FAOE SIX TIIE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, H.C Wednesday, April 11, 1915 .1.11 , t -1 1 i m. WW X. m ( Dress them up for Spring... JJ Wc liavcn't forgotten the boys and girls. In fact wc cater to their needs, and new supplies arc arriving daily.' JJ ' Fur Infants and Girls jj WALLACE'S and RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Fur Hoys and Young Men RUPERT MEN'S and BOYS' STORE Business and Work to please everyone No work too large or too small . H. J. LUND ; Painting Papcrhanging : Interior and Exterior Work UNION PAINTER P.O.-Box 1286 Phone Black 823 "Largest Organization of Its Kind in the World" ; MUTUAL BENEFJT Health and' Accident Association J! WRIGHT, Spec. Representative 336 0th Ave. W. Red 603 ( PAINTING AND PAPERtf ANGING ' For Good Work That Lasts! JERRY VREBOSCH Phone 372 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Ta Returns Compiled lcsner Block Phone 387 R. Y. WALKER GRADUATE MASSEUR - Massage and Steam Bath I Facial and Reducing Treatment Phone Red 315 424 8th Ave. W. I SONG HITS Your Favourites Now Available In SHEET MUSIC 'Twilight Time" "Saturday Night" "Sweet Dreams Sweetheart" "I Dream of You" "I'm Making Relieve" "You Always Hurl the One You Love" "I'm Beginning to See the Light" "Into Each Life Some Kain Must Fall" VsnaeSres.cGd A. MacKenzie Furniture Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 20 DELUXE LLOYD'S BABY BUDDIES Collapsible, draft-proof, shock spring; luxurious upholstery. Morton blue, navy blue and grey. fr rn Vtt.DU Other Baby Buggies 31.00 and $21.50 Mall Orders Shipped Immediately . Phono 775 327 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See K.E.MORTIMER 324 .2nd Ave, Phone 88 VV7 . - - r - r Professional EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY "House of Better Cleaning'" Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 370 j 1431 6th Avenue East ! ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING- ; Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver ; I SMITH & ELKINS LTD Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 GERMANS FOLLOW IN GI FOOTSTEPS- -Hands in pocket and nonchalantly puffing on his pipe, an American doughboy of the Third Army leads his little herd or German civilians through a ruined street in Bitbcrg. The GI found the Germans huddlin" in the basement or a buttered house. He is taking them to an area set aside for civilians. HERB MORGAN STARS IN EAST HOOP TOURNEY LAC Heroic Morgan, son oi Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan was an outstanding player on the De- bert. N. S.. basketbai: learn which won the Maritime Service conference, the lareesi basketball congress ever held in Canada. The tournament, was held re cently at Cornwallis. and in volved eleven teams which contained some of the finest basket ball material in the country. In two games, which" Debert won. Morgan scored 14 points, the highest individual scoring of anv member of either teams. The Debert team carried on to win two more gar.-.cs ana the tournament championship. SECOND FOR GOLD Canada now ranks second among the gold-producing countries of the world. With Minora Blades! Minora is a real money saver because it lasts far longer than ordinary blades. For extra shaves and com fort ask for Minora Blades. firs you DOUHMDGE RAZOR -'Bgga RENEWAL OF UNEMPLOYMENT was ZMr TWCTTW 7a AU All Unemployment Insurance Hooks for tlic year ending March Jlst, 194S, must he ex-changed for new hooks. Kindly communicate iiimicdhudy with" the nearest Employment and Selective Service Office if you have not already exchanged your employees' hooks. ilwrc nvv severe ivntiUics for rr ttiiliiic lit iimLf ffifiin,i ' luiirimcc Contribuliont for your insured employees and for Jtdlurc to renew the Insurance , Hooks us required. 7a All Cmpltufcd: If you arc an insured person protect yrjur benefit rights by seeing that your Insurance J5ook has been exchanged. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION IIUMI'HHUY MITCIIKIX. Minister u Labour Hockey Scores Pacific Coast League Oakland 2, San Diego 1. Portland 3, San Francisco 6. Seattle 4, Hollywood 3. Los Angeles 0, Sacramento 3. American League " Hcrshcy - Cleveland captured the Calder Cup and championship Tuesday night with a close five row win over Hcrshcy to take the best of seven-game series four to two. "BROWN-PAPER" CHURCH Norfolk, England Oi With all the recent talk of nrefahricatnd houses, -architects and builders have been showing interest in the "brown-paper" church here. Built 50 years ago of compressed brown paper Interwoven with wire, it is still in use. COCOA FROM BEANS A pulpy fruit