1 Ik 4 PAGE POUR the. DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B C. Wednesday. April 11, 1945 AFRICAN PARLEY iON AIR ROUTES South Africa Wants Aerial . Services Continued in Pnst. 2T" War Period. CAPETOWN, April 11 O Full agreement on all proposals under discussion was reached here at ..the recently concluded live-day ; South African Air Conference. included was a proposal to form U ?.an operators' asroclatlon for -Southern Africa to which all British, -and foreign operators .would be invited. Initial postal arrangements lor. British South Africa within wit l,,c "uiucwyrK or me empire ri airmail scheme were recom- iSjji mended by the conference. Sen-ator C. F. Clarkson, minister of post and telegraphs, said that as soon as the service became daily, postal rates would be reduced as much as possible. The functions of the Southern Africa Air Transport Council as outlined by the conference would be to promote civil air communications and furnish a link with the Commonwealth Air Transport Council. Meetings would be held as agreed upon in various South African countries. Pending a permanent secretariat the ministry of transport in the Union of South Africa would provide an interim secretariat. The conference, meeting to consider the continuance of air services enjoyed by South African countries-during the war. studied trunk routes, regional and local services. Dealing with matters in isobar as the British group is concerned, South Africa will make contact with selglan and .. Portuguese territories, essential elements in the whoie setup ol regional services. South African products are be-' lng used extensively on the Burma front according to a bulletin from the director-general of, supplies. "During our long association with the British Ministry of Supply," said the director, "it has becoi.e increasingly evident that South Africa is looked on as an important and reliable supplier country. Hence pressure is be'ng put on us to produce equipment which otherwise we might have refused. "We are turning out more engineering stores than we have ever done and it is important to i Keep up this flow." Silversmith's Art Learned by C.W.A.C. WITH THE C.W.A.C. OVERSEAS, April 11 ?, when Pte. Jean White of the Canadian Women's Army Corps, returns to her home in Ottawa she will have a number. of interesting ' pieces of Jewelry to show for her stay In the United Kingdom and she made them all herself. She is the only member of the Corps so far to attend classes In Jewelry and silversmith work at the London Central Sehool of Arts. Her attendance at the classes, which are sponsored by the London County Council, was arranged several months ago by the directorate of Canadian Army Education. Advertise in the Dally News for Results. Corporals' .Club Formally .Opened Corporals of the Prince Rupert Sub-Port of Embarkation : opened their pew club on Ac ropolis Hill Monday night with a formal dance. Special guests were Col. J. H. Mellom, port commander, and staff officers. Club officers, Including Cpls. Douglas- Sweeney, Harry Loy, Robert Walters, and Ray Smith, and also Cpl. Cecil Frey, organizer of the club, greeted the guests. Winnipeg Ballet Featured In Film I WINNIPEG, April 11 IP ; Fresh from performances In I Ottawa, members of the Winnipeg Ballet Club ! donned make-up and costumes to pirouette and, leap before National Film Board cameras. Thus they added one more laurel to the already nationally known ballet company which comprises Winnipeg talent only. It was the first time a Canadian ballet company had ever I oeen mmea. I The pallet scenes will be part oi a mm devoted to the cultural and artistic devlopment of Canada. The motion picture will be distributed abroad, and possibly in Canada. Main purpose of the film, however, Is to show other countries the various aspects of Canadian life. Jeanne MacKenzie of Van'. couver is premiere danseuse in the company and Paddv fnn of Winnipeg is the star male performer. Miss MacKenzie fiew from Vancouver here for the filming. Swede Children World's Luckiest Sociologist .Mother of Three Keports On iiirtlirate Plan LONDON, April 11 P) The Royal Commission on PoDulatinn .h-Icph Mrs. Alva Myrdal, Swedish so ciologist, to come to London and give evidence and she t.nki them that children bom in Sweden are the luckiest in the world. Herself the mother of three children, Mrs. Myrdal said Sweden has found "the n.i sire to have children blossoms m a society friendlv tn chil dren." In 1935 a new plan for boosting the birthrate was starts in Sweden, she testified. Expectant mothers were treated with interest and deferens hv th public a3 never before and men started nushino- hnhv Mr. I ! " " J rlages for the first time in Sweden's history. Housing was Prinrif.v tin 1 for children and 12,500 special iamny nouses" were built with extra rent-free bedrooms Th state rebated 30 per cent of the rent ior families of three children, 40 per cent for four children ahd un to 70 npr ronf larger families. For food there