At n "fv . .tall if- . r W COUP APPLES .,.. OkanapanWinpsan . . . ..rllP r Vitamin C CLE ORADEper box $:.,-." 3 lbs ! S3Kr 12c , , 69 c rrTTEF BUY 20-OZ. lie , (or 65c ,d und on your table within A p Grade "A" Large, per doz. L Ill fill 1 llDlta II I I D 111' 111 II B1f Mil m H QBly 9 I 9 I I fc M A -II.. 1111 ! m U rlth little or no butter nnCDD 1 kS i i iJ ft m ' PEAS OGILV.IE'S FLOUR 7-lb. bag 1I7 24-lb. bag .' ur, 49-lb. bag SI. 7." 98 -lb. bag S;J.I." No. 1 FAMILY PATENT Tomato Juice Van Camp's. 20-oz.. per tin G for Sardines per tin R dark. Ideal for parcels. yi I .U J lie ((."0 i'ii: i'ii.i.kk Pineapple, Cocoanut, Butterscotch. AQp lQ oz. tin MO1, 12c FIE CKUST MIX Mother Jackson's per pkt. 23c Juice Ortinge Size 344, thin ()Qn skins, per doz. LifS OverwaiteA S1.60 FltKE HKLIVFUY it c r. n o c et i: it I A ill OS.. 1 1 Hl'rt i fALLiiiiil.'ni. 281 UMln, a a i in all colors. iti j i j iiur i. ' 1, -V , ...u. P-O. Box 106 w sswiSEPINfl niln.Mpnn .eiuipmcnt and heln . 'uu "I a c enn l,h '-"lit? Intnl. nna III A Yr, . . i ' y i ivi "E SEUVICE III ..1 I I II A I nette s adies wear in n w uu iiiiu n a HOTEL "ujr i-nim iiome Ratcs 75c up r nn r, .. ANNOUNCING . . EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L. D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUF.Y 6:30 a.m. to 1 a.mi THE REX GAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN .Opening Hours: '3 p.m. to 2 a.m. '2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 CANADIAN By MAROARET WOODWARD I Wednesday evening a full pro- gram will take .piace .at the' "Y." In the writine room unstalrs the resular bingo will be held with Jimmle- Heiakus Jn charge of proceedings. Game will start.,at: 8 p.m. Thursday afternoon the' Service Wives' CJub will meet in the Ladies' Lounge upstairs. An invitation is extended to. all service wives to attend. Toys and games .will be supplied for .the Children. There are a lot of changes tak- Ino- nlfla In rtitr qrfln ctaff T'nlrf jslc and Entr. Act. Schubert. Victor SaloaOrehestra? Local News items PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND i NEWS, ITEMS Boy's and Girl's Tweed Coa: Sets Wee Tot's Shoppe. . (86) Mrs. F. Walton was in charge of the tea room at the annual Easter -Sale of the St. Andrew's Anglican Women's Auxiliary. Col. C. V. Evitt, formerly of Prince Rupert and now of Vic toria, arrived in the" city this morning, on a visit. Mrs. A. . G.Rix, of Vancouver George Dybhavri returned today on the Prince Rupert from a business trip to Chicago and other American cities. Mr. and Mrs. David Allen, were amon? amons those inose who wjio arrived anivtu in n the ic ... K.v.. ... v,. u.dov... I time We mUSt. SaVeoOdbve-tO our 'ollvtnU mnrnlnir after n trln tn - -w i - w w vVJ v i r 8no Suds Supervisor Lee VaaLu- Vancouver. ven. Lee has been, in this area over two years. Lee will be leaving shortly for the -East and. by the look on his face these days ! I we understand that he is sorry, to j her her I J go back to his old haunts.- Lee Mr- r will be replaced by John Mont gomery who arrived yesterday by i boat John is from Davidson, Sask., and Is a newcomer to the f'Y." He may be sure a real welcome Is extended from us al!. vlllged to present Irom the audi torium stage .a 15-ni:nuie , radio ! broadcast featuring the tenor voice of Rev. Phil Gaglardl. Air. Gaulardi is here on. a sjiort visii I The auditorium will feature a j Farewell Band Concert In honor if Chltf Petty Officer Quy iNoakes. An excellent program hn hppn drawn ud and an even- Mrs. H. E. Thaln. of Xtelson ar rived jn the city today .,to spe-nc a len-day visit at the home o; son and daughter-in-law and Mrs. H. D. Thaln, Gra ham Avenue. She was accompan ied by her daughter, Miss -Margaret Thaln. Dr. R. G.iKnlpe, director of the Prince Rupert Public Health Unit who with mergers of C3 ! staff has been attending a con- Tuesday