.a .n i ir - . Your Loveliest is Spring... of our latest permanenta or haid-doa will do it. aoii r iiiiiii si Li.lv v iuituiii sr LUU I Tl .J. PLAW breekfail mound NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT lot It not only tastes good, but IS qoodl Mad oi 100 Canadian whol wheat toatted to a rich qoldn brown It holpi supply nerqy-building caibohydratti and proteins as well as" useful amounts oi Iron and phosphorus. It's so nourishing, so satisfying, o tasty t Mm S45B rat Phone Blue 917 GROCERIES, MEAT, FRUIT AND VEGETABLES f'. ..c imiii- mmmttmrv snonmnu centre SKEENA GROCERY loth Avenue East Phone 5S1 ambridge Clothes TOR THE MAN WHO KN0WSI 'S MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR 3rd Ave., next to Ormes OULSEN'S LUNCH 6th AVE. E., BESIDE P.O. STATION MB" As Good as the Best Better than the Rest, POULSEN'S GROCERY Uur stnok frosh nnrl rnmn ete. prices nuiu - f Courtesy and Service Free Delivery Red 441 he Last Comes irst with Since 1898, Hartts have been makers of men's highest grade footwear. llm-tf ,,,.., ...:n, nn nlmnssinn for tliUV6"!1-'! Willi ' rniOrt.. Inn rrxiTnn i nl pfiln li nvn boon able to nn il 1 1 i . 1... n.,..n(llMU CM- 7, "H"i IUUI1 IL'llUUlllUU tii-"-v - h i'iuijui liiLiiiii lusia. Family Shoe Store Limited HOME OF IIARTT SHOES FOR Genuine Ford Parts Firestone and Gutta Percha Tires Imperial Oil Products . Wrecking Service S.E.PARKER LIMITED "ONE 83 . no E. 3rd AVE 1 DOINGS Lfey MARGARET WOODWARD i Pete Collins, our "Y" man Irom Seal Cove, reports that a real party was held Monday night at the Sergeant's mess there after the show In honor oi the "Merry-Oo-Round" concert parry. An Im promptu program was put on by members of the troune and danc ing followed with music by Dick Benz and his marimba and Ser geant Wood at the piano. Highlight of the evening was the lunch served by the mess staff. Besides carving the butter in the shape of a triangle, the ingenious chef had, with the aid of a sten- produced a masterpiece of salad decoration, tonnlne the mold with the sign of the Red Triangle a new use for our well-known kmotlf. Here in the Red Triangle Club the second shipment of new books arrlveda further COO to , add to the collection. A great deal of volunteer help has gone into the setting up and cataloguing of thn librarv. We wlm to express our appreciation particularly to Mrs. Esme Porte. Mrs oranam Harrison and Mrs. Lily Phillips Mim Harrison has now taken over the respon.-ibility of lrbrar r-LEASANT ANTACID RelicTes Gi. i Heartburn end Stomach Diitrtil Excellent for young and old. 8 or. Off- Size . . tWC ISoi. on. Size . . 59c NYAL FAMILY MEDICINES Sold only by Your Xyal Druggist THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Reef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions jn Third Ave. Phone 178 MRS. BROUGH PASSES AWAY Former Alice Moncoenr of I'rince Rupert Dies In Victoria Mrs. James Brough. well known resident of many years standing In Smithers and Prince Rupert since the early days, passea away Monday nleht in Victoria, ac- eordlnsr to word received here today. She had been 111 for some ; south. Born in Scotland, Mrs. Brough, before her marriage, was Miss Alice Moncocur. She conducted a store -on Sixth St. lor some years before marrying Mr. Brough. Lat er they went to Smithers wnere tl,.. fnr manv VPJlrS. NOTICE t win not be responsible for any debts that may be incurred bther than by myself against my establishment known as Katj s Klcen Kitchen or myself. KATE DAVIS. lan each afternoon as well as act-in n rcecDtionlst during the ... . , . noon hour and on saturaay Mint-nine's. Lilv Phillips has be In the "V," rnme a familiar Ilgure being on hand each evening as librarian. To volunteers sucn as v,n -a.t nre especially gTateiui for helping in such a willing way to keep the facilities oi m building open to the men and women of the services. Th rA.frular Tuesday evening bridge party was held in the up stairs writing room, winners us ing Sgt. and Mrs. R. H. Williams. In the "Y" f.vninnsiiim The Tuesday night floor hockey league game in the "Y" gym was played before a pacicea gantry, j between the Air Force and Soo ( Suds teams. It was a close and i hard fought game ip to the end of the sdcond period with the i Air Force leading with a score cf 1 5 to 2. However, in the last live minute of the third period, the cmnnth nasslnz forward lines of the Air Force began to click and lunged In six goals for a final score ct 11-2. This -win puts the Air Fore at the ton of the league with two wins and no losses. Tne next floor hockey league nignt in the gym will be next Tuesday with the game between tne Ptavy and Soo Suds teams. The final series for the Girls' Area Basketball, championsnip win be resumed at, the Y gym tonight. The C.WJV.C. and Hlg'a School will play the secona game of their two out of three series ith the C.W.A.C. leading by one game, having edged out a 16-15, victory last Friday night In. a I closely contested game. A third ! game, If necessary, will be played here Thursday. An exhibition game will be ninveri here tonteht when the Pnrt Mward Coast Guard meet the recently eliminated Fortress tenm. with both teams being In top form, this promises to be an interesting and exciting game. Local News Items . . . PHONE 85 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS A W. A. monthly meeting. Cana-1 W. D. Lamble is leaving Thurs-dian Legion, Thursday, March 1, day night on a business trip to at 8 p.m. Vancouver. A. D. Ritchie left on Monday night's train for a week's business trip to Edmonton. ASons of Norway meeting Thurs- time and last September went i day . March . 