iMiriPAL iinTKKal vu , open for rcgls- ,,ow jSTftJOurne f the duty of every-,2a to vote to see hpr name w " hP fran- indidates them m 'c , ritv affairs, au - .,ws bV agreement '"j Licence Holders ...-I n-a .ourselves mat ' ,,t Wore Oct. 31st. Association BARR & inCPQON LIMITED lng ana Heating .... cnrinkllne and Coal Stokers : 2nd Ave. and 4th St. I HOTEL it r unnl7T)H Ihis jour comfortable t III 1 mivv : Ave. and Eighth St. CANADIAN INVENTION Abraham Oesner, a Canadian geologist, Invented and developed the process for making kero sene In 1852. ALL OVER INDIA The Uger Is found In every part of India, from the slopes of the Himalayas to the.Sudnatbans swamps. TIMBER SALE X37666 Scaled tenders will be received by tho Minister ot Lands & Forests at Victoria, B.C.. not later than 11 a.m. on Monday the 22nd day of October, 1045, for the purchase of Licence X37C6U, to cut 2.955.000 feet of Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar, situated near Powrlvco Bay, Lyell Island, Queen Charlotte Islands Land UlS' trlct. Two (2) years will be allowed for removal of timber. ASTHMA From all over Canada and the U.8-.A. come glowing reports of quick relief with "Davis' Asthma Remedy No. 7895." Oet It, together with diet sheets, at any Edmonton Drug Store. Three weeks supply (3.00. ECZEMA For adult or baby, don't miss this "Davis' Pruritus Cream," greaseless, stainless, odorless and Immediately effective. To try It Is to boost It. 60c. 81.00, 11.65. GEORGE DAWES AUCTI0NEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 rTTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTYTTTTV WORLD SERIES THIRD GAME INNING BY INNING First Inning CHICAGO iN'o runs, one hit, no errors, two left. DETROIT No runs, no hits, no errors, none left. Second Inning CHICAGO No runs, no hits, no errors, none left. DETROIT No runs, one hit, no errors, one left. Third Inning CHICAGO No runs, no hits. no errors, none left. DETROIT No runs, no hits, no errors, none left. Fourth Inning , CHICAGOCubs scored two runs when .Lowrey doubled, Cav-aretta sacrificed, Pafko walked and Nicholson singled, scoring Lowrey. Hughes singled, scor ing Pafko. Two runs, three hits, no errors, two left. DETROIT No runs, no hits, i no errors, none left. I Fifth Inning . CHICAGO No runs, no hits, no errors, none left. DETROIT No runs, no hits, no errors, none left. Sixth Inning CHICAGO No runs, no hits, no errors, none left. DETROIT No runs, on hits, no errors, none left. Seventh Inning CHICAGO Cubs got one run in seventh when Livingston doubled, Hughes sacrificed and Hack doubled, scoring Livingston. DETROIT Of o runs, no hits, no errors, none left. Eighth Inning CHICAGO No runs, one hit THIS AND THAT "They're not acrobats Just pooling shoe leather, that's all." Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "He allows that business will be better." 2. What Is the correct pronunciation of ''lava"? 3. Which one of these words is no errors, one left. DETROIT No runs, no hits, no errors, none left. Ninth Inning CHICAGO No runs, one hit, no errors, one left. DETROIT No runs, no hits, no errors, none left'. NOW that the war is over and the world is at peace, it's a time for rejoicing, thanksgiving and of gratitude. Rejoicing because victory is ours; thanksgiving to God; and gratitude to our service men and women. All of us owe a great debt to these men and .women who gave up the best years of their lives that we might be free. Money can never repay this debt we owe. But money - 53,073 Canadian service men and women were wounded in the war. More than 9,000 others were prisoners-of-war. Many of these will need edical care for a long time. Your purchase of Victory Bonds will help these men and women along the road to recovery. Thousands of Canadian boys went direct from school into the fighting forces. Today these young men must be trained in peacetime occupations and equipped to compete with more experienced workmen. Ve owe them the opportunity of a fresh start in life. misspelled? Pessimism, pertlna-: clous, peirery. 4. What does the word "dimin utive" mean? 5. What Is a word besinnlns with tu that means "violently agitated"? Answers 1. Say, "He thinks that busi ness will be better." 2. Pro nounce la-va, first a as in ah (not as in at), accent first syl lable. 3. Petrify. 4. Below the average size; very small. "He was a man of diminutive stature." 