t Prince Rupert Dail 3etos Tuesday, .November 20, 1945 umt8bia ever) arternuon except Sun-Ujr by Prince Rupert Dally Newi Jmtted. Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, j , British Columbia. Q A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ij City Carrier, per .week rr Month -Per -ar iy Mall, per month ... -Per Tear COMMERCIAL HOTEL f COMPLETELY MODERN Make this moo your comfortable home in Prince Rupert. i First Ave. and Eighth Bt. BOX No. 897 PHONE 676 MEMBQi A3.C. Mr. Attlee's Speech ... Prime' Minister Attlee, in a recent speech, certain aspects of which he re-echoed when addressing Gana- You'll' be Surprised the the OF FASHION-CRAFT ...SUITS... FOR FALL THE FALL SUIT SHOWING IS NOW FAIRLY COMPLETE AND INCLUDES ALL THE WANTED SHADES IN THE SMARTEST MODELS. Priced from $30.00 TO $36.50 'THE MEN'S SHOP" the spirit. In these times, when science has placed so much at our disposal, the continuance of war and want is due to the moral failure of human beings." Russian Imperialism ... Whether Russian Imperialism is on the march again as in Tsarist days is a proposition so far lacking solid confirmation but, on the available facts, this much may be said: if Britain had established in the west behind an iniolable frontier a bloc of confederate states such as the Soviets AC4r I ? I?? control in the east of Poland, Czecho dovak a, Bulgaria Rumania and oneaceos Yugwlavia, Izvestia and Pravda depend 'He set his pXv on a high h would be fL L' some smart dihinaA ques- eimcal plane and from that eminence Tw nf n.: . laid bare before his audience which was, in fact, a world audience the secrets of his political faith. He enunciated these in a series of aphorisms: "The question of confidence lies at the root of the problem of peace." "If we survey the; world today, we can see everywhere the bitter results of two evil things, fear and domination." "The foundations of the world Order must be laid in the hearts of men." "I want to see how best we can lift from the ordinary man and woman the spectre of fear that haunts them today." "I want to consider how best our common ideals :of peace, freedom, tolerance and economic prosperity for all peoples can be raised." "I want a world which jwill.-be afe for the common man." i"We have to get together with all nations to consider how wecan live .together in peace." And with special reference to the Tatomic .bomb: "the question that" ::faces us today is not so much how died yesterday in Victoria, was a ;can we control this new devastating dentist at Vernon in professional life 'force let loose on the world by and was not actively interested in science, as what kind of world so- farming. Nevertheless he served ;ciety is necessary in a world where this province well for twelve vears a lew bombs might destroy utterly as minister of agriculture. Alwavs dujh uj. (.cmuiies ui iiuuian endeavor," and again': "unless we can ?devis,e huma nrelationships other -than those which have obtained through the ages, destruction on an unbelievable scale will fall upon our 7. civilization. uons. inus commenis. courier, a bright little magazine published in London. It continues: "And, if Britain had demanded a base in the Polish Ukraine similar to that in the captured Italian Mediterranean colonies hinted at by M. Molotov, indignation in Moscow would know no bounds. There is uneasiness about what is happening in eastern Europe, there is misgiving as -to Russian intentions, there is anxiety whether British interests are not lapsing by default. That is .a matter for plain speaking by Mr. Bevin at an early date. This generation of Britons did not fight again to liquidate the British Empire in favor of Germany, or Japan, or Russia or the United States, but to maintain Britain's place in the sun as a leader of civilization." Dr. MacDonald Passes . . . Hon. Dr. K. C. MacDonald. who assiduous and zealous in his ministerial duties and earnest and atten tive to the interests of the agricultural industry and those engaged in it, he did much during his tenure at the head of the department to im- Mr. Attlee defined the trmle goal farmers. PurriViilnriv wo oh- Ifor humanity as "a world in which tive to the problems concerning- mar femall as well as large nations will be. fable to live- in security, a world in pvhich the rule of law will prevail, a Sworld of social justice and prosperity." Mr. Attlee believes this