ft 1 .1 PAGE TWO Woj THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, April 11, 1945 CANADIANS ARMOR NEARS NORTH SEA By BOSS MITXRO Canadian Prrss War Com-spondmt WITH THE FIRST CANADIAN-ARMY, April 11 Tiie urs: battle, group of the -rourth Canadian Armored Division .has reached a point Jess rcan 25 miles south of Emden ana the North Sea coast after ovcrntgnt advances against light opposition on the MenpeltEmc'jn nijnway. East Qf.Dqrpen the Canadians bumped into a group of '0 Germans, and took 12 p; .oners r. a skermlsh which ssa::ered me enemj. Radio Luxenoour.i reported that Zwolle, Ke;:ier;ands road, and rail, hub, 10 m::es e.as; of the Zuidcr Zee was captured by tb.e Canadians. Canada to Build Super 'Bomber OTTAWA, April 11 0 The jrovernment-Qwned victory air-craijrplant at Mation. Ontario, is Koine to start production of a fourj-englne, bomber, larger than the Lancaster. An improved Mos-quitii bomber will come into production during the year, and the outjjiit of tc Curiis dive bomber will! continue in Canada at its preient rate. Produstion of the Harvard trainer will continue, as wellj;as of the Norseman trans-pcrtjlplane i . ' iiii)tiTi$ii,iirEi.s nrsE LONDCM. April 11 9 - Manufacturers say they expect the government will shortly remove the restrictions 0f 21-8 inches on the height or heels or women's footwear. New Hats for Sprang STETSONS A new stock Just arrived. MORGAN'S MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR 3rd Ave., next to Ormes Prince Rupert, B.C. CHANNEL ISLANDS (Continued from Page 1 ; 50 cents each; butter, $6.50 a : pound: sugar $5.25 a pound; tea. ; $100 a pound; beef or pork,. $3 Salt water sells for five cents a quart delivered. -Electric light Is intermittent. Gas Is limited to two one-hour periods a day. Busses which ran every few minutes now run once a day. "There are belived to be 10,-.000 Germans in Jersey and possibly as many In 'Guernsey. At one time there were 20,000 Tody .prisoners of ..war, mostly -Russians, but these were moved to France shortly alter D-Day that is thaw who survived the brutal treatment of the Huns. Behavior of the Nazis towards the local people Is described as "correct." "Channel Island authorities still control their own affairs under German supervision. An efrort to have German taught in the schools failed utterly, and Island authorities still govern school policy. "Recent reports Indicate that the famed Guernsey and Jersey cattle herds have not .been seriously depleted by the invaders, only the poorer stock I being killed for meat. The pure- orcus, nowever, nave to get along without food concentrates previously Imported from Swe den and Denmark ,and It Is considered that this lack has had 1 some effect on their stamina. "The Channel Islands Society 2334 Balaclava Street!. Van couver, is helping victims of German oppression and-rhas already forwarded $16,000 to England for this purpose. In addition more than 220 cases of clothing have been sept for evacuees of the Island.';." 01 o in if In line with onr general policy of carrying only llic higlicst'(uality, nationally-adver-tifeiimerchandise, our stock of yprk KHiuiminciudes sucrKwcIlTknown makes J as (VM:Mlci ' SEE US.iflOR Iron-3Ian Pants Hil) Overalls and -Smocks w Coveralls Waist, Overalls . Carpenters' Overalls ' ; Pa in tq is' Overalls Work Shirts pf ajl.kiiuls 4 GET THE RIGHT MAKE AT THE RIGHT PRICE AT I T f MM I Ml ' I i . I .1 i'l I I "THE MEN'S SHOP" Delmort Frozen Fruits and! Vegetables - Raspberries.' Strawberries. Sliced Peaches) Enterprise Fruit Co. I PHONE 3 J..L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves-doubly sol . Smith Block Green 995 -Str$p Strategy" We are just a little proud of this newest arrival. A real addition to your Easier wardrobe, in town brown, softie ValfsMn $7.45 CUT RATE SHOE STO,E EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL OR APPRECIATED j 1 CANADIAN SCOTS TAKE NA25I POST Mai. John Taylor, Montreal, Leads Company In Charge On Strongpoint at Calcar; Battle Sidelights By DOUGLAS AMARON Canadian Prran War Corrpondfnt WITH THE CANADIAN ARMY IN GERMANY April 11 9 A company pcmnrlJider is In a tough spat wheii he is faced with the choice cf withdrawlnc from gmuBd. he has gained or iuiacKing, prooaoiy at consia-erable cost, a strongly held position which is holding up hs further advance. - laj. John Taylor of Montreal who commands a company In Canadian I highland battalion had thatdfecision to make in me iignung ror the-hlgh ground to the south and overlooking? Calcar. He took the hard choice andt charged. The results were bevond ex pectatlons. Four machine-eu! posts and two S3 millimeter gunsites were overrun and the objective was seized. Maj. Taylor killed one German with his pistol, his sergeant clubbed another with his rifle butt I Canadian casualties were eight men wounded and seven of them ; were able to wnlfc back ror treatment. niu run. mxuvir j r iiywcai cnemjsirv nag iound tall on the pilot's turret Jt an airplane and tend to ciweure hi: j vision. ' HANGS WASHING ON THE SIEGFRIED LINE - Pte Anckl Young .saved his laundry until he conld nan? it out to dry on Germany's vaunted Siegfried Line. D.F.C. FOR DRUM WIZARD LONDON, -lhe RCJV.F.S British pilot and swlnwband ex pert. FO. Richard (Duke) wsan of Manchester, has been award ed the DJ,C. after an exoention- ally long tour, with tile Iroquoi.i Squadron. He is a "wizard" or. the drums. npemucm, hrtlliant Polish scientist, was I- .appointed Projessor oj Astrommy -al tlx University oj Rome ,tn Jj'j. lie became convinced that the sun and not the earlb jvas the ceptre .oj the universe. Giviug up his " professorship,, he spent thirty years in research u'rJj astronomy, a,,d so gave to the world r2 Z tbeperukir. Theory of the Movement oj r the- earth and the planets around the sun. JUST as Copernicus solved a vast problem through painstaking research, so Nickel i "S1LIJNT SEPTIMUS" DIBS . LDNDON i Reuters Septimus .Mills, 69, known to police a "Silent .Septimus" because he (had always refused Infwma- Hon about his friends and rela--! tivc.- died n Wandsworth Prion while, serving a two-year en- tence for burglary. NICKEL; 3 tlie Jus SMUTS REVIEWS SOUTH AFRICAN RACE PROBLEMS Tells Parliament No Reason Why Europeans -Should Not Continue to ltrniaiiiKaciilJy ,part from .Natives CAPE TOWN. April 11 01 A fix d policy to maintain white supremacy is agreed on by all pa ties in South Africa, except thi:se 'quite mad," Prime Minister Jan C. Smuts told the Union ar'iRiflpnt in a review of the race problem. Commenting on Opposition ; Leader Malan's query as to ! whether "there will evwua"-; still be a white race In South Africa," Mr. Smuts ald the fear ' motive must be eliminated In (discussing the problem. For the past 311 yiars Europeans In j South Africa had remained racl-j ally apart from the natives and ! he could see no reason why any sudden change In this attitude hauld come about now. 550 Vancquverites Must yacatejHomes VANCOUVER, April 11 0 Emergency Shelter Admlnlsiratlon officials announced Tuesday that more than 550 Vancouver ajil- ijies are now qndpr notice to va cate Iheir homes on May 1. THE CLOCKWORK OF THE SKV" scientists use research to solve many modern-problem. When-industry requires .a special material to meet special con-ditjons, Nickel scientists try to discover a new combination of metals that will meet those conditions. Thus are new alloys and new uses. for Nickel added to today's long list. Today Nickel is required in nearly every industry in making top. quality .products or for keeping production costs down. The I The kernel or the whole situa o , l;:d It-. l uon inn lay ifiv in in m;... mixta j r-i.:. . . .mcinia. areas. Mr. Smuu mih w.. - . 4itw res ui.wa. a. cms una new villages research that has helped to bring this about will be expanded in the years alter the war. The information collected by Nickel scientists is available to Canadian engineers, designers ami metallurgists seeking better materials for any product or process. Research reveals new uses for Nickel.: ( Increased use of Nickel from Canadian mines and plants means employment for Canadians and brings many benefits to Canada. THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF (5 A N A D A . LIMITED, 2$ KING STREET WEST, TORONTO be were being created where whi'ps , Ul :td and negroes were kept apart so Lt' that within one or two genera . tions there would be a general nc yprUnc out. and cieaning up s - the whole iltuatiun." This was the policy t! government stood for, tne jjrwnie' tald. The Indian question wm t--most difficult, he added Li c.ipc Province mixed residential ar . . abounded. Mr. Smuts said 100,0 Europeans and 100W0 India .-lived "chetk by Jqjui- in Durbai! alene.TheWataljircvinria: ecu-cil's adcpUon ol ore :iauces fr separate Indian areas offered a solution, but aooc cf th- ordin ances were reported ultra virp The government hopes -to intr.; duce legislation this aessiui amending the homing act to th-able the lwal .seUfaig aside of separate residential araa.s. OpprsltUn leader Malan .-i:d 100,000 non-Europeans in thn armed services wjuld demrmn I equal rights as a rewlt of t!icr sacr!li:e3. Conununls.Ti as b h: allowed free play In the UniuV ,and patlves were Oooding in,) urban aieas. Nun - Eropea !were penetra'.ini; unWersitii' 'schools and trade unions. Mr i Malan said and a nooQuropf n: frpnt was. tulng fcrnie i whic i jwaa a ch!kngj t: tt.c wh.t.-: race. t As a result of r.n ' plnsion Msrch.l wtilei) nlx ii hi u: T j ' if t -aty5t r He. 'Jet : - rut 1l Of V.: P-... E 1 til v .an. t ELECTRIC rty J MOTT EIS LI. HI ! GREEK taxi (; ha- il NAIIIIVU.xd for I' &l T"ie bt. , hi l..H f--JIV W U Ml mi Carl ZareSil Phone 37 pr-3 pt I rom Priiwl Thursday to Kcl$ Wednesday - IMKi;S ami ,xr1 a I ( ITV TlfKEII 523 TU,: and DETOTT1CIII Lumb We n' h3,f of Hf FIR, 0 AND CEBi riooiii We have a ' of 1x3 MP g hand. Cflll' Phone 651" for .1 PHiipoii;