K kidneys ncip ,,,he fof'nc . that are -me v if not ulv i -m 1 w. w rr w- w-k r f 11 K IVr A II Yl " . - (Near the Post Office) If ROYAL HOTEL Rates 75c up a. f nl J -m n . Mini i.iini water f. KUI'l'.lLl. 11.1-.. !81 P.O. Box l'JO BRITISH a i i ti m t ft in r.ni .av i .vii Jin 0URISTS :xa ititmr.i' r,Mi" mile East of Terrace EEN SPOT iirnhpr now have a stock of Kod grade 1... IPO CEDAR Iln.l i "I mi iiaiiii M.OOItlNO lave a limited quantity 'J3 Mania r,n .i a Call and see It. hne 651 or 652 for nm-MiMil n va ll 1 V 1 II I IX I I e Local i Mews terns . . . 4KSJ " . . , II? iE. .T. T Annlewhalte. AnnlaiuhAHA T II 1 w 40 ML. "H' i. Hmisphnlfi .nrf novelties. H. MAIR tTrr.TIIJ C AND Kill -fv AUCTIONEER . ... Phnne Blue 09 nt iTT, EVITT & CO. ITD. Llheral i i.- candidate, returned today from .nal broadcast. .iC.oaliton ,In- a campaign trip to Ocean Falls. I jevitable,- Mickkbutgh, .CFP.R, A Final CCF meeting:, Sunday, June 10, ,9 p.m, Capitol. .Theatre. Speakers: Jlerbert Gargrave, JVI.L.A., and LAC Archibald, Skeena .Federal candidate. (Doors open at AM. (134) Miss Muriel Cordeaux, Far East correspondent, arrived In the city today from Ocean Falls. She will speak to .several Cath erines including a Liberal rally Sunday afternoon in support of E. T. Applewhaite, Liberal can didate for Skeena. IIKAlt JOHN BRACKEN to-i night through iaifrday night at Ti ogress: ve Conservative headquarters. (134) lr. and Mrs. ,G. D. Bryant Victoria and Vancouver .AAll.tx-graduales are invited to a dance at the High School Aiuli-.Iprfiim,- tonight (Friday) 9 o'clock. Announcements All advertlsi-mf-ntu in this column will h charged fpr'a lull month at H5C a word. rev rinh Rooms. Metropole i Hall, ,3rd Aye- PPen eacn eve" nln.g 7 p.m. rnone m:, uoai Full voting information. Phone 3Q4.' Mlckleburgh Campaign Headquarters. Dance, Orange Hall, Terrace. every Fflday. Good time for all. I Dance every Saturday night, : Oddfellows' Hall, .9 to 12. De-Carlo's Orchestra. Election of Major Harvey,. Progressive-Conservative candidate, June 11. Sonja IJelp Norway tea. Lutheran Church, June 16. Valhalla Whist and Social, June 22, 8:00 sharp. C.WL. Tea and Delicatessen Sale, June 16, 3-6, K. of C. Hut. St. Peter's tea, Mrs. Kelsey's, Seal Cove, June 21 VOTERS OF SKEENA! .Friday, 9:15. (133) Mrs. Carl .Poulsen sailed last night for a trip, to Vancouver. Com. T. D" Brunton. orovln- cial police, left yesterday afternoon on his return to Terrace after a brief trip to the city on escort duty. A Final CCF broadcast, Friday, 0:15 p.m.. CFPR. LAC. Archl- on "Social Security." (133) R, L. Cobb of the public relations department of the .British Columbia Federation of Trade and Industry, arrived In the city on the Prince .Rupqrt today In the course of a northern tour and will leave on to morrow evening's train for the returned tpday from a t smither's. .Vandeihoof. Prince George and other points en oute back to Vancouver by way of Cariboo. A Final election meeting Labor-Progressive Party, Eagles' iHall, Friday, June 8, 8 p.m- Speakers, Bruce Mlckleburgh and Fred McNeill, Vancouver ' Trade Unionist. (1331 TUNE IN!! ; CFP.R Friday, 9 p.m. LIBERAL BROADCAST Featuring Outstanding Speakers Friday, 9 p.m. 1 , Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Llnzey re-1 George from a trip to PROGRESSIVE CONSERVA- tlVE HEADQUARTERS, Stone Block, next to Boston Cafe, open dallv and every evening. Open discussions Invited. .Everybody welcome. Herbert