H DaJy Edition THE DAIL1 NEWS Prlsce Rupert Friday, August 17, 1945 Published erery afterooon except Sun-aT by Prtnee Rupert Dally Newi Limited. Third Aenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. Q. A. HUNTER, tftn.ging Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week 45 Per Month Per Tear " 7 00 By Mall, per month 40 Per Tear H.00 lIEilBER A-BC. rgrp Question of Hirohito . . . There can be one and only one justification, and even that irlay be very debateable, for the Japanese being-permitted as a proviso to the unconditional surrender terms to retain Emperor Hirohito on the throne. That justification appears to be that, if, he consents to act as a puppet for the Allies, he may be of assistance in! ensuring a measure of unity and submissiveness among a superstitious people who regard him as a C?od who is infallible and cannot err. Ojf course, as he could never be trusted, that being implied by the very fact of his acceptance of a stooge-ship under the Allies as he has been under the capitalistic Japanese militarists, it is just ridiculous to talk of allowing him any "prerogatives." We have fought for unconditional surrender of Japan with no strings, attached. To leave Hirohito on the throne at the request of Japan's Do You Need Foreign Exchange? This Bank is authorized to buy and sell foreign exchange. . . If you need to purchase funds for payments outside Canada we will gladly explain the regulations governing jour requirements. We will provide the necessary forms and carry out yourinstmctions. Your receipts of foreign exchange will be purchased by us at the standard rates. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ritlXCE RUPERT BRANCH K. G. Hopkins, Manager Telephone Service To Ketchikan NOW OPEN By means of a radio link it is now possible to telephone from any Prince Rupert telephone to any Ketchikan telephone; The service is available 24 hours a day. Weekday Rate: First 3 minutes $1.80 Each additional minute 60c Sunday Rate: First 3 minutes $1.30 Each additional minute .. 40c ALL RATES PLUS TAX North-West Telephone Co. Commercial, Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs MOTT ELECTRIC LIMITED Offices In Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 367320 2nd Ave. warmongering and Fascist government would be leaving a string attached. We have fought for destruction of the principles of which Hirohito has been a defender if not an advocate. He himself should be spared destruction only for the very best of causes and there are many who are not satisfied that such a cause has been established although the Allied surrender terms have accepted the'condition of his preservation on the Throne. Unconditional Surrender . . . Unconditional surrender and nothing less has been earned by those who lie dead at bloody Japanese hands. It has been earned by the sacrifices of the civilian populace which has given up every non-essential to feed the machine of war with the ammunition and equipment necessary to beat down the enemy. It has been earned by those men and women of Labor who have worked long hours; taxed their own strength and health, and unhaltingly produced the vast fighting needs of our armed forces. They have sought no glory, have asked no special recognition. They will be well repaid onlv when victory is final and unconditional surrender has ended the Japanese menace. Here to serve the public YORK CONSTRUCTION Building, Materials, Estimates General Building Nothing too big or too small PHONE BLACK 884 Visitor From Uganda, Skipper's Hometown, Is In Prince Rupert Visiting in Prince Rupert Is Mrs. C. A. Harrison, of Duncan. Although she has worked In the post office there for years she has seldom seen CaDt R r. Mainguy, O.B.E., now Skipper of the cruiser Uganda, because he spends so little time at home, but his wife and son are well lmown to Mrs. Harrison. Edward Lipsett arrived In the city Wednesday on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver, being on one of his periodical visits to his local business. B i.i.iujiiii usiness an (Under New Management) GUNN'S BICYCLE SHOP SERVICING, SALES AND RENTING GADGET REPAIRS, ETC. 214 Sixth Street (Next to Jones' Newstand) Work to please everyone No work too large or too small H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanglng UNION PAINTER Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 R. Y. WALKER GRADUATE MASSEUR Massage and Steam Bath Facial and Reducing Treatment Evenings Only Phone Red 315 424 8th Ave W. SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada l. F. LOV1N. Phone Oreen 074 Representative Box 526 J17 2nd Ave. W. Opposite YMCA PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 'PRINCE RUPERT PUBLICITY GETS GREEN LIGHT-RESTRICTIONS OF WAR SECURITY ARE NOW LIFTED Lifting of the censorship blackout which for security reasons has shrouded Prince Rupert since war's start will enable the Prince Rupert Publicity Council, now that war is over, to speed up its program for the heralding of this port and district to all the world.