can ynly be attained through the. moral approach. Fear of war and fear of material want must be removed; but "ma'nkind needs also the things of keting of the province's natural pro- ducts. WHEN YOU SEE quality reasonable prices In the agricultural areas of the central interior contiguous to Prince Rupert he was a frequent and wel-come visitor and in that area as well as throughout the province many will regret his passing as the loss of a good and helpful friend. LUilXAHlu4i!NaniiTnTl Take Invigorating steam baths and massage to relieve that tired feeling. R. Y. WALKER Graduate Masseur Reducing. Facial and General Swedish Massage Phone Green 507 evening for appointment 937 THIRD AVENUE WEST Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "He gave the book to you and I." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "acclimate?" 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Calisthenics, cal-somlne, calprie. 4. What does the word "laconic" mean? 5. What Is a word beginning with ve that means "acting with great force; ardent?" Answers 1. Say, "He gave the book to you and me." 2. Pronounce a-kll-mat, first as a sin at, 1 as in He. second a as in ate, and accent second fyllable.'not the first. 3. Calcimine. 4. Expressing much in few words; brief and pithy. "His sense was strong and his style laconic." welwood. 5. Vehement. rjiinfy inUtt IdenHliil r becoming incrtulnglf popular. ECCO ofieri "id i.Uction cl rtIi!io ifyUi tnd dtilgru. Com In, lodiy, and mtkt Tout ehoic. JOHN BULGER JEWELERS Third Ave. (Opp. Post Office) NEW SYSTEM OF VOTING .(Continued Irom Page 1) voters, in this case property owners, will be given a sheaf of six ballots stapled together. The six ballots will be folded together and placed in one ballot box after they are marked. Known as the Hunter ballot. the method was designed and ccpywrlted by M. P. Hunter, city-clerk of Victoria, and is used in civic elections in the capital city, and the towns of Alberni and Port Alberni. Its use here has been advocated for some time by City Clerk H. D. Thaln.-. A rifld rule in using the Hunter ballot is that none of the individual ballots be detached from the stapled sheaf. If one ballot is detached, the rest are automatically disqualified. This, Mr. Thain says, is so that a voter who may be Indifferent to the election of one candidate, cannot give that particular ballot to someone else, using him self only the vote in which he Is interested. Since - Prince Rupert voters may be asked to elect a mayor, and four aldermen, with two property bylaws to be decided the old system of balloting by plebiscite of property owners, would be eombersome. Council members felt. Chief advantages of the Hunter system are: I. Simplifies procedure for the , voter. 2. Results in a speedier ballot count. 3. Will clerks. require fewer poll The main Innovation as far las the voter Is concerned, Mr. I Thain points out, is that the j voter will receive all his ballots isxapiea logeiner ana that, on What (ity Council Did A tentative report by City Engineer E. A. Phillips regarding claims for damages to streets and sewers resulting from military use of those facilities prior to its presentation to federal government representatives for approval was considered oy city council last night on recommendation of the board of works committee. The board of worss committee recommended to city council last night that the city engineer be LETTERBOX DANGEROUS SHOOTING Editor, Daily News: Please grant me space in your columns to appeal for the co -operation of owners or skippers of boats engaged in takirs out hunting parties In seeing Juveniles, carrying firearms, are not allowed ashore in settled communities without some responsible person accompanying them. Also we would ask for co-operation in stopping rifle shooting from boats. No one can even guess where such bullets may go or what they will do. This 13 a particularly dangerous practice in ajharbor where boats are anchd&d or where people may De wanting around on trie snore. There are three Instance we know of where there has been. Whereas, previously, the votes for mayor were counted first, then the aldermanic votes, un- j marking them, he will fold the der the new system all votes bundle like a booklet, and in sert it into one ballot box. j "However, it is highly important that none or the ballots be detached from the rest," he : The system