Oarcrave. M.L.A. for Mackenzie, writing In from the In4nrlni rotvirt t! pn t h HSlH St lT flll.lwv, 4vyw ' j will arrive In the city tomor row night from Prince George. bald, Skeena Federal candidate, A Elect the man with a Post- vial liiaii. vvtv mu. a'" (135) Mall service to Norway has been resumed for letters, non- illustrated postcards and air mall. Norwegian Vice - Consul Jens Munihe announces. Money orders, parcels or second class mall .cannot yet be sent. A At the .reauest of a large num ber of local citizens who were dissapolnted at shaving missed Mai. Harvey's broadcast last evening, this speech will be re pealed over CFPR tonight at 10:30. (It) Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Asemlfsen returned today on the Prince George from a trip to Liberal Committee Rooms 3rd Ave. and 1st St., will be open from 2 to 5 in the afternoons and from 7 to 9 in the evenings. Phones C35 and 636. Drop in and see us. (134) Father ,E. M. LeRay OM-L. who was among Interior priests to come here for the funeral of I the late Bishop E. M. Bunoz, left by last night's train on his return to Smlthers. I Telegraphist Elmer Eburne, R.C.N.V.R., son of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Eburne, Water Street, arrived home on leave from naval duty overseas today and will spend the next month here with his parents. He has been serving in England and European waters for the last year. SUPPORT . LAC HARRY ARCHIBALD Your PCF Candidate Classified Advertising r r - TEBJI ,CAS,H Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. Please do not ask for credit. CftRD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends-around the coast, tke doctors and nurses who did what they could for Mr. Adams. Special thanks to the people who visited him to cheer him up. Thank meetings at Burns Lake, Smith-j you, and may God bless you pr.t nnn Hazeium. jvit. uanuavi; i"- MRS. MARY STANLEY. IN SI KM OKI AM SMITH In loving memory of a dear nusoana ana tamer, Henry Smith, who passed avvav June 8. 1944. The blow was great, the shock severe; We little thought his death so near. Only those that have lost can tell The sorrow of parting without iareweu Always remembered by his loving, wife and family. 1 fcii '4- ..A-'-' I ulfM'MtHT I H Uth ree---, y-vaia"'"' .-. .met .... a n rim u . - Vieaa w--- , - tun- i 1 mrn "If the Jabs are in, I'm out." Hon. IAN MACKENZIE VOTE OUT ALL POLITICAL .P-5EL!1?5?' filiieo I ONE POLICY, SUffUKiirsu nu.nt.i. -i vo l fc. m AN HONEST PARTY WITH AN HONEST POLICY ... A SQUARE DEAL FOR ALL. i i ii VOTE CCF . ii WANTED Furnished house keeping quarters, man and wile; no children. Reply Box .18 Daily News. (133) WANTED Reliable clerk would HKe cart-time employment. AddIv Box 17 Dally News. ! i HELP -WANTED HELP WANTED Competent stenographer with business training, good opportunity for advancement, remanent position. Phllpott-Evltt & Co. Ltd.Y . tf) WANTED IMMEDIATELY Practicle nurse or housekeeper, free to enjoy summer nt Okan-agan resort. Good wages. Apply Box 13 Dally News. (133) LOST LOST Small tan-striped male cat In vicinity of 1000 block, 6th Ave. East. Reward. Phone Green 257. U34) LOST War bond, Tuesday, be longing to jonn Aiaen. Finder please return to Daily News. 134) LCST-English setter pup, three morths. Black and white with brown markings. Phone Black 929. (134) WANTKI) WANTED Suite or house, by young couple. No emidren. Urgent. Phcne Black 929. (134) FOIl KENT (137) WANTED Suite or two rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Apply Airmen's Mess, R.C.A.F., Seal Cove, (135) WANTED Record .player, any condition. Black 951. (135) WAVTEr "HiishPrt home for two couples; rental basis. fwi.lfj' .... .1, any IvtwS. (134) WANTED Lady's bicycle, In good condition. Phone Black -291. (tf) WANTED Will pay $25 for information leading to renting of 2-bedroom furnished house or apartment fcr refined Am- i nrlfnri rnntrartnr renresenta- tive and wife, to be here approximately one year. Wanted immediately so we can snd for our 5-months-old child In States. Call Amer'.can Signals 324. (136) WANTED One or two burner electric hotplate. Apply Room 15, Aldine Apartments. (tf) FOR RENT I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone 83 for particulars. (tf) MACHINERY DRAGLINE P. & H. 34-yard, 45-foot boom; 1 yard bucket, Wls- rnnsln mnt.nr. mmnletelv over hauled, new working job. other equipment available. Lcventhal & Co., Machinery Agents, Winnipeg. (134) TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) Briefs From Britain Jly ht Cfttindlan Preso LCNDOX, ffiWlihln the next few weeks 235,003 saltans of water will Ibe drained from the 3,000 static water tanks and 580 brick water dams In Hie Lon- do area toy National Fire Service men. . RAMSGATE. Ems:.. A bunk and blankets in a two o.r thrfe - ixjcmtcublcle, with hot and cold water, for 50 cents that will be ti'ie charge to adult visitors in Ramsgae's latest venaire in hotels, to be opened in an tin-used railway tunnel. Military Orders 1st (R.) Bn. Prince Rupert Rett. (MO) C. J. Toomb3. Maj. Commanding ISSUE Summer drill will be issued on Coy. parade nl.?ht during week ending June 16 to men proceeding to summer camp. PERSONAL WANTED Young man, best references would drive to Vancouver In return for transportation. Chauffer'? Jiwwe. Phone Green 1.48. (134) SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at all druggists. 134) DANCE NOVELTIES, paper hats, . horns, ticklers, etc., now obtainable at Northern Distributors, 210 4th Street, agents for Dance Novelty bureau. FOR SALE (134) FOR SALE Five-room bouse, 3 lots, garden, etc., juu cement basement. Immediate possession. 1126' 9th Ave. ast. Phone Black 236. '135) FOR SALE House and lot. House semi-furnished. .Splen did view. Reasonable price. 219C Seal Cove Circle. Apply at residence. (134) FOR .BALE Furniture: kitchen table and lour chairs, leather seats, almost new; kitchen cabinet, cream and green; cream enamel small range. "Beach"; 0x7 floor linoleum; Coleman kerosene 4ear' 2" burner-, almost new; pne omi-fonier. 1U08 2nd Ave. West. (It) FOR SALE Elgin pocket watch, sleeping Dag wnn zipper. Phone 32 Taxi. (134) FOR SALE Radios: one mantel model, iuwci, 5-tube u-iuv radio, new jv.nr con- .v... FOR SALE Clare Jewel kitchen stove, cream and toiacK, modern bedro&m suite, dinette table and chairs. 902 Hays Cove Ave. (134) FOR SALE Baby pram, good condition. Phone 179 or call 418 Gth Ave. Eaiit. (133) FOR SALE Man's C. CM. bicycle, almost new. Apply 424 8th Ave. East, pnone Black 14. (138) 5 A V0Y H 0 TEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Popular "Prince" Steamers Prince Rupert, B.C. ft THE DAILY NEWS Friday, June 8 195 You'll enjoy our Orange Pekoe Blend Work to please everyone No work too large or too small I FOR SALE Large outoard motor and boat. Phone Black 981 after 6 p.m. (134) FOR SALE Boat "Georgina," length 30 ft., beam 7.6 ft.; 10 h.p. Union .scmi-diesel engine. Apply to boat at Fishermen's floats. (134) FOR SALE Regulation overseas ' cartons. 