1 . 8 . o'clock. ni.iiu, All mem- bets please attend. Initiation. bitCJT i LJlUi I.. v "J a ' (51) Mrs. C. B. Thompson and children returned this morning from a trip to Vancouver. I Mrs. Robert McCarthy re turned lUmCU to WJ the W1C Vll-J city this morn- The funeral will take place at r trin to Vancouver. Royal Oak, Victoria, tomorrow. Norman Beiiis was among those who returned this morn ing .from Vancouver where he has been on business. Mr .Annette Woods arrived back in trie city today from a two month's trip as far east as New York. Set. A. A. Young, of the Pa cific Mllilla Rangers leu lues day on the Catala for Van couver after a tour of the nartn- ern district. . morning from a trip to Van couver where he attended a con ference of Wartime Prices and Trade Board officials. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ratchford were among those who returned this morning from Vancouver. II. E. Blackburn Teturned this mornlne from a week's visit to I Vancouver. Mrs. Paul Stegavig arrived in the cltv this morning to attend thp fnnVral this afternoon of hpr father, tne late Frank Mor ris. She was accompanied by hpr mnt.her-in-law. Mrs. Die Stegavig. NOTICE I, Herbert A. Jeffrey of Tor. ntn nntnrin will not be resDon John R. Mitchell Is leaving to morrow nleht for a trip to Van couver. Mr. Mitchell has been In ill-health for some time but is now somewhat better. On Wednesday, Feb. 28, a lec hire and slides concerning the "PithoDieram Mission for Women and Children' India) is to be presented in First Baptist Church commencine at 8 p jn. Anyone in terested is cordially invited. tortured By SINUS PAIN Tou can get qaick relief v from painful distress with CJ1 jgV a few drops of ssc jS- Jr Vicksva-tro-noi. v -tv where misery isl FUNERAL OF MIKE MOSEK Funeral service for the late Mike Mosek. railway workman i A ikmi rinor AmtSllrV O. A. McMillan, superinten- last week -was new irom uren n r m t? Pific rnat.vUlpnnurtchaDelat2pjii. Taes UCUb Wi J. v. " 1 ' ' Steamships, ana W. E. Balllie, I day. Adjutant P. L. Gorrie V, of 4.1. the c..nintnriint Arxrinpr nrrivpd Salvation Army officiating. In- in the city this morning lromiiermeni toon, piace m a... Vancouver. juemeiery. II. F. Glassev returned this l mim tJiara nerce wus uigau t ' ' " 7 . 1... 1st. paiioearers were ouuucjr i Izyk. Paul Bolik, Steve Japko i W. Brennlt. Announcement WIVU) Wnn.. " I slble for any debts contracted 13:00 to 5:30 pjn in my name after tnis uaie 1 Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE and Dirwtt and Hribbaee. Valhalla Hall, 8th East, Feb. 28, b:ju p.m wnrM n.mce in Oddfel-, lows' Hall, March 7, 9:30 to 1. Little Norway Tea, Lutheran Church, March 10. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Sat urday. Trocvwtori?n Ohurch Tea. A L Jul v.....,. - ... March 14, Mrs. Berner's, racinc ( Place. C.W.L. St. Patrick's Tea and Colo nf Knm Prinklnc and AO- rons. 3:00 - 6:00. Card Party 8:00 p.m. Orange Ladle's' Sale. March 28 W.O.TJil. Sale and Tea In Odd fellows Hall, Thursday April 5, St. Peter's Sale. April 26. without my written order4 DaHee gvery Saturday' night. Signed HERBERT A. jEmiuzx. 'Oddfellows1 trail, a 10 a- 1 ek Ml & WW5 REVVy SAYS: Any money you can save should be invested wisely in War Savings Siamps. Wednesday, twruai? .as. ma Help The Bl Red Cross TEA Notice A general meeting of the delegates appointed to consider possibilities for the continued operation of the Dry Dock will be held in the-Council Chamber, City Hall, on Wednesday, . February 28th at 8 p.m. . All delegates arc urged to attend. II.' M. DAGGETT, Mayor. FREE Delivery Thursdays and You Can Depend On It . . When the weather keeps you at homer you can phone us at 18 or 19. Your orders will-receive the same careful attention. Our Service covers the entire city on Tuesdays. Saturdays. Leave your order before 4 p.m. on day before delivery. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Sweet This season ac-cent-chutates low-heeled styles with comfort. FLATTEES LOAFERS KWONG SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 ajn. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 am. PHONE RED 247 LUCKY'S Light Delivery and Transfer 24-HOUR SERVICE 1341 Sixth Avenue East Phone Black 371 NOTICE J. H. MAIR has been appointed sole representative of NATIONAL MONUMENTS for this district. The business has been purchased from A. Welxl by W. Yule. Low WEDGIES FLAT-HEELED TIES sensational r style with And "Shank, Mare." a new , dainty ankle sirap. - ... Everyone Is wearing them . wearingNvhat? Flash!! why coloured laces of course! CUT RATE SHOE STORE (Across from Orme's Drug Store) Attention Householders Chesterfields and rugs dry cleaned and demothed right in your own home. Made like new. Call MR. HAROLD WALDEN Room 77 Rupert Hotel, between 7 and 8 evenings for estimates and appointments. J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., B-A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 1944 INCOME TAX Returns Forms now available. R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee is Tops) For a Good Meal, Visit . . . THE Victory Cafe All White Cooks 25 Years' 'Experience ; 1.5 : .5M I Give Us a Trial arid Convince Yourself