Detroit Tigers came off as scheduled and Bob Feller won. The former Major League strikeout king limited the league-leading signals to four hits as he handed Detroit's ace hurler Newhouser his eighth defeat against twenty victories. Newhouser gave up seven safeties. The final score was Cleveland 4, Detroit 2. The paid attendance was more than 46,000. In the American contest, the St. Louis Hrnwns defeated the Ghicago White Sox 3-1. The triumph secured third place in the league standings for the Browns. In the National League, the Today the only thing that distinguishes them is a crowned eilver shield bearing a trefoil of red maple leaves. An unobtrusive button symbolic of so much tn the life of the wearer. Canadians at home welcome them Lack villi pride. Ask those who wear it, they'll tell you that during years in Uniform the demand was for the unfailing solace of Sweet Caps and now, hack "civvies" it still rates first In smoking pleasures. New York at Brooklyn tangle was postponed as was the Boston at Philadelphia game. The Cincinnati Reds bested the Pittsburgh Pirates 2-1 to break a losine streak at six camps hut the big game for the National was in Chicago where the St. Louis Cardinals and the' Cubs opened their all-important three-game series. The initial game of the series ended with a 1-0 victory for the Cards. In the International Leaeue. Rochester and Buffalo split a double-header. The Red Wines blanked the Bisons 3-0 in the opener but the lowly Buffalo ciud came back 11-8 in the arc-light contest. The Jersey City at Newark and Syracuse at Baltimore games were postponed, Here is today's schedule: American League Washington at New York, double-header: PhlladelDhia at Boston: Chi cago at St. Louis, night (only games scheduled). National League, New York at Brooklyn, double-header; Boston at Philadelphia, doilble-i header; Cincinnati at Pittsburgh; St. Louis at Chicago. International League Jersey City at Newark; Syracuse at Baltimore, double-header; Rochester at Buffalo, nieht: Montreal at Toronto. SHORT SPORT The Acropolis Hill Browns of the Prince Rupert Sub-Port of Embarkation will be out to chalk up another victory, their seventeenth for the season, when they meet the Prince Rupert All-Star team on the Acropolis Hill diamond tomorrow afternoon. It Is expected that coach Lt. Bob Far-jner will start Sanchez at the pitching post wii:i rlallnovitch receiving. Young Tony Sanchez is the hurlefwho recently ran up a total of 28 strike-outs m a id-inning contest. Lieut. Walter Smith Back In Civil Life Walter Smith, one of the originals of the old Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve unit here, returned home on Wednesday of this week and, having received his discharse. has re sumed his pre-war position with vv. t . fatone, men s clothier. For a couple of years prior to discharge, Walter Smith, as a lieutenant, was signals officer in Atlantic convoy service aboard the corvette H.M.C.S. Hepatica. Siveet Caps Salute Those Who Wear This Radge ure$t Form In IThlch Can U SmovW SWEET CAPO HAL CIGARETTES BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. , and Sheetmetal Works Sheetmetal work of all kinds Air Conditioning Tanks Sinks Eavestrough & Furnace Work , Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor. 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 964 Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon during your delivery day. We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and cooked meat fresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE Zl KWONO SANQ HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 pjn. to 2 am. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 THIRD AVE. W. F. MURPHY LUMBER General Agent Ace-Tex LUSTERITE The modern finish for bathrooms and kitchens, in 8 colors plain and blocked. ryralite-Plastic Moulds in various colors, to trim table tops, sinks, bathrooms, etc. Thrce-Piy Waterproof Fir and Birch Veneers Ruberoid Roofing Slate-Surfaced Mineralized Roofing Ace-Tex Hexagon Shingles and Building Papers of all kinds Ship Lap, Common and Dimension Lumber available for house and general construction Ace-Tex Tile Floors REOPENING MOUSETRAP Under New Management Specializing in Italian ' Spaghetti, steaks and Fried Chicken Dinners. Hours 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY BE WISE TODAY AND BE WARM THIS WINTER ORDER COAL TODAY! PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 TODAY ONLY ROY ROGERS ,nns0F STARTS MONDAY Frodued by DARRYL F. ZANUCK Pvt. ion Mcfolliilpr iannnA Ctmi Sal. Edmond 0'Rrin. InnA Rnll" 'Sgt. Mark Daniels Jo-Corrotl Dennison Cpl. Don Toylor Judy Hollidoy 'Cpl.leeJ Cobb.TSgt. Peter tind Hayes Cpl. Alan Baxtei 12:30 - 2:25 - 4:41 6:57 - 9:13 Capitol OFFICES IN ri Cloud- cnth'ma fftnftf a.j i opmrouj boyt of Arm font, i " combor ..;.. f GEORGE GUI EXTRA! SrOKTSRECl COLORED CAKTOON' Jl FAMOUS TME SCIIIN'ijJ PLATERS Or SHOWSIToJ MtXIIl THRIU or TKIIl SUNDAY AT MIDNITE JOHN LODER ALSO ELEANOR PARKER in "Mysterious Doctor" FREDA INESCORT I'AL'Li CAVANAGH In "Shadows On G. R. Mutrie, Op the Stair. I tomctnn HEILimONEIl'S 4.EWELUY STORE Complete qualified optical service. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT - TO ALL RETURNING SERVICEMEN In line with their usual policy of service anil uuaiuy Lambndsc " has aain come to l front, offerinir-all diselianrprl servicemen a sr ection of excellent cloth for inadc-to-mcasunl clothinir. This selection is reserved entirely for m viccmen with priority suit certificates. WE ASSURE YOU OF DELIVERY IX TWO TO THREE WEEKS Dron ill iinil Ionic nvor nnr snmnlps PENDING OFFICIAL DISCHARGE PLEASE I CLIP THE COUPON RE LOW AND : , , . BRING IT TO US ! ntE-DEMOniLIZATION PRIORITY SUIT CERTIFICATE (Foit n:itMNi:i, or si:kvk r.s- iim.vi This certificate mny bo used as an advance priority B , ordering suits for members of the services Immediately pn to receiving official discharge and MUST be replaced by tw official certificate Issued at'tlme of discharge. . This enables personnel to place orders for priority ft"''-lng official discharge. CUSTOMER'S REGIMENTAl SIONATUfiE NO. DEALER'S , NAME MOIKIANS MIAS HOVM WKAK I.TII. Prince liupert, II. t'. (Inn on m ri A rgans an iens C5 &Joys WJcarctA "WHERE MEN BUY" WANTED Able-bodied men, willing workers for cold storage and fish floor work. Have steady work for capable men. Can also use son casual labor. APPLY Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.