Awhole wheat treat they'll love to eat! Nourishing whole wheat has a grand surprise flavor in Shreddies. Yqungsters just love these crunchy, spoon-size biscuits mellowed with tasty malt, toasted a crisp, golden brown. Shreddjes makes a great energy breakfast or supper, too contains all the nourishment of whole wheat, including the bran, minerals, protein and precious wheat gerrn. Serve 5hreddies tomorrow. Mm-tn-m SHREDDIES CHOCOLATE COVERED! Just dip crisp, munchy Shred diji in mel tweet chocolate. Makes a delicious el.ed.semi. r5N treat, eat. that's &5 fine energy food, too! rtduu it a rtghttrtJ traJe-mark owned in Canada by It CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LIMITED THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: ANTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions P Third Are. Phone 178 Popular "Prince" Steamers From Prince Rupert to Ocean Falls Vancouver Thursday Saturday Thursday steamer also calls Powell River to Ketchikan Wednesday Friday FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Ave. and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE RUPERT BRAN D : : SMOKED : : BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. pnTTVTTTTyTTTTTTVVyTTVTTyTVTVTTVTyTTTTTTTTTTrS Featuring Whites Our white and brown Spectator Pumps are sure to please you . . . Local News It A Clearance of . dress-. mqh a ' ' "Star's." " Mrs. H. B. M. Valentin left at the end of the wpplr fnr o rtn Vancouver. Leslie Parks left at the end of the week for a hnlidav t.Hn t the Queen Charlotte Islands. Robert James returned to Prince Rupert by train Satur day night following a two weeks' vacation In Edmonton. Stop HAY FEVER Hay Fever needn't plague you with its meeting and wheezing, its blowing and gaiping. Its sore, streaming, itching irrit. stion ot eyes and ears. Just do what thou, sands have done to get fart, safe relief- take Templeton's RAZ-MAH. You'll sleep better Vorlc better. feel better. 50c. tl at druggists everywhere. k-15 Mi.tR V.. RllsVlurnrtVi V, Prince Rupert General Hospital staff left last night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Van couver. There were three cases before Magistrate W. D. Vance in the city police court Monday morning and in each a plea of guilty was made. Wilfrid Plate, who was charged with being intoxicated in a public place, was fined $25, as was William Osterof f, who faced a similar charge. Fred Rivet, charged with creating a disturbance, was fined $10. NOTICE A meeting of the Joint Organization for the continuance of Shipbuilding in Prince Rupert will be held in the Council Chamber, City Hall, on Thursday, August 23rd, at 7:30 p.m. Representatives of all organi zations concerned are strongly urged to attend. H. M. Daggett, (194) Mayor. a and a ems 1 Mrs. O, S, Weatherby left at the end of the week for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Benson returned to the city yesterday on the Princess Adelaide from Vancouver after a trip as far east as Toronto. Capt. o, P. Lyons, after a visit, to his home here on leave, left Saturday night by the Prince' George on his return to Pacific Command headquarters at Vancouver. Andrew Thompson, court and land registrar in Prince Rupert, returned from the south yester day on the Princess Adelaide. He had motored to Vancouyer "with Judge W. E, Fisher. The case of William A. Moore, charged with retaining an automobile tire belonging to the Unl ted States government, has' been dismissed by Magistrate W. D. Vance in city police court. Capt. 0. J. Wheatjey, chief of the investigation department of the Canadian National Railways for British Columbia, and Mrs. Wheatley sailed at the end of the week for Vancouyer after a brief visit to the city. Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant W. G. Broadley, who left the city recently after having been attached to administrative and training staff of the Prince Rupert Regiment since its inception, was recently stricken with a seizure at his home in Victoria and his condition is quite serious, according to word received 'here. BLACKHEADS Gat: two ounces' of peroxlna powder from your druggist. Sprinkle on a hot. wet cloth and apply to the face'genUy. Every black-head will U dissolved. The one safe, sore and simple way to remove btackheexje. Home UK1 f 0 Local Dealers in Congoleum Gordon & Anderson Ltd. THIRD AVENUE Music and Musicians Commencing today a weekly music cpiumn will be. conducted in The Daily News, dedicated to the music-lovers and musicians of Prince Rupert. Bob Fleming, composer and pianist stationed here, reports that the Y.M.OA. music appreciation group, which he has fos tered, will be resumed shortly. Suggestions regarding the klnfl