was a two-price system: food for rhiiHm,, was cheaper than that for adults. Materhlty bonuses were made universal. Instead of saying married women have the right to work, Mrs. Myrdal said. viewpoint is that "working wol iiil-h snouiu nave the right to marry and have children. TAKE A IIP . from the thrifty shoppers and come to The Variety store. Our store is filled with everyday needs-with gift sug-gestlons-wlth sparkling new Spring items. And the prices will please your budget. Come in and browse around. THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE Editor. Dailv News- rwn through the ages there has be?n a controversy 'between certain men or science and ;:ie male, bu it is a false Idea that mndpm science and the Wore of God are at hopeless variance. Some of the world's greatest men ct science have testified tn thp r faljability and authentic; nf me table. Psuedo-scientists have been found In error so much thai the text books Issued by them are in a general rule, obsolete in ten years. Because of thP rnn- tlnuity theory held by many to this day, Paul the Apostle was said to have made a cytological error when stating some 2000 years ago; "All flesn is not the same flesh: but there s one kind of flesh of men. another flesh of beasts, another of Hsh and another of birds." 1 Cor. 15:39. Early investigators discovered that the cells of all living rre.i- tures contained a basic substance called Protoplasm, They Jumped to the conclusion that all protoplasm was the same, therefore all cells were the same. Thus wa.-. built up the evolutionary hypo-thsis that by a continuity nf life, transmission from one fom- to another the various species had arrived through an cvolvu-lar process. Some were foolish enough to accept this Hypothetical teaching and discard the Word of God as beln Hiled with discrepancy. It is very interesting to note that a few years ago the Park Davis Laboratories produced a re agenV named "Anti-Human Precipitin," and this has been largely used by scientific sections of criminal investigation departments in all our City Police systems. One can take a piece of bone. or blooc. or nesh or skin or any orjamc sirj-stance alive or deac. no mutter how old or dessicated and find what type of a living creature it came from, by putting It In the test tube and adding the nnti. human preclDition whi.h will quickly tell us, "this is animal or this is human." Therp are nkn cytological means of differentia tion by which the kind of animal may be classified. Proving the fact of the Bible being true and Paul a credible cvntolaskr. nnrt &cience so called to be in error. Also one is made to realize that . . true science corroborates the Word of God. Win. F. Optometrist of Vancouver is now in: Prince Rupert At popular request, Wm. H. Franks, who is visiting this city, will remain over until April 26. Mr.,Franks is at the Prince Rupert Hotel and open for appointments. Appointments can he made at the hotel. (Annette Powell) Concerning the long day of Josnua, that Is perhaps the most irjunuy usta argument directed against the authority, credibility and scientific of the BJble. But when studied in the light of modern science is most valuable in establishing the infallalbllity of the scriptures. The record of this incident is found in Joshua 10:11-15. First, we take into consideration the place whloh was Gideon. Second, we find the exact posi tion of the sun and mujn which are specifically mentioned, the sun being in the midsi of centre or the heavens and moon sigh ted or framed in the vallev al most touching the horizon, which makes it to be in the third j quarter. Using the science of astronomy the day of battle is thus, found to be. Julv 22nd. The ancients kept astronomical records many centuries before Christ The Chaldeans recorded cycles of eclipses, both lunar and solar, mny of whirh records hav.e been recovered by various expeditions. Dalin? with chronoloav based upon solar motion we go back to the earnest avalKile record.", using them as a sartini Doint. and carefully tracing up to Jo- snua'3 day or battle we arrive at a conclusion thai the battle day was Tuesday. Then starting with the latest eclipse date of our year, reckoning our way back t : f the day of battle we arrive at Wednesday. We arrive at different days but strangely the saw date of July 22nd. That is li - iv the day of the month h the saint' but the day of the week, different. Figuring any way one can conceive, and using all the records of chrpnolosy we dome to the same conclusion, there is a day IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE tU THE MATTKK OF THE "AbMINlSTUATION ACT'' anu IN THE MATTER OF. THE ESTATE OF WALTER RASMUS8EN, DECEASED. INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE thut by order of ill Honor. W. E. KUlwr made on Hi 5th clay of April. A D. 1945. I was, appointed Administrator of the Instate of Walter Hasmuaten. deceased, and all parties having claims again the said estate are hereby requln a to furnish