- At the monthly meeting of the council last nigni, it was decided to im mediately take steps towards the 1 committee will be called into bringing about of publication of j session with a minimum of dean ambitious publicity booklet i lav- designed not only to advertise! Interior communities will be the tourist attractions of the asked to contribute material for area but also to set forth its the booklet in the way of articles, natural resources and industrial I pictures and statistical lnforma- development possibilities. Plans !Uon- Co-operation of govern are to have such a booklet pro fusely illustrated with new pictures to accompany articles and tabulations' setting forth the latest available information as to factilities and attractions. A special committee was named to proceed with plans for this publication, marshalling the material for Its contents, drawing up the form and obtaining es j those who were recently cir cularized with solicitations for contributions would send on those contributions at once without it being necessary for the finance committee to resort to personal contact The finance committee, through L. M. Felsenthal in the absence of Chairman Arnold Flaten, reported that there had already been subscribed the sum of $3020 $1820 In cash and $1200 in pledges, this including $500 from the city. The objective Is $15,000. Mr. Felsenthal urged the importance of getting favorable publicity for Prince, Rupert and district -flowing to the outside world without jfurther delay. j The new booklet committee was named to consist of G. A. Hunter, chairman, Harold Ivar-son, secretary, L M, ,Felienthal, George Dibb, Jack MacLeod, Bruce Stevens, R. S. Grelg, Jack Wrathall, J. S. Wilson, J C. Gll-ker and Aid. T. H. Sorensen. The d Prof essionai HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Phone Green 337 Open for Business MARINE GENERAL REPAIRS Arc Oxy-Acetylene Welding First Ave. East We repair anything "House of Better Cleaning" EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Authorized "FLEX FORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mail Orders Box 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Oreen 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 821 1363 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist JOHN BULOER LTD, Third Avenue ment officials and industrial concerns will be sought in the same connecUon. For Instance, Dr. J. T. Mandy. former resident mining engineer here. Is already being asked for an article on his particular industry. Provincial Government To Give Assistance Valuable assistance is also expected from the provincial De- timates 01 cost j partment of Trade and Industry, Of Importance equal to the the deputy minister of which, booklet was considered the In-; e. W. Rowbotham, has informed terest of moving picture trav- j the council, through Harry elogue producers in getting out ; Black. that W. H. Currie will films for commercial distribu- shortly be here and in the dis-tion showing the scenic beauties j trict in connection with the proof Prince Rupert and its hinter- ; jected publication of a booklet land. Harry Black, manager of ' descriptive of the district be-the Capitol Theatre, was asked tween McBride and Prince Ru-to make the necessary contacts pert. In announcing the pleas-with this end In view. ure 0f his department to co- With the publicity council operate, Mr. Rowbotham declared at last in a position to pro- that Prince Rupert was "In a ceed in its activities without very favorable position to be-resttictions which, prior to the come one of the principal ports coming of peace, had hamper- of Canada." ed its plans, the importance j a letter from Alfred Miller of of raising the necessary Tin- the Prince George publicity or-ances with a minimum of fur- ganization told of plans under ther delay was emphasired. to get out a new publicity The hone was expressed that booklet there. It was flt that Prince George was among the I interior points which might co operate in the district booklet to be published here. A letter from the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. declined to give detailed information as to mining resources of the district. It was drawn to the attention of the council, that he Canadian Pacific Railway in a tourist booklet for its Alaska cruises failed to mention