IARVESTING STARTED WINNIPEG, Aug. 17 Harvest- bg of early sown grains, chiefly arley In Manitoba and south- Bstern Saskatchewan, Is re- orted during the Dast week. ut cutting will not become gen- ral for another ten days to no weeks, according to the leekly crop report of the de- artment of agriculture of the Canadian National Railways. Crops continue to make good grogress and -grain Is ripening and filling well in Manitoba. Some cutting and threshing Is started In southeastern Manitoba with new barley grading 3 CW, yielding 60 bushels per acre In one Instance. Some wheat cutting has commenced between Portage La Prairie and Brandon Junction but harvesting will not be general for another week or ten days. Leaf rust is prevalent over much of Manitoba and east-central Saskatchewan, which may depreciate yields in heaviest Infected areas. Crop prospects continue .good BANKING ON REDD Y 7 This happy girl's savings account is all ready for the day when she can select the "Reddy" appliances she has been saving to buy. She knows her savings will be invested wisely in "Reddy", her electric servantl in eastern and northeastern Saskatchewan but are spottier in northwestern Saskatchewan and from fair to poor in western and southwestern Saskatchewan. In south-central, and west-central Saskatchewan grasshoppers are evident and at a few points oats are beln'g cut to avoid complete loss by these insects. Sawfly damage is also reported and damage from this source may be greater than anticipated. Warm weather, with light to heavy rains, accompanied by severe hail storms which have done extensive damage in many districts, is reported from the A STATEMENT REGARDING Gasoline Quality Imperial Oil Limited will commence supplying ESSO EXTRA 3-STAR Gasolines of their pre - war high quality to motorists, farmers and other consumers throughout Canada at the earliest possible moment. Due to production and distribution problems in-volved there will necessarily be some delay. Gasoline users can be assured that no effort is being spared to hasten this change. Imperial Oil's extensive wartime research and development will result as soon as possible in Imperial gasolines surpassing pre-war standards. Imperial Oil's production facilities are unequalled ' in Canada and motorists and others can consequently depend on Imperial Oil just as they have always been , able, to depend upon Imperial Oil for the very best petroleum products available. Imperial Oil Limited Calgary division. All grains are ! ripening rapidly and a fair yield is anticipated at many points, Binder cutting should commence In a week.to ten days. Rains have benefited crops In northern Alberta but generally prospects are only fair to poor. Warm, dry weather In the Peace River area Is maturing crops rapidly but yields now promise somewhat lighter than earlier Indications. Many points in northern Alberta report hajl damage during the week. Buy War Savings Stamps TERRACE GREETS V-J TIDINGS WITH ELATION TERRACE, Aug. 17 (Special to the Dally Ciews) While the an nouncement of the Japanese surrender sparked numerous private celebrations here on Tues day, night, formal observance of V-J Day was held Wednesday and flared up again Thursday night with a bonfire and free wiener roast-held in the Terrace public park. The program followed lines previously laid down by a citi zens committee headed by civic and business leaders, and there were no outbursts of disorder to mar the historic occasion. Mas-ter-of-ceremonies was Alfred Attree, Terrace veteran of the First and Second World Wars. All stores and most restaurants closed both Wednesday and Thursday In accordance with the plan. However, hotel beverage rooms opened Thursday as usual in an effort to relieve the parching effect of a prolonged period of warm, dry weather. Attended by scores of Terrace residents and out-of-town visitors, the thanksgiving service was held In Terrace United Church with Rev. T. C. Colwell officiating, assisted by Rev. A. F. Mac- Sween of First Presbyterian Church, Prince Rupert. Following the official announcement of Japanese surrender on Tuesday night, fire sirens at the Army base here walled for several minutes and workers who had been away from their radios at first mistook the signal for a fire alarm. Most business houses closed down Immediately when the good news reached them. An R.C.A.F. fire truck coursed through the village ts siren screaming, then returned to the airport. On Wednesday afternoon a program of children's sports was held In the Terrace public park and this was followed by a baseball game between the village team and an R.C.A.F. team. The villagers won by a score of 11-6 , Jubilation, however, found Its fullest expression at a dance in the Oddfellows' Hall Wednesday night. A large part of the popu lation found enjoyment until early 'morning dancing to modern and old-time tunes The almost Sunday atmosphere which prev'ailed'on Thursday broke out In carnival elation Thursday night when villagers turned out to attend the bonfire and free wiener roast in the public tark. The festivities began at 8 o'clock and carried cn well into the night. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE I Q. Is it proper .to have one's J full name marked on travelling luggage? A. The full name is sometimes used on hand luggage, but Just the Initials are preferred by most people on all luggage. It Is not an advantage to have one's full name displayed so conspicuously when travelling. Q. When should the butter be placed on the table, before serving or after the guests are seated? X. Either custom is all right. Q. If a couple are entertaining a few guests for the evening, who should meet them at the door? A. The husband should do this, bringing each guest Into the livingroom. VANDERITOOF A representative team of the Vanderhoof Tennis Club took a trip to Stuart Lake to play a tournament with the members of the Fort St. James club last Sunday and returned home with the advantage of 93 points to 79 Plans to cope with the need for a swimming pool in Vanderhoof were considered at a meeting in the Canadian Legion Hall Thursday night. For some time, this summer recreation centre has been in the minds of citi zens and it is now deemed advisable to take steps toward meet- ing this need. Sergeant George Silvers arrived on Thursday afternoon to spend p. month at home. He was accompanied from Prince Rupert by his youngest sister, Mrs. Palmer. A happy dancing- party was held In the Legion Hall on Friday night last week under the auspices of the Vanderhoof Tennis Club. The music was provided by Mrs. W. Silver, John Wilkes, Jerrold Johnson and Les lieBrain. In ojder to' honor three more Fraser Lake Boys who have returned from overseas Alfred Peters, Frank Peters and Chester Leslie a large "welcome home" dance sponsored by the local Red Cross was held in the schoolhouse on Thursday. PEENEMUNDE ANNIVERSARY Local Aliman, Now Dead, Took Part in That Uaid Shall we prove worthy of their sacrifice? 'One crowded hour of glorious life. Is worth an age without a name.' Today is the second anniver sary of the raid on Peenemundej Wood in Germany. It may be of Interest to Prince Runert. to know that two or. ner youths took part in that fateful raid. FlWSgt. Alan Leighton' Gunner, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. j Leighton, failed to return and lies burled at Greifsewaldwicke, near Peenemunde, while FO Bill i Hadden, pilot, son of Capt. and : I Mrs. James Hadden, felt veryi proud that his bombs fell right on the target. He failed to return from a later raid. They, with other Prince Rupert lads, gave "their lives in sacrifice for the great cause of freedom. A great deal has been read and heard about the atomic bomb. Allied scientists labored to perfect their discoveries, dreading lest the Nazi scientists might stumble on the secrets they sought, and use their bomb on Allied positions in Britain. The Nazi experimental centre for their secret weapons was in a thickly wooded area at Peenemunde. ' Late Tuesday, August 17, 1943, in full moonlight, Bomber Command sent a strong force of bombers with picked crews, to destroy this centre and its highly skilled scientists and technicians. The results were "very satisfactory" though 41 bombers failed to return. "The raid will undoubtedly rank as one of the most important of the war." The construction of "V" bombs was delayed six months, thus allowing the Invasion tb go ahead on schedule, while the laboratories for the atomic bomb had to be rebuilt elsewhere, thus delaying Nazi discovery of the atom bomb. Besides, 50G3 of Hitler's best scientists and technicians were killed. mmmsi for Canada's food needs...now more than ever Every day more housewives find that ready-to-eat cereals play an important part In planning satisfying meals. They serve Kellogg's for breakfast, lunch, children's suppers, snacks at any time of day! Prince Rupert, B.C. inm " THE DAILY NEWS Friday, August IT, 1945 Here's sweeter tastier bread mms. j fresh Floor Sanding and Finishing Repairs and Alterations Val Spidel Green 186 Box 1430 St "B" PAQE FIVE with FLEISCHMANN'S YEAST T'S FULL STRENGTH so it coes right to work. No waiting. No extra steps. Fleischmann's fresh active Yeast makes bread that's more delicious and tender, sweeter-tasting every time! IF YOU BAKE AT HOME Get Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label Dependable it's been Canada's favorite for more than 70 years. CANADA TTTTYTTTTTTTyTTVTTTyTTyTTTTTTTTTyTTTTyTTt: Featuring Whites Our white and brown Spectator Pumps are sure to please youf . . SEE OUR WHITE BABY DOLL PUMPS CUT RATE SHOE STORE AAAtAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 What is J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly sol v Smith Block Oreen 995 J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C.. BA, CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 Forestry Forestry is the science of keeping forests in a state of maximum sustained production. . . PROTECTION The British Columbia Forest Service maintains a system of lookouts to attain early detection of forest fires. . . . Public co-operation in reporting forest fires is also an important factor in protecting our forest Report forest fires to the nearest Forest Officer, telephone your local operator, policeman, or any Public Official. BRITISH COLUMBIA rOREST SERVICE e c C" 4 V