5 lbs. and 11 lbs. sizes at 10c and 15c. The Variety Store. From Prince Rupert to Ocean Falls Vancouver Thursday Saturday Thursday steamer also calls Powell River to tKetchihan Wednesday Friday FAKES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 523 Third Ave. and DEPOT TICKET' OFFICE KWONG SANQ HINQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to KingTaD All. your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 H. J. LUND Painting .Paperhanglng Interior and Exterior Work UNION PAINTER P.O. Box .1286 Phone Black 823 G.EQUGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc ,'ncome Ta Returns Compiled Uesner Block Phone 387 R. Y. WALKER GRADUATE MASSEUR Massage massage and ano Steam aieam Bath uim dition, 535; one console model, Pacjai and Reducing Treatment " - ! j!,veiiiiii;s uiuy anion, 3u; one caDiueu inyuei, in working order, B tubes, as is, $20. luGC 2nd Ave. .West. (It) FOR SALE 5-room house. Oc cupation in two weeks. 990 Ambrose Ave. (137) Phone.Red 315 424 8th Ave. W. SMITH & ELKINS LTD. .Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Roast Chicken (stuffed) ib c,rt Roast Beef, lb "Or1 Roast Pork, lb "." Roast Veal, lb (( Baked Salmon, lb i't Baked Special Ham, lb. 7.V ! Corned Beef, lb. . 70? Cabbage, lb Pork Tenderloin (stuffed) lb ."iO? Pork Spate Ribs (stuffed) lb Pork Hocks (boil) lb So? Pig's Feet (boil) lb Silver Tongue, lb 70? Chicken Pie, 2 for U.'? Steak and Kidney Pic, each -r. 10? Steak Pie, each 7? Pork Pics, each 7c1 Ham and Veal Pies, each 10? PAOE THREE 1 WW fill E IP m n am T ES A Business and Professional JSVENSOK'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY House of Better, Cleaning Authorized) "FLEX FORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mail Orders .Bux . 99 , ' HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavjng Beauty Culture ln.all its branches 200 4th Street : , Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Oreen 955 JSEW LOCATION : .0 rcen . 821' 1303 Cth Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYL1NO Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver ' ' '" , ill,,. Let us prepare a Party or Meal for you o enjoy at your .home, from our Delicatessen Department VANCOUVER PR1CEL Croquettes, 4 for SJ."? Frojfffats, each 5? Porn Fritters, i 7or 5? Baked Beans and Spaghetti, ctn.'.7J, 10? Salad, ctn 15? - 20? Fish and Chips, lb 0? CHINESE DISHES Chicken Chop Suey, ctn. S1.0)) Pork or Beef Chop Suey, ctn. 75? Chicken Chow Mein, ctn $1.0P Pork Chow Mein, ctn 7f? Chicken Noodle, rtn. ."()? Chicken and Ham Filed Rice, ctn. $1.00 Pork or Beef Fried Rice, ctn. 75? Sweet and Sour Pork Sparc Ribs, ctn. .... 75? High class cook . . . Refrigerator for all food? before cooking and after Cooked under 100 health conditions This advertisement for Delicatessen Department only Deliealescsn Hours: 9 a.m. to 10 p.rii. Daily except Sunday Rupert Butchers Delicatessen Meats Groceries Vcnetables Phone 21 Third Avenue (Next Royal Hotel) WE HEAR Ncw Cars arc l"st aro,ini1 tnc orn WE HEAR YOU want a shiny new. car . . . WE KNOW Ford Cars are belt1 for economical driving . . . S.E.PARKER LIMITED Ford and Mercury Dealers J. M. S. LQUBSER D.C., BA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 J. L. CUKKY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic 1 If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Oren 89S