FOR AN OltfROOF WITH PLASTI-SEAL If your roof is weather-beaten and worn, give it a protective weather-proof coating of I'LASTI-SEAL. Easy to apply, Plasti-Seal is brushed on cold just an it comes out of 'the' container. No fuss, or waste, one application instantly seals a leaking roof.. If you coat your ,roof every 3 or 4 years with Plasti-Seal you will have a sound, trouble-free roof that will last almost indefinately. See your ACE-TEX Dealer THE ACE TE X LINE Acouttl Board Lath Board Fibre Board Hardboard Brick Siding Roll Roofing Atphalt Shinties P I a 1 1 1 S e a I F I b r t n Building Papers Waterproofing Creosote L u s t r 1 1 1 e CANADA ROOF PRODUCTS LTD. CR 10-45 0 THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT Who Suffer With Their Feet You will be Interested to know that there Is a man In si who has had a vide experience In the correction of arches, and can make Arch Supports that will re- , mat palnrul and tired reeling mat only iooi sunerers explain: Mr Rill Terrv. with manv vears of studv of foot ail- nic: ., I;; now In Hill's Shoe Store, and will be pleased to .se an impression oi your ieei ana iei you Know wnui. n be done In your Individual case. Mr. BUJ.Terrx isa;isolrieharge of the Shoe Repairing, Dept where yourjepalrs are executed neatly and prompt-7 Call around .and see him for either reason. 1 VV ' A WW Nothing Could Be Nicer for dress-up occasions than this cap sleeved dress with draped skirt caught up in front with an enormous rose. Comes in lovely pastel shades. ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR ' U K LKAD... OTHERS FOLLOW" JUST RECIEVED Another shipment of those popular CRYSTAL SETS m - Priced at $7.75 complete with headphones. lor young and old: No Batteries 9. No Electric Power NoTuhcs No Operating Costs SEE OUR WINDOW FOR DISPLAY structional booklet., An Ideal radio Wilson's Wireless Buzzers complete with battery and in i SON J A LADIES :TEA SUrrESSFUL i The social parlors of St Paul's Lutheran Church were beautifully decorated with early summer i i flowers when the Sonja Ladies' i ! Aid held a successful tea and i sale of home cooking, the pro ceeds telng lor tne -Herp Norway" fund. The resident. Mrs. J. Stor- Knut Slatta and Mrs. J. Strand were In charge of the kitchen and Mrs. B. Roald and Mrs. A. Henriksen were serviteurs. Mrs. E. Wick acted as cashier. The home cooking was in charge of Mrs. E. Uelgerson and Mrs. D. Pettersen. McKay Appointed to Utilities Committee Alderman Robert McKay was appointed chairman of the Utilities Committee toy Mayor Daggett last night, replacing Alderman T. H. Elliott, whose resignation from City Council was accepted last night. Alderman George Rudderham was also appointed to serve on the fcw. First United Church G36 Sixth Avenue West Rev. J. A. Donnell, M.A., Minister Mr. J. S. Wilson, cnoir Leaaer Mrs, Collin Carrell, A.T.CM., Organist Public Worship at 11 a.m. at which Professor Basil Matthews will speak on "Christ and the Brown Man's Burden." There rii! Ho n snin hv Dr. Large. There will be no evening ser- Vice in mis vuuitu, " v,.v( that the congregation may attend St. Andrew's Cathedral. rrVioro Pmfpssor Matthews will speak on "Jesus' Charter of the" New Order." Sunday School at 10 a.m. St. Andrew's Cathedral Dean, Very Rev. J. B. Gibson Organist and Choirmaster, P. Lien o a c,irt v skinner 11 a.m.' Morning Prayer and j Sermon. 1 12:30 Sunday School. 7:30 United Service. Preacher: Professor Basil Matthews, Union Theological College, Vancouver, B.C. First Baptist Church irtft.h Ave. East Rev. W. W. Sllverthorn. Minister Phone riea bj , 11 a.m. Morning Worship. 12:15 p.m, Sunday scnooi 7:30 p.m. uospci acrvjue. Tooic: "K..K.1J.M. ruur Words. Local News Ttems'CONGREGATION A Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Tall Tues., 8 pm. Young People's Union. Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer Service. Everyone Welcome. . First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Rev. A. F. MacSween, B.A., Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith, Choir Leader dindav .Time 24th 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. The Sacrament oi me iurus Supper. Anthem: Junior Choir. "Praise to Jehovah-Duet: Christine and Alan Currie. "in the Harden." nm Church School. 