te. S ,4 t. 3- 1 n ' r w A Message ' 4 . s . From Majbr Harvey To The Voters Z)ear Fellow Citizen: Unlike the others who are seeking to represent you at Ottawa my presence oh the Western Frorit, until a few days ago, has made it impossible for me to visit many of you before the election, much as I should like to have done so. My home has been in this district since 1930, first at Smithers, then at Prince Rupert. I have travelled pretty well all over it and know its problems. In 1939 was elected President of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, and two weeks before the war was elected President of the Associated Boards of trade of Central British Columbia, ait office to which I Was re-elected a month ago. am convinced that Skeena has a great future, dependent to a large extent on the development of trade through the Port of Prince Rupert and the opening of trade routes principally to North China, Russia and the United Kingdom. DeveldpTfierit has not occurred to any Pacific Port without subsidies, arid my chief endeavour will be to arrange for the subsidizing of ships to come to Prince Rupert, this will start a flow of trade from all Northern B.C. ports and will develop markets tor all that we can produce throughctt the district. I worked on this before the war and do not approach the problem as a novice. All our problems of development have corne from limitations of markets and excessive tariffs and rates. I will work to solve these problems. As a Progressive-Conservative I will work for: (a) The encouragement of free enterprise, individually and co-operatively, and the rcriioval of restrictions. (b) A fair share of the national income for farmers and fishermen, miners and loggers. (c) Work at fair pay for every Canadian able to work. -T (d) Investigation arid control of monopolies and in ternational cartels. ;' . w "riff- " ff-t - t; t (e) Mandatory collective bargaining. .i. (f) Protection against unemployment, sickness, accident and old age. (g) A national health program. As a soldier I will give proper representatation to the members of the Arriied Forces of this arid the tasl war arid their families. As a lawyer I will present your case in ari effective manner in Ottawa As a bona fide resident of Skeena I will give you and the district as a whole, sincere and honest representation. As a CanadianI will work for national unity and against those forces which advocate an untried, oris arid un-Cariadian political philosophy. Firidlly, let me say that I am no reactionary. I believe intensely in progress, but progress will not conic under the present dyirig arid decadent regime. '.v.- A, f bL.. r.. ' ' 4 4. Yours sincerely, J. T. HARVEY Published by Skeena Progressive Conservative Association i 5, J.W -I? - ; - -v. ' ? v