same, properly vnrilloJ to me on or before the 12th dn ?f,J?y'. A D' 'B45- ar" Pan-Indebted to the said Haute are f -quired to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith DATED , nf. Prlrw.n l, nr. . . ..... . :":. Mt. mi; uin liny nr April, AD. 1645. OEORQE II. HALLETT Ofriclai Administrator. ATI.IN, B.C. Fn ink Going to a Party? ; Let us glamorize you for the occasion. CALL BLUE 69 FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY and be assured of no last-minute disappointment. PEGGY SAUNDERS 4th St. (across from Post Office) BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES LTD. Beg to advise that having completed War Priority Contracts, are pre-pared to supply the DOMESTIC M AiR.K E T with high quality, long lasting BULKLEY VALLEY COAL Phone your dealer and save. missing In the week. Thus true .science has established the fact j that Hi:- w.irld i a day late in ics schtdule. and Sir Bdwln Bai: the peat BriUth astronomer, attested i ; flUa fact, ibe mean av erage of all the year is exactly 23 hrs. 06 mln. 4 9-.10 sec. for each day and the earth keeps her schedule on her annual Journey of five hundred' and fifty million miles, to such accuracy that she never varies as nfuch as one hundredth of a cond a jpar. and her dally rotation must be on the lame Diane of accuracy, so no time has been lost in th-'s way. The only expla nation for the earth being out of schedule is Joshua's long day. Noted astronomers such a the late Prof. C. A. Tottem and oth ers found that up to Joshua's time the earth was onlv 23 hrs. and 20 mln. off schedule, whlsh coincides with the sacred record in Joshua 10:13. "and hasted not to go'dewn about a whole day." The other 43 mm. were found ta be recorded in Isaiah 38:8 when God for the sake of King Heze-kiah made the shadow on the sun dial to back up ten degrees which U '40 min. Thus 24 hrs.. which shows true science once more establishing the authenti city of the Word of Ood, our Bible. PHIL GAGLARDI. ' Evangelist. lJlRTHPIACB-QF R. A. F. CRAAWELL, England O Cranwell. tbe Sandhurst of the Air where the R. A. F. was founded, has just, marked its 25th anniversary From a nall roun of army huts it has ?,iown until it ve- w Uu.i C quiire mile ng in Lincoln shire NOW. JUHI0X I f I SAW THOSt AUNT OC f KWONO SANO HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tall All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 ajn. PHONE It ED 247 The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S '-J l5?ij??i FINEST SALMON We can say this in three words ... BUY COAL '. NOW LAUGHTER TAKES PRIORITY IN CAPITOL SHOW Laughter is given pr:or:;y racing In Nunnally Johnson's production "Casanova Brown," starring Oary Cooper and Teresa Wright, which opens at the Capitol Theatre for a three-day run. Gary Cooper has the role of Casanova Brown, a literary professor who, on the eve or his wed ALBERT AND McCAFFERY ding to Madge Ferris learns that lie is the father of a child of a orevious marrlaae to Isabel Drury iTerejw Wrighti. The baby arrived after Iseibel's parents hau had the marriage annulled thev never had liked uasanova, after he put a lighted cigarette In his ?ccket and accidentally burned down their mansion! Casanova dashes off to the wternjty hospital in 'Chicago to we his child, and learns that its mother proposes to oifer it for adoption, lie refuses to hear of this, and, In desperation, seize the child and takes It to a cheap hotel. Here he looks after it as best he can. He telegraphs his fiancee to postpone the wedding, but he is finally trecec to the hotel and Is confron:ed bv Mr. 1 and Mrs. Ferris and Miidge, and Mr. and Mrs. Drury ana Isabel. How he Is extricated from these somewhat amaslng complications Is told in the hllarjous climax. I'. v i-y little water ,n fook- vKe' :tbl- ami J: n't ov i cook ! U'em. ! X. . KWf lit ' Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee is Tops) SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala. Friday S3 Cardena Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every ten days. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. phone 568 PHONES 110-117 4 v imj vi :zi s r mi rw 0 TU IJordrn UJ. " " -'. BABIES COO ...:.u TfrSJtti " wonder -f,;r BcVcc; , .'.-'r,l pure, I'uic, ta to easily ... , VL-n. ' i:;ritM . intonuti from finest fair. . frr h r tVVLIU SJV IV) ' . a .ft. . Irradiated With . sound, sturdy t jytrT V Ask your l ,:t.:r ub: Milk for yowl.,! ' BoWi,;i',GorkJ 7Jo?rfxd EVAPORATfjl HYDE TRANSFER Dry Slabwood. per cord . $10 Dry Poplar, per cord ..$12.50 Sawdust, per sack 15c PHONE 580 rupert nm : : SMOKED BLACK CC dian Ft is L.ana - AND - Cold Storas COMPANY LIMIT! Third a- R U Vil! Ore PRINCE RUPERT. B.C BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 WILL chw; auctio: VALUJ SALES COSKl YuURCOH HODSEHOJ1 PACKED iSl Estlmatf! Free phone 1 4 I hi) SI It JEWELLERY SQOO MAw Ear- Ultra smart pen- Itlnqs In Sterling dant-with chain. silvr, '-tj RRIDALVW Shall be happltfjll ,.l ,t.i. Quelle. Tll W1U1 "