oi recoras preierrea are The Philadelphia Orchestra was heard Sunday afternoon at two o'clock by Prince Rupert radio listeners, Sol Caston, former trumpet virtuoso and now. assistant director of the Readr ing (Penn.) Symphony, led the orchestra and William Klncaid. the famous flautist, was the soloist. "Mrs. Winnifred Fahey, the finest, operatic soprano' in the whole of Western America, is to De me star at the opening concert of the Prince Rupert Mlusl- cal Society on Tuesday, September 14, in the Westholme That a concert or series of concerts such as this will be appreciated by the citizens of Prince Rupert is already proven by the large number of patrons who are backing the Musical Society financially In its efforts In placing the very best artistes in the musical world before Prince Rupert audiences." From The Dally News' In August, 1920. Tommy Roe and Ab Darch are back in the saxophone section of Frank Dutton's dance orches- ocle those o'-- mode"1-10" WnUe , too oversr th w .mart. on h SOU iv v a. iBV. one , . saia, . .uioff wrong. .y-t just on I "There's NMt - aSrone -lors day Zlni boufth t a t rest of n QoM frV TRANS fOm r van is lONGOLEDM t ssraMcrsw ewsMtrtn J We handle Congoleum Products . . . GORDON'S HARDWARE McDIUDE STREET i it tra, while George Dutton has returned to play .string bass. The revamped combination played at the Y.M.C.A. dance Monday evening and turned In a good per? formance. Announcements All advertisements n mis column wUl be chnnHi for a full month at "25c a word. United W.A. tea and home cooklng'sale, Aug. 23, In Church Hall. Old Time Dancing, I.O.D.E. Hall, 9-12, Saturday, August. 25. Admission 50c. L.O.L. Dance, Labor Day, Oddfellows' Hall, 9:30-1:30. Dance every Saturday night. Oddfellows' Hall. 9 to 12. L.P.P. midnight dance, Monday, Sept. 3, 12:01-3:00 ajn., Oddfellows' Hall, Admission, 50c. L.O.B.A. tea and sale of home cooking, Sept. 12, Oddfellows' Hall. Dance, Orarfge, Hall, Terrace, every Friday. Good time for all. Kindergarten will be discontinued at the Convent this year. - (208) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Loaded pack sack on highway between Green River Bridge and McBrlde St. Reward on return to Daily News. (194) And mighty good company to keep when the fall winds begin to blow. Smart all-wool suit with matching ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR KWONG SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST-(Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Tuesday, August 21, 1945 It's Cooling SAIADa jd) TEA Poulseii's Cafe and Dining Room Is the Talk of the Town WHY? Because ... It's the nicest-looking place in town. It's open for banquets, weddings and parties. Meetings may be arranged. "As good, as the best, Better than the rest." Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRD3AY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon during, your delivery day. We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and, cooked, meatfresh vegetables and frults-compleie line of. groceries. TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE 21 THIRD AVE. W. To Our Patrons . . . In order that our equipment may be taken .south for repairs, this shop will close on Thursday, August 16th and will, re-open ' on Monday, September ' ' ' ' 10th, 1945. We hope to give you better service upon our return. -ALIO LET M. MAH Sunrise Beauty Salon Corner 6th Ave. and. Fulton St. Phone Blue 94a CHESTERFIELD SUITES priced at $18.'.00 and Jji 175.0ft CONVERTO LOUNGES - $75.00 and OSlOf) 6-IECE DINETTE SUITES $Q.qO and $78.0f EL 10 FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. AUCTION SALES By J. H. MAIR EVERY SATURDAY, 2 P.M. , at Building opposite Parker's Garage, THIRD AVENUE QQW BAY Auction rooms will be open each day for receiving goods. Transfer must be supplied by owner. Phone 580. Obtain receipt froni driver. No Reserves. No Advertised Goods Accepted. SPECIAL AUCTIONS BT APPOINTMENT J. H. MAIR Prescriptions... From Rupert's Tent Days we have striven to establish a record for Reliability, Accuracy and Fair Dealing in filling Physicians' prescriptions. We believe that we have deserved the confidence that has been established with the Doctor and his patients. This has been brought about not in a few weeks or months but extends over a period of twenty years. Ormes Ltd. tt& Pioneer Dnuzfftet Open 5 p.m. to 2 ajn. 8EE OUR WHITE BABY DOLL PUMPS Outside Orders from 2 p.m. C"T to 2 a.m. RATE SHOE STORE When Congoleum Rugs are available we will A. MacKenzie have them ... Furniture Ltd. PHONE RED 247 THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 Asian. ... "AAaUAAAAaUaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAsU r