Prince Kuprtt Daflp--i3ctos Friday, December 18, 1945 SHORT SPORT -UCpl; Danny Webb, Montreal's gilt to British boxing, has decided to stay In England and,j go title-hunting among United Kingdom featherweights. He has been demobilized from the Canadian army, in which he served with the 17th Duke or Voile's Hussars. As" an opener to his fistic career as a civilian in London, Webb has suggested a return-match with Al Phillips at 126-pounds, for 500 ($2,250) a side. He'll also be glad to discuss terms with any other featherweight. Danny loat .to Phillips In their first bout at the Royal Albert Hall in London, Phillips scoring a knockout in the .sixth round. fr. Newmarket's latest record-breaking bloodstock sales ended with buyers paying 605,402 ($2,-723309T for 728 lots during the five-day sale. Highest price on the clpslhg day was 2,100 guineas ($9,660) which H. J. .Joel paid for Fairholm,. a six-year-old mare .by .Fair Trial. Lord Derby's threeryear-old Blue Water was sold privately as a stallion and has been -shipped to Ireland. Edinburgh's race' fans, are hoping the War Office will derequisition the racetrack stands and stables in lime for a meet on April 15, Four meets have been planned one lri the spring, NOW 'are of They. to veteran In IN, ',' FOR PROMPT TAXI and Call 65 one In summer and two fall race programs If, of course, the derequisition order comes through in time. Tucked away in a little roonl in the concrete rafters of the great Stamford Bridge football stand, two women who have yet to see a game this season have become adept at interpreting the sounds of the crowd to learn what's going on in the stadium. Mrs. F. A. Metcalfe, a football manager's secretary, and Mrs. C. Naylor, who serves tea to sports writers, listens to stamps, roars, exclamations, groans or figets of the crowd above their heads to follow the play. "The stamping usually means the ball has been kicked out of play." they explained, "and .people are warming their feet until the game starts again." Outside, Brentford and Chelsea were playing. An echoing roar brought Mrs. Metcalfe's locanlc, "Brentford goal. Not enough noise for Chelsea." designation of Willie Hall-one of the finest Inside forwards to have played for England and the 'Spurs as manager of Clapton Orient, was a blow to soccer fans. Hall took the Job, two months ago. but now is threatened with the loss of his right leg from thrombosis. Moscow Dynamos took off for Russia with nearly two tons of luggage, Including 17 racing bicycles presented to them by a South London firm. r THEY WANT TO WORK FOR YOU! .Veterans of the navy, the army, the air force . . . thousands of them ready to go to Mork. Employees everywhere need men like these men you can depend on, men with knowledge and initiative,. many them ilh specialized qualifications and technical knowledge readily adaptuhle to.tlie Geld at peace-time industry. They don't want charity. don't want preferential treatment. They do want an opporTiiiTitp ' put their skills, their abilities to work for you. '.'Give 'at least one u job. It's not a duty, it's an opportunity. It's an iiiveMineiit the future prosperity of Canada and jour business, YES TINA VETERAN' Contrlhuted by Sic&& C APIIAN 0 BREWERY 11M1TED 1 SERVICE TRUCKING TAXI Anytime Anywhere 24 -HOUR SCKVICE GRAND CHAMPION STEER Tomahawk, a 1,100-pound pure bred shorthorn, winner of the grand champion steer award at the fourth annual Chicago market fat stock show with one of his owners, Joe. Duea, and the latter's wife, Eunice, -both at right. The other owner is Carl a. Henkel, who jointly owns the Calara Farms with Duea at Thornton, la. HOCKKYSTANDISGS W'D L F A Pts Canadiens 13 2 6 12 54 '28 Chicago', 11 3 6 95 77 25 Detroit 10 3 7 65 54 23 Boston 8 5 5 66 . 