7:30 pm. ine tjongregauon will meet at St. Andrew's Cathedral ,to Join in a combined service of public wor ship. The annual Congregational Picnic will be held on Saturday. June 30. Mm a Members of the Old Time Club. Dances at the Conrad Street School will be discon tinued during the summer holidays. There will be no dance Saturday June 23. Secretary. Major J. W. Kllpatrick, district audit officer of the Army. Is here from Vancouver on one of his periodical visits. He arrived yesterday morning and will be here until Tuesday when he will re turn south' by way of the Interior. R. W. Sinclair, general man aerr nf the J. H. Todd Co.. sal mon canners, is In the city In .the course of a visit oi inspection to the companys plants at Inverness and Klemtu. He will leave Monday on his way back to Victoria. a Confirmation Service, bt pater's Church. Seal Cove. Sun day evening, 7:30 pm. Bishop rjpddes of the Diocese of the Yuktm will conduct and preach at the service. Sat. Walter D. Montgomerle of the Prince Rupert Sub-Port nf Rmhnrlration returned yester day rrom ranougn, naving visited Rt." Paul and Chlcaeo. While in St. Paul, Sgt. Montgomerle, an active member of the Junior Chamber of Commerce of that city, told the group something of Prince Ruraert. He was also & guest on a 15-mlmite radio program during which fie tola the radio audience about norm em British Columbia. Corn, and Mrs. W. Banks R.C.A.F., are arriving on tonight's train from Whitehorse, Y.T., to spend furlough at the home of Mrs. Bank's naVents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Tumllson, Eighth Avenue East. Mrs. Banks Is employed by tne Normwest service com mand at Whitehorse. The bodv of William Thstin Prince Rurjert fisherman who lost Ills life in an accident at sea off Squadaree Friday morn Ing was brought to the city yes terday afternoon. Funeral ser vices will be held Tuesday. DEATH NOTICE TJTATM On June 22. 1945. Wil Ham Train, in his COth year; survived by his loving wife, three sons, William, Alex and Donald; one sister Mrs. R. Place, and one brother, George, in Prince Rupert. Funeral service, Tuesday, June 26 at 2:30 p.m., in the B.C. Undertakers Chapel on Fraser Street. Rev. MacSween officiating.' "Interment at Fairview Cemetery. Regular Baptist Services IODJC. Hall (5th Ave. and McBride St.) We preach Christ . . . CRUCIFIED ROWNED OMINO 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 pm. Gospel Service. Speaker: S. H. Gretsinger. Topic: "THE GENEALOGIES OF CHRIST" (A vital subject). Special Music. (Floyd Hunter and Alvin Young) IF YOU ENJOY HEARTY GOSPEL SINGING COME! Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. (at 424 Dunsmuir St). TViiir IT.OJ) E. Hall). 8:00 p.m. Young People's Society. THE WHOLE BIBLE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD. Redding GIFTS Whatever you plan to spend . . . YOU'LL FIND GIFTS HERE TO SATISFY YOU . . . Come in and see them JOHN BULGER LTD. JEWELERS THIRD AVENUE (Opposite Post Office) HONORS PASTOR Member nf the ronere ration of Fir.t United Church met Thursday night In the church hall to honor Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Donnell, who are leaving lor Na-naimo. where Mr. Donnell has accepted an Invitation to become pastor. Mr. Donnell was ore- seuted with a purse of money by tne garnering. On behalf nf the ladies. Mrs. E: Foster and Mrs. Andrew Thompson spoke, while J. S. Pat rick spoke for the oinciai Doara. All emphasized the great part that Mr. Donnell had played in church activities and In the life of the community. Tn Mrs. Donnell alxn went the thanks of the conereeation. A I special word of appreciation was reserved lor Mrs. Meggs wno naa made for herself a very warm place In the hearts of all. J. S. Wilson, who was chair man, concurred in what had been said. While the monetary value of the gilt was considerable it was but a token of the esteem, and respect felt by all whr contributed. It was in dtrat- itude for the past and was cou- Dled with best wishes lor ie fu ture, Mr. Wilson said. Mr. Donnell confessed that fie found difficulty In acknowledging adeauatelv the sentiments exDressed tov the aoeakers; He had been the recipient of many kindnesses and tnucn consiaera tier, from the members. lie would take away with him many precious memories. Mrs. ivmnell also erateiuuv acknowledged the many happy times she had had here. It was an experience that she would nor want to have missed. She would take awav verv many happy memories of the many kind friends she had met. On behalf of the Service Club Miss Thompson said that it was in thp home of Mr. and Mrs. Don nell that she with very many others, including men and wom- 1 Work to please everyone No work too large or too small H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanglng UNION PAINTER Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tac