will also Involve military a slight change in the vote count. Avgune. will be counted at the same time, and the results of all contests will be made known simultaneously. The civic polling station will be In the former Canadian Army post office on Third empowered to Investigate the possibility of establishing a cemetery outside the city limits. Purchase of $20,000 In Victory Bonds from elty trust accounts by authority of committee of the whole was approved by city council last night. -The purchase was divided among the waterworks utility reserve! $6,000; telephone utility reserve, $2,500, and $11,500 from the Pioneer's Heme Fund. misuse of firearms which, indeed, seemed malicious. In one case there was shooting through the window of a dwelling house; in another through the window of a' fishing boat and in another through a net buoy where a net was almost lost. Legitimate hunters are and always have been made welcome In Hunt's Inlet. We wish them good hunting. Nor do we begrudge the young fellows their harmless fun, shooting or otherwise, as we know the big majority of them are O.K. It's the odd one who does not behave who spoils the fun for his comrades and cause trouble all around by foolish and malicious conduct. There are lots of places on the coast where the indiscriminate shooters can blaze away and hurt no one that is in places where no one lives. JOHN F. MURRAY. Hunt's Inlet. OLDER THAN MAN Weaving is an industry older than man since it was practised by spiders, caterpillars and birds before the advent of the human race. MANY ANTEDATE PYRAMIDS Some authorities believe that the ruins' near GuaquI, Bolivia, antedate the pyramids of Egypt. ; IJ U. P until 1928, nylon was not a name, a number, or even a remote idea. Then, the chemists went to work.' Today, at the new C-I-L nylon plant in Kingston, Ontario, hundreds of Canadians are employed making it. The plant is now being expanded to take care of post-war Canadian demand. Other things,like nylon.have been the result of chemical research, providing new jobs for Canadians. "Cellophane", for instance, gives employment to many hundreds of Canadians in its manufacture alone. And now, the plastics industry, born of chemistry, offers immense possibilities as a source of employment. C-I-L's business is chemistry . . . and chemistry will make many new jobs in the future, just as it has done in the past. CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED inihj Ask t - fall b months 6 months 848 " " 18 " 251 6 months 12 " " 5.82 " 4.43 6 months 3392 " " na 18 " 11.64 34 ... MortMy ttttmwtt Induit v . in.vTa,i T con of borrowing from the bict it turpriiinlr low. For txaimjl. on 1 $100 Joan, repayable ' in 12 monthly iaitalmcao, the kaokcL!" ii only $1.25. f THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH A. FLATEN, Manartr HAVE YOUR PHOTOGRAPH. TAKEN Five mtnokitJ . ' r . ' " " your Picture. 2rti i-jjivii vi luciiiiucaiign size. "fumyc" - 3'sof IUIL I J eth St, just north of 3rd Ave. Quality ARROW SHOES FOR MEN "l.,a.. J P. I uuiuy ana Jiyui at Popular Pricei I Now Featnred at the CUT RATE SHOE STORE fWRISTMS ARD5 mm A Large Complete Stock to Choose From You will find just what you are looking for in our boxwl assortments which are sure to please. NOW ON DIE? LAY AT THE VARIETY STORE "Where your Dlmts Arc Little Dollars" STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage for a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or, the entire furnishings of .your home Is convenient and Inexpensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, morlng, storage and shipping, PHONE 00 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd and Park Avenue. t Tm i ii mm SAILINGS FOR VANCOfl and Way Potau Tuesday SS Catala. 1:30? Fridav SS Cardena, 10 1 Islands every fortnljtl North Islands Nov, 23, D Dec 21 South Islands Nov. 25, Dec a Mirtnifht. Oct. 12th. Hth, 26th and: auon. TK1 ruiwiw and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNXB Prince Rupert Agent 4 tm " FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION aualitv foodstuffs are carried at all times. you want the best, you will find it on H shelves. You are invited to inspect our MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Bo' mi n wf athfr AHEAD . are inn Ma sure your on Burner, stove ana ru -- nrrforfl!sri rh'r ven Watef Ploe insuiauow FOR, CLEAN1NO AND REPA1ES OF ALL KjNj J(