63 21 Toronto. '7 3 14 67 90 17 Rangers 4 2 15 50 83 10 Week-end Games Saturday-Chicago at Montreal; For Comfort in HASSOCKS OTTOMAN . COFFEE TABLES MAOAZ1NE RACKS (trlasO PITRNTT.T V Tivn pnnr, Hockey Scores PACIFIC -COAST Christmas Day Oakland 4, San Francisco 3. Bjston at Toronto. Sunday Chicago at New' York; Boston at Detroit. ' Classified Ads bring, results. -4U A the Home! S:.7.-, iiu .in - t"7tfVF KIJ m tun nt Htyt .Sltr Prlced - .$ I1.r, to $20.75 FURNITURE TAFT & ODOWES NOVELTIES (Formerly J. II. Mair) OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT PRINCE RUPERT Hondr Roll List of tyen and Women on Active Servloe Are YOU responsible for someone's name not In thl 1M? (See entry lorm elsewhere) vuuir ' Richard Adklns Wm. A. Levcrett Douglas E. Alvey James Evan Iove ' J; Armstrong tr. Cturonce Loir. Louis .Astoria Charles O. lord Stanley JJalllnger O. P. .Lyons C. P. Bartlett Danny Magnet Jack Balfour O. Mar-Hllldon Eric Barton Cecil M. Marr R. II. BeerUng MurlU Mathewi W. Beynon Leonard Meudels F O. Bird Steve Mer.terio Leonard Blrtoh Jack MlcUolrk Walter Bird Leo Mlchol: N. Blackhall Victor Miller Donald Blake D. Monitor .ery K. L. Bouvette R. Montgomery W. W. Bowes R. Montgomery Ray Bracewell M. D. Montesano Ronald Bracewell Clyde' Mone William Brass Stanley 'Muraen J. W. Brldden Ford- Morrill Earl Brochu Jack Moran W, M. Brown James Moron Prank Bruce Carl Mostad i Wlzner Brvant Otto -Mostail Alfred E. Burnln Robert Muj.ley meiDourne uu.Dtey Artnur Murray '.Arthur P. Cade John K. Murray ; John A. V. Cade J. L. A. Murray Alfred Cnlderone Jack MuRMillem H. D. Calderwood Oeorge W. McAUe Aldo Campaanola M. P. McCaf f ery Jack Cam DM1 K. McCr!rcmo; , John Campbell J. C. McCUbbln . William Cavalier N. McGlastan l Marn CavenaUe A, A. MacDsn.Jd A. It. Chasteney Ian Macrtona'.d O. Christopher Jack McEvut Arthur J. Clark Alex McFarlane Donald Clnrk oerald Mclntjrn Edward Clark Ian A. MacFj'f Larry C. Clark Jownh Ksvlor Oeore Collins Jr. W. I'. tTfRbltt Henry p. Cloiitler rnaM Norton .i imr-w !iin!i nnvl'l W. Olnrid "n Robert nrme Mike Colussl Wohert Parks Prank Oomarllna "rpnk Paripttc D J. T. Cook ,nn)vrt n. Pntrl :k M, van Cootn n. v. Pnnev OnintCnverTlale Pfrkln Walter Cross Prnle Prltro)r Bort Cross pjr Petrn nhnrle rv-nnls Tbom Ph?lpa Thomm IVnnla mr phiniDd Pete IVilyrtT Pmii nvnrnek n. n. Powell P. C IT. niirnfnrrrt Allan pm.i Tlvbhavn I,, o n. Ranh D. J. Edlund jirnest Rau:hfov-;J LMalcolm Elder Alf. M. Rlvett Whitfield Elder N. A. Pavllkls FTank Elliott Ed. ReRnery HelKe Essen James E. RelJ A. K. Finer Carl Reich Charles V. Evltt Freddie Reich Oeorge Flewln Alex O. Ulx Thomas Flewln R. O. Robinson Dick Fong E. S. Ropr William Oarilck 17 DllHri.,tt.m James Oarllrk Kaare Hudsvlck J. Q. darrett Thomas 11. Ryan John Gates nriib.nye-Olav Ralph Oil lies Rysstad Alfred E. S. OUHs Fred Slmonds Joseph D. Olllls Bud Skattebol Milton P. Olllls Fred Scheaffer Andrew O lover R. J. Scheaffer William Gomez William Scherk Dnrrow Oomez John T. Scully John Oood Thomas Scully Earl Gordon Bob Shrubsall Lee Oordon Thomas Sibley Fdward Oosnell B. Slmundson T. W. Graham Olenn Smith Burton Oreen Hugh J. Smith T N. Oreenfleld James smith O. B. Gun-a-Noot J. S. Smith Bnlro Ourperlch W. D. Smith splro Ourvlch Douglas Stalker : James Hadden J. A. Stewart lOerry Hamelln Albert- Stiles I J. T. Harvey A. L. St. John ii. J. R. iiaynes Alexander Storrle K, C. W. Haynes Jack Storrle R. H. A. Haynes Nell Stromdahl E. D. Head 'James Suden Cecil Hemmons J. O. Sutherland David Henderson Roy Sweet Howard Hlbbard Richard Sylvester L H. Hlnton C. Dan Taper F E Hndeklnsnn L. V. Tattersa) Ha'om Hodgson Robert Taylor v. a. Horner John Albert Trtng David Houston 'V. B. Tfftev Robert Houston D. Thompson Percy Hudson Arnold Tweed P.. E. Hudson Jack Unwtn Fred Hunter Omar H. Tweed William Hutson Rodney Valpy Harold Ivarson A. (Bill) Vance Robert Johnson Clarence Vaughan wlter Johnson a. vicnerman Kenneth Johnnton Robert Vuckovlch s. D. Johnston Jonn walker T Tl. Johnston C. Wonamaker Harry S. Ward Michael Kowall C. D WaUsn w Keays R. M. Watton R7. Virr Jack Wearmeuth Mike Kowall .api Weir I Kick Kunilok Fredk, -Large Pnn Wick winiam White V A. Ie t. J.-Will lan b .times Wone Maurice Leahtm .IvS worwl "'lv- n. I"lhton ". " wrnthsll w T Ilo-hton Jack WrathaM niorr. TRnss k. v., Wrathall n. M, Letnes r M (Women) Beatrice Berner Maxlne Lleellyn Louise Bird F. Anne McDa'mcs Phylls Hamblln Edith Mu';rle Ida E. Hanklnson Irene Bully Matilda Larsen Jane Taprr U.S. ARMY JWomen) Slary McCaffery U.S. ARMY (Men) Chester B. Clapp Terence O.rmn ucorRe a. uiay -i nomas w. Pierce Glenn Oood live E. Santurb&ne Richard J. Moore Elgood E. Stephens KAVY MEN Siuuey Alexandei Arvla J. Lradals Peter D. Allen James a. Ijiurle Charles Anderson Jack R. Lf.urle Harold Anderson Maurtm lay Stanley Anderson Richard Lelghton J. Armstrong Jr. Jantoft K, Armstrong Fred Lewi i R, D. Armstrong Tilly K. L oyd Fred O. Barber Bruce Lovi Don Arney Harry Luiu'iulst Ted Arney Fred Miller -Ted Oeorge Bagshaw Mills n. U. Barker Harry Monk ey Emlle Blaln 'John Morrlsa , John Bowman T. A. Mulherik Arthur Bredeeon William Murdoch J. K, Breen William Murray William Bremner Wm. II. Murray ovrjiaru onuuen w. r.i. Murray F. H. Brooksbank Dartlel McDonald ueorge J. Brown Jack Macfia James Bryant Robert McKay Tony Bussanlch Ernest McKlnley Bronson Bussey Robert McLean Harold Bunn E. (Ned) McLeod John Bunn John McLeod Hugh Burbank Norman McLeod O. Calderwood David McMeekln Richard Cameron David McNab Russell Cameron Robert McNab Edward Capstlck John D. McRae Robert Capstlck Harold Neville Doug. Chrlstlson John O'Neill Vernon C. Clccone R. K. Olsen Wm. J. Commons Charles Ormlston Altstalr D. Crernr P. E. M. Palmer Sydney Croxford Frank D. Parker Spencer Davles Gordon Parkin Edward Dawes C. R. Parsons Oeorge Dlbb Douglas Payne K. F. Dodd Peter J. Peterson Vincent Dodd A. M. Phllllpsor. John Dohl C J. Phllllpson Robert Duggan Bud Ponder Donald Eastman N. C. Powell Elmer Fhurne Mane Rhben Meivm Eburne Lloyd M. Rice John Eby David Ritchie Fnhrt L. Ehv Ja' Ritchie William -Furl Eby Robert Ritchie Robert Elklns Harry Robb William P. Elklns J. H. Robinson I-n EnKrom Robert Roy Msrtln Erlksen rtbr fannders James Fsbv W, J. Scheaffer Bernard Fortune R. M. Scherk Terrv Fortune Stsnlev Scherk Onrdon Fraser J. D. Schubert Mitchell Oay A. Rmrundson Efner Own C Sl)verldes' James Qreer P. 3, Sims ORME STUART IS RETURNING Has-Brought H.M.S. Fittroy Back to United States Prior To Obtaining: His Discharge Lieutenant-Commander Orme Stuart, DJS.C, has delivered the destroyer escort HM.S, Fitzroy, of which he has been In command in the Atlantic, back to f the United States Navy from which It had been .borrowed by the British Admiralty and Is now in New York. From there he Is proceeding to Halifax where he will obtain his discharge and is due back on this coast about January 15. He is returning to Prince Rupert to resume the management of Orme's Drug Store here. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS !. What Is wrong with this sentence? "I think, the child done very well." 2. ' What Is the correct pronunciation of "friendship?" 3. "Which one of these words Ss misspelled? Display, disposal, dispair, disparity, 4. What does the word "imminent" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with la that meaas "not visible or apparent?" Answers 1. Say, "I think the child did. very well." 2. Pronounce the d, not fren-ship. .3. Despair. 4. Threatening to occur lm- j mediately. "We could see that disaster was imminent." 5. Latent. FIVE PIN SCHEDULE 1 Jan. 2 Fraser & Payne vs. Post Engineers. Jokers vs. DeJong's. McMeekln's vs. C.Y.A. Midgets vs. Head-pinners. Jan. 9 Past Engineers vs. McMeekln's. DeJong's vs. Midgets. C.V.A. vs. Jokers. Head-pinners vs. Fraser & Payne. Jan. 10 Fraser & Payne vs. C.Y.A. Jokers vs. Head-plnners. McMeekln's vs. DeJong's. Midgets vs. Post Engineers. Jan. 23 C.Y.A. vs. Post Engineers. DeJong's vs. Head-pinners. Jokers vs. McMeekln's. Fraser & Payne vs. Midgets. Jan. 30 McMeekln's vs. Fraser St Payne. Midgets vs. Jokers. DeJong's vs. C.Y.A. Head-plnners vs. Past Engineers. .ester Orlmble M. Skalmerud Terry Grlmble F. W. Skinner Tan Orlmsson Henry Skinner Sovo Ourvlch John Skog Jol n Orlmsson Die aiatta Oustafson Carl Smith Oeors-f D. Hague Jek E- Smith Hnasen Hanklnson Malcolm Smith Victor Hanley Ralph Smith Matt Harris Walter Smith Olen Hemmons Thor Solllen Trevor Hill "P. H. Stephens, Jr. Raymond Hougan Carl Strand Bill hunter John Strand Poster Husoy J Storrle Peter Husoy Orme Stuart lames' M. Irvine Charles Sunberg Tom Johnstone James Taylor vxinew Jones J. I!- Taylor. Jack W. Jov mge Valen " L. (Sonny) Keays otaniey veitch HarryUKnutson gMhlt Percy Knutson carl o. Wilson Lloyd Lahte Oscar Wlmrham Gerald P. Woodsldc Oeorge Yule Jack Yule (Women) Lavlnla Exley 1-. M. Thomson Dapane Hemmel OB. NAVY (Men) C. J. Robertson Howard Frlzzell U.8. NAVY (Womn) Viola M.pybhavn AIR FORCE Koiiaid Allen Mike Hudema H. O. Archibald John p. Johnson Harry A&tuna David L. Jones Alex Balllle Sam Jurmaln Howard Beale Robert Kelsey Marcer Blaln Oliver J. Keays . J. F. Bouzek Francis W. Leask J. J. Bouzek I. L. Leavens J. V. Bouzek Kam Y. Lee Peter Brass Alan Lelghton Wm. M. Brown Harold Leverett Alan Burbank Donald Llewellyn Alfred E. Burnlp John Llndoay Denis W. Burnlp Albert Mah W, c, Cameron Cedrlc Mah Peter Cartwrlght Oeorge R. Mayer Rene Cavenalle Henry Mayer Victor Cavenalle J. U. McLeod Elmer Clausen Gavin D. Mead William Collins John J. Miller Jack Corbould Richard Mills Eddie Crosby Herbert Morgan Ray Crosby Ralph Morln James Currle II. W. Macdonald Arthur Davey Don McCavour John W. Davey Eric Orme Pat Deane Ed. M. Ormhelm Don H. Deane Robert L. Peachey Victor Dell Paul Postolu M. J. Dougherty Vernon Oulnlan Jack Eastwood " Olof Hudsvlck oonald Eby Tore A. Selvle Thomas J. Evans Ken Schubtrt Jack C. Ewart Arne J. Selvl? victor Field Wm. Shrubsall Clarence Flnley Robert Bllversldes Albert Flaten Eddie Smith C. E. Flewln James D. Stuart Hugh L. Forrest Robert Taper Thomas Forrest J. J, Thompnon Rupert Fulton k. k. ' i obey M? ? 