Returns Complied Besner Block Phone 387 n. Y. WALKER GRADUATE MASSEUR Facial and Reducing Treatment Evenings only Phone Red 315 424 8th Ave. W, SMITH & ELKINS LTD Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 Council Approves New Engineer P.O. Box 274 JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist JOHN BULGER LTD. Third Avenue Cltv Council eave official ap proval last night to the appointment of J- W. Southin as city engineer of Prince Rupert. His employment Is subject to a six-months probationary period at a salary of $300 a month. en of the services, had found a real Christian home welcome, m appreciation there was a gift from the club; she then asked Ken Mah to make the presenta tion. In acknowledging this additional unexpected token, Mr. Donnell admitted that the association with the members of this club was one of uie memories that he treasured most. On behalf of Mrs. Donnell and him self he thanked them. Refreshments were served and a social hour followed. Vocal solos by Miss Florence Connor accompanied by Mrs, rarrell were enioved. while un- dpr the d rectlon oi J. o. Wilson tK aiwllpnce entered verv whole hpartedlv In the community singing. In closing, the members lolned In the hymn, "Blest ue tne Tie. That Binds." Mr. Donnell pronounced the benediction. Announcements Tvno pvprv Satturdav niKht, Oddfellows' Hall. 9 to 12. Canadian Legion WA. Tea and Sale, June 27. rtonoo Ornnirp Hall. TeiTaCC every Fiiday. Good time for ai.. rviminlon Dav celebrations. Saturday, July 7, Port Navy League Auxiliary Tea, Mrs. Window's, July 5. NEURALGIA Are NEURALGIA and the Hammering Headacbn it caiuw blinding you with cruel pain? Get f art. safe relief ti other have, with Templeton' T-R-C-. Don t May another day. Start now to relieve that fin with T-R-CV-the remedy nthuiatically praled by thouscuds. At 11 druieinU SOc. tl. FUR STORAGE Protect your furs and prolong their life by sending them AT ONCE to the specially-constructed refrigerated vaults of R. J. Pop Ltd., Vancouver's finest storage plant. Here your furs will be handled by experts and will benefit from the thorough cleansing they receive from the circulating dry cold air. ' FULLY INSURED AGAINST FIRE, T1IEIT and SUMMER DANGERS Send your furs by Express or Mall. Low summer rates on repairs and remodelling. R. J. POP LTD. FURRIERS AND FUR STORAGE Granville at Fifteenth VANCOUVER, B.C. Business and Professional EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY "House of Better Cleaning'' Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty ' PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving I Prince Rupert, B.C. Beauty Culture In all its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 821 1303 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING Late of Hudson's -Bay, Vancouver J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chlropractlcl If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 THE DATLT NEWS Saturday, June 23, 1945 Other Products ! I PAGE THREE t I WHVHH ANNOUNCING . . . ASPHALT Roofing Shingles Roll Roofings Built-Up Roofings Roof Coatings and Putties SMART FORMULA FOR SMART RELAXATION Two-tone sport Jackets with slacks to match, designed to make your casual moments smart ones. Cool lightweight fabrics In several color combinations. W. F. STONE "CLOTIfES OF DISTINCTION" We are glad to announce that we have been appointed Northern Distributor and Agent for CANADIAN JOHNS-MANVILLE PRODUCTS ASBESTOS Roofing Shingles Siding Shingles Roll Roofings Wallboafds Bullt-Up Roofing See us for: Rock Wool Insulation Insulating Board Building Papers Asphalt Tile Flooring Acoustical Materials Transite Ma-.riiici?nnf incntitlnn Watrrnroofinr Materials Indus trial Insulations Packings and Gaskets Refactory Ce ments Pipe Coverings. BONDED ROOFERS Prince Rupert Roofing Co. Box 725 and Sheetmetal Works 798 Second Ave. West ' Phone Blue 904 KATY'S KLEEN KITCHEN 703 FULTON STREET : PHONE BLUE 882 Specializing In Home Cookint? Anything from Steaks and Home-made Chili - Con - Carni to Hot Dogs. Also cater to Banquets, Weddings and Parties, Open 4 p.m. to 2 am. APPOINTMENTS AT LEAST ONE DAY IN ADVANCE r Bee our stock of household furniture and novelties. J. H. MAIR FURNITURE AND AUCTIONEER 632 Third Ave, Phone Blue 69 Floor Sanding and Finishing Repairs and Alterations Val Spidel Green 186 Box 1430 St. "B" ARCHITECTURAL SERVICE House Plans and Alterations Store and Store Front Remodelling PHONE BLACK 969 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 ft I tin