evening we were prl- ference of medical health offic ers, sanitary inspectors and public health purses at Victoria returned today accompanied' by Mis Olive Johnson, health unit from Mission City. He U Well S nse. Miss Phyll s Batt. statu known as a radio and concert .siivcr both In Canada and the ,Ui5.A. tlcian, and Sanitary Inspector and Mrs. MJ. Harper and Military iOrders 1st (It.) lln, Frlnce-Kupert iltfCt. W0 lin? of real enjoymen; ;s antlcl- C, J. Toomb3. Ma. Commanding . . t. .11 II i O.CI'l i paiea. wncmwsi.. j AU 1 who were absent The Men's Lounge will be the from Pay Paratje 1H be paid --ene o fthe Music Appreciation Thursday, April 12, 1945, 1930 Hour at 8:30. This musicale is jhrs. under the direction of Bab Mor- jifin with commentaries bjr Bob (Fleming. The following selections will be heard this evening: I Ballet Music 1 phia Orchestra. I'iano 4. Sonata in C Sharp Minor. Beethoven. 'The Moonlight," Rosamunde" Ballet Mu- iWllhelm Bachaus. Concerto -S.-Vl3ll.n-Concerto In D Major. Tschalkowsky. Jascna Heifetz ' 2. "Gretchen ,at the spinning ana wnaon rnunannomc j Wheel." Schubert "Ava Maria." , Vocal Schubert. Dorothy Maynor. j ,6. tMy rJourney's End," Fay Orchestral 1 Foster. "I Heard a Forest Pray-3. "Afternoon of a Faun." De- lng," De Rose. John Charles bussy. Stokowskt ;ana Phlladel- .Thomas. , Hon. E. T. Kenney, provincial Minister of Lands. and Forests. arrived in the city today .Harry Worstold, shed. superin tendent tendent for lor the me Canadian Canadian Fi: ts.v F..W. Francis. ofvVJctoria, pro vincial. Prior of theMasonlc. or der .arrived on the. Pvmce- Rupert today to pay an official visit to the .Klncolith preceptory this evening. Petty Officer David .McMeejUn 1& expected to arrive tn the city at the weekend to spend .fur lough with his parents, Mr. ana Mrs.iT.IcMeeklnHe.wlJl be ac companied ,by .his slsler. Jwrs. Clearly, of BellyjUe, Ontario. A minor aircraft accident occurred at the Seal-Cove air base Tuesday afternoon when an am phibian aircraft which was beins towed from the .water onto the tarmac slipped backwards, falling upside down Into the water. Two men were, In the craft but neither were Injured. D.i Grant oi Montreal, vice Dresident In charge of finance Canadian National Railways, and Mrs. Grant, are visitors In ths city today, having arrived on the Prince Rupert. Mr. and Mrs Grdnt will continue on to Ketchikan, returning south on Thurs day. Announcement Presbyterian Spring Rale April. 12. Valhalla Hall, Whist and Cribbage, April 12. C. W. L. Bridge, Whist and Cribbage, K. of' C-Hut, April 18. Eastern Star . Ball, -April 20. WJi, Canadian Legion Spring Sale, April 21. - St. Peter's Sale.April 26. Lutheran Tea. April 28. Dance every Saturday night. Oddfellows Hall. 9 to 12. Swing Quintette Orchestra. Missionary Tea, Presbyterian Hall, May 2. United Spring-Sale, May 3. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Sat-' urday. ; Canadians iFvOvRE I G N TRADE ft. 'JLBkfQRR the war at least 25 f out of every dollar of Canadian income was derived from exports. How much income, and lio:v many jobs for Canadian uvrkcrs.ti'M exports provide..ifl(r,then'.arf That will depend partly on how much we buy abroad! It will depend,, too, on how effectively we develop present-markets and search out new ones. The Royal, Hank of Canada can assist both buyers and tellers. In Caracas, Hucnos Aires, Kipde Janeiro and 16otheritnportant Central and South American cities, our branches provide, on-the-ground information about both-export markets ami so.iirce,s,pf "supply . . . offer complete facilities for-transaeting-.oreignJiank-ing business. We invite your inquiries regarding trade opportunities, in these..and other .areas. Argentina BrMil Cuba PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH H RANCHES. IN British Guiana Colombia' . nritishljlonduras Peru , , British West Indies iV ' Dominican; KeputJic , . Haiti Uruguay Venezuela jPutrto Rico THE iROYA'L BK OF CANADA ,A 1 hslittt Unh titwitn CtMda, tni Utin A imrlca thci 1899 A. PLATEN, Mnnagr ANNOUNCEMENTS i The Bank of Montreal announ-Jces.that Munro.Brcwn, of Montreal, has been, appointed mana ger of Its newly created Pubue Relations department. Able Seaman Hcb Roy Young- ir.nm man. survivor of the Canadian Victoria, and .will proceed to his naval corvette Trenionran, ar-home at Terrace. , rived Jrf the city to spend a por- i Hon or nisieave wiui n parents, vw-vr ivii . ana jvirs. i. u. i uuiiguiau. ,word that fcls nephew, Pie. ;Jo- rMrs y0ungman who went south seph. Oaston Garono: Jlontreal, several days ago, accompanied has-been wounded iwhlle jserying him back, with the Canadian. army in.Ualy. I LONDON ffi Lifeboats of the Royal Rational National Lifeboat Lifeboat Instit Instit- . arrived In the city today. Her tnA c.a stmtn. km; o.-we mm. .... Jmi husband, Maior-A. G. Rlx is has rured from rrJCe. alter.; Jwt nilithP fnaRk Df Mt- been here for the last two weeks vpars years with with the the tomMnv. company. ..i ' Ireland - t,sinn,4 ,aln,and. ana helped save 49 bQ.ats, ships and airplanes from destruction In 1944. ON MEMORIAM In lovlnz memory of Myrtle ,Welghtman who passed away on April. Uth, 1943. Just a thought of sweet remembrance, Just a memory sad and true, Just the Jove and sweet devotion. Of one who thinks of you. Ever remembered by her Hus band, .will bnnq.. Delicious, criipy, crunchy VITA-WE AT Critpbreodfreth from English Qvtnt to you. , tf Anninl S C U ! T S 'For a-Good Meal, Visit . . . THE Victory Cafe I Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS ; Wednesday. April 11, 1945 si LONDON, ENGLAND All White Cooks 25 Years' . Experience Give Us a Trial and (Convince 'Yourself J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., B.A. .CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 iPOULSEN'S Grocery and Lunch Phono Red 441 FREE DELIVERY Gth Ave. E., beside Postal Station "H" "As Good as the Bt Better Than the Rest" mi BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork 'Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 PAGE FIVE Whether or not the time for PAYMENT cf your income tax is extended, your RETURNS will still have to be filed on or before April 30th. .Tax Service hy Experts ,G;EiO!RG:E RiOiRiLE & CiO. Besncr Block Prince Rupert, B.C. f lash!! 'Have YoutHcanhthetLalest? Your, RADIO is your link with the world! Keep It In perfect condition have It checked and repaired by an expert call Speedy" Radio and Electric Shop 48-HOUR SERVICE 733 Second Avenue' FREE ESTIMATES Phone Green 217 Prescriptions . . From Rupert's Tent Days we have striven to establish a record ,for Reliability, Accuracy and Fair Dealing in filling Physicians' prescriptions. We believe that we have deserved the confidence that has been established with the Doctor and his patients. This has been brought about not in a few weeks or months but extends over a period of twenty years. OrmesLtd. "31m Pioneer Druq&iaU THE REXALL STORE Phones 31 and 82 .Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 PM. Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon during your delivery day. We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and cooked meat fresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH. ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE 21 THIRD AVE. W. INDUSTRIAL & MARINE REPAIR WE REPAIR ANYTHINQ General Repairs to all Automotive and Marino Equipment Body Work and Painting Agents for . Cummins Diesel Engines Forest Kins Power Saw Wlllard Batteries Raybestos Products , itbme Oil Products ACETYLENE AND ARC WELDINQ MACHINING Phone 459 Box 1398 094 First Ave. West See our stock ,of household furniture and novelties. J. H. MAIR FURNITURE AND AUCTIONEER 632 Third Ave. Prince Rupert Blue 69 a p1