pod of the cacao tree holds from 30 to 50 almond shaped seeds, or cacao beans. C.N.R. Trains lr the jit Dally except (jundajr :.8 p.m. I'roin I lie ji-t Dally except Monday 10:43 p.m. IN TIIE SUPREME COUKT OP niUTlSH COLUMBIA IN rrtODATK IN Tilt' MATTER OP TIIE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" mid IN TIIE MATTER OP TIIE ESTATE OP ANNIE FLORENCE WtADLEY. DECEASED. INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by order vt Ills Honor. W E. Fisher, made on the 28th day of March, A.D. 1B15. I wub appointed Administrator of the Estate of Annie Florence IJradley. deceit, ed. mid all parties having claliuu ugalnxt the suid estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 30th day of April. AD. 1943. and all parties Indebted to tho said KsLnie are required to pay the amount of their Indcbtrduem to mc forthwith. DATED at Prince Ilupert. H.C., this KHU day of March. A.t). 1!M.V NORMAN A, WATT. Official Administrator. Prince nupcrt. D.C. a vrr nnnvc ZmfUoycU: LOUIS J. TIIUTTIER It. J. TALLON ALLAN M. M1TCUKLL Commurivnm, DW 45-3-E BOYS' ASS'N TO VIOLATE SATURDAY BY WORKING-FIX SCHOOL GROUNDS Tlic inaliable right of .students to loaf on Saturday has been waived by a group of Prince Rupert high school boys whose association name goes a long way toward explaining why they arc willing to work on Saturday. The Rroup is known as the Prince Rupert Hoys' Civic Association, formerly having the temporary name of Juuior Junior Chamber of Commerce because the Junior Chamber of Commerce sponsured its Creation. Now an actively functioning body the association is prepared to begin its initial major project. The project Is to put Booth Memorial high school grounds Into shape as u playing field. On Saturday; the boys, some 30 strong, will throw their full Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 Words With Music 4:15 G. I. Jive 4:30 -Science Magazine 5:00 Music America Loves Best 5:30 Sports Roundup 5:45 At Ease 6:00 Comrades In Arms i 6:30 Information Please 7:00 CBC News I 7:15 The Soldier's Return 7,:30 Political Broadcast ! 8:00 Showtime 8:30 Servicemen's Forum 9:00 Kav Kvscr 9:15-Globc Theatre 1 10:00 CBC News 1 10:10 Elmore Phllpott 10:15 CBC News Roundup 1 10:30 Hit Parade 11:00 Silent THURSDAY A.M, 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Music for Moderns 8:30 Morning Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Varieties 9:45 March Time 10:00 The Old Songs 10:15 Consumer Service 10:30 Melody Roundup - - Classified Advertising - - Classified Advertising Is payable, to the olflec at time or submitting copy for Insertion. ItlKTH NOTICE HEATIIERINQTON To Pfc. and Mrs. Eugene Hcathcrlngton (nee Isabclc Conncryl, a baby girl, Lcannc Ethel, on April 10th, the 31st anniversary of the baby's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Conncry. HELP WANTED WANTED Lady cook f6r local hotel. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission A. F. 104. (R9I j HELP WANTED Applications close noon April 23rd for po- I sltloil Cleric .KlniiiKTiinlinr In I City Ofriccs. Please submit wui.t4.-ii applications, .suiting age, experience and qualifications to National Selective Service No. AF 100. (81 1 WANTED WANTED Second hand couch. , Phone Qreen 257. (80) urprm ri i l"n""iu oieepiug room lor elderly man. Non-smoker or orniKcr. uuc worKcr. Box 083 i Daily News. (87) WANTED Dlrl or soldier's wife, for light housekeeping, 2 children, sleep In, 5 room apartment, good salary. Red 878. (85) WANTED By reliable couple, no children, furnished house or self-contained apartment. Phone 437, Room 84. (87) WANTED Working girl to share Miiall cabin, close In. Reasonable. Box 081 Dally News. (87) WANTED Middle -aged woman wants bedroom near down town district. Call American Signals 467. (80) WANTED Furnished house keeping room or apartment, urgently wanted uy naval or-riccr and wife, no children. Reliable tc'nants. Local references. Phone ned 202. (85) WANTED Reward. Urgently! five or six -room unfurnished house, centrally located. Phone 552 between 0 and 7130 P-m. (88) WANTED - Posts, poles, piling, cedar and fir, all sizes. Quote r.o.b. shipping point, earliest shipment. Nicdcrmcycr-Mar-tin Co.. Spalding Building, Portland. Oregon. (87) LOST AND FOUND LOST Man's Drefa watch, between Pioneer Laundry and Bulkley Market. Phone Green 440. Reward. (80) LOST One 5-carat diamond stick pin. $100 reward. Phone American Signals 209 or 252. Moseley. (85) LOST Wallet containing re-' fclpts, money and registration card: Reward. Phone Qreen 549. (88) manpower Into the Job or levelling the undulating plain which surrounds the school Into the base of a