0rJiaJ9,ay D c- Tumilson William Hadden Robert Tirrireon Harry Hamilton John A. Walker Elmore Hanklnson 'Rudolph Warne Arvld Hansen Wm' " -Woon Lawrence Hansen "rM Helperson Henry Worsfold Murray Henderson Oeorge Zbura Helge Ilelkestad (Women) Betty Barber Molly Mackenzie Jean R, Cameron Kav Nlckerson trls Corbould Lilian Croxford Isobel Mackenzie Made supreme Sacrifice ANNOUNCEMENT: The office will be closed as from LVumW v to January G when it -will be ajrain mn for appointments. To my many friends I extend the compliments of this Happy Season Cor. 3rd Ave. and 5Ui St. M - L s I'llKOIbUIMBl 1M 1. T T CY Tl T ft T 1 . . . -, j.iuuijiiiimi ana makine ELFf TPipt.v OOOD WIRINQ AND OOOD LIOUTIKo uoes not cost it fays MOTT ELECTRIC (SS) LTD ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 320 P. Second J tVKSTOCK tJATKS "V" J5IXTS Avenue . OFFICES IN VANCOUVEH AND NEW WESTMIITLH A .1 Automotive Accessories Cleaners and Polbhcs Polish Cloths-Chan, -0!.,ri: Window Cleaner (with sprayer) -Vanity Mirro; Buspc Jacks Seat Covers Locking Gas Cais Tar T ,p U'!. Carriers (just the thing for the sportsman i ;; Wheel Wrenches. Get your Imperial Oil Hockey Broadcast S. V rfulr here. LLsten every Saturday night at G:00 p m over CFPR to the National Hockey Broadcast. S. E. PARKER LIMITED Ford Dealer Business and Professional For Your FOUNDATION GARMENT Made-to-Measure MRS. PERREAULT representative of Spencer Supports (Canada) Ltd. 1313 .OVERLOOK -ST Box 1177, Station "B" INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada II F. LOV1S, Phone Oreen 974 Representative Box 526 117 2nd Ave. W. Opposite YMCA PRINCE RDPEIIT. D C. ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING & PAPERHANGING C33 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 ' (After 7 p.m.) HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE . Oil Burners Cleaned and Repaired Chimney Cleaning and all Home Repairs Ice Deliveries Saturday Green 486 Phone Green 337 "House of Better Cleaning" EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Authorized "FI.EXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 358 Mall Orders Box 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 200 4th Street : Phone 055 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. Books, Magazines, Newspapers Phone Blue 810 (Res. Green 955) JOHN II. BULGER Optometrist JOHN BULGER LTD. Third Avenue fOR PROMPT end EFFICIENT SERVICE mall ifour qlstset to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. Lis MIUWOURST.VANCQUVCR.B.C. Poom 4 :'T0NE Optometrist "LOCK BL k SEi: OUIt STOCK OF Imperial Oil Dealer Expert SAW FILING All kinds o ..,c.v, r..,;pr :? For prompt -i.-rvtce leave .suv.. at Prince Rupert Supplv TI mien r tyv'."tt ill'- If it's a Rock Job- Call a nor Man can m. SAUNDKKS . Blue CCG rsv.w. Pl,l, Mr. n i-nwon I don't take wrk T anr.ot do my.Tlf PARTRIDGE & GUNSTON General Contractors P.O. Box 1439. Sta .;n B Phone Green 417 House Repair ;, all kind? Cabinet Work - Foundatlcrc Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention at1 wort Work' to please everyone U VtUIlt I.UU 11 C W r II. J. LUND Painting Papcrnanglng UNION PAINTER Interior and Exterior Wort I'AJ. 1JOX JiioU -- I'JIUlir uiv-.- GEORGE L. RORIE i'UDUC ACCOUniUllb. A""" ......... . , niari t rr... nnwM ('iiniuiivi Bcsner Block Phone 387 nmrmiT t DI TTXTC I; Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 !'-' Night Calls Especially , r,G2 TAXI (Tom Harvey) , Stand: Wcstholmc Rooms, 2nd Ave- l'or General uonsirw- Houses, Vetandahs Raised, Alterations, Additions, Steps Built and Repaired also Cement Foundations, Floors. Sidewalks, Driveways anu Septic Tanks Phono Green 482 Immediate attention