5. Turbulent. I BIRTH DATE UNCERTAIN The exact date of birth oJ Col umbus is uncertain. women. SHORT SPORT In Britain, professional soccer players, at present llmtied to 4 ($18) per match, may have their wage maximum set at 8 a week. The Football League, which set the 4 rate, Is reported willing to reconsider the. question and the management committee has issued a notice that another meeting is warranted. League games draw upwards of 500,000 spectators a week. Attendance figures are soaring and the Players' Union feels that the mem bers should share more fully in the bie eates. The clubs are re ported ready to accept the new DroDosal. Meanwhile, football clubs in Efre are being accused of "poaching" players by offering them more money and without paying transfer fees. But Mrs. J. Cunningham, a director of Shamrock Rovers, has a word to say about that. "It is not unsporting to take English club players without paying transfer fees. Irish clubs have lost many first-class men to English sides without ever having received a penny." English foot'oall directors, wondering how Shamrock Rov erswith average gate receipts of about 400 ($1,800) a game can manase to offer such at tractive nav to tempt football stars across the Irish Channel, think they have found the an swer. Two large, licensed bars in the Rovers' grounds, well pa tronized every game, are thougnt to produce enough profit to pay the players' salaries and over head expenses. The first post-war for "one-armed golfers will Nearly 38,000 Canadian service men made the supreme sacrifice that we might enjoy freedom and our way of life. Toda Canada asks you to lend your money to help dependent wives, mothers and children by the payment of pensions. I I , i llWIIIMIIIMIMMIIIril iff 1 M &rincc tUipctt Daflj? Betas Saturday, October 6, 1045 be played on the Old Course, St. Andrews, on May 27 to 31, the One-Armed Golf Society has an nounced. George Wilde, well-known one-armed golfer, was enthusiastic about the revival of the championship. "Several hundreds of us have from the last war played golf with one hand of necesslty-rand enjoy It. If anyone talks of gadgets and forward tees we just smile tol-. erantly and hit them down the middle-200 to 230 yards. My friend Henry Cotton and I had planned a match and several other leadlne professionals, to gether with eight one-armed players in 'mixed' foursomes. However, it got a bit late this year so we are all looking for ward to a battle some time in April." The title might be Twenty Men on a Horse. Twenty British of ficers In a German prlsoner-of war camp whlled away the time by planning to buy a racehorse and their dream came true ai Newmarket recently. They bought a yearling, as yet un- named, by Columcille out of Lavoela at a cost of 577 10s. (about $2,600). The purchase was made on behalf of the group by Marcus Marsh, husband of lawn tennis star Eileen Bennett,, who trained Windsor Lad for the 1934 Derby. He will train the yearling at Egerton House, New market, where his father, Rich ard Marsh, famous royal trainer, turned out classic winners. "My wife," said Mr. Henpeck, kisses me every time I come Into the house." "Ah " said his friend, "that's affection." "No." sighed Henpeck, "that's investigation." TIMBER. SALE X37602 Onnl.H t.nHnra will tw received bV the District Forester, Prince Rupert. B C. not later than noon on the 25th day of October. 1945, for the n,,rhou n f tArmrr XT7802. Oofdon Cove. Cumshewa Inlet, Q.C.I.. to cut 885.000 feet of spruce, ueaai nu Hemlock. . . One (1) year win De aiiowea lor removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, B.C.. or the District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C., or Ranger J. B. Scott, Cumshewa Inlet, Q.C.I. A. MacKenzie Furniture "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FALL IS HERE WINTER IS AROUND THE CORNER! WITH IT COLD WEATHER . . . Our Fall Bedding Has Arrived SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES All sizes and grades BEAUTYREST MATTRESSES Also in stock. Standard price $42.50 Mail Orders Shipped At Once Phone 775 327 Third Avenue T NOT B Hi MM and the things money can buy will provide them with medical care and attention, educational opportunities and a new chance in a world at peace. Your purchase of Victory Bonds in the Ninth Victory Loan is your opportunity to show your appreciation and gratitude to Canada's gallant service men and Many of our service men and women want to be independent-to be in business for themselves. Today, yoursountry needs your extra dollars to pay these, men and women gratuities with which they can establish a business, buy a home or own a farm. Mill rz ir, Jill VICTORY BONDS arc a guarantee of the secure, prosperous, happy life of every one of us in peacetime Canada. liny double. this time . . . the same rate of savings as in previous Victory Loans, will pay for .twice as many bonds over the 12 month period. There will not be another Loan for 12 months. There are 4 ways yon can buy Victory Honds: 1. For Cash. Hy regular monthly payments over a period of 12 montlis out of your pay envelope. 3. Hy tlie deferred payment plan. It is a way you can buy; . v , more Victory; Konds with money as you get it. 4. Hy personal arrangement with your bank, trust or loan " I