playground. This will be a job of shovel and hoc activated by muscle. Hut the boys-arc not content to stop there. At the monthly meeting of the association in Rcld's cafe the members revealed plans already laid to obtain tlic use of trucks to surface the grounds with sand after it has been levelled. The plan Is being car-tied on subject to the approval of the School Board. Permission to use one truck has already been obtained, and a second is being negotiated. The sand will be obtained at a point on the highway outside the city. "Putting the high school grounds in shape Is a blit lob. which would cost u lot of money. A group of boys with the right spirit and a counlc of trucks can do a lot to make them ready for tlic sprint; sport's season and it won't cost anything," was the way one boy put it. When that project Is completed tlic boya plan to tidy up Mc-Clymont park. The publicity and membership committee of the Association is planning to hold a competition among students In the classes at Booth High School for design of a lapel pin to be worn by members. At a meeting of the committee Tuesday It was decided that students of grades eight to twelve should submit designs, the merits of which would be judged at class competitions. The winners of each class competition would then submit their designs for Inter-! class competition, the winner of I which will have his design accepted as the official coat or arms or the Prince Rupert Civic Association. Just to add a serious tone, to' discourage triricrs, each stu dent will be required to pay a rec to enter the competition. Tlic fee is one cent. 10K KENT FOR RENT Room and one meal for elderly woman. In exchange for light household duties. Box 981 Dally News. (87) FOR RENT-I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone 83 for particulars. (It) MACHINERY FOR RENT FOR RENT Heavy equipment power shovel, buldozcr, coin-prcsscr. Chuck Vlcrs, Atlas Boiler Works. (101) KMC SALE FOR BALK -14-foot boat, with outboard motor. Phone Blue 398 after 0:30. (87) FOR SALE Kitchen oil burner range, cardboard wardrobe, battery and electric radio. 1133 7th Ave. East. (87) FOR SALE Five-room house with bath; immediate ihm-session, close in. Cheap for cash; leaving town. Call 333 8th Ave. East or Phone Blue DS3, (80) FOR SALE 30-fooT Trolling Boat, "Betty." 0 h.p. Vivian engine. Can be seen at Cow Hay. uto) TOR SALE--Three-quarter bed, occasional chair. 1)02 Bays trove Ave. (85) FOR SALE One 00 h.p. Ford motor with radiator and transmission. Phono Red 411. (tf) FOR SALF-Typcwrltcr, No. 10 Remington, reconditioned; best offer taken. Box 080 Dally News. (87) FOR SALE 32-foot trolling boat. Phone Bluc,C15, or call J. Kllby. Cow Bay. (tf) FOR SALE Regulation overseas cartons. 5 lb, and 11 lbs. sizes at 10c and 15c. The Variety Stoic. MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills', manufactured by National Machinery. Company Limited, Vancouver, .... U-C (U) PERSONAL MEN OF 30. 40, 50! Vim, Pep, Vigor, subnormal? Try Ostrcx Tablets. Contains tonics, stimulants, aids to normal pep. Introductory size only At a11 druS8lsts. (100) -J?ACL PAIN KILLER for corns! Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve gives prompt, sure relief. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (88) DRES8MAKER, designer - 20 years experience, specializing in ladles' blouses, neckwear, and children's clothes. Pattern original design, or any photo copied phone Black 687 P0) Nils Aitr icr ONLY Nitt,, ' -"-'mi , STARTS Tlic Greatest Romantic Comedy of All Time 1 Capitol , MljfAI.lfijIJIH,l!IMIf ' M Good News! and (iUACIA Oxford '111 - l width fj to E15E, ha r i;- h ,d GALLIVANT Loafers and n -id sizes 11'- to !). Width- A v, ( COMB HAULY FOH I1F T ft '"TIB! Family Shoe Store Urn For 30 Years the "Hun: I - LUCKY'S Light Delivery and Transfer 24-HQUR SERVICE 1341 Sixth Avenue East Phone Black 371 CHANGE IN STORE Slarliim Monday. April 2nd Our store will .stay open until ('M P-nt ""'I TliurMl.ty cloxiiiK at i : P-"1, I ... . "?PI M.I Ill I.I I. win tiiviuiu uur iniuuii work with iu' MUSSALLEM'S EC CICUCDMF.N! '..II I 41... L!i I .nvri'lice ' vjhh hum hire mc ait Mercury V-8 Marine Knginc no' displayed in our stockroom- S. E. PARKER LI 170 E. 3rd Avenue UUiN UlliU HU"' - -rt PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING and Shcetmctal Work Alr Co"1 Tank sink Eavcstrough FREE ESTIMATES tt . Cor. 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. D0X 725 ii Ladies . , . 1 j' u Aim: C00DIUJ Tli;i; ,& ItlBBBC IIcinc Itclling ... t jirrittl Prince Rnp Supply Hos ft HOURS ONOMVN ..in Mini I'll! IMII JV" ....K vW. ....... ntljUV" WORK 1 pbie 1