Prince Rupert as one of the ports of call although there was advertising from local business concerns. The company will be communicated with a view of having this rectified. Mayor H. M. Daggett reported that the new city engineer, E. A. Phillips, had not yet been asked to get out a structural report on the museum building nor hart the new museum board been yet appointed. Mr. Phillips, who was present at the meeting and spoke briefly, referring to the ignorance of people in Vancouver and else where about Prince Rupert, was added to the roster of the publicity council. Present at the meeting were Lloyd Morris, Mayor H. M. Daggett, Bruce Stevens, Harry Black, G. A. Hunter, L. M. Felsenthal, Rudolf Olfen and Harold Ivar- son. With Minora Blades! Greater comfort, plus economy that's the lowdown on Minora. It's the quality blade In the low-price field. FITS YOUR DOUSU-CDGE HAZOZ 101 111 F. MURPHY LUMBER General Agent Ace-Tex line of products LUSTEItlTE The modern finish for bathrooms and kitchens, In 8 colors plain and blocked. Pyralile-l'lastic Moulds in various colors, to trim table tops, sinks, bathrooms, etc. Three-Ply Waterproof Fir and Birch Veneers Ruberoid Roofing Slate-Surfaced Mineralized Hoofing Ace-Tex Hexagon Shingles and Building Papers of all kinds Ship Lap, Common and Dimension Lumber available for house and general construction Ace-Tex Tile Floors o o o O t 0 o 0 o PEACE, SO WHAT? (Continued from Page One) tunities for young men returning from the forces. Vision Needed For Progress Hugh Killin, president of the Canadian Legion, which is the outstanding non-government body engaged in assisting servicemen to find their place in civilian life here believes that the city will progress or fail according to the amount of vision exercised by the city's businessmen. "The Legion believes that young men should be given every encouragement to come here. Thousands of veterans are getting discharges in B.C. and they won't all be able to settle in the south. We should get as many of them as possible. Outline business opportunities, guide and assist them until they become established. That will be largely a responsibility of the city, its organizations and businessmen." His own organization has the confidence of the returning men because it is meeting with success in its efforts to find jobs for them, Mr. Killin said. "The new veterans seem to come to us first when they are looking for jobs," he added. What Veterans Themselves Think Need for some planned program of development and construction in this area is emphasized by the attitudes of returning servicemen who, with army-trained skills at their fingertips, are anxious to put them to use in civilian jobs. Pte. Roland Bellis, son of Charles Bellis, returned from overseas recently where he served in a Royal Canadian Electrical Mechanical Engineers workshop in Rotterdam. Prior to going overseas he was with the Ordnance Corps at Prince Rupert He also worked as an acetylene welder at the dry dock. "I am going to Vancouver this week to get my discharge" he said. "I'd like to know if there are any plans for hydroelectric development in this district, I understand that there are two projects under way around Vancouver and I intend to get a job on one of them if there is nothing planned here." "o9"0 "OO uOO.OoOoO.oO 00 .Oo00Oo0ocG EASY WAY r '13 o 5 . sr. CANADA DRY paik(W WATER o C s v o J L Rvrn . c ! o ! TO MAKE SODA Talc a cot to th cottag! Than Is no shortog of (hit famous Soda on sal now at your dalr's. 0 G O a is- . : .1 o tJdnJc6 HOME With Canada Dry SPARKLING WATER there's nracticollv no end to the variety of delicious, cool summer drinks you can make at home. Real ice cream sodas, sparkling fruit-ades with fresh fruit, fruit sparklers with conned fruit, coolers with soft drink extracts all can be made in a jiffy with SPARKLING WATER. Its famous "Pin foint Carbonation" gives these drinks real soda fountain tang . . . millions .. of tiny, dancing bubbles to keep them refreshing and sparkling to the last sip. BUY AIL YOU WANT THE SUPPLY IS UNLIMITED I Always kp a supply of SPARKLING WATER In your rfrlarator. Srv wall chillmd o o o 0 a O o "a O o o o C 0 a 0 o c 0 o m p o 0 o 0 O o OVo.O 0Oo o0c e.ot,oo0o0 0oOc00o000 BRITISH COLOMBIA j VANCOUVER, CANAV REOPfiNlJfj M0U5E1SI Under New Manajel Specializing In Itl . Spaghetti, Steaks i Fried Chicken Diffi Jul Hours 6 pjn. to CLOSED ALL C WEDNESDAT Lumbe We now have a s1 of good gradt FIR, 5 AND CEOAS Lumber on haul iaoouiNG We have a limited f of 1x3 Maple FloorW hand. Call and see Phone 651 orb for particular) PHILPOTT, El & CO. LID. JjME COW rArERHANG.!, SIGNS AND Sl COAL and WOOD HYDE TRANSf PHONE w For Results- try a